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Geography Continental Drift theory lesson - Progress in Geography
A fully resourced lesson on the theory of continental drift.
Students are introduced to Wegener’s theory of continental drift.
They then complete a mystery task in groups to summarise the evidence in order to answer the lesson title -Why do continents fit together like jigsaw pieces.
Students then create an annotated map showing the evidence and evaluate the theory.

AQA A Level geography coasts revision grids with answers/ knowledge organisers
5 blank revision grids for students to complete to prepare for their exams.
5 completed revision grids also included so that students can check their responses. These can also be used as knowledge organisers.

A Level Geography - Water and Carbon cycles revision grids with answers
5 revision grids for students to complete to support with their revision for the Paper 1 Water and Carbon Cycles unit.
5 grids with answers also included so that students can check their answers - these could also be used as knowledge organisers.

AQA A Level Geography - Christmas quiz - Physical Geography
60 multiple choice questions on Paper 1 - Physical Geography.
Coasts - 20 questions and answers
Water and carbon - 20 questions and answers
Hazards - 20 questions and answers
Answer sheet included

AQA A Level Geography - Physical Geography quizzes bundle - Over 140 questions and answers
AQA A Level set of 3 multiple choice revision quizzes:
Coasts - 50 questions and answers
Water and carbon - Over 40 questions and answers
Hazards - Over 40 questions and answers
Great for revision

A Level Geography Hazards - Multiple choice quiz - Over 40 questions with answers
43 Multiple choice question quiz designed for the AQA A Level specification.
Great for revision. Answers included.

A-Level Geography Water and Carbon Cycles - Multiple choice revision quiz with answers
Water and Carbon Cycles Quiz.
More than 40 multiple choice questions covering the content of the Water and Carbon Cycles topic.
Students can complete in teams or individually.
Answers included at the end.

A Level Geography Coasts 50 question multiple choice quiz
A 50 question quiz covering key words for the A-Level coasts topic.
Answers included at the end.

Africa - Progress in Geography lessons
6 fully resourced lessons covering the Africa progress in Geography topic.

Africa - Does China want to help Africa develop? Progress in Geography
Fully resourced lesson.
Students are introduced to Ethipia and look at the impacts of the Ethiopia-Djibouti electric railway line, analysis a graph showing imports and exports from China to Africa and vice versa, they then look at peoples views on Chinas involvement in Africa.

Africa - Desertification in the Sahel - Progress in Geography
Learning Objectives.
To identify the causes and consequences of desertification in the Sahel.
To explore solutions to desertification in the Sahel.
Fully resourced lesson.
Starter - Odd one out.
Map skills task, video on the causes of desertification, graph analysis task, table looking at the physical and human causes of desertification in the Sahel and video and comprehension task on The man that stopped the desert.

Africa - Climate and Biomes lesson - Progress in Geography
Fully resourced lesson.
Learning Objectives.
To understand the pattern of climate zones and biomes across Africa.
To understand some of the features of the savanna biome in Africa.
Lots of activities to complete:
Students add the biomes to their map of Africa and then answer questions about countries that have these biomes in Africa.
Students then complete a climate chart and use the other two on the sheet to work out which biome it belongs to.
Students then use the deskmat to complete a mini case study of the savanna biome.

Africa - What are the causes of uneven development in Africa?
Fully resourced lesson.
Learning Objectives.
To understand why the world is unequal.
To understand the causes of uneven development in Africa.
To understand the opportunities for development in Africa
Starter - crossword about development indicators.
Main - reciprocal reading task using the prisoners of Geography to support in answering lesson title. Students then complete a diamond nine of the causes of uneven development in Africa and then answer the question. Scaffolding and challenge tasks included.

Africa - How developed are African countries? Progress in Geography
Fully resourced lesson - including development indicators sorting task, students pick 1 development indicator and use it to create a scattergraph to see if there is a correlation and then students read different peoples views about development in Africa and then decide if they are positive or negative.
Learning Objectives.
To understand how we can measure development.
to understand the differences in levels of development across African countries
to consider different points of view about development in African countries

Africa- Physical features lesson - Progress in Geography
Fully resourced lesson - linked to the progress in geography book.
Starter - True or false exercise
Main - Students complete an information hunt on 6 of Africa’s physical features.
Students introduced to a map showing the distribution of resources in Africa.
Video - chidren mining in DRC
Extended writing pieces about whether or not natural resources are important to Africa.
Learning Objectives
To describe the distribution of Africa’s main physical features.
To understand the importance of natural resources to Africa.

Africa - Stereotyping - Africa is not a country - Progress in Geography
Fully resourced lesson. Students have to write down words that they associate with Africa on a blank map and are introduced to Stereotyping.
Students then complete a map skills task.
They use gap minder to compare quality of life for two countries.
Learning Objectives
To know the meaning of stereotyping.
To know how we can challenge stereotypes of Africa.
To know the location of Africa

KS3 Progress in Geography - Africa SOL and resources
8 fully resourced lessons with a variety of different tasks to complete. Follows the progress in Geography book.

AQA A Level Geography - Soil Revision - Population and the environment
A3 revision sheet and ppt running through all of the content for this section of the specification:
Characteristics and distribution of two key zonal soils to exemplify relationship between soils and human activities especially agriculture. Soil problems and their management as they relate to agriculture: soil erosion, waterlogging, salinisation, structural deterioration.
2 practice exam questions with indicative content.

AQA A-Level Geography Population and the environment revision- Iran - Population change case study
A case study of population change for the Population and the environment topic.
Powerpoint with all of the case study detail for Iran.
Students complete the A3 sheet when going through the content on the ppt.
9 mark exam question at the end with top tips.

A-Level Geography Changing places final revision
3 detailed powerpoints covering all of the theory for changing places. Examples of 4 mark exam questions included with markschemes.
Revision workbook can be used alongside this.