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I have looked at past papers and focused this revision on areas of the specification not examined yet/recently.
This is for the AQA Geography GCSE exam on 5th June 2024.
I have also included a booklet for students to complete that goes alongside the powerpoint.
Information from powerpoint has also been summarised for students using knowledge organisers so they can learn the content at home.

I have looked at past papers and focused this revision on areas of the specification not examined yet/recently.
This is for the AQA Geography GCSE exam on Friday 17th May 2024.
Included - 104 slide revision powerpoint focusing on; hazard risk, distribution of vulcanicity, case studies for earthquakes, reducing the impacts of tectonic hazards, causes, features and formation of tropical storms, climate change and tropical storms, Typhoon Haiyan, evidence for climate change, environmental impacts of climate change, adaptation and mitigation strategies, rainforest physical characteristics, animal adaptations, causes of deforestation in the Amazon, strategies to manage rainforests, desert adaptations, desertification - causes, impacts and responses, long and cross profile of rivers, floodplains, waterfalls, interlocking spurs, levees, River Tees case study, flood hydrographs, flood management, types of waves, erosional landforms - arches, stacks, headlands and bays, sand dunes, Dorset landforms and management in Lyme Regis. Exam questions with guidance embedded in powerpoint.
I have also included a booklet for students to complete that goes alongside the powerpoint.
Information from powerpoint has also been summarised for students using knowledge organisers so they can learn the content at home.

A Level Geography - Changing Places Theory - Fully resourced lessons - 10+ hours
Fully resourced lessons covering the Changing places theory.
Wide range of different activities for students to complete.

A-Level Geography Changing Places - Lesson 7 - Representations of place
Fully resourced lesson covering this area of the specification:
How places may be represented in a variety of different forms such as advertising copy, tourist agency material, local art exhibitions in diverse media (eg film, photography, art, story, song etc) that often give contrasting images to that presented formally or statistically such as cartography and census data
Range of activities included e.g true or false, table to complete, geo-spatial data and exam question with mark scheme

A Level Changing Places - Lesson 6 - Management and manipulation of place meaning
Fully resourced lesson covering this area of the specification:
Meaning and representation:
How external agencies, including government, corporate bodies and community or local groups make attempts to influence or create specific place-meanings and thereby shape the actions and behaviours of individuals, groups, businesses and institutions.
A wide variety of tasks including a sorting activity, tables to complete, case studies and an exam question with markscheme at the end. Focuses on regeneration, rebranding, reimaging and place meaning.

A Level Geography Changing places Lessons 4 and 5 - Relationships and connections
Fully resourced lesson covering the following areas of the specification:
Relationships and connections
The impact of relationships and connections on people and place with a particular focus on:
changing demographic and cultural characteristics
economic change and social inequalities.
How the demographic, socio-economic and cultural characteristics of places are shaped by shifting flows of people, resources, money and investment, and ideas at all scales from local to global.
The characteristics and impacts of external forces operating at different scales from local to global, including either government policies or the decisions of transnational corporations or the impacts of international or global institutions.
How past and present connections, within and beyond localities, shape places and embed them in the regional, national, international and global scales.
Wide variety of tasks - odd one out, video, comprehensions, tables, sorting activity, key word matching tasks and exam questions with mark scheme.

AQA A LEVEL coasts fully resourced lessons - 15 lessons
Fully resourced lessons with a wide range of activities for students to complete:
Retrieval practice
Exam questions, mark schemes and some model answers
Sorting activities, debates, crosswords, comprehension tasks.
All lessons linked to the specification.

2023 Geography Christmas Quiz - Geography in the news and general knowledge quiz
Geography quiz and answer sheet for 2023.
There are 5 rounds in total and 20 questions are based on news stories from 2023.
Round 1 – Geography in the news 2023 – Dingbats round - questions with a dingbats (catchphrase) clue
Round 2 – Geography in the news 2023 – Maps round - questions about place with an outline map.
Round 3 – Globalisation round – Guess the Logo
Round 4 – Landmarks map – Where did Santa leave his hat?
Bonus Round – Christmas food miles - maths skills task
Answer sheet included and answers are displayed on the PowerPoint at the end of each round.

Changing places - lesson 3 - Endogenous and exogenous factors fully resourced lesson
A-Level changing places fully resourced lesson.
Lesson 3 - Factors contributing to the character of places - exogenous and endogenous.
Range of different activities for students to complete.
Exam question included with indicative content.

Changing places lesson 2 - Categories of place - Fully resourced lesson
A-Level Geography
Specification content covered :
Categories of place:
Near and far places
Experienced places and media places
Fully resourced lesson.
Range of different activities for students to complete. No other resources required e.g. books. Lesson ends with an exam question. Indicative content included.

Changing places - Lesson 1 - The concept of place. Fully resourced lesson
Fully resourced lesson covering:
The concept of place and the importance of place in human life and experience.
Insider and outsider perspectives of place
Various tasks for students to complete e.g mind map, tables and exam question.
Mark scheme included for exam question.
No other resources e.g books required.

Volcanoes and Earthquakes Scheme of Work- Progress in Geography
8 lessons covering the topic from the progress in Geography textbook - Can we ever know enough about volcanoes and earthquakes to live safely?
Fully resourced - no need for any other resources.
A wide range of different activities:
Information hunt
Odd one out tasks
Retrieval quizzes
Comprehension tasks
Case study sheets
Hexagon tasks

Reducing the risk of living near volcanoes - Fully resourced lesson - Progress in Geography
Fully resourced lesson covering how people can manage the risk of living in active zone.
Mystery task - why do people live in active zones.
Key word match task - prediction, preparation and planning
Video on how risk is managed in Sicily
Hexagon task focusing on how the risk is managed in Sicily.
Follows the Hodder Progress in Geography text book.

What are Volcanoes? Fully resourced lesson - Follows Hodder Progress in Geography
A fully resourced lesson looking at volcanoes. Follows the Progress in Geography SOW.
Lesson includes:
Careers starter - Volcano blogger
Video - with questions
Volcano cross section for students to complete.
Matching task - dormant, extinct and active
Students create a table comparing the shield and composite volcanoes

Reducing the risk of earthquakes - Fully resourced lesson
Can people manage risk living in earthquake zones.
Fully resourced lesson - students look at how Japan prepares for earthquakes by completing an information hunt. They then compare this to Nepals response to the 2015 earthquake.
Follows the Hodder Progress in Geography book

Introduction to earthquakes and the 2015 Nepal earthquake - Fully resourced lesson
A fully resourced lesson covering:
What earthquakes are and why they happen -video and key term matching task
Nepal earthquake - case study sheet for students to complete using the information the powerpoint.
Follows the Progress in Geography Hodder book.

Plate Margins Fully Resourced lesson - Progress in Geography
Fully resourced lesson - What happens at plate boundaries?
Follows the Hodder Progress in Geography book.

The Structure of the Earth - Fully resourced lesson
Range of activities covering the structure of the Earth.
Follows the Hodder Progress in Geography text book - but this is not required.
Fully resourced lesson.

Distribution of earthquakes, volcanoes and mountain belts - Fully resourced lesson
A fully resourced lesson focusing on sea floor spreading and the distribution of earthquakes, volcanoes and mountain belts. Includes a wide variety of different activities. Follows the Hodder Progress in Geography books.