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Could Stress Ever Be your Friend?

Could Stress Ever Be your Friend?

Session designed for a one hour tutorial during Ofsted week to a group of age 16+ learners but would be suitable for a wider age range. LO's Describe what stress is Discuss outside influences on coping with stress State causes of stress Describe a different perspective of stress Discuss the benefits of stress Student activities throughout which are encouraged to help students consider the benefits of stress and how to use it to their advantage. Particularly useful before exams.
Chronic Disease and Psychology

Chronic Disease and Psychology

A Full lesson with student activities surrounding psychology and how its theories can be used to explain/support Chronic Disease. The lesson covers Pain Management/Gate Control Theory, Coping Strategies, Pain Perception, Wound Healing, Behaviour Change Models and Biofeedback. It was originally written for Access to HE Health and Social Sciences (Level 3) students but can be tailored to fit other courses.
Communication in Health

Communication in Health

A PowerPoint featuring a full lesson with student centred activities to cover the following.. LO1: REFLECT ON YOUR OWN COMMUNICATION SKILLS LO2: Identify the reasons for effective health communication LO3: Explain the importance of effective communication in health and social care Students will also be able to utilise presentation skills, note-taking and referencing skills throughout and was originally aimed at pre-university course learners. You will need to have some coloured card of which you will cut each sheet into various regular shapes for students to participate in a silent jigsaw activity whereby they will only be able to use non-verbal communication. You will also need some case studies of cases of poor communication which fit the needs of your learners. These are easily accessible via the internet-if you need help, please contact me.
Employability Skills Taster

Employability Skills Taster

This lesson was delivered as part of a 1 hour tutorial designed to provide students with a taster of what employability skills, what are employers looking for and to encourage them to start considering what skills they already have. Features teacher prompts and student centred activities. You will need a classroom with computers and internet access for this lesson. Might work well at the start of the year for a taster of what skills students should expect to develop on whatever courses they are studying. Can be made subject specific.
Introduction to Politics and the Welfare State

Introduction to Politics and the Welfare State

An introductory session based on the differences between Labour and Conservative political party views. Students will explore arguments for and against Universal benefits and Means tested benefits. Discusses David Cameron's Ideology. You may wish to produce a follow up activity to encompass Theresa May e.g. different between views or what will the change of PM mean for the country.
Sociology of Education

Sociology of Education

Presentations on Sociology of Education. Focus on Social Class, Under-Achievement, Gender and Socialisation. Presentations do contain some student activities but you will need to create additional student focus tasked to suit your students. Presentations are fairly detailed and were designed for Level 3/4 learners.
Introduction Sociology

Introduction Sociology

Teacher-Led Presentation takes students through what sociology is, aims to dispel misconceptions, provides a brief introduction to key perspectives. No student activites, these could be added in to suit the class/course you are teaching.
Alternative Health Care

Alternative Health Care

A teacher-led presentation on Alternative Health and Complementary Lesson which could be delivered prior to students embarking on independent activities (these would have to be created). Originally aimed at Access to HE but could be tailored to suit a range of courses. Students should be able to describe and evaluate various aspects of Alternative Health Care by the end of the session.
Research Project Preparation

Research Project Preparation

Some detailed lessons and other student resources on research methods which were originally tailored for an Access to HE Course but will also be useful for students embarking on an EPQ or for A-Level students who are exploring research methods. There are two versions of an interactive tutorial lesson, one aimed at health and another aimed at sociology research projects. There are activities on questionnaire writing, interviews, data analysis, ethics and report writing structure. These resources would need to be delivered over a series of lessons. They will need adjusting to suit learners needs.
Study Skills

Study Skills

A range of resources and lessons originally designed to go towards the Access to HE Study Skills unit. However, these could be ammended for other pre-university courses e.g. A-level. Activities and guidance sheets include evaluation web pages, a library visit activity focusing on library research skills, time management reflection, CV writing, SWOT analysis production and some interview focused activities.


Social Skills activity where students label the facial expressions with the correct feelings.
Cinema Project

Cinema Project

Originally intended for year 9 students. Students will act as a project manager imagining that a local company has received for a new entertainment complex. The complex will have a shopping area with all the main high street stores and a multi-storey car park. The complex will also have an entertainment zone including cinema, bowling, arcades etc Students task is to project manage the new cinema and help them to overcome some of the problems they will face. Tasks Include: 1) Project front cover (Estimated amount of time 20 mins) 2) A plan of the project (Estimated amount of time 60 mins) 3) Designing (and testing) a logo for the cinema (Estimated amount of time 120 mins including homework) 4) Creating a staff database to store useful information about staff (Estimated amount of time 180 mins) 5) Creating a booking system (spreadsheet) that controls the booking of a screen and indicates how much revenue (money) will be taken if certain seats are sold (Estimated amount of time 180 mins) 6) Designing and creating a 30 second advert for the cinema that will appear on local television (Estimated amount of time 180 mins) 7) Completion of final report (Estimated amount of time 120 mins) 8) A project review evaluating your performance as a project manager (Estimated amount of time 40 mins) You may wish to produce some tutorial lessons on certain areas such as databases, spreadsheets and movie maker dependent on student prior knowledge. At the end of the project students will write a project report which will involve screen shots of their work and annotation of what they have done. The project without tuition will take approximately 15 hours.


Aimed at Year 7 students, an activity booklet which students can type into which covers a range of e-safety points which will complement any e-safety unit. The pack also includes students prompts, student instructions for producing their own PowerPoint Presentation on E-Safety, unit evaluations and other handy tips. The pack also looks at file management and saving work effectively. An e-safety quiz PowerPoint has also been included to be used before students learn about e-safety to assess prior knowledge. This may well be a useful first unit for year 7's.
First Aid Awareness

First Aid Awareness

This lesson aims to provide them with an awareness so they are able to answer theory questions. I then arranged for St John Ambulance to come in to deliver a basic first aid course to students to gain their certificate. This could be amended to be delivered in tutorial or detail added to make it applicable to higher level BTEC or A-Level courses. This PowerPoint contains activities on how to call 999 and what to say, DR ABC protocol, risk assessment, basic treatment of unconsciousness, burns, bleeding, fractures, anaphylaxis and choking. Their are practical activities throughout with instructions which include scenarios. You would benefit from basic first aid supplies e.g. gloves, bandages etc. CPR is not included in the lesson content due to health and safety implications and not having access to a resuscitation mannequin at the time of delivery. Teacher will need some basic prior knowledge to deliver this lesson.
Infection Control

Infection Control

Leaflet Activity Handout which provides students instructions on completing a task on hand washing, uniforms, personal hygiene, PPE etc. This was originally created for a year 9 LA GCSE Health & Social Care group but can be amended to suit other abilities/ages.
Healthy Eating

Healthy Eating

A PowerPoint and Poster Activity Handout which features a quiz, a poster activity on healthy eating and a celebrity client advice plenary. LO's: You will be able to describe key elements of the most important nutrients You will be able to describe the positives of having a balanced diet Some of you will be able to identify client’s needs and how to make a diet healthier This was originally created for a LA Year 9 group but can be adjusted to suit other abilities and delivered over an hour. You will need poster materials e.g. pens/paper and internet access to deliver this lesson.
Psychological Health's impact on Physical Health

Psychological Health's impact on Physical Health

This lesson considers to important questions...How does an individuals psychological state impact on their health and well-being? and How might a professional deal with this to support the individual? Originally designed for Access to Health Professions students, this lesson contains activities and scenarios of a medical/healthcare nature.
Introduction to Learning Disabilities and Advocacy

Introduction to Learning Disabilities and Advocacy

This PowerPoint was designed for a full day lesson, aimed at Level 3 students. It covers types of advocacy, active participation, definitions and causes, medical and social models of disabilities. Lots of discovery learning, group work and activities which students can relate to real life contexts.