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I am a Science and Chemistry teacher focused on Cambridge IGCSE and AS/A. I am also heavily involved in the National Chemistry Olympiad program. By way of background I have a PhD in inorganic chemistry and entered teaching after 13 years in the food industry. I guess I am a bit old fashioned - I don't use twitter and I have no idea what instagram or Pinterest are......but I love my subject and I love working with students.




I am a Science and Chemistry teacher focused on Cambridge IGCSE and AS/A. I am also heavily involved in the National Chemistry Olympiad program. By way of background I have a PhD in inorganic chemistry and entered teaching after 13 years in the food industry. I guess I am a bit old fashioned - I don't use twitter and I have no idea what instagram or Pinterest are......but I love my subject and I love working with students.
Chemistry: balancing difficult REDOX equations

Chemistry: balancing difficult REDOX equations

This resource consists of some general REDOX notes and 1 work sheet with 6 hard-to-difficult REDOX reactions to balance. The difficulty is due to the fact the students must first convert word equations into symbols. One problem requires them to balance under alkaline conditions and the metal product is not immediately obvious. The problems introduce the students to uncommon reactions where the acid itself is converted to products other than hydrogen gas. This worksheet would be suitable for students doing A-level or wanting to take part in the National Chemistry Olympiad competition.
Chinese-English - learning the English words for the elements of the periodic table

Chinese-English - learning the English words for the elements of the periodic table

These activities were developed to help native Chinese students learn the English words for the elements of the periodic table. Our lessons are slower than in the typical timetabled class. I found that these worksheets helped the students gain confidence in the spoken and written word as well as learn about the periodic table. Over a 2 week period and many practical activities there was a significant increase in their communication and general engagement in the classroom. This resource bundle includes a funworder where the student must find the element (and atomic number) based on the Chinese word; two worksheets which require the student to fill in the English word or the Chinese word and a cross word puzzle. Answers are included. I am not a native Chinese speaker but have had the resources checked by a native speaking Chinese student. If there are any errors please get in touch and I will make the appropriate changes. I would also like feedback as I have a series of resources I will be publishing in the coming weeks. Your feedback will help direct my focus.
Chemistry: Assignment of 13C-NMR spectra to structural isomers

Chemistry: Assignment of 13C-NMR spectra to structural isomers

This resource consists of 5 pages worth of problems containing spectra for 14 compounds. Typically, a molecular formula is given along with 3-4 spectra and the student is then expected to reason using the number of peaks and the signal position which spectra belongs with which structural isomer. This resource would suit students doing A2 or other advanced Chemistry courses. All attempts have been made to ensure the answers are correct. Please get in touch with me if you find an error and I will address it and send you an updated version.
Chemistry: practical - rates of reaction - iodine clock

Chemistry: practical - rates of reaction - iodine clock

This practical gets students to measure the rate of reaction when a thiosulfate solution is mixed with hydrogen peroxide. The resource includes a brief background to the experiment, a sheet to record data and some instructions for the Technician to help make up the solutions. This resource can be used for younger students to improve their experimental technique and interpretation and graphing skills (leave out the chemical equations) or for A2 Cambridge, Honors or AP students who wish to measure more detailed reaction kinetics. Some errors were found and have since been addressed (2016) Key words: kinetics, reaction rate, collision theory, iodine clock reaction, experiment
Chemistry: pH calculations of strong acids and bases

Chemistry: pH calculations of strong acids and bases

This resource consists of 2 worksheets: 25 calculation problems (and worked answers) involving aspects of acid base chemistry and some general pH calculation notes, which initially cover simple calculations. . The first half of each work sheet covers pH calculations in both acid and base conditions and calculation of H+ and OH- ion concentrations. The 2nd side of the worksheets focus on pH calculations involving partial neutralisation reactions where the student has to work out what species is in excess before calculating the pH. Some problems also involve the use of n=m/M equation. These problems would suit students doing IGCSE, year 11 chemistry or wanting to enter the National chemistry Olympiad competition. ps (June 2018) I have updated this resource and changed a problem that potentially is misleading.)
Chemistry: balancing equations involving metals and their salts

Chemistry: balancing equations involving metals and their salts

This resource will be useful for teachers new to the profession or those with limited experience teaching chemistry. It contains * notes for the teacher including a 4-6 period lesson plan and template for practicals (5 pages in total); * a simple power point presentation with 13 slides that gives step by step instructions on how to balance equations. Reactions are limited to group 1 and 2 metals and their associated oxides, hydroxides and carbonates; * 4 worksheets (and answers) for word, symbol, and also word and symbol problems. The worksheets (and answers) can be found as separate resources if notes and lesson plans are not required.
Chemistry: Buffer calculations and interpretation of titration curves (A2 and IB students)

Chemistry: Buffer calculations and interpretation of titration curves (A2 and IB students)

This resource consists of 9 pages of notes and calculation examples and a three 2-page worksheets to help the teacher or student grapple with buffer calculations. The target is A2 and IB students. The wk/s 4 and 5 (and answers) are essentially a titration on paper where a specific weak acid (or base) is gradually titrated (each problem a new calculation) to show the student the effect the addition of OH ions has on the final pH. Itis a chance to repeat the same calculation multiple times. The format ensures students get to practice on the same system and therefore minimise cognitive overload. Students are encouraged to think about what species are in solution and what part of the titration curve each calculation relates to. I also encourage a novel way of setting out the calculations, which I (and my students) believe minimises potential mistakes.
Biology: punnett square problems and interpretation of pedigree charts

Biology: punnett square problems and interpretation of pedigree charts

This resource contains two double sided problem sheets (and answers). The first is a series of punnet square focused problems and the 2nd asks students to interpret and answer questions from two pedigree charts. Both also contain some short answer questions. It will suit students who have not studied Genetics before. Key words: homozygous, heterozygous, dominant, recessive, punnet squares, zygote, chromosomes, pedigree charts. Thank you to everyone that bought this resource. If you get a spare 2 minutes could you leave some feedback? It is the only way I will know whether it meets your needs or what I might need to do to develop it further. My students want me to make up some more similar-styled worksheets, which I will load in the near future.
Science words and activities for Chinese students learning English as a second language (14-18 yrs)

Science words and activities for Chinese students learning English as a second language (14-18 yrs)

Thank you to all those who have bought this resource. Please leave feedback as it helps me better align the material to student needs. This resource bundle (85) combines material from multiple resources focused on Science for Chinese students learning English as a second language. The purpose of the bundle is to provide material for teachers who have native Chinese speakers in their class. The students are regularly put into other subjects (eg Science) as part of the experience yet often with limited material that targets both language and content knowledge. This material has been trialed on 20 students over 12 months and refined over the year. This bundle includes material in biology, physics, chemistry and astronomy. Specifically, * A list of translated general science question phrases typically asked in worksheets and exams * A list of useful describing words when filling out worksheets and exams * Chemistry: translated list of words (fill in Chinese or English versions), works sheets covering periodic tale, electron configuration, acid/base, PT trends, fun worders, cross word puzzles, cloze-style activities, short answer questions, True/False activities, 15-20 minute tests, PT, who am I activities and a metal-non metal practical activity. * Biology: translated list of words (fill in Chinese or English versions), anatomy diagrams for labeling, plants/flower diagrams for labeling, short answer questions, ecology x-wrds, poster activity, classification activity. * Physics: translated list of words (fill in Chinese or English versions), light and sound x-word, graph w/s, calculation w/s, forces w/s, pressure w/s and power w/s, mechanics w/s * Astronomy: translated list of words (fill in Chinese or English versions), short answer questions, word finder. Admittedly, there is slightly more chemistry resources than physics. The students told me that chemistry and biology (and the associated terms) were their biggest issue. Please leave me feedback to let me know what and how I can improve the bundle or tell me of material you are searching for.
Calculations - titrations, back titrations, empirical formulae and waters of crystallisation

Calculations - titrations, back titrations, empirical formulae and waters of crystallisation

This resource consists of 4 worksheets (13 pages of problems in total). The problems require students to write balanced equations (some are redox) and use calculations to solve the problem. The problems would suit AS and A2 students or those wanting to compete in National Chemistry Olympiad competitions. (18 Jan2018 post script: an additional 2 w/s have been added that focus only on waters of crystallisation).
Chemistry: Easy and difficult weak acid-base calculations

Chemistry: Easy and difficult weak acid-base calculations

This resource contains 9 pages of detailed notes and worked examples as well as a 2-page worksheet that contains some straight forward pH calculations as well as some very challenging calculations due to the weak acid not being so weak. The detailed notes work though a variety of scenarios and some of the associated misconceptions. The notes would be useful for both new chemistry teachers and students. This resource would be suitable for A level students. It will also be useful for those interested in continuing in chemistry or entering the National Chemistry Olympiad competition. Key words: buffer, pH, calculation, acid, base
Chemistry: weak acid and weak base calculations and questions-1

Chemistry: weak acid and weak base calculations and questions-1

This resource contains some worked calculations and notes and a 2-page w/s that contains weak acid or weak base problems. 2 misconception questions are also included to encourage students to be able to explain a concept without the need of a calculator. Answers are provided. The detailed pH calculation notes are also found in the other pH calculation resources at Drog-chem’s shop. This resource would suit those doing AS/A2 (Cambridge) or A-level chemistry. It would be useful for those wanting to compete in the National Chemistry Olympiad Competition…
Chemistry: lewis structure and molecular shapes-ws3

Chemistry: lewis structure and molecular shapes-ws3

This worksheet has 2 pages of problems (and answers) which require a Lewis structure and a molecular shape. Some of the questions ask students to compare molecule bond angles and explain why they differ. A set of notes with examples is included. This resource would be useful for students enrolled in Honors or AP.
Chemistry: Electrochemistry - REDOX and electrolysis material for AS-A2 students

Chemistry: Electrochemistry - REDOX and electrolysis material for AS-A2 students

This resource pack consists of material that will be covered in the AS and A2 program. It includes + Power point (53 slides) covering: oxidation number and balancing REDOX equations revision, REDOX calculations, batteries, Nernst equation and electrolysis. + Summarised CIE learning objectives + Student notes - REDOX (8 pages) that summarise the slides + Student notes – balancing REDOX equations + 7 -11 work sheets depending on whether double sided or a booklet (19 pages of problems) and answers. + Practicals (4) Buying this bundle will mean buying material used over two years so hopefully it is save you time and be viewed as value for money. Please note, some of these resources are already available on TES but as smaller bundles. 17 Aug 16: A recent typo was found on the electrolysis w/s and it has been updated (Q4, IV).
Aromatic chemistry for A2 students

Aromatic chemistry for A2 students

This resource consists of 6 pages of problems (questions, mechanism and 'complete the reaction scheme' questions) targeting the A2 Cambridge program. Answers are provided. The problems and answers have been checked but if there are any errors or questions, please get in touch with me and I will address them. If you would like a certain type of worksheet please contact me as I am working on other ones for my classes and I will reorder my efforts if I think it can be useful to others.
Chemistry for Chinese students learning English: words, terms and useful resources

Chemistry for Chinese students learning English: words, terms and useful resources

This resource contains a number of worksheets and activities that will help Chinese students learn Chemistry in an English school environment. It includes: * 3 page dictionary of key English chemistry science words (both Chinese and English). Parts of this list have been broken down into smaller themed lists to act as worksheets for the students (eg periodic table; acids and bases). * A Chinese period table, * Metals/non metals worksheets (with pictures to describe properties and a practical activity) * Equipment worksheet * A funworder requiring the student to find the English element * Some cloze style activities * A crossword and other starters. 2-Sept-16: an updated list of Chinese words has been added with some small corrections.
1H- NMR problems - Assignment of spectra and elucidation of unknowns for A2 students

1H- NMR problems - Assignment of spectra and elucidation of unknowns for A2 students

This resource would suit A2 students. It contains 4 pages of problems, which can either be printed on both sides and made into an 4-page booklet or used as two separate 2-page problem sheets. The problems focus on the assignment of signals to the different hydrogen environments in 2-5 carbon organic aliphatic molecules. Some problems ask the student to distinguish between isomers based on the number and type of signals. The start of the worksheet asks students to decide how many signals they can expect based on symmetry arguments. In all cases students are asked to justify their assignments. Other worksheets are currently being developed that will include aromatic systems and problems based on the combination of IR, Mass spec, 1H and 13C NMR spectra. If you find any mistakes please give me feedback and I will address and send you an updated version.