
Matariki - Free Goal Setting Bunting
Matariki (the Māori New Year) is a time for reflecting on the past and setting goals for the coming year.
Students write or draw their goal on the bunting, then decorate, cut and hang. If you don't want to hang them, simply trim the flap off the top.
Provided with and without lines.
2 per A4 sheet of paper.
Enjoy this freebie!
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Te Reo Māori – Handwriting Copy Cards – Whakataukī (Proverbs)
Handwriting/Printing copy cards for New Zealand classrooms using the Māori alphabet and proverbs.
a e i o u h k m n p r t w wh ng
30 cards in total – 2 cards for each letter.
A5 size (2 cards per A4 size paper).
Laminate the cards. Students look at the card and copy one line of each letter into their exercise book, followed by the sentence (the proverb).
3 different sets of cards provided:
♦ with the English translation (no numbers)
♦ with full-height numbers 0-9 (no English translation)
♦ with half-height numbers 0-9 (no English translation)
The font used is ‘NZ Basic Script’. The letter/number shapes are the same as those recommended in the NZ Ministry of Education Handbook – ‘Teaching Handwriting’.
*** Lots of other New Zealand Handwriting and Te Reo Maori resources available in my store.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

New Zealand Essential Spelling Words – Activity Sheets – Lists 1-8
Activity sheets for words from lists 1-8 of the NZ Essential Spelling Word Lists.
♦ Write the words.
♦ Write the words and identify the vowels (highlight, colour, circle, etc).
♦ How many syllables? Colour the number to show the answer.
♦ Write the words in alphabetical order.
♦ Write the words in the correct letter boxes.
♦ Write the words on the ‘word wall’ (interesting fonts, colours, etc).
♦ Write a sentence using as many of the words as you can.
Please click on the 'Preview' button above to see a large example of the worksheets.
♦ 35 activity sheets
♦ Teacher notes
♦ Teaching aids (for explaining the 'letter boxes' if your students are unfamiliar with them)
♦ Answers – for the alphabetical order and letter box activities
10 words per activity sheet.
A4 size paper.
List 8 = Commonly misspelt words
The font used is ‘NZ Basic Script’. The letter shapes are the same as those recommended in the NZ Ministry of Education Handbook – ‘Teaching Handwriting’.
Use these sheets for a word work activity, literacy station, homework sheet, etc.
List 1 – 1 sheet
List 2 – 2 sheets
List 3 – 3 sheets
List 4 – 5 sheets
List 5 – 5 sheets
List 6 – 7 sheets
List 7 – 6 sheets
List 8 – 6 sheets
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Rugby Player Profile Activity Sheet
A fun activity when studying sport or a big event such as the Rugby World Cup.
Research information about a rugby player and record it in the boxes around the border.
Add hair and facial features to the body outline.
Colour the uniform (as it currently is, or design a new one).
Shirt with collar - information titles in boxes around border.
Shirt with collar - blank boxes around border.
Shirt without collar - information titles in boxes around border.
Shirt without collar - blank boxes around border.
The information titles around the border are:
Place of Birth
Team Name
If you don’t like these titles, just use the template with the blank boxes.
Designed on A4 size paper. Enlarge to A3 size if you wish.
I consider the body template to be suitable for both male and female rugby players.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Rugby Poetry Writing
A fun poetry writing resource for your students to use when looking at the sport of RUGBY. Great to use during sport studies or times such as the Rugby World Cup.
Two oval (rugby ball shaped) pieces of paper are stapled together at the top. The bottom piece displays the poem and the top piece has a player outline for your students to draw their favourite player. (Your students could also use this to design a new team uniform). I consider the body outline to be generic enough for male or female rugby players to be drawn.
Diamante Poem (x2 : long - 7 lines; short - 5 lines)
Cinquain Poem
Haiku Poem
Poem Framework (charts showing the structure of each poem)
Cover Page and Poem Templates
Examples of poems
Blank oval shape (not needed, but included as an option for you)
There are 3 different cover pages to choose from.
The word ‘RUGBY’ displayed in the border
Plain border
No border
Designed on A4 size paper.
Haiku - Bookmark
Diamante - Square
Haiku - title, 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables
Cinquain - 1 noun, 2 adjectives, 3 verbs, 4 word phrase, 1 synonym
Diamante (a) - 1 noun, 2 adjectives, 3 verbs, 2 adjectives, 1 synonym
Diamante (b) - 1 noun, 2 adjectives, 3 verbs, 4 word phrase, 3 verbs, 2 adjectives, 1 synonym
Check out my store for more RUGBY resources.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Gumboot Friday - FREE - Design a gumboot
Gumboot Friday is a fundraiser for free mental health counselling for kids in New Zealand. Get your students involved with this FREE print-and-go worksheet.
Design a gumboot - eg pictures/symbols/colours that make me happy (mentally well)
Write words in the gumboot - eg things I can do to keep a smile on my face
Made on A4 size paper.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Christmas Stocking Templates x15
Christmas Stockings - 15 different designs.
Black and white templates.
Ideas for use:
* decorate, cut and display
* write your name in the top part and decorate
* write your Christmas wish list in the stocking
* draw pictures of activities that you hope to do over the holiday season
* write Christmas related vocabulary in the stockings
* decorate one side and write a letter to Santa on the other
A great resource to have on hand over the festive season.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

New Zealand Handwriting Cards - words and place in NZ
New Zealand Handwriting/Printing Copy Cards
The font used is the 'New Zealand Basic Script'. The letter shapes are identical to those recommended in the NZ Ministry of Education Handbook - ‘Teaching Handwriting’.
Students look at the card and copy one line of each letter/word into their exercise book.
The last word on each card is a place in New Zealand. A suggestion is for early finishers to locate the place on a map. If your students have access to the internet they could also research some interesting facts about the place.
26 cards – one for each letter of the alphabet.
A5 size (2 cards per A4 size paper)
2 sets of cards are provided:
* half height numbers
* full height numbers
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

New Zealand Sight Words – Magenta Board Games
NZ sight words - Magenta - BOARD GAMES
A set of 5 colourful and engaging board games for your students to practise their sight words at the Magenta level.
Sight words are read when the player lands in that square.
Some games have an endpoint (where players reach the ‘finish’) and some games are ongoing until the allocated time is up, or a certain number of points have been reached.
♦ Designed to be printed on A3 size paper.
♦ Words are written in the NZ Basic Script font.
♦ Equipment needed: dice and counters.
♦ Instructions provided for each gameboard (A4 size) but feel free to adapt them to suit your learners.
♦ Engaging themes and graphics.
♦ A great alternative to games on a computer screen.
Use them as part of your guided reading rotations, as a literacy centre activity, wet weather games, early finisher activities, etc.
These board games teach important skills such as:
♦ Word recognition and counting.
♦ Turn taking, waiting patiently and sharing equipment.
♦ Friendly competition.
♦ Focus and persistence.
♦ Eye-hand coordination.
♦ Interacting with others.
25 Magenta sight words:
I like going is mum look the am said to at went in me here my on dad a and come up can sat for
Board games are available for Magenta, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green and Orange (in my store).
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

New Zealand Sight Words – Red Board Games
NZ sight words - Red - BOARD GAMES
A set of 5 colourful and engaging board games for your students to practise their sight words at the Red level.
Sight words are read when the player lands in that square.
Some games have an endpoint (where players reach the ‘finish’) and some games are ongoing until the allocated time is up, or a certain number of points have been reached.
♦ Designed to be printed on A3 size paper.
♦ Words are written in the NZ Basic Script font.
♦ Equipment needed: dice and counters.
♦ Instructions provided for each gameboard (A4 size) but feel free to adapt them to suit your learners.
♦ Engaging themes and graphics.
♦ A great alternative to games on a computer screen.
Use them as part of your guided reading rotations, as a literacy centre activity, wet weather games, early finisher activities, etc.
These board games teach important skills such as:
♦ Word recognition and counting.
♦ Turn taking, waiting patiently and sharing equipment.
♦ Friendly competition.
♦ Focus and persistence.
♦ Eye-hand coordination.
♦ Interacting with others.
28 Red sight words:
we get put with go no they today was where you she he this are will as too not but likes down big it little see so looked
Board games are available for Magenta, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green and Orange (in my store).
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Māori High Frequency Words - Colour by Code – Set 2
A set of 10 activity sheets for students working on reading high frequency sight words in Te Reo Māori.
Colour the words according to the code to reveal a mystery picture.
The words used in this resource are sourced from a list on TKI called ‘1000 frequent words of Māori – in frequency order’. This set contains a selection of words from those listed in the 101-200 group.
Set 2a – 5x activity sheets (a selection of words from 101-150)
Set 2b – 5 x activity sheets (a selection of words from 151-200)
♦ 10 activity sheets
♦ 10 answer sheets
♦ Colour chart to help your students read the colour words
Each worksheet has a space for your students to write their name.
A ‘colour swatch’ box is included next to the colour word to help your students work on this activity with independence.
Words Used – Set 2a:
♦ CHICKS - tāngata, taonga, pō, ingoa, kupu, tikanga, whānau, tuatahi
♦ BIRD - kāre, arā, pā, raro, waiata, pea, pēnei, mua
♦ MONKEY - tīmata, tika, rere, ahakoa, pātai, mere
♦ OCTOPUS - mehemea, kotahi, moana, matua, toa, hanga, hiahia
♦ BARN - tama, tākaro, rite, tere, momo, ora, rongo
Words Used – Set 2b:
♦ BEACH - ika, rōpū, toru, tangi, anake, tinana, pakeke
♦ DUCK - marama, wāhanga, karanga, tuna, whakataetae, pukapuka, take, konei
♦ BREAKFAST - ringa, āe, ehara, awa, ērā, āwhina, pēhea
♦ BEAR - waho, rau, iti, Ngāti, maha, kuia, tahi, pango
♦ BUG - hia, ōku, pou, āhuatanga, oma, i nāianei, tāne
Please note that these pictures are also used in my NZ Sight Word resources (English).
This resource has been created to support Māori medium education in Aotearoa. A helpful resource for full immersion and bilingual classes.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Maori High Frequency Words - 500 words on individual cards
500 high frequency Māori words.
♦ Written in order of frequency.
♦ 10 words per page.
♦ Grouped into sets of 50 - each set has a different coloured border.
The font used is ‘NZ Basic Script’.
** Please note that English translations are not included.
These words are also available as word cards - 10 words on each card. These cards are also available in my TES store.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

New Zealand Sight Words – Green and Orange - Trace Write Cut Paste
These activity sheets are for sight words at the Green and Orange level of the NZ colour wheel.
A total of 112 activity sheets.
Students colour the focus word, trace it, write it, then write it in a sentence. After that, they cut the letter tiles out and paste them into the empty boxes.
There are additional letter tiles for words that are under 8 letters in length. Students will need to sort out which letters they need to keep to make the word.
There are 2 lines on the activity sheet for your students to write the sentence.
Words are written with the NZ Basic Script font. The letter shapes are the same as those recommended in the NZ Ministry of Education Handbook – ‘Teaching Handwriting’.
The high frequency words align to the NZ reading colour wheel:
♦ Green (49 words)
♦ Orange (63 words)
These worksheets are also available for the following reading levels:
* Magenta and Red
* Yellow and Blue
Words Used:
always good walked know please them use want feel just left best house old their right over love still took thank you school much brother sister round another myself new some asked called made people children away water how Mrs if I’m Mr who didn’t can’t after our time most
man think long things wanted eat everyone two thought dog well more I’ll tree shouted us other food through way been stop must red door sea these began boy animals never work first lots that’s gave something bed may found live say night small three head town I’ve around every garden fast only many laughed let’s suddenly told word forgot better bring push
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

New Zealand Sight Words – Trace, Write and Paste - 3 Words
43 activity sheets for students working at the Magenta, Red, Yellow and Blue levels of the NZ reading colour wheel.
♦ Write your name.
♦ Trace the words.
♦ Write the words by yourself.
♦ Cut the words out (at the bottom of the sheet).
♦ Glue the words into the correct place.
Magenta – 9 activity sheets.
Red – 10 activity sheets.
Yellow – 11 activity sheets.
Blue – 13 activity sheets.
The font used is ‘NZ Basic Script’. The letter shapes are the same as those recommended in the NZ Ministry of Education Handbook – ‘Teaching Handwriting’.
A4 size.
The level is written in the bottom left corner on each worksheet.
Words Used:
I like going is mum look the am said to at went in me here my on dad a and come up can sat for
we get put with go no they today was where you she he this are will as too not but likes down big it little see so looked
when came one it’s make an all back day into oh out play ran do take that then there him saw his got looking of yes mother from her baby father
have help here’s home let need again laugh soon talked could had find end making under very were your walk girl about don’t last what now goes because next than fun bag coming did or cake run
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

New Zealand Sight Words – Yellow Board Games
NZ sight words - Yellow - BOARD GAMES
A set of 5 colourful and engaging board games for your students to practise their sight words at the Yellow level.
Sight words are read when the player lands in that square.
Some games have an endpoint (where players reach the ‘finish’) and some games are ongoing until the allocated time is up, or a certain number of points have been reached.
♦ Designed to be printed on A3 size paper.
♦ Words are written in the NZ Basic Script font.
♦ Equipment needed: dice and counters.
♦ Instructions provided for each gameboard (A4 size) but feel free to adapt them to suit your learners.
♦ Engaging themes and graphics.
♦ A great alternative to games on a computer screen.
Use them as part of your guided reading rotations, as a literacy centre activity, wet weather games, early finisher activities, etc.
These board games teach important skills such as:
♦ Word recognition and counting.
♦ Turn taking, waiting patiently and sharing equipment.
♦ Friendly competition.
♦ Focus and persistence.
♦ Eye-hand coordination.
♦ Interacting with others.
31 Yellow sight words:
when came one it’s make an all back day into oh out play ran do take that then there him saw his got looking of yes mother from her baby father
Board games are available for Magenta, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green and Orange (in my store).
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

New Zealand Sight Words – Green Board Games
NZ sight words - Green - BOARD GAMES
A set of 10 colourful and engaging board games for your students to practise their sight words at the Green level.
Sight words are read when the player lands in that square.
Some games have an endpoint (where players reach the ‘finish’) and some games are ongoing until the allocated time is up, or a certain number of points have been reached.
♦ Designed to be printed on A3 size paper.
♦ Words are written in the NZ Basic Script font.
♦ Equipment needed: dice and counters.
♦ Instructions provided for each gameboard (A4 size) but feel free to adapt them to suit your learners.
♦ Engaging themes and graphics.
♦ A great alternative to games on a computer screen.
Use them as part of your guided reading rotations, as a literacy centre activity, wet weather games, early finisher activities, etc.
Please note that there are 10 game boards in this set (unlike only 5 in the Magenta, Red, Yellow and Blue sets). This is due to the larger number of sight words in this colour.
These board games teach important skills such as:
♦ Word recognition and counting.
♦ Turn taking, waiting patiently and sharing equipment.
♦ Friendly competition.
♦ Focus and persistence.
♦ Eye-hand coordination.
♦ Interacting with others.
49 Green sight words:
always good walked know please them use want feel just left best house old their right over love still took thank you school much brother sister round another myself new some asked called made people children away water how Mrs if I’m Mr who didn’t can’t after our time most
Board games are available for Magenta, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green and Orange (in my store).
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

New Zealand Sight Words - Play dough Mats - Magenta and Red
Play dough mats for magenta and red sight words.
Make the word using play dough, then write/trace it.
NZ Basic Script font is used (outline style).
Words Used:
I like going is mum look the am said to at went in me here my on dad a and come up can sat for
we get put with go no they today was where you she he this are will as too not but likes down big it little see so looked
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

New Zealand Sight Words – Build and Read a Road
A fantastic sight word activity …. particularly for your boys.
Build a road and drive a toy car along it, reading the sight words as you drive past them.
For sight words at the Magenta, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green and Orange levels of the NZ reading colour wheel.
You can use this resource to make up all sorts of activities and games. For example …
1. Make a road that is in the form of a loop. Roll a dice and travel that many spaces along the road, reading the sight words as you go. Have a marker on one of the words (eg a toy house on the word ‘into’) and every time you pass that marker you score one point. Who can score 10 points first?
2. As above, but when you land on a word you count how many letters it has. You say the word out loud that many times. For example, if you land on the word ‘little’ you say it 6 times.
3. The teacher (or a buddy) says a word. Drive your car to that word.
4. The teacher (or a buddy) gives a clue to a word. Drive your car to that word. For example, drive your car to a word that starts with b and ends with k. Or, drive your car to a 3 letter word that rhymes with ‘man’.
Because there are corners, roundabouts and T intersections, a different road layout can be built each time. Great for your creative learners.
♦ Road pieces with sight words – for Magenta to Orange levels.
♦ Blank road pieces (to add additional words if necessary).
♦ Road parts – corners, roundabouts and T intersections (these do not have words on them).
♦ Road stops – petrol, mechanic, house and car park (these are just for fun, use them if you want to).
♦ Teacher notes and a word list.
Ink friendly - all in black/grey/white.
The font used is ‘NZ Basic Script’. The letter shapes are the same as those recommended in the NZ Ministry of Education Handbook – ‘Teaching Handwriting’. The size of the font gets smaller as the levels progress.
It is suggested that you put a little coloured dot on the back of the road pieces before laminating (eg a yellow dot on the back of the road pieces for words at the yellow level). That way if the pieces at each level get muddled, you’ll easily be able to sort them back into the correct groups.
You will need to provide the toy cars.
This resource is very versatile. Print more than one copy to make more road pieces, combine more than one set, etc.
Made on A4 size paper.
4 road pieces (8 words) on each A4 page.
2 road parts (corners, etc) on each A4 page.
Each road piece measures approximately 130mm x 85mm.
The corners, etc, measure approximately 130mm x 130mm
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

New Zealand Sight Words – word cards in outline font
Sight word cards in NZ Basic Script ‘outline font’ for Magenta, Red, Yellow and Blue levels of the NZ reading colour wheel.
4 cards on each A4 size page.
Provided in black/white and coloured border (the border colour aligns to the level colour).
Words Used:
I like going is mum look the am said to at went in me here my on dad a and come up can sat for
we get put with go no they today was where you she he this are will as too not but likes down big it little see so looked
when came one it’s make an all back day into oh out play ran do take that then there him saw his got looking of yes mother from her baby father
have help here’s home let need again laugh soon talked could had find end making under very were your walk girl about don’t last what now goes because next than fun bag coming did or cake run
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

New Zealand Sight Words – Hot Laps Racing Track
An engaging sight word activity …. particularly for your boys.
Build a racing track and drive a toy car along it, reading the sight words as you go.
This resource contains sight words at the Magenta to Orange levels of the NZ reading colour wheel.
Sight words are written on a piece of ‘racing track’. Print them off, laminate, and cut. Use as many pieces as you wish and combine them with the corners, starting grid and finishing line. Your students can design their very own racing track!
You can use this resource to make up all sorts of activities and games. For example …
* Make a racing track that is in the form of a loop. Roll a dice and travel that many spaces along the race track, reading the sight words as you go. Every time you pass the finishing line (chequered squares or flags) you score one point. Who can score 10 points first?
* As above, but when you land on a word you count how many letters it has. You say the word out loud that many times. For example, if you land on the word ‘little’ you say it 6 times.
* The teacher (or a buddy) says a word. Drive your car to that word.
* The teacher (or a buddy) gives a clue to a word. Drive your car to that word. For example, drive your car to a word that starts with b and ends with k. Or, drive your car to a 3 letter word that rhymes with ‘man’.
A different racing track layout can be built each time. Great for your creative learners!
♦ Track pieces with sight words (Magenta to Orange levels).
♦ Blank track pieces (to add additional words if necessary).
♦ Corners, starting grid and finish line.
♦ Teacher notes and a word list.
Ink friendly - all in black/grey/white.
The font used is ‘NZ Basic Script’. The letter shapes are the same as those recommended in the NZ Ministry of Education Handbook – ‘Teaching Handwriting’. Each word is written on a faint grey line.
It is suggested that you put a little coloured dot on the back of the track pieces before laminating (eg a yellow dot on the back of the track pieces for words at the yellow level). That way if the pieces at each level get muddled, you’ll easily be able to sort them back into the correct groups.
You will need to provide the toy cars.
This resource is very versatile. Print more than one copy to make more track pieces, combine more than one set, etc.
Made on A4 size paper.
4 track pieces (4 words) on each A4 page.
Each track piece measures approximately 130mm x 85mm.
The corners measure approximately 130mm x 130mm
The starting grid measure approximately 130mm x 170mm.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources