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Fun and engaging learning resources for a range of subjects, ages and school settings! We also have a range of teacher development, workload and CPD resources too. The resource creator is an experienced Religious Studies Teacher and Special Educational Needs, Disabilities and Inclusion Specialist. Have you got your learn on yet? REMEMBER... Get in touch to claim your resource. #GetYourLearnOn #BePrepared




Fun and engaging learning resources for a range of subjects, ages and school settings! We also have a range of teacher development, workload and CPD resources too. The resource creator is an experienced Religious Studies Teacher and Special Educational Needs, Disabilities and Inclusion Specialist. Have you got your learn on yet? REMEMBER... Get in touch to claim your resource. #GetYourLearnOn #BePrepared
Freud on the Conscience Handout!

Freud on the Conscience Handout!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback! I created these resource for A Level OCR Theology course, but it could be used for any exam board. They are a revision sheet containing some key A01/A02 information on the concept of Sigmund Freud's view of the conscience. It could be used as a handout, for students to make notes and summarise into their own words. Or, it could be used as an example for a flip learning activity, where students take control of their learning, they could doing this by summarising what they know and creating a presentation to the rest of the class in groups, using this sheet as a starting point. The handout includes: * AO1 Knowledge - Who is Freud? What did Freud conclude? The world full of objects. * AO2 Knowledge - Freud and guilt, Strengths and Weaknesses. * Key Words * A summary of the conscience. * A summary of Freud's viewpoints. ************************************************************************************************************************ If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email thomassaunders00@gmail or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
Quick 5 Min Lesson Plan Template

Quick 5 Min Lesson Plan Template

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don’t really bother) - I do really value your feedback. This resource is a complete template for a 5 min lesson plan that I have created. While it is designed to be quick it is also designed to support you with your lesson planning and thinking behind the purpose of each aspect, task and question within the lesson. The format follows the lesson cycle - Connect, Engage, Activate, Demonstrate and Consolidate. There is also space for lesson outcomes, specific questions that you want to pose/ask during the lesson, adaptive teaching opportunities (SEND, PP, EAL etc and Challenges for higher order/attaining thinking). There is also space for assessment for learning, do it now ans consolidation activities, lesson activities and class details, such as date, class, subject and lesson title or focus. This is also a quick way to reduce workload on planning and capture your thought for your lesson all on one easy to read and follow sheet - happy planning! If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or sendisaunders@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help!
BTEC L3 Business Studies: Unit 3 - FCA Handout!

BTEC L3 Business Studies: Unit 3 - FCA Handout!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn #AskAllRes I created this resource to be used as a hand for BTEC L3 Business Studies: Unit 3 – Personal and Business Finance, Section B3, consumer protection in relation to personal finance; Financial Conduct Authority. It is a handout which includes everything students need to know in relation to the FCA of the spec. From role and responsibility, to function and advantages and disadvantages. It also includes a case study. This is a good resource to summary the FCA in one simple handout sheet. Clear and concise format, with simple notes for students to learn the key and relevant facts needed for this section on the FCA. Using this resource students could create their own mind-maps or flashcards, to consolidate their knowledge and understanding. ************************************************************************************************************************ If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
OCR A Level Theology: Developments in Christian Thoughts - AUGUSTINE Summary Sheets!

OCR A Level Theology: Developments in Christian Thoughts - AUGUSTINE Summary Sheets!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn #AskAllRes I created this resource OCR A Level Theology: Developments through Christian Thought. It is a complete set of revision learning mind-maps for the topic of Augustine on Human Nature, covering everything included in the specification. This resource includes everything students need to know for this content area, fully preparing students for an essay/exam practice in this area of learning. From Augustine on Human Nature; his teaching, AO1 knowledge, his influences, his view on the soul, his book, his view on sin to holistic and secular views of additional scholars; Pelagius and Jean Paul Sartre. Also, included is a simple and summative evaluation, giving a holistic approach of psychology with prison experiments – great A* level work and for those students who are aiming high! Includes, quotes to refer to as supporting and backing up evidence! The design includes colour and easy to understand font, with clear boxes for each content area. You could print this in A3 for good use and easy to follow text sizing. For best practice print in colour where possible. ************************************************************************************************************************ If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
BTEC L3 Business Studies: Unit 3 - Personal & Business Finance Independent Study Booklet! EDITABLE!

BTEC L3 Business Studies: Unit 3 - Personal & Business Finance Independent Study Booklet! EDITABLE!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn ------------------------ A MUST HAVE FOR ANY UNIT 3 STUDENTS! ------------------------ UPDATED: This now includes an EDITABLE Word Document, to adapt accordingly to your school! - If edited please don't share and inform @AllRoundRes! I created this resource for BTEC Level 3 Business Studies, Unit 3 Personal and Business Finance. It is a study and revision booklet, which should be used alongside lessons and studies. Students should make sure that they have with them during every lesson and they should have it to hand to make notes, RAG rate and track learning etc. This 11 page, comprehensive study booklet, with help students during lessons, giving them a break-down of the content that they are learning. It will help them understand what next lesson with be focused on. It will allow them to successfully plan their study time and revision, making sure that they cover and recap everything that they have learnt. Also, allowing them to track their learning and revision #GetYourLearnOn The booklet contains: *A Front/Back Cover Page – Where student can record their personal details and interact with the @AllRoundRes Community and share their questions, thought, revision, ideas and tips with each other! *A Unit 3 Overview Page – Gives a summary of what student can expect to learn from the unit, how they will be assessed (AO1, 2, 3 and 4), and the exam command words and marks ranger per AO question type. *A Simple Revision Checklist – A 6-page revision checklist, simplifying into a bullet points what they need to know for each section; A, B, C, D, E and F. Its colour coded per section so students can clearly understand what section they are in, with space to make notes. *Notes and Thinking Page – A space where students to make notes for assignments, deadlines and homework etc. Questions that students should answer when revising. *A Whole Unit 3 Checklist Overview – Students should RAG rate each section at the given times during revision. This allows students to focus revision on the section they struggle with. *A General Revision Tips Page – This page gives tips for students to revise effectively and successfully. It also gives @AllRoundRes Top 10 Tips for SUCCESSFUL revision! *************************************************************************************** If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
@AllRoundRes BTEC L3 Business Studies UNIT 3 BUNDLE!

@AllRoundRes BTEC L3 Business Studies UNIT 3 BUNDLE!

12 Resources
Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn #AskAllRes -------------------SAVE 26%------------------- This BUNDLE contains all of @AllRoundRes BTEC Level 3 Business Studies, Unit 3 - Personal & Business Finance resources! From student friendly study guide, to self-assessment checklists, to revision learning maps and handouts (Exam practice), AND Exam command words display pack! Send us your pics, of your students completing the activities, how you have used them in lessons and what student think! We want to know their bright ideas!... @AllRoundRes ********************************************* If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
OCR A Level Theology: Essay Question Practice Booklet! #GetYourLearnOn

OCR A Level Theology: Essay Question Practice Booklet! #GetYourLearnOn

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don’t really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn #AskAllRes I created this resource OCR A Level Theology: Philosophy of Religion, Religious Ethics and Developments in Christian Thoughts. It is a booklet of all the possible essay titles for the exam. The first page gives a summary of subject, with exam details and how students will be assessed when writing essays. There, is then an explanation of how this booklet should be used. After students, have revised the topic they should be pick a question to answer, to further expand on their knowledge and test themselves to see what they have learnt, by practically applying it to writing essays, as this is how they are assessed. To do this, they should, use a sheet of paper to do the ‘blurt’ method, and then print out and essay planner sheet (See shops!) to plan their essay. They should then write the essay and hand it to the teacher. or, alternatively, you can use this as a guide to form part of your revision plan, or timed essays in class after a topic is taught. For best use, print into a booklet and colour! But you can print in B&W. If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
AQA A Level Geography: Changing Places 'How to answer Case Study questions?'

AQA A Level Geography: Changing Places 'How to answer Case Study questions?'

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback! I created this resource for A Level AQA Geography (Human), but it could be used for any exam board. It is based on the topic of changing places. It is a set of two full lessons, on 'how to answer a case study question?', for 9 and 20 mark case study questions. Includes, everything students need to know to be able to answer these questions successfully, achieving full marks. Contains (For both lessons): * Starters/Plenaries * Tasks * What does the specification say? * AO1/AO2 Contents * Practice questions ************************************************************************************************************************ If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email thomassaunders00@gmail or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
BTEC L3 Business Studies 'What you need to know?' Checklist2

BTEC L3 Business Studies 'What you need to know?' Checklist2

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback! ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn #AskAllRes I created this resource for BTEC Level 3 Business Studies course (Unit 2 Developing a marketing campaign), but it could be used for any exam board. It is a checklist for all of the content that students need to know about the topic, in preparation for the assessment. They should use this as a working document, so they can track their learning and what the need to re-practice. It is a good tool to help students create any revision resources, i.e. mind-maps and cue cards etc. It is all on one PowerPoint slide for ease of understanding and layout. I have also included a PDF version. Each section is colour coded, in relation to the specification! (See below for a guide). It also has a section on what should be included in a marketing campaign plan. Green - A: Introduction to the principles and purposes of marketing that underpin the creation of a rationale for a marketing campaign. Blue - B: Using information to develop the rationale for a marketing campaign. Orange: C: Planning and developing a marketing campaign. Yellow - What should be in a marketing plan? ************************************************************************************************************************ If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email thomassaunders00@gmail or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
Year 11 Exam Stress Reflection Service: WE ARE ALL UNIQUE!

Year 11 Exam Stress Reflection Service: WE ARE ALL UNIQUE!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback ********** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ********** I created this resource, as part of the Catholic Life at my school. It is a reflection service based on Year 11 Exam Stress. The theme is; we are all UNIQUE! It is a full service bundle, containing the essentials for a engaging, effective and relaxing service. The service itself is designed to help students reflect on the good, the bad and what they want to achieve in the future. Recognising that they are UNIQUE. With time for self-reflection and meditation. It is perfect for a whole year group, during form time or a lesson should you wish to. Although it is based on Year 11 and exams it could be adapted for any year group. Included is a PPT containing everything needed for service, all the music and videos are imbedded for full effect. A Word document is also included, containing a plan for the service and all the reading which correspond with the numbers on the slide in a blue box, in the top right corner. I have also included all the music and video separately, in case of technical issues. The Service includes: * An Introduction * Opening and Closing Prayers/Reflection * Gift of being/Kid President Pep Talk Videos * Scripture Readings * Quote Reflection * Bidding Prayers * Meditation Reflection ************************************************************************************************************************ If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email thomassaunders00@gmail or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
AfL Assessment Stickers! Emoji Style!

AfL Assessment Stickers! Emoji Style!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback! ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** I created this resource as a quick and easy AfL tool. It is designed so that students can quickly fill it in at the end of the lesson. Let's students complete a self-reflection of the lesson, in terms of their personal performance, engagement and behaviour. Let's you gain an insight into what your students like, what they need to work on and practice and what they feel that they do next lesson. 10 stickers on page. Designed to be put at the bottom of a page in a students book at the end of the lesson. Simply and easy to fill in! Included is a PDF and Word version, to make it easier to print off and edit/adapt to your needs! Contents include: * WWW/EBI * Rate my lesson - emoji style! * RAG rate - behaviour: What should I do next lesson? ********************************************************************* If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email thomassaunders00@gmail or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! ***** Preview


7 Resources
Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback! ************** SAVE 15% ************** ------A MUST HAVE FOR THE EXAM SEASON!------ This bundle contains everything you to prepare your students for the exam period! From motivational classroom posters and wall display. To a poster to help make sure students know and understand how they can access high grades. To quotes of the day; everyday! To the perfect way to start any lesson and get students brains warmed up and ready to learn. To a Year 11 Exam Stress service to kick of exam season in style. Ending in a range of prayers to start any exam, in a state of calmness, reflection and anxiety free! **************************************************************************** If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email thomassaunders00@gmail or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
GCSE Media Studies: Mise-en-scene Film Analysis Worksheet

GCSE Media Studies: Mise-en-scene Film Analysis Worksheet

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback! ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** I created this resource for GCSE Media Studies, for exam practice. But can be used at any level. It is a sheet to help student evaluate a scene in a film, using the theory of mise-en-scene. The sheet itself involves students choosing a scene from a film and evaluate it. Included in the PDF is an example that I have done using the film 'Kingsman: The Secret Service' as an example. Students should be able to recall and understand key media principles and knowledge of what key terms mean, like 'mise-en-scene'. This sheet is designed to allow students to do exactly this, allowing students to practice this. It is advised that this could be used as a homework sheet or lesson activity to work alongside a lesson on this topic. It is suggested that this sheet could be printed in A3 to allow students to write a more in-depth in evaluation. Could also be printed back-to-back to give students an example to refer to if unsure or stuck. ********************************************************************* If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email thomassaunders00@gmail or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
Google Sketch-Up Lesson 1: Investigating Advantages and Disadvantages and the Tools!

Google Sketch-Up Lesson 1: Investigating Advantages and Disadvantages and the Tools!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback! ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** I created this resource for KS3/4 students. But, it could be used for GCSE lessons. This lesson is part of a 2-part lesson focusing on Google Sketch-Up. Lesson 1 focuses on advantages and disadvantages and the tools used. To get students warmed up and ready to learn... they should copy the dog! The lesson starts of by students guessing what the lesson is on... by a game of hangman - clues included! Lesson objectives and success criteria included - colour coded and includes G&T! Range of tasks, including; paired thinking activities, class debate on advantages and disadvantages of using Google sketch-up (help sheet provided). AfL check of what students have learnt and achieved based on the LO's and SC. Plenary includes 'Sketch-up Splat' and exam questions. ********************************************************************* If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
Whole School: Literacy Marking Code Classroom Posters! All Levels!

Whole School: Literacy Marking Code Classroom Posters! All Levels!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** I created this resource, as part of a whole school literacy programme. The main aim is to encourage positive marking from teachers when students write extended pieces of work or the marking of their books. Helps students recognise what they need to change and improve on for next time, allowing them to correct the mistakes that they have made. Helping students improve their writing! The resource itself is a set of marking code posters to display in classrooms. Teachers should use these codes when marking students work in all subjects, this will help students to have unity and a sense of understanding in what has been marked as each code will be the same. Four simple posters to summarise marking principles! They are designed to be used across the whole school, in all levels and all subjects. They are colour coded for ease and clarity. The first poster could be printed small, to stick in student’s books or planner so that they know what the codes mean. Around the outside are small codes to remind students of what to include when writing, e.g. types of punctuation, how to present work – underline and how work will be marked. The pack itself includes: * Quality of Written Communication *Punctuation *Paragraphs *Spelling and Grammar ************************************************************************************************************************ If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
BTEC L3 Business Studies: Unit 2 - Developing a Marketing Campaign Study Booklet! EDITABLE!

BTEC L3 Business Studies: Unit 2 - Developing a Marketing Campaign Study Booklet! EDITABLE!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn #AskAllRes ------------------------ A MUST HAVE FOR ANY UNIT 2 STUDENTS! -----------------------_ UPDATED: This now includes an EDITABLE Word Document, to adapt accordingly to your school! - If edited please don't share and inform @AllRoundRes! I created this resource for BTEC Level 3 Business Studies, Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign. It is a study and revision booklet, which should be used alongside lessons and studies. Students should make sure that they have with them during every lesson and they should have it to hand to make notes, RAG rate and track learning etc. This 11 page, comprehensive study booklet, with help students during lessons, giving them a break-down of the content that they are learning. It will help them understand what next lesson with be focused on. It will allow them to successfully plan their study time and revision, making sure that they cover and recap everything that they have learnt. Also, allowing them to track their learning and revision #GetYourLearnOn The booklet contains: *A Front/Back Cover Page – Where student can record their personal details and interact with the @AllRoundRes Community and share their questions, thought, revision, ideas and tips with each other! * A Unit 2 Overview Page – Gives a summary of what student can expect to learn from the unit, how they will be assessed (AO1, 2, 3 and 4). * A Key Terms Section – Students can revise all key terms with Unit 2. *A Simple Revision Checklist – A revision checklist, simplifying into a bullet points what they need to know for each section; A, B and C. Its colour coded per section so students can clearly understand what section they are in. There is also space to make notes. At the end includes a mini revision knowledge section. *Notes and Thinking Page – A space where students to make notes for assignments, deadlines and homework etc. Questions that students should answer when revising. *A Whole Unit 2 Checklist Overview – Students should RAG rate each section at the given times during revision. *A General Revision Tips Page – This page gives tips for students to revise effectively and successfully. It also gives @AllRoundRes Top 10 Tips for SUCCESSFUL revision! ********************************************************************* If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
A Level Theology: Essay/Revision AO1 & AO2 Evaluation Sheet!* #Proforma

A Level Theology: Essay/Revision AO1 & AO2 Evaluation Sheet!* #Proforma

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don’t really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn #AskAllRes I created this resource to be used for OCR A Level Theology, but could be used for any exam board or level. It’s a designed to be used as a key revision summary sheet. This sheet allows students to successfully plan and develop an essay, step-by-step, including everything they need to achieve the top grades! Split into two separate sections; AO1 and AO2. Which allows students to plan their essay exactly while focusing on what they are going to write, how and critically evaluating their arguments. Allows students to plan for each assessment objectives, showing the examiner that they know what they are talking about, in a well organised, justified and evaluative manor. Encourages students to plan and write questions that they should be answering in the essay, to successfully and effectively answer the question! Reminds students that they should be constantly linking back to the question! A great way to plan an essay, to successful balance and counter argue concepts and arguments within content specification. Breaking down, what students need to know and add in their essay and key revision of content into simple and effective break-downs. Easily adaptable for any form of theology; philosophy, ethics or developments. Ready to go, plan for an essay. Great to use when planning an essay as a class, individually or to use for independent study of revision of key content areas. ************************************************************************************************************************ If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
AQA A Level Geography: Changing Places - Knowledge Organiser of Key Terms!*

AQA A Level Geography: Changing Places - Knowledge Organiser of Key Terms!*

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don’t really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn #AskAllRes I created this resource for A Level AQA Geography (Human), but it could be used for any exam board. It is based on the topic of changing places. It is a full list of key terms for the unit… a #KnowledgeOrganiser. This allows students to effectively revise all key concepts needed for the unit. All key words, are in an organised and simple fashion, easy to follow and understand. Students can also use these as a basis for revision. Create mind-maps, cue cards and topic links! ************************************************************************************************************************ If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
BTEC L3 Business: Unit 3 - Learning Aims A, B, C, D, E & F - ALL AIMS! - Exam Revision Grid Sheets!

BTEC L3 Business: Unit 3 - Learning Aims A, B, C, D, E & F - ALL AIMS! - Exam Revision Grid Sheets!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn #AskAllRes I created this resource for BTEC L3 Business Studies, Unit 3 – Personal and Business Finance is a FULL combined revision guide, containing the full set of revision grid sheets Learning Aims; A, B, C, D, E and F. It is a FULL set of revision sheets to help students revise. This resource coincides with @AllRoundRes Unit 3 Study Guide - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-l3-business-studies-unit-3-personal-and-business-finance-independent-study-booklet-editable-11697998 It takes up the format of a revision grids, with numerous questions and activities to be completed for that section of the learning aim. These sheets are READY to go. Just print and hand to the students to use as a revision tool. This resource allows students to revise the WHOLE spec, of that learning aim in FULL DEATAIL. Helping students access higher grades! This could be printed as a booklet, as this resource contains ALL Learning Aims for the UNIT 3 EXAM! - #ACEtheExam This revision resource covers: *A1: Function and Role of Money, *A2: Different Ways to Pay, *A3: Current Accounts *A4: Managing Personal Finance *B1: Features of Financial Institutions *B2: Communicating with Customers *B3: Customer Protection in relation to Personal Finance *B4: Information, Advice and Guidance *C1: Purpose of Accounting *C2: Types of Income *C3: Types of Expenditure *D1: Sources of Finance *E1: Cashflow Forecasts *E2: Break-even analysis *F1: Statement of Comprehensive Income *F2: Statement of Financial Position *F3: Measuring Profitability *F4: Measuring Liquidity *F5: Measuring Efficiency *F6: Limitations of Ratios *Learning Aims; A, B, C, D, E and F Exam Style Questions. Students will use the revision sheets to help them form their answers. Students should also use the case studies, where possible to help form and justify their answers. Answers can be suited to your specific teaching style and wording! I would suggest if possible printing in colour (to keep the colour code) and in A3, to allow for room for students to fill in their answers. *************************************************************************************** If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
GCSE AQA Just War Theory Worksheet

GCSE AQA Just War Theory Worksheet

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don’t really bother) - I do really value your feedback. This resource is a worksheet for the Just War Theory topic, within Theme D - Religion, Peace and Conflict. Students have three sections to complete and familiarise themselves with. The first section has the 7 different conditions of the Just War Theory for students to know and understand. The second is space for students to identify any problems with the condition, this will help them with explanation and evaluation points for 12 markers etc. The final section is space for students to apply the Just War Theory to a specific war as a case study example to support their written answers, for examples WW1, WW2, Falklands or Iraq Wars etc. The resource is completely editable but designed in an easy to read, follow and complete way. If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or sendisaunders@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help!