Students have been asked for their advice on a documentary about why Hitler lost WW2. They are introduce to some key factors which they rank by using a radar graph. They then have to decide how much time should be allocated to each factor in the documentary based on their findings. As always there are clear step by step instructions and differentiated resources.
Students assess the reasons for Soviet expansion into Eastern Europe, such as percentages deal. They rank factors, create an annotated graph before producing a map showing how the countries of Eastern Europe became Soviet satellite states., leading into an 8 mark (narrative exam question). Literacy support and a student-friendly mark scheme with tips on completing the narrative question included. Easy to follow, with a step by step guide and differentiated resources.
This lesson starts with a knowledge recap about the situation in Hungary in 1956 before students start evaluating the outcomes of the Uprising through categorising and prioritising information. The lesson involves exam practice for the 8 mark consequences style questions. Fully differentiated with step by step instructions, exam tips, structure strips and a range of activities and worksheets. This lesson concludes Unit 1
This lesson looks at the social, economic and political impacts of the Great Depression on Germany. Students work through a range of activities to identify links between events and to determine what the key impacts of the Wall Street Crash were on Germany. The lesson includes a range of activities which build on the knowledge gained form the previous lesson.
Time travel Britain! Students learn about Christmas during two different eras; the medieval period and Christmas during the rule of Oliver Cromwell. These two booklets include a range of activities (that need minimal teacher intervention) such as a time travel activity, source analysis, writing up a report about Christmas in the period of study (a differentiated version included with sentence stems and a version without literacy support is included), a stamp making activity, a word search and a quick recap at the end where students change their time travels views based on what they now know. Each book will take the students a 60 minute lesson to work through (so enough material for two lessons here). Enjoy a stress free end of term lesson :-)
Students learn about the work of John Snow who used a dot map to determine that cholera was spread by water. Students complete a quick mapping activity, extract examples/ information from a video clip, and produce a newspaper article about the events in 1854. As always there are clear step by step instructions and differentiated activities throughout.
Easy to follow lesson. Card sort activity (students group the cards and decide on most important factors). Main task is a newspaper article explaining why it occurred and what could have been done to avoid the event. Differentiated material provided as well as literacy support.
An easy to follow lesson on the development of law enforcement 1700-1900. Students are introduced to some mug shots (use of technology) and have to match criminals to their crime. The main task is creating a detailed timeline to show the key developments to law enforcement for the period ( a success criteria, key questions and headings are given on the powerpoint). Following this students will need to create a cartoon strip to show how policing has changed since 1700 (town watchmen etc). The plenary looks at the changing role of local communities throughout the whole period of study. This lesson is great preparation for a Q6 practice. Pearson textbook pages 88-91 are needed for the timeline info. All the activities come as part of a work book
Students begin by creating a fact file about the event (directed and differentiated). They then look at several reasons why Japan might have attacked Pearl Harbour. They need to sort these reasons into categories or factors that motivated the attack. They eventually decide which factor was key and link this to the best supporting evidence before writing up their findings in a telegram. Literacy support and differentiated resources included as well as clear step by step instruction.
An easy to follow lesson on Titanic. Students review pieces of evidence and categorise and organise this these into a diamond 9 (or score each piece of evidence) to determine who they think was to blame for the Titanic disaster. They follow this up with a report writing activity to explain their theory and also to offer suggestions on how future disasters might be avoided. Literacy support and differentiated materials/ resources are included. As always there are clear instructions and high quality differentiated resources. These lessons take many hours to plan and create so please leave a review if you have time :)
Nazi Germany Lesson 11. How did Hitler become a dictator? A lesson focused on the events of 1933-1934 which led to Hitler gaining control over Germany. Students analyse the key events (Reichstag Fire, Enabling Laws, Night of Long Knives, Hindenburg’s death, Oath of Loyalty) give examples and explanations of how each led to Hitler’s control and they must give each event various scores in order to create Top Trmup cards. As always there are clear step by step instructions and high-quality differentiated resources.
Time travel Britain! Students learn about Christmas during two different eras; the medieval period and Christmas during the rule of Oliver Cromwell. These two booklets include a range of activities (that need minimal teacher intervention) such as a time travel activity, source analysis, writing up a report about Christmas in the period of study (a differentiated version included with sentence stems and a version without literacy support is included), a stamp making activity, a word search and a quick recap at the end where students change their time travels views based on what they now know. Each book will take the students a 60 minute lesson to work through (so enough material for two lessons here). Enjoy a stress free end of term lesson :-). If you are new to TES you can open an account and get this resource for free with the code NOVEMBERNEWBIE (simply enter the code at checkout). Use code WOWVEMBER to get this resource for free for existing buyers
A sequence of 3 fully resourced lessons which looks at various aspects of the war in Vietnam. Each lesson includes a powerpoint with step by step instructions and a range of activities, differentiated worksheets and tasks.
First World War lesson on the Christmas Truce in 1914. The students analyse a range of sources (posters, letter extracts and film footage) to collect evidence on British attitudes towards the German people. The main task is a letter writing activity where the students need to explain how and why their feelings towards war and the enemy has changed. Literacy support and differentiated materials included as well as clear step by step instructions
A 28 page revision guide and workbook for the Superpower relations and Cold War GCSE course. This booklet contains detailed grade 9 knowledge and information on all aspects of Unit 2 Cold War Crisis 1958-70. There are a wide range of exam questions with a how to guide for each question type, example responses and hints and tips. There are a range of worksheets and revision activities for each key area in unit 2. Mutiple choice quizzes, self assessment tasks, key term quizzes and the opportunity to practice exam style questions throughout. This booklet can be used to teach the entire unit during lessons or set as homework tasks or for flipped learning. If you are short of time this booklet can be used to ensure that your students cover the required knowledge, skills and are exam ready. This booklet amounts to around 10 lessons or is ideal for cover too. These resources take a very long time to plan and prepare, so please leave a review if you have the time. I hope that you find these resources helpful. Unit 3 IS NOW AVAILABLE.
In addition to these study guides a complete study guide for Edexcel 9-1 Nazi Germany can be found here
A 28 page revision guide and workbook for Unit 1 of the Superpower relations and Cold War GCSE course. This booklet contains detailed grade 9 knowledge and information on all aspects of Unit 1 The origins of the Cold War, 1941-58. There are a wide range of exam questions with a how to guide for each question type, example responses and hints and tips. There are a range of worksheets and revision activities for each key area in unit 1. Mutiple choice quizzes, self assessment tasks, key term glossary and the opportunity to practice exam style questions throughout. This booklet can be used to teach the entire unit during lessons or set as homework tasks or for flipped learning. If you are short of time this booklet can be used to ensure that your students cover the required knowledge, skills and are exam ready. This booklet amounts to around 10 lessons or is ideal for cover too. These resources take a very long time to plan and prepare, so please leave a review if you have the time. Units 2 and 3 are now available from my TES shop. In addition, I have compiled a single workbook for the Nazi Germany course which covers the entire unit. It can be found here
Students analyse 5 of the main methods used by the suffragettes to gain publicity and they must determine how effective each method was before creating a teaching poster. Success criteria, literacy support and resources included. Ready to teach and as always there are clear step by step instructions.
A 35 page revision guide and workbook for the GCSE Cold War course. This booklet contains detailed grade 9 knowledge and information on all aspects of Unit 3. There are a wide range of exam questions with a how to guide for each question type, example responses and hints and tips. There are a range of worksheets and revision activities for each key area in unit 3. Mutiple choice quizzes, self assessment tasks, key term quizzes and the opportunity to practice exam style questions throughout. This booklet can be used to teach the entire unit during lessons or set as homework tasks or for flipped learning. If you are short of time this booklet can be used to ensure that your students cover the required knowledge, skills and are exam ready. This booklet amounts to around 10 lessons or is ideal for cover too. These resources take a very long time to plan and prepare, so please leave a review if you have the time. I hope that you find these resources helpful. In addition to these Cold War study guides, I have also uploaded a complete Edexcel 9-1 Nazi Germany Study Book, which can be found here
This is a 19 page teaching booklet for the French Revolution Unit of Work. The booklet includes a range of worksheets and activities, such as card sorts, the storming of the Bastille newspaper writing activitiy, source activities, decision-making tasks, worksheets and information sheets. The booklet includes enough material for 6 lessons and is aimed at Key Stage 3 (USA ages 11-14). The activities cover the key areas of the French Revolution, for example the causes, key events, interpretations and its impacts on human rights and modern day implications. The booklet can be taught as a sequence of lessons or the worksheets can simply be used for one off lessons or cover lessons. All activities are student-led and easy to follow.