US Constitution & Federalism: Comparative Theory
To be able to recall knowledge and understanding about the US Constitution and Federalism.
To be able to recall knowledge about the UK Constitution.
To be able to apply comparative theory to this topic.
Key Words
Starter Activity
Competitive Activity
Colour Code Activity
Exemplar Answers to Comparative and Comparative Theory questions
This lesson references material from the following textbooks:
Edexcel GCE Politics AS and A-level Student Book (Edexcel GCE Politics 2017) – Pearson (Referred to as Pearson 1 on PowerPoint)
The lesson requires pages from this textbook, but similar information could be found elsewhere or in updated Politics textbooks. This lesson is perfectly teachable without this resource.
Lesson 1 - Introduction to the USA
Lesson 2 - Nature & Origin of the US Constitution
Lesson 3 - Constitutional Framework
Lesson 4 - Amendment Process
Lesson 5 - Checks and Balances
Lesson 6 - Bipartisanship & Limited Government
Lesson 7 - Federalism & the Constitution
Lesson 8 - Federal vs State
Lesson 9 - Democracy within the Constitution
Lesson 10 - Strength of the Constitution
Lesson 11 - Comparative Theory & Comparison to the UK
Lesson 12 - Knowledge Test with Answers
Bonus - 2 example answers to a Checks and Balances essay.
Title: How diverse were England’s migrant communities?
Lesson Objectives
To be able to analyse the impact migrant communities.
To be able to explore the different migrant groups in England.
Starter, Map task, migrant community task and discussion, information and table
The Powerpoint contains key features of a Motte and Bailey Castle.
Each feature has an image from google images, along with definitions and explanation of these terms. Such as Motte, drawbridge, keep, palisade, bailey etc.
9 fairly common Growth Mindset Statements compiled together and available in one place, good to use in a PSHE or a tutor tome on Growth mindset or to print of and display around the room.
A display of places to visit in the Hampshire and surrounding (Dorset, West Sussex, Surrey, Wiltshire, Berkshire) area. With multiple places for History, Geography and RE.
Relevant for any school in the previously mentioned area or useful to look and and modify for any area.
An assembly for Remembrance Day, includes the powerpoint and a script to use if necessary - the theme is commemoration.
The script has been adapted from a Remembrance Day assembley pack from the BBC.
Really useful grid to stick in to pupils book and use when marking the presentation of their work.
Can be used to peer mark or teacher mark, high impact and low effort.
Lesson on ‘What kind of Germany were the Nazis attempting to create?’
Lesson Objectives are;
Identify and overview Nazi social policies 1933 - 45.
Classify these policies to help identify the Nazi’s aims for Germany.
Apply our understanding by explaining examples of Nazi propaganda.
Comes with all the resources and a lesson plan.
Lesson includes;
Paired drawing
Source analyse
Card Sort
Venn diagram
Nazi Propaganda posters
A comprehensive workbook on the two part documentary-film Rise of Evil starring Robert Carlyle.
The workbook contains nearly 30 questions on the documentary, as well as a long answer question at the end.
Designed to be completed while watching Rise of Evil.
Introductory lesson to a scheme of work on Hitler.
Lesson includes;
Key question and lesson objectives
Timeline activity with an embedded clip (and answers)
Card sort and table
Lesson on ‘What is Chronology & why is it used by Historians?’ aimed idealy at Year 7.
Lesson Objectives are;
To be able to define Chronology
To understand what Chronology is and give an example
To be able to explain why Historians use chronology
Lesson Includes;
Starter activity (and answers)
Key word breakdown
Order/Sequencing task
Guidance Information
Several sets of questions
Extension worksheet
Lesson on the Feudal System aimed at KS3.
Lesson has a variety of activities, information cards for the whole class. Meaning that pupils can move around the class and explore the Feudal system and its hierachy.
A consolidation worksheet for the Feudal System and then a letter writing activity to expand on there understanding.