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AQA Sociology A Level Research methods - Topic 1 - Choosing a research method
4 hours worth of lessons covering Topic 1 of section 3 'Research methods'.
Lessons cover the following:
Primary and secondary data
Differences between quantitative and qualitative data
Practical, ethical and theoretical issues influencing a sociologists research
Differences between positivists and interpretivists
Factors influencing choice of topic
The process of research
Sampling techniques
Wide range of resources and activities e.g. sorting tasks, exam questions and discussions
Some references to Napier Press book - but mainly ppt based.

AQA 9-1 Geography Case study booklets
2 resources included in this bundle:
1: A thorough case study booklet including all of the case studies needed for Paper 1 - Living with the Physical environment.
Case studies include:
Tectonic hazards - Chile and Nepal
Tropical storm - Typhoon Haiyan
Extreme weather in the UK - Somerset levels
Small scale ecosystem - Overton Lake, Peterborough
Tropical rainforest - Malaysia
Hot desert - Sahara
Coastal landforms - Dorset coast
Coastal management - Lyme Regis
River landforms - River Tees
Flood management - Banbury
2. A thorough case study booklet including all of the case studies needed for Paper 2 - Challenges in the human environment
Case studies include:
Rio de Janeiro
Favela Bairro Project
Temple Quarter Regeneration
Tourism in Jamaica
Hanson Cement

AQA Geography GCSE 2018 - Paper 2 - Challenges in the human environment- Case study booklet
A thorough case study booklet including all of the case studies needed for Paper 2 - Challenges in the human environment
Case studies include:
Rio de Janeiro
Favela Bairro Project
Temple Quarter Regeneration
Tourism in Jamaica
Hanson Cement

AQA Geography GCSE - Paper 1 revision work booklets
Included in each booket:
Knowledge tests after each section of specification content
A wide range of different exam questions
Structure strips for the 9 mark questions
Detailed case study sheets
Various activities all linked to the specification to aid students revision
Space for DIRT/FIT work
Can be set as homework or in class revision

GCSE Geography - Coastal and River landforms sequencing revision cards
16 double-sided landform formation sequencing cards.
Landforms included:
V-shaped valleys and interlocking spurs
Ox-bow lakes
Wave cut platforms
Wave cut notches
Headlands and Bays
Sand dunes
Caves, arches, stacks and stumps.
Instructions for students:
Print out double sided/copy onto your own revision cards.
Practice sequencing the processes involved in the formation of coastal and river landforms – use look, cover, write and repeat until you know them off by heart.

AQA Geography GCSE 2018 - Paper 1 - Living with the Physical Environment - Case study booklet
A thorough case study booklet including all of the case studies needed for Paper 1 - Living with the Physical environment.
Case studies include:
Tectonic hazards - Chile and Nepal
Tropical storm - Typhoon Haiyan
Extreme weather in the UK - Somerset levels
Small scale ecosystem - Overton Lake, Peterborough
Tropical rainforest - Malaysia
Hot desert - Sahara
Coastal landforms - Dorset coast
Coastal management - Lyme Regis
River landforms - River Tees
Flood management - Banbury

AQA A Level Geography Advance Info - Paper 2 - Changing places revision guide and student workbook
Revision guide and student workbook covering the 2022 advance information for Changing Places - Paper 2

AQA Geography - The changing UK economy fully resourced lessons
A collaboration of lessons created for the ‘Changing UK economy topic’ from the new AQA geography specification. I have included a large range of resources e.g. mysteries, market place tasks, desk mats, dilemmas, case study sheets, mind maps, research tasks, graphs, card sorts and lots more. I have also included practise exam questions to go with each lesson.
The lessons are as follows:
Lesson 1 - Changes in the UK economy
Lesson 2 - A post industrial economy
Lesson 3 - UK science and business parks
Lesson 4 - Environmental impacts of industry - includes examples
Lesson 5 - Changing rural landscapes
Lesson 6 - Changing transport infrastructure - roads, ports, airports and railways
Lesson 7 - The north south divide
Lesson 8 - The UK in the wider world
Lesson 9 - The UK in the wider world - EU and commonwealth

AQA Geography GCSE 9-1 - Paper 2 revision quiz
This is a quiz that I will be using with year 11 during their final revision session for paper 2.
Questions for each section of the paper - each one linked well to the specification.
Answers at the end of the quiz.
Section 1 - Urban issues and challenges
Section 2 - Economic development
Section 3 - Resource management
Section 4 - Case studies

Brazil World cup 2014 geography lessons
I have used a number of resources from the TES website and created powerpoints and activities using them. Thank you if you contributed some of the activities :)

AQA A Level - Hazards - 20 lessons
These fully resourced lessons cover the whole of the hazards topic - introduction to hazards, vulcanicity, seismicity, tropical storms and wildfires.
Fully resourced lessons. Included with this bundle:
Over 30 hours of lessons
Various activities - card sorts, reading tasks, retrieval quizzes, exam questions and mark schemes, multiple choice questions, forms quizzes and lots more.

AQA Geography 2016- Living with the physical environment - Weather Hazards fully resourced lessons
A collaboration of lessons created for teaching the weather hazards topic for the new AQA Geography specification. All resources included. Each lesson has the same structure; connect, activate, demonstrate, consolidate tasks. Learning objectives included for each lesson. I have included a large range of resources e.g. pop-up tropical storm, mysteries, market place tasks, desk mats, mapping tasks, videos, case study sheets, mind maps, cartoon tasks, sorting and matching tasks, research tasks, graphs, card sorts and lots more. I have also included practise exam questions to go with each lesson. Each lesson is 120 minutes.
The lessons are as follows:
Lesson 1 - Global atmospheric circulation
Lesson 2 - Where and how are tropical storms formed?
Lesson 3 - The structure and features of tropical storms
Lessons 4 - Typhoon Haiyan - a tropical storm example study
Lesson 5 - Reducing the effects of tropical storms
Lesson 6 - Weather hazards in the UK
Lessons 7 and 8- The Somerset levels floods, 2016 example study
Lesson 9 - Is the UK becoming more extreme?

Hazards - All lessons - AQA Geography AS/A LEVEL (2018 - new specification)
Complete set of lessons on hazards for teaching the new AQA A Level specification - Over 40 hours worth of lessons. A huge variety of resources. Exam questions and mark schemes included.

AQA Geography 2016 - The development gap - lesson 8 - what is aid
Fully resourced lesson - types of aid table fill, various videos introducing aid and looking at Goat Aid, Is aid good for LICs dilemma task and a practise exam question.

Tectonic hazard management fully resourced lesson
A PowerPoint with various tasks used to teach how the risks from tectonic hazards can be reduced.

OCR B SDME Population and Settlement Revision booklet 2017
A revision guide that I have produced for my year elevens to use to revise for the Population and Settlements SDME exam in the summer. Included are exam tips, SDME predictions, PLCs and all of the content they need to revise. There is also space at the end of the booklet for students to make notes.

2017 OCR B Geography final revision session - sdme population and settlement
Includes all the content students need to revise, PLCs, January 2013 paper with model answers - examples of level 1,2 and 3 statements and a population and settlement quiz.

Coastal management - Lyme Regis
Fully resourced lesson - case study sheet for students to complete, exam question, video, map task, newspaper article and sorting task

2017 Geography Christmas Quiz
Seven rounds:
Where did Santa leave his presents?
Christmas logos
Country catchphrase
Christmas food miles
Where did Santa leave his hat?
Flags of the World?
Where do Santa's letters come from?

AQA - Living World - Retrieval practice
These retrieval sheets are great for revision at the end of the topic/as a starter after the content has been covered.
4 retrieval sheets:
Introduction to ecosystems
The environmental characteristics of the rainforests
The causes and impacts of deforestation in the Amazon
Managing rainforests sustainably