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Supply Teacher/Cover Supervisor Bundle

Supply Teacher/Cover Supervisor Bundle

16 Resources
There are a range of resources in this bundle which can be delivered to students of many abilities from 11-16. Some resources are also applicable to A-Level students. They cover; study skills, English and a range of PSHE/tutorial topics which require little planning. The price of this bundle means that you are getting each resource for less than £1
Reading Comprehension-South Sudan Famine

Reading Comprehension-South Sudan Famine

This reading comprehension summarises the key points of the current famine which has been declared in South Sudan. This reading comprehension has been designed to keep young people up to date with current news topics and global issues. The questions are focused around the content of the text, language choices used and inference. There is also an extension for more able learners of which you will need access to the internet for.
Health and Social Care

Health and Social Care

8 Resources
An excellent value bundle, saving 69%. The bundle includes 9 topic areas and hours of activities for students in the following areas: Anti-discriminatory Practice, Alternative and Complementary health Care, Communication, Community Care, End of Life Care, Ethics, Discriminatory Practices, Multi-Disciplinary Team Work. Students will develop their ICT, Evluation, Research, Employability, English and Maths skills.
Community Care-Health and Social Care Provision

Community Care-Health and Social Care Provision

This lesson is aimed at developing students academic skills and giving them an overview into the various aspects of Community Care and why it is necessary considering the current state of the Health and Social Care system. This was originally delivered in two, 3 hour blocks, however can easily be adapted to work over several shorter lessons. The lesson covers: Overview of Community Care Examples of Services Primary and Intermediate Care Real life examples with case studies Day Centres Home Care VS Hospital Care Reducing Avoidable admissions Self Management of Health Conditions Tele-Health/Tele-Care The activities which have been included for students are designed to prepare students for university e.g. writing literature reviews, investigative the effectiveness, evaluations, research and discussions. References and Data used throughout.
News, Current Issues, Media-Female Stereotypes-Dress Like a Woman, Trump

News, Current Issues, Media-Female Stereotypes-Dress Like a Woman, Trump

This lesson was inspired by the recent media coverage of Trump's comments to his employees regarding needing to "Dress like a woman'. This has lead to much debate on the news, internet, social media and so is a perfect opportunity to discuss why context matters when constructing an argument for or against an individuals comments, meaning of female and gender stereotyping. This lesson enables students to voice their opinion in a safe environment, use debate skills to argue their viewpoint, research the meaning and context on the internet, discuss media influences on how events have been portrayed. Students activities and extension activities have been included to provide an engaging session. English skills, Equality & Diversity, British Values and Study Skills embedded throughout. Applicable to a wide range of subjects.
News, Politics, Current Affairs reading Comprehension

News, Politics, Current Affairs reading Comprehension

8 Resources
8 reading comprehensions which cover a combination of political headlines and global matters which have been in the news recently. Could make useful activities for lesson time, general studies or tutorials. Excellent value and a way of keeping your class up to date with whats going on in the world. They have been written in a style which completes SATS, entrance exams etc.


3 Resources
This bundle includes lessons on coping with setbacks,, job rejection and stress.
Applying for Jobs

Applying for Jobs

7 Resources
This bundle contrains lessons, handouts and activities which cover the following aspects of applying for jobs: Career Planning and Personal Skills Reviews Conflict Management and Coping with Setbacks Stress Awareness Employability Skills Workshop Employment Letter Writing Knowing Where to Look for Jobs
Equality and Diversity in Society

Equality and Diversity in Society

A succinct resource which prepares students to debate the importance of equality and diversity within society, asking pertinent questions about whether these are the most importance principles or not. Students will also debate the negatives and intended positives of discrimination e.g. guaranteed interview schemes. This will help students to work as part of a team and develop their skills in constructing arguments.
Labelling Theory and Crime

Labelling Theory and Crime

This lesson introduces students to the idea of labelling theory and what can impact on being labelled as criminal e.g. the circumstance, historical period etc. Modern examples are used e.g. the one legged model to introduce students to this area in a way they can relate to. Students will embark on a range of activities surrounding Becker, Labelling theory, Producing a Web Page based on the theory and will be briefly introduced to the overlap between sociological/criminological theory and philosophy by looking at John Stuart Mills and Jeremy Bentham. This should last for around 2 hours depending on the group delivered to.


6 Resources
A range of lessons/resources which cover applying for jobs, what employability skills are and career planning.
Study Skills/Employability

Study Skills/Employability

7 Resources
This bundle is aimed at ages 16-Adults and covers essential aspects of most study skills/employment courses. It can also be used for tutorials during the lead up to students applying for jobs or applying for university. This bundle also includes presentation skills, career planning and personal SWOT Analyses.


10 Resources
This bundle features key tutorial topics surrounding bullying, drugs, employability, UCAS, alcohol, keeping healthy, radicalisation and more. It is aimed at 14-Adults. There are numerous activities which include citizenship, values, english, maths, ICT and employability.
Alcohol and Drug Awareness Tutorial

Alcohol and Drug Awareness Tutorial

This Tutorial features an activity on the 'Say No To Drugs campaign', an embedded maths activity on what alcohol data is showing amongst other discussion and research style activities. By the end of the session, students will be more knowledgeable on the dangers of alcohol and drugs.
Living Healthily Tutorial

Living Healthily Tutorial

This was produced for a short tutorial based on living healthily. Students partake in small group discussions, complete creative activities and learn that health is subdivided into different areas. The plenary focusing on online peer pressure and asks students to give advice to a friend. Very topical considering that the number of cases of online peer pressure/cyber-bullying are on the rise. This session is suitable for teenagers to adults. You will need minimum of an hour to do this tutorial and perhaps some poster/leaflet making materials e.g. pens and paper if possible. Students could also word process their work if computers are available. Lesson Objectives:
Impact of Multi-Disciplinary Approach and Professional Bodies

Impact of Multi-Disciplinary Approach and Professional Bodies

PowerPoint with some teacher prompts based on recent research and full of student activities. Students can be fairly self-sufficient during this session. This was originally written for Access to HE but will also be useful for A-Level. Objectives are as follows: To Recap prior learning To Explain what is meant by the term ‘multi-disciplinary team’ (MDT) To Evaluate multi-disciplinary team working within the Health and Social Care context To Analyse the influence of a health care professional and their professional bodies
Know Discriminatory Practices in Health and Social Care

Know Discriminatory Practices in Health and Social Care

Written for new BTEC Specification, Level 3, Unit 2, Equality and Diversity in Health and Social Care. Full 2.5 hour lesson which is mapped to part of the assignment with student activities throughout which include scenarios, group research tasks, case studies. Minimal teacher input required.
Equal Opportunities

Equal Opportunities

Designed as part of an Adult Employability Skills course. This session was designed to provide students with an awareness of discrimination, equality and equal opportunities to empower them with knowledge of their rights. This resource would benefit from a powerpoint presentation which could be based on the information in the worksheet. There are student activities throughout which will be suitable for an array of learners.
Coping with Setbacks

Coping with Setbacks

Designed for 18+ learners applying for jobs. Series of handouts with guidance and activities throughout. Would benefit from a PowerPoint to help with session delivery and planning.


A handout and array of group activities aimed at apprentices/adults on Assertiveness. There are an array of group activities/reflections task with employment based scenarios. May benefit from a PowerPoint to accompany. Could be delivered over several sessions.