Terrorism: The Rise of Terrorist Tactics in the Modern World - Bundle (Series of 7 Lessons)
Power point and Student Workbooklet per lesson
Variety of activities
Application of Knowledge
Exam Practise
Video Questions
Key Words and Definitions
Match Up Activities
Flipped Learning
All lessons have a power point and student workbooklet provided and work in conjunction with AQA GCSE approved Oxford text book.
What is Terrorism?
Attacks and Individuals
Northern Ireland
The Suffragettes
Nelson Mandela
Tackling Terrorism
Crime and Punishment: Victorian Prisons (Lesson 5)
Key Learning Objectives: To Investigate How and Why Prisons Were Improved
State of Prisons
Prison Problems
Prison Reformers
PowerPoint and Student Workbooklet
Variety of Activities
Exam Practise
Application of Knowledge
All Lessons have a PowerPoint and Student Workbooklet Provided and Work in Conjunction with EDEXCEL History Approved Hodder Textbook.
USA Home and Abroad: Civil Rights and Segregation (Lesson 1)
Key Learning Objectives: To Explain How the Civil Rights Movement Started to Challenge Segregation
PowerPoint and Student Workbooklet
Variety of Activities
Exam Practise-Source Analysis
Application of Knowledge
Video Questions
Flipped Learning
All Lessons have a PowerPoint and Student Workbooklet Provided and Work in Conjunction with AQA Approved Oxford Conflict and Tension Between the East and the West: 1945-1972.
Crime and Punishment: Investigating Jack the Ripper (Lesson 8)
Key Learning Objectives: To Investigate How the Police Tried to Catch Jack the Ripper
Who was Jack the Ripper?
Trying to Catch Jack
The Media and the Police
PowerPoint and Student Workbooklet
Variety of Activities
Independent Learning
Application of Knowledge
Counter Argument Questions
All Lessons have a PowerPoint and Student Workbooklet Provided and Work in Conjunction with EDEXCEL History Approved Hodder Textbook.
Crime and Punishment - Bundle (Series of 10 Lessons)
PowerPoint and Student Workbooklet per Lesson Included!
Variety of Activities
Flipped Learning
Exam Practise- Source Analysis
Application of Knowledge
Video Questions
Counter Argument Questions
Independent Learning
Match Up Activities
True or False
Multiple Choice
All Lessons have a PowerPoint and Student Workbooklet Provided and Work in Conjunction with EDEXCEL History Approved Hodder Textbook.
The Middle Ages
Tudor Criminals
Torture and Death
Victorian Prisons
Policing Whitechapel
Investigating Jack the Ripper
The Police Force
Modern Crime
Crime and Punishment: Modern Crime (Lesson 10)
Key Learning Objectives: To Investigate How Crime Has Developed Since the 1950’s
How has Crime Developed?
Race, Religion and Hate Crime
Case Study: Stephen Lawrence
Case Study: Race Riots in Burnley 2001
PowerPoint and Student Workbooklet
Variety of Activities
Application of Knowledge
Flipped Learning
Exam Practise - Source Analysis
All Lessons have a PowerPoint and Student Workbooklet Provided and Work in Conjunction with EDEXCEL History Approved Hodder Textbook.
USA Home and Abroad: Birmingham 1963 (Lesson 5)
Key Learning Objectives: To Explain Events and Protest in Birmingham.
PowerPoint and Student Workbooklet
Variety of Activities
Exam Practise-Source Analysis
Application of Knowledge
Video Questions
All Lessons have a PowerPoint and Student Workbooklet Provided and Work in Conjunction with AQA Approved Oxford Conflict and Tension Between the East and the West: 1945-1972.
USA Home and Abroad: The Youth Challenge (Lesson 3)
Key Learning Objectives: To Explain What Happened at the Sit-Ins and Freedom Rides.
PowerPoint and Student Workbooklet
Variety of Activities
Exam Practise-Source Analysis
Application of Knowledge
Video Questions
Flipped Learning
All Lessons have a PowerPoint and Student Workbooklet Provided and Work in Conjunction with AQA Approved Oxford Conflict and Tension Between the East and the West: 1945-1972.
Knowledge and Revision Test AQA Germany 1890-1945: Democracy and Dictatorship
An in depth knowledge and revision test (marked out of 70) to encompass the whole of AQA Germany 1890-1945: Democracy and Dictatorship syllabus.
Topics covered:
1.Germany and the growth of Democracy
2.Germany and the Depression
3.The experiences of Germans under the Nazis
Ideal to assess student’s application of knowledge and understanding of this unit of work.
AQA Germany 1890-1945: Democracy & Dictatorship: Part Two: Germany and the Depression (Lesson 13)
Key Learning Objectives: To Understand the Events Which Led to Hitler Becoming Der Fuhrer in August 1934
Topics Covered:
How Did Hitler Increase His Power
The Reichstag Fire
PowerPoint and Student Workbooklet
Variety of Activities
Challenge Activities
Application of Knowledge - Explain
Exam Skills
Retrieval Activities
Reflect Activities
Video Questions
All Lessons Have a PowerPoint and Student Workbooklet Provided and Work In Conjunction with AQA GCSE Approved Oxford Textbook.
A series of 4 lessons which looks at Britain during the interwar years. This gap of knowledge between the wars allows students to develop both their chronological and contextual knowledge of both Britain and Europe in the 1920s and 1930s.
Lessons include:
The Big Threes aims at the Paris Peace Conference and the League of Nations.
Was the war worth winning? A land fit for heroes? A look at life in 1920s Britain.
The Hungry Thirties - did everyone go hungry in Britain in the 1930s?
Why was there another World War?
Each lesson has a powerpoint and there are two student activity booklets which accompany them:
Progress and Review (Activities to review progress during the lesson)
Retrieve and Assess ( Activities to be completed at the start of the lesson reflecting learning from a previous lesson)
**AQA Conflict and Tension First World War 1894-1918:
Part three: Ending the War **
Conflict & Tension: Lesson 22: 1917 – a year of change
Key Learning Objectives: To explain the impact of Russia leaving and America entering the war.
Topics Covered:
Russia during the early stages of the War
Who ruled Russia in 1917
The USA entering the War
PowerPoint and Student Workbooklet
Variety of Activities
Challenge Activities
Application of Knowledge - Explain
Exam Skills
Retrieval Activities
Review Activities
Video Questions
All Lessons Have a PowerPoint and Student Workbooklet Provided and Work In Conjunction with AQA GCSE Approved Oxford Textbook.
3 x Microsoft Forms Quiz Edward VI -Retrieval and Revision Quiz
Marked for you - great way to review student’s learning
Analytics available through Microsoft Forms
Question by question analysis
Immediate student feedback
Great tool for revision!
Questions are mostly multiple choice, with a few you will have to mark but the answers are provided for you!
AQA 1C Specification The Tudors, England 1485 - 1603
Ideal for Flipped Learning and Homework
Duplicate link provided and therefore can adapt to the needs of your own learners.
Edward and the Economy (10 marks - Multiple choice only, therefore marked for you!)
Religions under Edward VI (20 marks mostly mulitple choice with occasional teacher marking. Answers provided)
Edward and Foreign Policy (21 marks - Multiple choice only, therefore marked for you!)
** Hitler’s Rise and Consolidation of Power (25 Marks) - Retrieval and Revision Quiz**
AQA Germany 1890 - 1945: Demcracy and Dictatorship
Microsoft Forms Quiz
Duplicate link provided and therefore can adapt to the needs of your own learners.
Questions are multiple choice only.
Marked for you - great way to review student’s learning
Analytics available through Microsoft Forms
Question by question analysis
Immediate student feedback
Great tool for revision!
Ideal for Flipped Learning and Homework
**Also a PDF of question sheet and PDF of answer sheet attached.
AQA Germany 1890-1945: Democracy & Dictatorship:
Part One: Germany and the growth of Democracy
Lesson 4 Germany and the Treaty of Versailles
Key learning Objectives:
The impact of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany
German treatment during discussions
German reaction to the Treaty of Versailles
Links to Hitler in the future
Power point and Student Workbooklet
Variety of activities
Challenge activities
Exam Practise skills
Reflect activities
All lessons have a power point and student workbooklet provided and work in conjunction with AQA GCSE approved Oxford text book.
AQA Germany 1890-1945: Democracy & Dictatorship:
Part One: Germany and the growth of Democracy
Lesson 7 Hitler and the Munich Putsch
Key learning Objectives:
Understand Hitler and the Nazi Party’s attempt to take over Germany in 1923.
Causes and events of November 1923
Outcomes of attempt on both Hitler and the Nazi Party
Power point and Student Workbooklet
Variety of activities
Challenge activities
Exam Practise skills
Reflect activities
All lessons have a power point and student workbooklet provided and work in conjunction with AQA GCSE approved Oxford text book.
Microsoft Forms Quiz -Henry VIII and Wolsey’s Foreign Policy (38 Marks)
Great way to review student’s learning
Analytics available through Microsoft Forms
Question by question analysis
Immediate student feedback
Great tool for revision!
AQA 1C Specification The Tudors, England 1485 - 1603
Ideal for Flipped Learning and Homework
Questions will need to be marked by teacher but all answers are provided.
Duplicate link provided and therefore can adapt to the needs of your own learners.
**AQA Germany and Dictatorship 1890-1945 Revision & Retrieval Tests Bundle x 3 **
3 x Revision and Retrieval Tests to support the AQA Germany and Dictatorship 1890-1945 unit. Each test is out of 30 marks, with a variety of questions to ascertain student understanding and progress.
Revision and Retrieval Test covers the following topics:
Part One: Germany and the growth of democracy
Part Two: Germany and the depression
Part Three: Experiences of the German people under the Nazis
Six Revision Graphic Organisers Henry VII
Establishing the Tudor Dynasty
Henry VII’s Government
Foreign Affairs
Economic Developments
Religion, Humanism and the Arts
All designed to fit on one side of A3 in order to aid student’s with revision. All designed for complete set of notes in preparation for the A2 exam.
Exam skills also included.
All are to be used in conjunction with:
Oxford AQA advised textbook
My Revision Notes The Tudors
Key Learning Objectives: To explore how medieval doctors trained and who else cared for the sick.
Topics Covered:
Medieval doctors
Barber Surgeons
John of Arderne
PowerPoint and Student Workbooklet
Variety of Activities
Challenge Activities
Application of Knowledge - Explain
Exam Skills
Retrieval Activities
Review Activities
All Lessons Have a PowerPoint and Student Workbooklet Provided and Work In Conjunction with AQA GCSE Approved Oxford Textbook.