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I aim to provide engaging resources that help ease the workload of History teachers. I also create free guides to help enrich the teaching of History

I aim to provide engaging resources that help ease the workload of History teachers. I also create free guides to help enrich the teaching of History
Tudors KS3 lessons

Tudors KS3 lessons

Here are a collection of lessons on the Tudors that focus on the Tudor history alongside recent historiography on diversity in the Tudor time period. The lessons are: Who were the Tudors? Who was Henry VIII? Who were Henry’s wives? Who was Edward VI? How successful was the reign of Elizabeth? What do Tudor Portraits show us about the Tudors? Assessment on source usefulness Why do we not see black Tudors in our history lessons?
British Empire Lessons

British Empire Lessons

A collection of Empire lessons that focus on the British Empire and their role in moulding the wider world Lessons: What was the Empire? Why did Britain want an Empire? Why did people move throughout the Empire? What did those who were ruled think about the Empire? What did those who ruled think about the Empire? What does slavery show us about the Empire? What does India show us about the Empire? Assessment
Genocide Scheme of Work and Lesson Ideas

Genocide Scheme of Work and Lesson Ideas

This is an outline of 6 lessons on Genocide. This is suitable for ages 14 and above. This discusses a variety of Genocide Holocaust Cambodia Armenia Rwanda It also provides detail on what historiography you can rely on when teaching these lessons. If anyone takes an interest in this and wants more then I can provide further resources or schemes on any topic
America Knowledge Organiser Post War

America Knowledge Organiser Post War

Knowledge organiser displaying the foundational knowledge to aid pupils in their revision of post war America. Instrumental for quick revision and great for pupils with gaps in knowledge
Complete AQA America bundle

Complete AQA America bundle

3 Resources
All resources for America from 1920 to 1960. Recall questions and contextual knowledges all inside. Instrumental in boosting foundational knowledge and supporting pupils who have missed learning
America 1930s Knowledge Organiser

America 1930s Knowledge Organiser

Knowledge organiser displaying the foundational knowledge to aid pupils in their revision of 1930s America. Instrumental for quick revision and great for pupils with gaps in knowledge
Cold War Development Knowledge Organiser

Cold War Development Knowledge Organiser

Knowledge organiser displaying the foundational knowledge to aid pupils in their revision of the Cold War during the 1950’s. Instrumental for quick revision and great for pupils with gaps in knowledge
Cold War origins Knowledge Organiser

Cold War origins Knowledge Organiser

Knowledge organiser displaying the foundational knowledge to aid pupils in their revision of of the origins of the Cold War. Instrumental for quick revision and great for pupils with gaps in knowledge
End of term Geography Quiz

End of term Geography Quiz

This end of term Geography quiz is great for your final lessons before the end of term. The quiz consists of 10 Geography Questions 6 Guess the location of the food questions 5 Guess the location questions 5 ‘To the nearest number’ style questions. 6 flags to identify All questions are on the powerpoint and all answers are after every question round
Oliver Cromwell KS3 lessons

Oliver Cromwell KS3 lessons

A collection of lessons on the role of Cromwell and the execution of King Charles The Lessons are: Why did England have a civil war? Who was Oliver Cromwell? How significant was Cromwell? How does Cromwell resonate with us today? How remarkable was Cromwell? Presentation assessment task
AQA Migration and Empires: Expansion and Empire Revision Guide

AQA Migration and Empires: Expansion and Empire Revision Guide

A key revision guide that is integral in supporting recall for AQA Migration and Empires. The booklet consists of numerous tasks and provisions to help pupils in their comprehension of key events in the unit This booklet consists of How and why did Britain control India? What was significant about the Indian Revolution in 1857? What was the impact of Britains control over India? Why was there a scramble for Africa? How did Empire naitons take Africa? The scramble for Africa: Egypt The scramble for Africa: Boer War How was imperial propaganda used to justify Imperialism? Migration to the Empire in the 18th to 20th century Migration to the Empire in the 18th to 20th century Part 2
AQA America Opportunity and Inequality Post War

AQA America Opportunity and Inequality Post War

This is a complete set of lessons that cover the postwar of America. They follow the AQA specification and ensure that exam skills are met throughout Lessons: How did WWII help the economy recover? What was the American dream? What was post war culture like? What impact did McCarthy have on America? What was the Civil rights movement? How did Malcolm X influence Civil Rights? Civil rights debate lesson What impact did the Feminist movement have? How was life for minorities? Was America a ‘great society’?
AQA America Opportunity and Inequality 1920's Lessons

AQA America Opportunity and Inequality 1920's Lessons

Here is a full collection of the 1920s for America Opportunity and Inequality. The lessons follow the specification and meet the criteria of ensuring pupils have sufficient knowledge and exam skills The lessons are: Why did America boom in the 1920’s? How does the Model T-Ford show that America boomed? Why was their inequalities of wealth in America? What was the culture like in the 1920s? How did the role of Women develop in the 1920’s? What was Prohibition? How did Prohibition impact America? What was life like for African Americans in the 1920’s? Who were the KKK? How did the Red Scare alienate immigrants? What does the case of Sacco and Vanzetti show us about Immigration restriction? Assessment recap lesson
AQA: Elizabeth Exam Question Booklet 2023/2024

AQA: Elizabeth Exam Question Booklet 2023/2024

This booklet offers support for all 4 questions on the AQA Elizabeth unit. This also includes the Francis Drake question for exam period 23/24 Each question has 4 aspects for the pupil to work with: An example answer with a structure and mark scheme. Pupils will then use this to identify what the answer did well and how it can be improved upon A question in which they can attempt using the structure and mark scheme A model answer so that they can self-mark their own answer Another question for some extra challenge This booklet gives pupils a chance to analyse work, assess answers and then re-draft their own answer. All booklets have been trialled in classroom setting and have been instrumental in the support of pupils who struggle with applying content to their exam questions
Story Source Scholarhsip

Story Source Scholarhsip

This is a fantastic tool that helps build pupils understanding of Literacy and allows them to engage with more disciplinary knowledge and historiography. Feel free to download these examples and seek inspiration from them
Recall Task ideas for History

Recall Task ideas for History

The following powerpoint has a variety of recall tasks that can be used to support your practice. Feel free to download and modify these for your own use