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A-Level Revision Made Easy

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The shop is full of high level resources targeting top grades in English Literature, History and French. Resources have been thoroughly researched and put together by a current undergraduate at the University of Oxford in order to contain optimum detail and apprehension. Revision can be challenging to say the least, but these resources have been designed to make it enjoyable and as 'easy' as possible.




The shop is full of high level resources targeting top grades in English Literature, History and French. Resources have been thoroughly researched and put together by a current undergraduate at the University of Oxford in order to contain optimum detail and apprehension. Revision can be challenging to say the least, but these resources have been designed to make it enjoyable and as 'easy' as possible.
Russia and its Rulers 1855-1964 Depth Study Revision (Alex II,  PG and Khrushchev)

Russia and its Rulers 1855-1964 Depth Study Revision (Alex II, PG and Khrushchev)

Russia and its Rulers 1855-1964 Depth Study A-Level History Revision Notes (17 highly detailed and comprehensive slides for the three themes) Depth Study Revision Material targeting the following themes: Alexander II, Provisional Government and Khrushchev. Rulers include: Alexander II, Kerensky, Lenin (Civil War) and Khrushchev. The material used to write these revision notes have come from the following sources: Russia and its Rulers 1855-1964 A-Level OCR Textbooks and Revision Guide Orlando Figes’ Useful Website ‘Revolutionary Russia’ (Subscription Required) Soviet Union Primary Source Material Orlando Figes’ ‘A People’s Tragedy’ William Taubman’s ‘Khrushchev: The Man and his Era’ Russia and its Rulers Lecture Series on Massolit (Subscription Required) PERSONAL CONTACT/INFORMATION WITH WILLIAM TAUBMAN AND NINA KHRUSHCHEVA (Granddaughter of Khrushchev) As a History undergraduate, I believe that it is really important to include information in your essays that is unique (not ‘textbook’ material). As a result, having an insight into Khrushchev from the perspective of a prolific historian or professor is a really ‘gem’. Thank you very much for your interest in this source.
Un Sac de Billes French A-Level Extensive Revision Notes

Un Sac de Billes French A-Level Extensive Revision Notes

Extensive Revision Notes for Joseph Joffo’s ‘Un Sac de Billes’ for French A Level. Aiming high? This is the bundle for you! Included is revision notes (included analysed quotes) from each scene; revision already planned and written essays on a number of characters and themes; high quality quote analysis; essay plan revision powerpoint and an overview of the language used throughout the book. Example of a chapter analysis: Chapitre Dix: Chez Rosette De retour au camp Moisson Nouvelle, ils apprennent que leur père a été pris dans une rafle. Leur identité juive étant révélée, ils doivent donc s’enfuir de nouveau. Joseph et Maurice partent d’abord en direction de Montluçon pour rejoindre leur sœur aînée, Rosette, qui habite non loin de là, à Ainay-le-Vieil. Mais du fait qu’il y ait un collaborateur dans le village susceptible de les dénoncer, elle leur explique qu’ils ne peuvent pas rester plus longtemps. Ils partent alors pour Aix-les-Bains en Savoie pour rejoindre leurs frères et leur mère, qui avait réussi à échapper à la rafle. N’arrivant pas à surmonter l’arrestation de son mari, elle ne tardera pas à remonter à Paris. Encore forcés de fuir, les deux frères tentent finalement de retrouver une vie normale dans le village de Rumilly. ENGLISH TRANSLATION Back at the Moisson Nouvelle camp, they learn that their father has been caught in a roundup. Their Jewish identity being revealed, they must therefore flee again. Joseph and Maurice first set off in the direction of Montluçon to join their older sister, Rosette, who lives not far from there, in Ainay-le-Vieil. But the fact that there is a collaborator in the village likely to denounce them, she explains to them that they cannot stay longer. They then left for Aix-les-Bains in Savoy to join their brothers and their mother, who had managed to escape the roundup. Unable to overcome the arrest of her husband, she will not be long in returning to Paris. Still forced to flee, the two brothers finally try to find a normal life in the village of Rumilly. “Tu as eu peur?” “Non… enfin pas beaucoup, j’ai été malade, à un moment mais je suis guéri” (Highlights how Joseph felt about his time in the Gestapo headquarters) “Cela m’ennuie de quitter la Méditerranée, j’y reviendrai quand je serai plus grand et que ce sera la paix” (Higlights how Jo believes that he will survive to return to the Mediterranean) “Même en payant des millions, je ne pourrais rien vous vendre, il y a bien longtemps qu’il n’y a plus d’arrivage, les maisons de gros ne livrent plus” (Highlights how many items in France were scarce due to rations) “Vous ne trouverez pad d’hôtel à Montluçon, il y en a deux qui ont été requisitionés par les Allemands et un autre pour la Milice” (Highlights how the Gestapo had requisitioned all the hotels in France) Hopefully you will find this resource useful, but please do not hesitate to message me via email at alevelrevisionmadeeasy@gmail.com
Othello Oxford University Lecture Notes (Aiming High at A-Level?)

Othello Oxford University Lecture Notes (Aiming High at A-Level?)

Want to aim high with A-Level English Literature? Want a good grade for your Othello essay? This is most certainly the resource for you in order to nail the A03 context and A05 critics element of the exam. Emma Smith’s detailed Oxford lecture on the context of the play. Examples of what topics are included: What is the apparent oxymoron or paradox in the title of the play?; Wilson Knights’ ‘Othello Music’; The Real Iago and What does Steven Greenblatt mean by ‘Shakespeare’s strategic opacity’? Although tailored to the Edexcel course, this resource is great for the AQA, OCR and WJEC courses as well. Hopefully you will find this resource very useful, but should you have any questions regarding this resource or the course in general, do not hesitate to email alevelrevisionmadeeasy@gmail.com
Appearance versus Reality Essay in Othello (A-Level English Literature)

Appearance versus Reality Essay in Othello (A-Level English Literature)

Want to aim high with A-Level English Literature? Want a good grade for your Othello essay? This is most certainly the resource for you in order to nail essay writing and planning. Pleased to say that this essay received full marks from an Edexcel A-Level Examiner, thus it could be used as an ‘exemplar’. Appearance versus Reality: ‘Appearance is not always reality – ‘I am not what I am’. Explore how Shakespeare treats the theme of Appearance versus Reality in Othello. You must relate your discussion to relevant contextual factors and ideas from your critical reading. Included: Introduction, Character of Iago, Character of Othello, Character of Desdemona and Conclusion. All A0s for the Edexcel course are thoroughly covered. Although tailored to the Edexcel course, this resource is great for the AQA, OCR and WJEC courses as well. Hopefully you will find this resource very useful, but should you have any questions regarding this resource or the course in general, do not hesitate to email alevelrevisionmadeeasy@gmail.com
Bianca Essay and Analysis for Othello (A-Level English Literature)

Bianca Essay and Analysis for Othello (A-Level English Literature)

Want to aim high with A-Level English Literature? Want a good grade for your Othello essay? This is most certainly the resource for you in order to nail essay writing and planning. Pleased to say that this essay received full marks from an Edexcel A-Level Examiner, thus it could be used as an ‘exemplar’. Bianca: Explore Shakespeare’s presentation of Bianca in Othello. You must relate your discussion to relevant contextual factors and ideas from your critical reading. Included: Introduction, Dramatic Function, Appearance versus Reality and Foil. Although tailored to the Edexcel course, this resource is great for the AQA, OCR and WJEC courses as well. Hopefully you will find this resource very useful, but should you have any questions regarding this resource or the course in general, do not hesitate to email alevelrevisionmadeeasy@gmail.com
Doctor Faustus Context and Critical Approaches for A-Level English Literature

Doctor Faustus Context and Critical Approaches for A-Level English Literature

Doctor Faustus Context and Critical Approaches for A-Level English Literature Looking to achieve a high grade in your A-Level English Literature Doctor Faustus question? Then this extensive context and critical approaches resource is definitely for you. Listed in both a sharable PDF form and a editable word document to aid your study. The document discusses the literary (gothic literature…) and historical (calvanism…) background of the play as well as lists numerous critical approaches. Although critical approaches are needed in your essays, informing yourself of the various critics might be very helpful for aiding your study. Thank you very much for your interest in this resource. Should you require any further information regarding this resource, or the course in general, please do not hesitate to email alevelrevisionmadeeasy@gmail.com
The Mid-Tudor Crisis Extensive Revision Notes for A-Level History OCR

The Mid-Tudor Crisis Extensive Revision Notes for A-Level History OCR

The Mid-Tudor Crisis Extensive Revision Notes for A-Level History OCR Are you looking for some detailed notes to help with your study of the Mid-Tudor Crisis for OCR A-Level History? If so, these highly detailed notes are certainly for you. Enquiry Topic: The Gateway to the Mid-Tudor Crises 1547-1558 Notes for each module : The Stability of the Monarchy; Religious Change and Rebellion and Unrest (60-pages of notes in total). Please be aware that these notes have been taken from a variety of resources, historical books and textbooks. Please also feel free to cut and change the notes, hence why you can download them as a sharable PDF document or an editable word document. Thank you very much for your interest in this resource. Should you have any questions concerning the course or the resource, please do not hesitate to email alevelrevisionmadeeasy@gmail.com
Doctor Faustus Cambridge University In-Depth Analysis for A-Level English Literature Study

Doctor Faustus Cambridge University In-Depth Analysis for A-Level English Literature Study

Doctor Faustus Cambridge University Lecture Notes for A-Level English Literature Looking to achieve a high grade in your A-Level English Literature Doctor Faustus question? Then this extensive resource of notes taken from a lecture on Doctor Faustus given at the University of Cambridge is certainly for you! Listed in both a sharable PDF form and a editable word document to aid your study. The document looks at the life of the real Doctor Faustus, the Faust Book and the Puritans, The Sources of Doctor Faustus and The Fortunes of Doctor Faustus. This is definitely complex content for the advanced and curious learners, but it will certainly elevate your essays to a completely new level! Extra reading ideas are included throughout the document. Thank you very much for your interest in this resource. Should you require any further information regarding this resource, or the course in general, please do not hesitate to email alevelrevisionmadeeasy@gmail.com
Frankenstein Chapter-by-Chapter High Quality 24-page Analysis (and a few extras)

Frankenstein Chapter-by-Chapter High Quality 24-page Analysis (and a few extras)

Frankenstein Chapter-by-Chapter Analysis in order to target the high grades. Included in this resource: 1.Text Analysis including AO2 Language Analysis; 2.Articles on the Gothic and Frankenstein; 3.A* Essay exploring ‘The Monstrous’ in Frankenstein; 4.Incredibly helpful videos that informed my text analysis. *Example of the Text Analysis Table: * Thank you for your interest in this resource.
The Crusades and Crusader States Extensive and Highly Detailed Essay Plans (A-Level History)

The Crusades and Crusader States Extensive and Highly Detailed Essay Plans (A-Level History)

The Crusades and Crusader States Extensive and Highly Detailed Essay Plans (A-Level History). This a highly detailed and extensive resource, containing both highly detailed essay plans and skeletal plans (summary of what you potentially could mention in the exam). The combined resources totals over 100 pages of plans!! Sharable PDF version and Editable Word versions are included along with a helpful Youtube Video which informed these extensive plans. They are designed to help you in the exam (beyond just loads of notes), so that you will not even need to think of how to structure your essay - it has already been done for you! Furthermore, all essay plans cover EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE QUESTION that could come up as there are only so many possibilities for these factor questions (speaking in regard to OCR exam board in particular). *Example of a Plan: * Introduction - What to mention (layout factors and criteria). Theme - A detailed analysis of the theme with sub-themes, including an interim judgement. Overall Judgement - Coming to your conclusion, drawing upon your criteria and factors. Thank you for your interest in this resource. Should you have any questions concerning this resource, or the course in general, please do not hesitate to email alevelrevisionmadeeasy@gmail.com
Roderigo Essay and Analysis for Othello Study (A-Level English Literature)

Roderigo Essay and Analysis for Othello Study (A-Level English Literature)

Want to aim high with A-Level English Literature? Want a good grade for your Othello essay? This is most certainly the resource for you in order to nail essay writing and planning. Pleased to say that this essay received full marks from an Edexcel A-Level Examiner, thus it could be used as an ‘exemplar’ (added elements from critics and websites included that can easily be cut if needed). Roderigo: Explore the ways in which Shakespeare presents Roderigo in Othello. You must relate your discussion to relevant contextual factors and ideas from your critical reading. Introduction, Dramatic Function, Thematic Function and A Character of Light Relief. Although tailored to the Edexcel course, this resource is great for the AQA, OCR and WJEC courses as well. Hopefully you will find this resource very useful, but should you have any questions regarding this resource or the course in general, do not hesitate to email alevelrevisionmadeeasy@gmail.com
18-page synopsis for Frankenstein and The Handmaid's Tale Prose Study (A-Level English Literature)

18-page synopsis for Frankenstein and The Handmaid's Tale Prose Study (A-Level English Literature)

A massive and highly comprehensive synopsis for your prose A-Level English Literature study of Mary Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein’ and Margaret Atwood’s ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’. 18-pages of detailed quote breakdowns for both texts. This document will allow you to nail the A02 Language element of the essay requirements by showing you the most crucial quotes in both texts and how to analysis them in a comprehensive fashion. *Example Quote Breakdown: * • Victor pursues ‘nature to her hiding places’ – Chapter 4, pages 40-45 • Victor to Walton: ‘Learn from me, if not by my precepts, at least by my example, how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge, and how much happier that man is who believes his native town to be the world, than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow’ (Page 42). • ‘I became myself capable of bestowing animation upon lifeless matter’ (page 41) and how, rather arrogantly, he didn’t’ doubt his ‘ability to give life to an animal as complex and wonderful as man’ (page 42). The page numbers have also been provided so that you are aware of where the quotes can be located in the text (The Handmaid’s Tale - Vintage Classics and Frankenstein - Wordsworth Classics). Thank you very much for your interest in this resource. Should you have any questions regarding the resource or the course in general, please do not hesitate to send an email alevelrevisionmadeeasy@gmail.com
The Power of Language Essay and Analysis for Othello Study  (A-Level English Literature)

The Power of Language Essay and Analysis for Othello Study (A-Level English Literature)

Want to aim high with A-Level English Literature? Want a good grade for your Othello essay? This is most certainly the resource for you in order to nail essay writing and planning. Pleased to say that this essay received full marks from an Edexcel A-Level Examiner, thus it could be used as an ‘exemplar’ (added elements from critics and websites included that can easily be cut if needed). Power of Language (Fantastic for nailing A02 for the Edexcel Board). Explore the ways in which Shakespeare explores the power of language in Othello. You must relate your discussion to relevant contextual factors and ideas from your critical reading. Although tailored to the Edexcel course, this resource is great for the AQA, OCR and WJEC courses as well. Hopefully you will find this resource very useful, but should you have any questions regarding this resource or the course in general, do not hesitate to email alevelrevisionmadeeasy@gmail.com
Early Tudors History A-Level Revision: The government of Henry VII and threats to his rule

Early Tudors History A-Level Revision: The government of Henry VII and threats to his rule

Early Tudors History A-Level Revision: The government of Henry VII and threats to his rule. Looking for extensive and highly detailed notes? Then these are just for you! 17-pages of highly easy to understand notes to help you revise the government module of the Early Tudors History A-Level course. Included is a sharable PDF document and a editable word document. It is advisable to take what you want from these notes. They have been written from using a variety of textbooks, historical books (such as Richard Rex’s ‘The Tudors’) and sources. Thank you very much for your interest in this resource. Should you require any further information regarding the resource or the course in general, please do not hesitate to email alevelrevisionmadeeasy@gmail.com
Civil Rights in the USA Thematic Study Notes for African American Rights (A-Level History)

Civil Rights in the USA Thematic Study Notes for African American Rights (A-Level History)

Civil Rights in the USA : African America Revision Notes 45 pages / 14,000 words of content for African American rights in the USA. Revision Notes broken up into themes and sub-themes for ease. For example: Topic: The Position of African Americans in 1865 (The Reconstruction Period) What was the position of African Americans in 1865? Subtopic: The Position of African Americans in 1865 • April 1865 South came within the Union’s jurisdiction and slaves became free • New status as freedmen did not mean that they immediately gained the same rights as white owners • War left the position of African Americans unresolved o One suggestion that all former slaves should leave the USA but Lincoln ruled this out o Another idea was to ensure African Americans had the same rights and status of whites  Formidable problems in south given the resentment by a defeated white population accustomed to considering African Americans as property • Former slaves caught between being legally free and not being seen as equal • Issue of quite what they were free to do – no means of making a living • Sharecropping o White landowners allowed former slaves to work their land in return for a considerable share of what was produced o Not very different from slavery The sources used to create this resource include the following: OCR Textbooks and Revision Guide for this unit America’s Women (Gail Collins) Massolit Lecture Videos (Subscription required) America’s Dream (Garson) BBC In Our Time Podcast on Martin Luther King (Highly recommend In Our Time for extra detail) This resource includes a sharable PDF version and a editable Word Document. Furthermore, there is also a link to a very helpful Youtube Video that informed this document. Thank you very much for your interest in this resource. Any further questions please email alevelrevisionmadeeasy@gmail.com
Civil Rights in the USA Synthesis / Thematic Tables (Woman, NA, AA and TU) covering the period

Civil Rights in the USA Synthesis / Thematic Tables (Woman, NA, AA and TU) covering the period

Civil Rights in the USA : Synthesis Tables (Women, Trade Unions, Native Americans and African Americans) Revision Notes broken up into themes and tables for synthesis. Highly useful resource for the thematic and synthetic style questions. Colour Coded: Red - Negative Change Green - Positive Change BOLD - Highly Significant Event The tables for Women and Trade Unions have been thoroughly filled out with significant amounts of detail. Due to the nature of the 2022 exams, however, the Native Americans and African Americans tables are less detailed with space for you to add your own facts. Please use the tables for Women and Trade Unions as a guide (although the colour coding still applies to the latter tables). Space to fill in your own ideas / thoughts / facts ! Also included are extra tables to complete for your own active revision. The sources used to create this resource include the following: OCR Textbooks and Revision Guide for this unit America’s Women (Gail Collins) Massolit Lecture Videos (Subscription required) America’s Dream (Garson) Martin Luther King (Highly recommend In Our Time for extra detail) Thank you very much for your interest in this resource. Any further questions please email alevelrevisionmadeeasy@gmail.com (or if you would require a preview before purchase).
Fascism in Italy 1911-1946 Detailed Revision Guide and Course Workbook (OCR A-Level History)

Fascism in Italy 1911-1946 Detailed Revision Guide and Course Workbook (OCR A-Level History)

Fascism in Italy 1911-1946 Highly Detailed Revision Notes for the entire course as stipulated by the specification and a course workbook to aid your revision. Nearly 50 pages of highly detailed analysis, containing optimum detail and thoroughly knowledge. These notes have been formulated to correlate entirely with the exam specification (editable Word version and a sharable PDF version). Also included is a workbook (40 pages), which has also been produced to match the specification. In order to benefit from the workbook, it is important to have both the revision notes to hand and the Access to History: Italy: The Rise of Fascism 1896–1946 Should you require this book cheaply, I have two available copies which I am selling at £4.50 each as they are in fantastic condition (retail price on Amazon is £19.40). Please email the below address should you be interested in this deal. Please do not hesitate to email alevelrevisionmadeeasy@gmail.com should you have any questions regarding this resource or the OCR course in general. If you do purchase, and like, this resource, it will be most appreciated if you left a review.
Russia and its Rulers Khrushchev Depth Study A* Information

Russia and its Rulers Khrushchev Depth Study A* Information

Russia and its Rulers 1855-1964 Khrushchev A-Level History Revision Notes Depth Study Revision Material targeting the following themes: Khrushchev (De-Stalinisation, Economy and Society, Cold War and Satellite States). Rulers include: Khrushchev. The material used to write these revision notes have come from the following sources: Russia and its Rulers 1855-1964 A-Level OCR Textbooks and Revision Guide Orlando Figes’ Useful Website ‘Revolutionary Russia’ (Subscription Required) Soviet Union Primary Source Material Orlando Figes’ ‘A People’s Tragedy’ William Taubman’s ‘Khrushchev: The Man and his Era’ Russia and its Rulers Lecture Series on Massolit (Subscription Required) PERSONAL CONTACT/INFORMATION WITH WILLIAM TAUBMAN AND NINA KHRUSHCHEVA (Granddaughter of Khrushchev) Thank you very much for your interest in this source.
French A-Level Full Independent Research Project : May 1968 riots in France

French A-Level Full Independent Research Project : May 1968 riots in France

This resource is perfect for those who want to save time on researching for their IRP for French A-Level or, alternatively, to serve as an example of a high-level research project. Title (taken from the French A-Level Specification) : May 1968 the causes and the consequences. Included in the document: Powerpoint Presentation full of top quality research, sources and ideas (included answers to possible follow up questions - over 70 slides!) A written 2-minute presentation on May 1968. Extra answers for the wider discussion on the following themes (over 40 pages): Context : Les Trentes Glorieuses et le repise économique, Une société en pleine mutation et Les oubliés de la croissance économique. Acteurs Principaux: Charles de Gaulle, homme d’état français, Georges Pompidou, homme d’état français et Daniel Cohn-Bendit, homme politique allemand. Le Catalyseur: L’université de Nanterre et ‘Dany le rouge’ (Daniel Cohn-Bendit). Les Causes: L’usure du pouvoir, L’insatisfaction estudiantine, La politique à l’université, Le défi à la hiérarchie et Les ouvriers. Le Mouvement de Mai 1968 (for background knowledge) : Le mouvement de 22 mars, La première nuit des barricades, Les ouvriers entrent en grève, Une France paralysée, Les accords de Grenelle. La Crise: La Crise Étudiante, La Crise Sociale et La Crise Politique. Les Conséquences: Un président de plus en plus décrié, Une société bouleversée, Les accords de Grenelle et une victoire pour les ouvriers, Les étudiants et la loi Edgard Faure et La place de l’homme dans la société de consommation (une contradiction problématique). Les Revendications ailleurs dans le monde francophone: Belgique, Sénégal et Tunisie. L’héritage de Mai 1968. Les Sources : Le journal de Mavis Gallant, Milou en Mai par Louis Malle, Jean-Paul Sartre sur la violence et Emmanuel Macron (Un mai 1968 en 2018?) Pourquoi Mai 1968? Ce qui me frappe le plus… Thank you very much for your interest in this resource. It took me the course of two years to produce and collate the information, so I hope that it will be greatly helpful to you.