Power point to introduce persuasive text.
Starter advert quiz and guess the slogan.
Reflect on adverts/slogans and identify why it was persuasive.
Review on what persuasive text is.
Activity to create your own persuasive text/ slogan.
Worksheet for children to write about themsleves and introduce who they are and what they like to do.
Children can personalise by colouring in the worksheet.
It provides the teacher with information to personalise learning and get to know the chidren.
Also a opportunity for children to talk to ther children about themsleves.
A teaching resource to be used at the end of a topic to asses learning or throughout the lesson to record information. This is aimed at the workplace but can be edited to make it more generic. Useful for school leavers or 16+ to develop employability skills and knowledge.
This resource focuses on the knowledge, understanding and skills that are needed to prepare of employment.
It is aimed at:
• learners aged 14-19 years entering the workforce for the first time
• the unemployed
• adult returners seeking to re-enter the workplace
• people in employment who wish to develop their employability skills
• learners Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET).
It also supports the develoment of essential transferrable skills and attributes that are valued by employers. It is designed to break down barriers for entering the workplace, by building confidence to secure and sustain job opportunites across a range of sectors
This Power Point contains slides to develop knowledge relating to giving positve, constructive feedback and identify different types of questions to support this.
Relevant video clip links had been included to support and option worksheets are available.
Although it is aimed at mentoring it could be used in other areas such as CPD.
This power point aims to raise awareness of disability and explore the social and medical model.
It uses the childrens book Winnie the Witch to develop understanding of the topic and contains a link to the online story.
Other video links are also included to explore the topic further.
A worksheet to consider what local councils do for us and discuss the different services the local council provides. Developing knowledge around British Values and the role citizens and the local council play. Developng an awareness of Democracy, Rule of Law, Respect and Tolerance, Individual Liberty.
SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) placemat: Print and laminate for students to keep on their desk and refer to during written work. Topic words can be listed by the teacher before printing, or by the student using a dry wipe pen once the placemat has been laminated.
A ready made quiz template. Just drop in your questions and answers and away you go. Good to use if no internet available. Use to identify starting points, review, recap and assess learning which has taken place. Can be used for groups or individuals. Students can use it to create their own quiz relating to the topic and consolidate learning. Multiple uses.
This is a powerpoint tempate in which you can create your own quiz by dropping in questions and answers relating to the topic you are teaching. Good resource if you do not have access to the internet, for groups or individuals to identify statring points, recap or revise. Students can also use it to create their own quiz and share with the class to consolidate learning. Multiple uses and already set up and ready to use.
This power point is aimed at students working towards a childcare qualification or topics which are aimed at working with children. It has been developed to engage students and gain responses before revealing the answers. Senarios have also been included to relate to real workplace situations.
A rubric to support the assessment of mentoring skills. Can be used during practical activites to identify skills and give feedback to enable the mentor to develop essestial skills and knowledge.
This resource focuses on the knowledge, understanding and skills that are needed for the preparation of employment. It is aimed at:
• learners aged 14-19 years entering the workforce for the first time
• the unemployed
• adult returners seeking to re-enter the workplace
• people in employment who wish to develop their employability skills
• learners Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET).
This resource also supports the development the essential transferrable skills and attributes that are valued by employers. It is designed to support people entering the workplace, by building confidence and develop knowledge to support entry into the workplace across a range of sectors.
This resource is suitable for years 3-6, ages 7-10yrs. It is designed to allow children to work at their own pace and within their own ability. It can be separted out into separte work sheets or used a s a booklet.
The ainm is to encourage independant learning and a dicitionary should be provided to support activity. An ipad or similar devise would also support additional reseach especially for the story board section.
Start and end your lesson with an energiser to get students thinking and reflecting.
A simple toolkit that can be used to promote curiosity and critical thinking.
Diiferent ways to use the toolkit e.g.
Give each student a copy for their folder and at the begining and end of the session ask them to choose a question.
Teacher chooses a different question each week to begin and end the session
Cut out the resource and give each student one as the arrive and before they leave
Use it for an exit question and ask learners to post their reponses via your VLA or write it in their reflective notes.
Adapt the questions to suit learner needs.