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A Science teacher by trade, I've also been known to be found teaching Maths and PE! However, strange as it may seem, my real love is designing resources that can be used by other teachers to maximise the experience of the students. I am constantly thinking of new ways to engage a student with a topic and try to implement that in the design of the lessons.




A Science teacher by trade, I've also been known to be found teaching Maths and PE! However, strange as it may seem, my real love is designing resources that can be used by other teachers to maximise the experience of the students. I am constantly thinking of new ways to engage a student with a topic and try to implement that in the design of the lessons.
Link reaction (AQA A-level Biology)

Link reaction (AQA A-level Biology)

This clear and concise lesson looks at the role of the Link reaction in the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl coenzyme A which will then enter the Krebs cycle. The PowerPoint has been designed to cover the fourth part of point 5.2 of the AQA A-level Biology specification which states that students should know about this conversion and the production of reduced NAD The lesson begins with a challenge, where the students have to recall the details of glycolysis in order to form the word matrix. This introduces the key point that this stage occurs in this part of the mitochondria and time is taken to explain why the reactions occur in the matrix as opposed to the cytoplasm like glycolysis. Moving forwards, the Link reaction is covered in 5 detailed bullet points and students have to add the key information to these points using their prior knowledge as well as knowledge provided in terms of NAD. The students will recognise that this reaction occurs twice per molecule of glucose and a quick quiz competition is used to test their understanding of the numbers of the different products of this stage. This is just one of the range of methods that are used to check understanding and all answers are explained to allow students to assess their progress. This lesson has been written to tie in with the other uploaded lessons on glycolysis and the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation.
Structure of DNA (CIE International A-level Biology)

Structure of DNA (CIE International A-level Biology)

This lesson looks at the detailed structure of DNA and builds on the knowledge from topic 1 to explain how this nucleic acid differs in the nucleus, mitochondria and chloroplasts of eukaryotic cells and in prokaryotic cells. Both the engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover the first part of point 6.1 (b) of the CIE International A-level Biology specification. As well as focusing on the differences between the DNA found in these two types of cells which includes the length, shape and association with histones, the various tasks will ensure that students are confident to describe how this double-stranded polynucleotide is held together by hydrogen and phosphodiester bonds. These tasks include exam-style questions which challenge the application of knowledge as well as a few quiz competitions to maintain engagement.
Topics 4.1, 4.2 & 4.3 (AQA A-level Biology)

Topics 4.1, 4.2 & 4.3 (AQA A-level Biology)

9 Resources
Each of the 9 lessons which are included in this bundle have been written to specifically cover the content as detailed in topics 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 of the AQA A-level Biology specification. The wide range of activities will maintain engagement whilst supporting the explanations of the biological knowledge to allow the students to build a deep understanding of genetic information Lessons which cover the following specification points are included in this bundle: DNA in prokaryotes and eukaryotes Genes Genome, proteome and the structure of RNA Transcription and splicing Translation The genetic code Gene mutations Chromosome mutations Meiosis If you would like to see the quality of the lessons, download the structure of DNA, RNA and gene mutations lessons as these have been uploaded for free
Transcription (CIE International A-level Biology)

Transcription (CIE International A-level Biology)

This detailed lesson explains how the process of transcription results in the production of messenger RNA (mRNA). Both the detailed PowerPoint and accompanying resource have been designed to specifically cover the first part of point 6.2 (d) of the CIE International A-level Biology specification. The lesson begins by challenging the students to recall that most of the nuclear DNA in eukaryotes does not code for polypeptides. This allows the promoter region and terminator region to be introduced, along with the structural gene. Through the use of an engaging quiz competition, students will learn that the strand of DNA involved in transcription is known as the template strand and the other strand is the coding strand. Links to previous lessons on DNA and RNA structure are made throughout and students are continuously challenged on their prior knowledge as well as they current understanding of the lesson topic. Moving forwards, the actual process of transcription is covered in a 7 step bullet point description where the students are asked to complete each passage using the information previously provided. An exam-style question is used to check on their understanding before the final task of the lesson looks at the journey of mRNA to the ribosome for the next stage of translation. This lesson has been written to challenge all abilities whilst ensuring that the most important details are fully explained.
Structure of RNA (CIE International A-level Biology)

Structure of RNA (CIE International A-level Biology)

This lesson focuses on the structure of RNA and specifically the similarities and differences between this nucleic acid and DNA. The engaging and detailed PowerPoint and accompanying resource have been designed to cover the second part of point 6.1 (b) of the CIE International A-level Biology specification which states that students should be able to describe the structure of this nucleic acid. Students were introduced to the detailed structure of a nucleotide and DNA in previous lessons, so this lesson is written to tie in with those and continuously challenge prior knowledge as well as the understanding of the current topic. The lesson begins with the introduction of RNA as a member of the family of nucleic acids and this enables students to recognise that this polynuclotide shares a number of structural features that were previously seen in DNA. A quiz round called “A FAMILY AFFAIR” is used to challenge their knowledge of DNA to recognise those features that are also found on RNA such as the chain of linked nucleotides, pentose sugars, nitrogenous bases and phosphodiester bonds. The next task pushes them to consider features that have not been mentioned and therefore are differences as they answer a structured exam-style question on how RNA differs from DNA. Students will learn that RNA is shorter than DNA and this leads into the final part of the lesson where mRNA and tRNA are introduced and again they are challenged to use the new information explain the difference in size. Brief details of transcription and then translation are provided so that students are prepared for the upcoming lessons on protein synthesis
Topics 6.1 & 6.2: Nucleic acids & protein synthesis (CIE International A-level Biology)

Topics 6.1 & 6.2: Nucleic acids & protein synthesis (CIE International A-level Biology)

6 Resources
Each of the 6 lessons which are included in this bundle have been written to specifically cover the content as detailed in topics 6.1 & 6.2 of the CIE International A-level Biology specification. The wide range of activities will maintain engagement whilst supporting the explanations of the biological knowledge to allow the students to build a deep understanding of nucleic acids and protein synthesis Lessons which cover the following specification points are included in this bundle: Structure of DNA and RNA Genes as base sequences that code for polypeptides Gene mutations Transcription Translation If you would like to see the quality of the lessons, download the lesson on gene mutations as this have been uploaded for free
Transcription factors (AQA A-level Biology)

Transcription factors (AQA A-level Biology)

This fully-resourced lesson explains how the transcription of target genes can be stimulated or inhibited by transcription factors. Both the PowerPoint and the accompanying resources have been designed to cover the first part of point 8.2.2 of the AQA A-level Biology specification and links are continuously made throughout the lesson to the topic of protein synthesis which was covered in topic 4.2. The lesson begins with a recall of the meaning of the terms genome and proteome so that a discussion can begin on whether a cell wants to express every gene and produce all of the possible proteins all of the time. As the answer to this is no, the idea of transcription factors is introduced. In order to fully understand this topic, students need to recall that the role of the promoter region is to bind RNA polymerase to initiate transcription. Students will learn that the factors have a DNA-binding domain and that some also have ligand-binding domains which allow molecules like hormones to bind. Moving forwards, the students are introduced to a group of substances called DELLA proteins which inhibit plant development. The way that transcription begins once the inhibition by the proteins has been removed is similar to the action of oestrogen and students are able to use this information as a guide during the final task where they have to order the sequence of events that take place once this steroid hormone binds to its transcription factor.
Topic 6.2: Protein synthesis (CIE International A-level Biology)

Topic 6.2: Protein synthesis (CIE International A-level Biology)

4 Resources
Each of the 4 lessons in this bundle are fully-resourced and have been designed to cover the content as detailed in topic 6.2 (Protein synthesis) of the CIE International A-Level Biology specification. The specification points that are covered within these lessons include: A polypeptide is coded for by a gene A gene mutation is a change in the sequence of nucleotides Sickle cell anaemia results from a change in the amino acid sequence Transcription as the production of mRNA from DNA Information on DNA is used during translation to construct polypeptides The lessons have been written to include a wide range of activities and numerous understanding and prior knowledge checks so students can assess their progress against the current topic as well as be challenged to make links to other topics within this topic and earlier topics If you would like to see the quality of the lessons, download the introduction to gene mutations lesson as this has been shared for free
PCR (AQA A-level Biology)

PCR (AQA A-level Biology)

This lesson looks at the use of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) as an in vitro method to amplify DNA fragments as part of the recombinant DNA technology process. The clear PowerPoint has been designed to cover the second part of point 8.4.1 of the AQA A-level Biology specification. A quick quiz competition is used to introduce the PCR abbreviation before students are encouraged to discuss the identity of the enzyme involved and to recall the action of this enzyme. Students will learn that this reaction involves cyclical heating and cooling to a range of temperatures so the next part of this lesson looks at these particular temperatures so the important parts of each of the steps can be understood. Time is taken to examine the key points in detail, such as the specific DNA polymerase that is used and how it is not denatured at the high temperature as well as the involvement of the primers.
CIE IGCSE Combined Science P4 REVISION (Properties of waves)

CIE IGCSE Combined Science P4 REVISION (Properties of waves)

This fully-resourced revision lesson covers the CORE and SUPPLEMENT sections of topic P4 (Properties of waves, including light and sound) of the CIE IGCSE Combined Science specification. The engaging PowerPoint and acccompanying resource have been written to include a wide range of activities which include exam-style questions (with clearly explained answers), differentiated tasks and quick quiz competitions. These activities challenge the following specification points: State the meaning of speed, frequency, wavelength and amplitude Distinguish between transverse and longitudinal waves and give examples Describe how waves can undergo reflection and refraction and that the latter is caused by a change in the wave speed Recall and use the law of reflection Describe the main features of the EM spectrum State that all waves travel at the speed of light in a vacuum and recall this speed Describe the uses of the EM waves Describe the longitudinal nature of sound waves Recall and use the equation to calculate wave speed Describe how to measure the speed of sound in air and ripples on water surfaces Recall that sound waves can be ultrasound To fall in line with the greater mathematical content of the specification, there is a large emphasis on a range of mathematical skills in this lesson which includes the use of standard form. Due to the detail of this lesson, it is estimated that it will take in excess of 2 hours of IGCSE-allocated teaching time to cover the content and this allows this to be used at the end of the topic or in the lead up to mock or terminal examinations.
Topic 4.2: DNA and protein synthesis (AQA A-level Biology)

Topic 4.2: DNA and protein synthesis (AQA A-level Biology)

3 Resources
Each of the 3 lessons in this bundle are fully-resourced and have been designed to cover the content as detailed in topic 4.2 (DNA and protein synthesis) of the AQA A-Level Biology specification. The specification points that are covered within these lessons include: The concept of the genome and the proteome The structure of mRNA The structure of tRNA Transcription as the production of mRNA from DNA The differences between the outcome of transcription in porkaryotes and eukaryotes Splicing Translation as the production of polypeptides from the sequence of codons on mRNA The lessons have been written to include a wide range of activities and numerous understanding and prior knowledge checks so students can assess their progress against the current topic as well as be challenged to make links to other topics within this topic and earlier topics If you would like to see the quality of the lessons, download the structure of RNA lesson as this has been shared for free
Translation (AQA A-level Biology)

Translation (AQA A-level Biology)

This detailed lesson describes the role of the mRNA, tRNA, amino acids and the ribosome during the second stage of protein synthesis - translation. Both the PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover the third part of point 4.2 of the AQA A-level Biology specification and ties in with the previous lessons in this topic on RNA and transcription. Translation is a topic which is often poorly understood and so this lesson has been written to enable the students to understand how to answer the different types of questions by knowing and including the key details of the structures involved. The lesson begins by challenging the students to consider why it is so important that the amino acids are assembled in the correct order during the formation of the chain. Moving forwards, a quick quiz round called “LOST IN TRANSLATION” is used to check on their prior knowledge of the mRNA strand, the tRNA molecules, the genetic code and the ribosomes. The next task involves a very detailed description of translation that has been divided into 14 statements which the students have to put into the correct order. By giving them a passage that consists of this considerable detail, they can pick out the important parts to use in the next task where they have to answer shorter questions worth between 3 and 4 marks. These types of questions are common in the assessments and by building up through the lesson, their confidence to answer this type should increase. The final two tasks of the lesson involve another quiz, where the teams compete to transcribe and translate in the quickest time before using all that they have learnt to answer some questions which involve the genetic code and the mRNA codon table.


This is a fully-resourced lesson which uses exam-style questions, quiz competitions, quick tasks and discussion points to challenge students on their understanding of topics P5 - P7, that will assessed on PAPER 6. It has been specifically designed for students on the AQA GCSE Combined Science course who will be taking the FOUNDATION TIER examinations but is also suitable for students taking the higher tier who need to ensure that the fundamentals are known and understood. The lesson has been written to cover as many specification points as possible but the following sub-topics have been given particular attention: Factors affecting the thinking, braking and stopping distance The 7 recall and apply equations tested in PAPER 6 Using velocity-time graphs to calculate accelerations The motions represented by the different lines on a velocity-time graph Resultant forces Speed and velocity as scalar and vector quantities Converting between units Sound as an example of a longitudinal wave The EM spectrum The meaning of amplitude, wavelength, frequency and period Contact and non-contact forces Attraction and repulsion in magnets Magnetic fields The extension of a spring In order to maintain challenge whilst ensuring that all abilities can access the questions, the majority of the tasks have been differentiated and students can ask for extra support when they are unable to begin a question. Step-by-step guides have also been written into the lesson to walk students through some of the more difficult concepts such as calculating acceleration and the mathematical elements Due to the extensiveness of this revision lesson, it is estimated that it will take in excess of 2/3 teaching hours to complete the tasks and therefore this can be used at different points throughout the course as well as acting as a final revision before the PAPER 6 exam.
AQA GCSE Combined Science FOUNDATION TIER REVISION (Papers 1 - 6)

AQA GCSE Combined Science FOUNDATION TIER REVISION (Papers 1 - 6)

6 Resources
This bundle of 6 revision lessons challenges the students on their knowledge of the content of topics B1 - B7, C1 - C10 and P1 - P7 of the AQA GCSE Combined Science specification which will be assessed on the 6 terminal GCSE papers. Specifically, the range of tasks which include exam-style questions (with displayed answers), quiz competitions and discussion points, have been designed for students taking the FOUNDATION TIER papers but could also be used with students taking the higher tier who need to ensure that the key points are embedded on some topics. The majority of the tasks are differentiated 2 or 3 ways so that a range of abilities can access the work whilst remaining challenged by the content. If you would like to see the quality of these lessons, download the paper 2 and 5 revision lessons as these have been shared for free.


This is a fully-resourced lesson which uses exam-style questions, quiz competitions, quick tasks and discussion points to challenge students on their understanding of topics C6 - C10, that will assessed on PAPER 4. It has been specifically designed for students on the AQA GCSE Combined Science course who will be taking the FOUNDATION TIER examinations but is also suitable for students taking the higher tier who need to ensure that the fundamentals are known and understood. The lesson has been written to cover as many specification points as possible but the following sub-topics have been given particular attention: Hydrocarbons The first four members of the alkanes Fractional distillation of crude oil The properties of the different fractions The complete combustion of a hydrocarbon Detecting carbon dioxide, oxygen, hydrogen and chlorine gas Changes in the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere Deforestation Polluting gases The formation of acid rain The treatment of water The collision theory In order to maintain challenge whilst ensuring that all abilities can access the questions, the majority of the tasks have been differentiated and students can ask for extra support when they are unable to begin a question. Step-by-step guides have also been written into the lesson to walk students through some of the more difficult concepts such as the changes in the Earth’s atmosphere. Due to the extensiveness of this revision lesson, it is estimated that it will take in excess of 2/3 teaching hours to complete the tasks and therefore this can be used at different points throughout the course as well as acting as a final revision before the PAPER 4 exam.
Gene mutations and protein structure (AQA A-level Biology)

Gene mutations and protein structure (AQA A-level Biology)

A fully-resourced lesson, which explores how changes to the sequence of bases on DNA may or may not alter protein structure. The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 8.1 of the AQA A-level Biology specification and it builds on the knowledge gained during topic 4 when gene mutations were first introduced. A quiz runs throughout the lesson where students compete to recognise key terms from their definitions and the lesson begins with an edition of this round as they are challenged to recognise the definition for primary structure. Other terms that arise during the lesson relate to the different gene mutations, the genetic code and mutagenic agents. The focus of the lesson is to support students in their explanations of how a particular mutation can result in a change in the primary structure as well as being able to explain why a substitution mutation may not. In this way, their understanding of the degenerate and non-overlapping nature of the genetic code will be tested and any misconceptions can be addressed. The main section of the lesson covers substitution, deletion and addition mutations before translocation, inversion and duplication mutations are introduced. Links are made to the latter parts of topic 8 so students can understand how the change in the sequence of bases may disrupt gene expression. The final part of the lesson looks at a range of mutagenic agents that can increase the rate of mutation.
Topics 8.3 & 8.4: Genome projects and gene technologies (AQA A-level Biology)

Topics 8.3 & 8.4: Genome projects and gene technologies (AQA A-level Biology)

6 Resources
All 6 lessons included in this bundle have been written to cover the detailed content of topics 8.3 and 8.4 of the AQA A-level Biology specification. These topics can provide a series of problems for students so clear explanations are used throughout the lesson as well as regular understanding checks so any misconceptions are immediately addressed. The variety of tasks will maintain engagement whilst displayed mark schemes allow students to assess their answers and add detail where it is missing. The following specification points are covered: 8.3: Using genome projects 8.4.1: Recombinant DNA technology 8.4.2: Differences in DNA between individuals of the same species can be exploited 8.4.3: Genetic fingerprinting If you would like to sample the quality of the lessons first, why not download the lesson on producing DNA fragments which has been uploaded for free


This is a fully-resourced lesson which uses exam-style questions, quiz competitions, quick tasks and discussion points to challenge students on their understanding of topics C1 - C5, that will assessed on PAPER 3. It has been specifically designed for students on the AQA GCSE Combined Science course who will be taking the FOUNDATION TIER examinations but is also suitable for students taking the higher tier who need to ensure that the fundamentals are known and understood. The lesson has been written to cover as many sub-topics as possible, but the following have been given particular attention: The relative mass and charge of protons, electrons and neutrons Using the Periodic table to calculate numbers of the sub-atomic particles Writing elements and compounds in chemical symbol equations Covalent structures Drawing dot and cross diagrams for covalent and ionic compounds The transfer of electrons during the formation of an ionic bond Properties of metals and non-metals States of matter Conservation of mass and balancing symbol equations Calculating the relative formula mass Electrolysis of molten salts and aqueous solutions Extraction of metals In order to maintain challenge whilst ensuring that all abilities can access the questions, the majority of the tasks have been differentiated and students can ask for extra support when they are unable to begin a question. Step-by-step guides have also been written into the lesson to walk students through some of the more difficult concepts such as drawing dot and cross diagrams and writing chemical formulae. Due to the extensiveness of this revision lesson, it is estimated that it will take in excess of 3/4 teaching hours to complete the tasks and therefore this can be used at different points throughout the course as well as acting as a final revision before the PAPER 3 exam.
Using genome projects (AQA A-level Biology)

Using genome projects (AQA A-level Biology)

This fully-resourced lesson explores how projects to sequence the genomes of both simple and complex organisms can be used. Both the detailed PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover the content of point 8.3 of the AQA A-level Biology specification. The start of the lesson describes each step of Sanger’s chain termination method and demonstrates how this method has paved the way for other projects. The use of the modified nucleotides are explained and links are made to the topic 4 and 2 where protein synthesis and DNA replication were first introduced. Students will learn how the radioactively-labelled nucleotide at the end of each fragment allows the next base to be determined. Key processes like gel electrophoresis are introduced and details provided to support the students when this is encountered in greater detail in 8.4.3. Moving forwards, the applications of sequencing in simple organisms like viruses and bacteria are explored and the students are challenged on their prior knowledge of bacterial pathogenesis and current understanding of sequencing through a series of exam-style questions. The final part of the lesson looks at the difficulties of translating genome knowledge into proteome knowledge and considers the development of automated methods. Due to the detail and extensiveness of this lesson, it is estimated that it will take in excess of 2 hours of allocated A-level teaching time to cover all of the points which have been written into the various tasks


This is a fully-resourced lesson which uses exam-style questions, engaging quiz competitions, quick tasks and discussion points to challenge students on their understanding of the content of topics P1 - P6, that will assessed on PAPER 5. It has been specifically designed for students on the Edexcel GCSE Combined Science course who will be taking the FOUNDATION TIER examinations but is also suitable for students taking the higher tier who need to ensure that the fundamentals are known and understood. The lesson has been written to cover as many specification points as possible but the following sub-topics have been given particular attention: Factors affecting thinking and braking distance The 7 recall and apply equations tested in PAPER 5 The units associated with the physical factors challenged in PAPER 5 Recognising the motions represented by different motions on velocity-time graphs Using a velocity-time graph to calculate acceleration Resultant forces Sound waves as longitudinal waves The electromagnetic waves Using significant figures and standard form The relative charges and masses of the particles in an atom Recognising isotopes Using the half-life of radioactive isotopes The development of the atomic model In order to maintain challenge whilst ensuring that all abilities can access the questions, the majority of the tasks have been differentiated and students can ask for extra support when they are unable to begin a question. Step-by-step guides have also been incorporated into the lesson to walk through students through some of the more difficult concepts such as half-life calculations. Due to the extensiveness of this revision lesson, it is estimated that it will take in excess of 3 teaching hours to complete the tasks and therefore this can be used at different points throughout the course as well as acting as a final revision before the PAPER 5 exam.