Ex Head Teacher in Special Education, now retired and doing things differently. My resources cover a wide range of school related topics that help to develop staff expertise and wider 'whole school development'. My resources also include numerous PSHE/Life Skill modules I have written and delivered in AP and SE.
Ex Head Teacher in Special Education, now retired and doing things differently. My resources cover a wide range of school related topics that help to develop staff expertise and wider 'whole school development'. My resources also include numerous PSHE/Life Skill modules I have written and delivered in AP and SE.
An extensive resource that will support you in making wholesale improvements to levels of absence across your school.
More than ever and especially from September when it is hoped that all students can return to school safely, the monitoring and tracking of attendance and student absence, becomes a key priority for Senior Leaders and Pastoral Staff.
Having been a Deputy Head in a school which fell into SM because of poor attendance, I have hands on experience of what it takes to change the culture of school attendance which must include students and all stakeholders across the school.
This pack is focused on sharing…
A whole school Improvement Plan for Attendance - one I actually devised as part of our HMI monitoring.
A whole school 12 page document on actions required to change the culture of attendance across your school, which I had written as part of my work when we were in SM. The document identifies the individual responsibilities of all staff, from form tutors through to senior leaders and Administrative support, to help raise the profile of improving levels of student absence.
A Review document to work alongside your Action Plan to identify the evidence of improvement - real life examples added for you to use.
This pack will compliment my other resource called Monitoring and Tracking School Attendance-Post Lockdown.
The I.B.P. is an in-depth document for recording and tracking student behaviour. It is a supportive document that collates a range of evidence on the student and identifies a range of strategies and interventions to support improvements. This is an individually designed IBP that has been used alongside other Pastoral Support Programmes and which has been used to help provide evidence in both EHCP Review meetings and PEP’s.
This 5-6 week module of work for Year 7 or Year 8 explores students perceptions on the World of Work. It would fit well into any scheme of work that relates to the Gatsby Benchmark 1… ‘that every school and college should have a stable, structured careers programme’.
The module explores student thoughts on…
What students consider to be ‘work’
Thoughts on ‘what makes the ideal jobs’
Exploring the different job sectors
What are skills and qualities?
What skills and qualities are required of different jobs
There is also a careers self-assessment sheet attached to this module which can be used to evaluate what students have learned from the work covered.
Do you have an induction process for a new student? If so, this resource will help your colleagues get to know them a little better, especially useful in AP where new students may be a little nervous about sharing information; this mini booklet asks some gentle questions to help the colleague inducting the student to collate useful information and encourage discussion.
Buy the three Behaviour Support Packs that compliment each other well and save three pounds.
Behaviour Support Pack 1 - Getting Along with Others
Behaviour Support Pack 2 - Improving Behaviour through reflection and positive action
Behaviour Support Pack 3 - Exclusions and Me
**Bonus **- I have added:
The IBP as this is a great way to monitor and support individual student behaviour.
Using appropriate language when dealing with student behaviour
All of my packs have been written for class work and 1-1 situations and have been used widely in the provision where I was a Head; with proven results.
A bank of statements that can be added to a spreadsheet or Tracking Document, that identify a range of Behaviour, Behaviour for Learning and Emotional Targets that can be used to track student behaviour in any educational provision.
A 14 page booklet that identifies a plethora of mini games and activities that can be played by students of all ages. The games/challenges are very simple to set up and use many items that are at hand in a classroom. I have used the ideas presented in this book both as a wet weather PE resource and for use at lunch and break times, in primary, secondary and in alternative provision.
Challenge the students and have fun!!
This is Part 1 of 3 Behaviour Support Programmes.
The BSP 1 is a module of work that can be used with students who are unable to demonstrate effective social skills and frequently allow their emotions to get the better of them, often demonstrating bouts of anger and increased emotion. The module is best suited to be delivered by a Mentor or Behaviour Coach in a 1-1 or small group environment.
It consists of between 4-6 lessons and contains all appropriate worksheets and lesson guidance.
This bullying resource includes:
An initiative that can be used to tackle bullying in school - bullying levels.
A bullying contract that can be used with students who are frequent bullies
An exemplar letter that can be sent to parents to help with paper trail regarding any bullying incident
The bullying levels are used to help discourage bullying in school alongside appropriate consequences for those who do bully. For students who are frequent bullies, there is a bullying contract that can be used to further discourage this kind of behaviour and this could be used in conjunction with a parental meeting.
Alongside this is an exemplar of a bullying letter that can be sent to parents.
All staff require appropriate training - this resource is the transcript and task notes for a short training session I delivered to Lunch Time Supervisors and Play Leaders.
It contains information on assertiveness training and basic Behaviour Mangement tips for Lunch Time staff.
A simple sheet to encourage thought and reflection for students with SEN, after a visit to the cinema or after watching a clip on YouTube . The aim is to encourage students to communicate their thoughts, in writing about the film.
An Inclusion Plan Template that can be adapted for your school. The plan is usually completed by the form tutor and it provides all relevant information on the child that can then be used in meetings, EHCP reviews, ideal for planning appropriate provision and to provide appropriate information for Provision Mapping.
This is an interactive staff training Power Point that I wrote and delivered as a Head in Special Education.
It outlines the changes that took place to the OFSTED Inspection criteria in 2019 and helps staff to reflect upon the quality of education in their school. It helps to pose questions as to how the curriculum should be further developed in the future and what the key priorities for change should be.
Many schools will already have undertaken a curriculum review, however this PP will strengthen staff understanding of what your expectations as Senior Leaders should be for your staff team. This session can be modified and changed to allow for more interaction and involvement from staff.
Are you a new Head looking to identify key priorities for improvement?
If so, you may find this real life exemplar of an Action Planning Document very useful; designed in a manner that has both clarity and coherence.
After securing a Headship in a school requiring improvement and having made numerous visits to my new school (and after reading appropriate documentation and data) I decided to write the template identified in this resource. The layout helped me to formulate key action points in a clear and coherent manner; it also proved to be a useful document for my colleagues in SLT, from which we were able to identify key points for moving forward; the document fed into the School Development Plan and SEF and helped us to focus on key priorities.
With the new RSHE guidance being implemented from this month, I believe that this resource provides an ideal starting point when focusing on positive loving relationships, the family and an introduction to Sex Education for Key Stage 4.
The KS3 resource initially focuses on the importance of friends and family and a wider look at relationships, whilst the KS4 resource also focuses on relationships, but with a closer look at boy/girl relationships, sexual responsibilty and love.
The resource contains all learning materials that allow for it to be implemented into any programme immediately.
This resource consists of a presentation that I wrote and delivered on Differentiation for staff training. The slides explain clearly what differentiation is, how it links to effective learning for all students and the keys ways to differentiate in the classroom. The presentation can be paused at regular intervals so that staff can discuss the points raised.
It formed part of a whole morning training session and so what would be required after the delivery of the Power Point, is an opportunity for colleagues to explore the process of differentiation/ideas in their subject or departmental teams.
This letter template is based on my previously well used Headteacher letter template that I used for applying for HT jobs; this one is specifically focused on roles for Headteacher/SLT positions in Special Education and Alternative Provision and gives examples of the kind of evidence you may need to provide that helps to catch the eye of prospective employers.
I did indeed get an interview using this letter and ultimately got the job, which was my last substantive post before retirement.
A module of work that can be easily slotted in to any PSHE or Careers Programme for KS3 or KS4. The module focuses on student aspirations and their hopes for the future; it’s lesson by lesson format helps students to identify their own skills and those which employers may look for. It links in to job adverts and helps students obtain a better understanding of adverts when looking for potential jobs/careers. It concludes with students reflecting upon what it takes to become successful and what they need to do to achieve their life ambitions.
Having introduced a Coaching Programme for my team of teachers and support staff, I was able to witness at first hand the benefits of such a system. This resource includes both the teacher reflection sheet and observers recording sheet that can be used by staff involved in the Coaching Programme.
The sheets can be adapted for use by teachers or indeed support staff.
If you are new to Alternative Provision or Special Education, this ‘hands on’ guidance will identify all you will need to know for establishing your daily routines and expectations.
This resource can be adapted by SLT to be used as part of any induction programme for both teachers and support staff.