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Reading Comprehension-Donald Trump and Theresa May

Reading Comprehension-Donald Trump and Theresa May

This reading comprehension sums up the key points of the meeting between Theresa May and Donald Trump, the first meeting Trump had from another leader. Visually appealing document, easy layout. Students will answer a series of open and closed questions based on the article, the writing techniques, the vocabulary and what they would ask if they met Donald Trump or Theresa May. Challenges and Extension Activity included.
Job Application Process

Job Application Process

3 Resources
This bundle includes session plans, lesson resources and handouts to cover: Interviews Application Forms Employment Letter writing


This is is a full lesson with activities which goes over in detail interview preparation, how to prepare for 'killer' questions and interview techniques to name but a few. The PowerPoint lesson resource has detailed notes in the notes field to help with delivery. There is a session plan included which can be adapted to suit your organisations paperwork. Aims and Objectives: To identify what an interview is for To identify some common questions To know how to deal with a “Killer Question” To identify why people aren’t successful at interview. Full information handouts for students as well as a student self evaluation activity on interview skills have been provided also.
Application Forms and Cover Letters

Application Forms and Cover Letters

3 Resources
This bundle contains a detailed activity booklet on everything students need to know about letter writing, as well as handouts and a basic session plan which can be adapted to fit your organisation. The second resource is a worksheet focused around speculative and cover employment letters which includes student activities. Finally, there is also a comprehensive activity designed to inform students about where to look for jobs.
Application Form Activity Workbook with Lesson Plan

Application Form Activity Workbook with Lesson Plan

A comprehensive 9 page workbook on Application Forms and resources which contains activities and information on the following : 1. The Employers Perspective-Student put themselves in the position of the employer and decide who they would want to interview based on application forms 2. Key things to remember when completing application forms-room for student notes 3. Student checklist 4. How employers look through application forms e.g. searching questions 5. Transferable Skills Information 6. Transferable Skills Review Activity 7. Student Reflection/Evaluation
Cover and Speculative Letters

Cover and Speculative Letters

These worksheets provide students with detailed guidance about how to write effective speculative and cover letters in order to secure future employment. There are activities incorporated into these worksheets designed to get students to consider their skills and attributes, supporting them in producing unique employment letters to impress prospective organisations.
Reading Comprehension-Japan

Reading Comprehension-Japan

This reading comprehension surrounds information about the geography of Japan and some interesting facts about the lifestyle. Students will answer 6 open/closed questions based on the text. Maths has been embedded into the text with a question centred on this, as well as opportunities for students to be independent thinkers.
Reading Comprehension-Donald Trump's Travel Ban

Reading Comprehension-Donald Trump's Travel Ban

This reading comprehension worksheet covers Donald Trumps Travel, who it means for the USA and discusses who will be effected. Students will answer both open and closed questions on the article, including a question about their opinion on the Travel Ban. This could lead into a class discussion on either Syria/Refugees, conflict of interests etc.
Reading Comprehension-Primates Facing Extinction

Reading Comprehension-Primates Facing Extinction

This worksheet contains a short extract adapted from the CBBC News website which will inform students about why primates are facing extinction. Questions then follow which focus on some of the terms used in the text, maths is embedded through the use of data in the text and a question based on this, students will also be asked to explain some of the reasons for extinction from the text. The worksheet is set out in a easy to follow format and could be ideal for a cover lesson or to start a lesson.
Equality and Diversity in Society

Equality and Diversity in Society

A succinct resource which prepares students to debate the importance of equality and diversity within society, asking pertinent questions about whether these are the most importance principles or not. Students will also debate the negatives and intended positives of discrimination e.g. guaranteed interview schemes. This will help students to work as part of a team and develop their skills in constructing arguments.
Study Skills/Employability

Study Skills/Employability

7 Resources
This bundle is aimed at ages 16-Adults and covers essential aspects of most study skills/employment courses. It can also be used for tutorials during the lead up to students applying for jobs or applying for university. This bundle also includes presentation skills, career planning and personal SWOT Analyses.
Back to school/getting to know you

Back to school/getting to know you

4 Resources
Resources for use either during the first week of term or with new classes. Activities centred around icebreaking, communication skills and developing spoken/written English. Can used to initiate class discussions on diversity, citizenship and school preparedness.
My Summer Holiday

My Summer Holiday

Students are instructed to write a short statement about their holiday and to decorate with pictures to reflect what they did.
Who am I?

Who am I?

A basic worksheet with prompts for students to write and draw things about themselves to tell other students/teachers more about themselves. Students could exchange answers with other students.
What do we have in common?

What do we have in common?

Students complete a worksheet with a student they do not usually work with or do not know. Ideal for encouraging students to talk to new people. This has also been used for a starter activity to provoke a discussion about students similarities and differences prior to looking at the 'We are Britain' Poems.
New Class Bingo

New Class Bingo

Bingo game to encourage students to communicate and get to know each other. Basic template with statements which can be adjusted to fit the group. Students could write some sentences about the students they met as a follow up activity.
Presentation Skills Workshop.

Presentation Skills Workshop.

A two part workshop style lesson based on presentation skills which was delivered across two days. It uses a health context, however, this can be adapted to any other subject area. The main lesson objectives are: To recap prior learning. To identify at least 3 poor presentation skills (starter activity). To reflect on areas of self-improvement in relation to presentation skills (self-audit). To utilize a strategy for planning an effective presentation. To deliver a professional presentation which delivers a clear message. The powerpoint contains student prompts for a carousel activity which will introduce them to the AMPM technique, and guidance on how to incorporate data into their presentations. All resources have been included, however you will also need two pieces of flipchart paper to enable students to mindmap 'Medium' and 'Message'. There is also minimal cutting needed for the presenter card sort which has also been included. The worksheet entitled 'audience' has also been included which completes the carousel activity. English, Maths, Employability and Equality & Diversity skills have been embedded throughout.