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HumanitiesResources' Shop

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We provide KS3, GCSE and A-level History and Sociology resources that inspire, challenge and encourage students knowledge and understanding. You will find a range of resources for example Venn diagrams, matching activities, flashcards, primary sources, mysteries and full lessons and lectures. If there are topics you would like to see featured on our shop please let us know via our Twitter account!




We provide KS3, GCSE and A-level History and Sociology resources that inspire, challenge and encourage students knowledge and understanding. You will find a range of resources for example Venn diagrams, matching activities, flashcards, primary sources, mysteries and full lessons and lectures. If there are topics you would like to see featured on our shop please let us know via our Twitter account!
Sociology Revision Resources: The Media

Sociology Revision Resources: The Media

7 Resources
This large selection of A-level sociology revision resources will help you teach and support students revision for the Media (Mass Media) paper. It covers Topics 2-4 as well as representations of age, disability and gender. It also has a large number of flashcards and matching activities students can use to test themselves and their peers e.g. media ownership, new v traditional media - main key words and concepts.
*FULL LESSON* How successful were Peel's economic and financial policies during 1841-1846? A-Level

*FULL LESSON* How successful were Peel's economic and financial policies during 1841-1846? A-Level

This 60-minute A-Level lesson investigates Robert Peel's economic policies. Briefly look at historiography of Peel. Students to summarise key historians. 10-minute lecture and follow-up quiz. Key points relating to Peel and finance + 10 min lecture with questions for students to answer. Peel responded to the challenges of his age by ‘adapting his policies in the light of reasoned argument and practical necessity’? True? Discussion. Using their understanding of the historical context, students assess how convincing the arguments are in three extract in relation to Sir Robert Peel. Students complete table identifying argument and providing evidence which corroborates or refutes. Sources from provided.
A-Level History: Britain and Industrialisation - Peel, Disraeli, Gladstone, Golden Age and Depression

A-Level History: Britain and Industrialisation - Peel, Disraeli, Gladstone, Golden Age and Depression

6 Resources
This bundle includes 5 full lessons with several resources as well as a comprehensive test (with correct answers). Topics include: Corn Laws, Robert Peel, Disraeli and Gladstone's policies, Great Depression 1870s, Golden Age in Agriculture and more. This bundle covers specs such as AQA Industrialisation and the People; OCR From Pitt to Peel: Britain 1783–1853; Edexcel Britain, c1785–c1870: democracy, protest and reform.
*FULL LESSON* What is Social Action Theory?

*FULL LESSON* What is Social Action Theory?

This 60-minute A-Level Sociology Lesson teaches students about Social Action Theory (focus on Weber and four types of Action). There is opportunity for a brief teacher exposition, quiz (with answers of course) and Peer-assessment possibilities. Students are also asked to consider how the four types of action can be applied in a real-world context - lots of possibilities for discussion! There is also an evaluative element towards the end of the lesson. If you like this resource take a look at our range of Sociology resources in the shop https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/HumanitiesResources . Do leave feedback if you like the resources : )
*FULL LESSON* Was the experience of evacuation the same for all children? Adaptable for KS2 and KS3

*FULL LESSON* Was the experience of evacuation the same for all children? Adaptable for KS2 and KS3

In this part of our series on 20th Century History Lessons, students are taught about the different experiences of world war 2 children and the various experiences of being an evacuee. The lesson starts with a riveting video showing thought-provoking images (with beautiful music from Elgar 'Nimrod') which will have students thinking right from the start of the lesson. The lesson gets students exploring why world war 2 children were evacuated and there are two further activities challenging the class to consider why experiences for ww2 child evacuees were so different. Great for Key stage 2 and Key stage 3.
*FULL LESSON* Why did Pavlik report his dad to the secret police? Russia 1920s and 1930s KS3 KS4

*FULL LESSON* Why did Pavlik report his dad to the secret police? Russia 1920s and 1930s KS3 KS4

This 60-minute KS3 or KS4 lesson explores life in Russia in the 1920s and 1930s. The lesson centres around a young boy named Pavlik and students work in pairs or smaller groups to discover his fate. The lesson includes an initial task getting them thinking about the time period, a mystery and final thoughts exploring recent historiography on Pavlik. Students complete an Exit ticket by writing a brief Tweet based around a 'Bigger Picture' question. Concepts and keywords include: gulags , 'purges', Stalin and forced labour camps.
*FULL LESSON* Was Matthew Hopkins a Product of His Time? KS3 GCSE Crime and Punishment witchcraft

*FULL LESSON* Was Matthew Hopkins a Product of His Time? KS3 GCSE Crime and Punishment witchcraft

This 60-minute lesson gets students investigating the witchcraft -craze of the 1600s. The main focus is centred around Matthew Hopkins Witch-finder General and includes a source analysis task as well as a thinking-skills mystery on why the witchcraft craze began. There is a fact and sources sheet which students use to support their learning of new knowledge when completing the source task. The MYSTERY 'Why did old women hang from oak trees in 1645?' could be used as a stand alone activity for schemes of learning on witchcraft and Tudor history as well. If you like our resources why not check out the other KS3, KS4 or A-Level History resources? Link: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/HumanitiesResources
*FULL LESSON* Who Was the Most Successful Inventor of the Industrial Revolution?

*FULL LESSON* Who Was the Most Successful Inventor of the Industrial Revolution?

This 60-minute lesson explores the most interesting inventors of the Industrial Revolution and challenges students to discover who they believe did the most for Britain. The lesson includes several engaging tasks as well as a final write-up of their research into a structured paragraph (PEEL). There is also an exemplar PEEL paragraph students can peer-assess! Tasks and activities include: - Research Task + Resources - Writing Task + Scaffold - Peer Assess Exemplar Paragraph - Video clip + Questions & Answers - Match-up task Concepts and individuals appear: Crompton, Arkwright, Davy, Davy Safety Lamp, James Watt, Steam engine, converter, crompton's mule, water frame, Henry Cort, Bessemer, Newcomen and stephenson and MORE!
Become a Sociology Ninja in Sociological Perspectives on the Family: building knowledge at A-Level

Become a Sociology Ninja in Sociological Perspectives on the Family: building knowledge at A-Level

This 60-minute lesson or revision Sociology A-Level task get students on their feet to build their core knowledge understanding if Sociological perspectives on the Family. Students will practice their understanding of concepts, sociologists and perspectives (and the odd quote too) by quizzing each other until they have heard the correct answer been read out three times. Students will then be quizzed by the teacher. Who will become the Sociology Ninja?! This resource includes a PowerPoint and 3-page worksheet which can be cut into cards for students to use around the room. Full instructions included as well.
Why did Hitler become Chancellor in 1933? Diamond 9 activity GCSE A-Level

Why did Hitler become Chancellor in 1933? Diamond 9 activity GCSE A-Level

These GCSE or A-Level History activities ask students to use their knowledge and then categorise information of Hitler’s rise to power by 1933. The first Diamond 9 activity gets the class to place 9 cards in order of most important to least important reason(s) for why Hitler became chancellor of Germany by January 1933. Students then use the factors to write an explanation. There is also a separate interactive and physical Diamond 9 task where groups of three receive a pack of 9 A4 sheets with each of the factors printed on them. Groups organise the A4 sheets into a large physical Diamond 9. At the end of the task they have to give reasons for their collaborative thinking.
Why did Walter Hess report his dad to the secret police? GSCE Lesson Hitler Youth and Police State

Why did Walter Hess report his dad to the secret police? GSCE Lesson Hitler Youth and Police State

This 60-minute GCSE History lesson explores the issues surrounding Nazi policy on youth; Nazi ideology and aims for Germany's youth. After an engaging starter using a clip freely available on Youtube (Cabaret 1972, 'Tomorrow Belongs to Me'), students work in teams of three to solve a mystery surrounding an historically accurate account of a boy named Walter Hess. They will use evidence to see why the boy reported his dad to the Gestapo. Through this activity students will realise the mystery is not really about Walter Hess, but about something much more sinister... The lesson ends with an activity where the class investigate source material about how the Nazis tried to win the hearts and minds of German youth.
*FULL LESSON* Become a Sociology Ninja in Methods in Context. A-Level Sociology Education

*FULL LESSON* Become a Sociology Ninja in Methods in Context. A-Level Sociology Education

This 60-minute lesson will teach students to become Sociology Masters at the Methods in Context question on Paper 1 Education. The lesson includes: an AQA Paper 1 Methods in Context question; tasks which guides students through the examination process where they take the role as examiners; an exemplar answer is also provided including a P.E.R.V.E.R.T document which students can use to answer the question.
*FULL LESSON* How to Become a Ninja in Family Diversity: A-Level Sociology Postmodernism New Right

*FULL LESSON* How to Become a Ninja in Family Diversity: A-Level Sociology Postmodernism New Right

This 60-minute lesson will teach students about A-Level Sociology Families and Households Unit with a focus on family diversity and perspectives views on it. This lecture is accompanied by a mind-map which students complete which they also can use later for revision. The lecture goes through views in favour and against family diversity and also explores perspectives such as the New Right and Postmodernism.
*FULL LESSON* Was 1846-1868 a Golden Age in Agriculture?A-level History. Challenging tasks.

*FULL LESSON* Was 1846-1868 a Golden Age in Agriculture?A-level History. Challenging tasks.

This 60-minute A-Level History lessons can be used for any of the main exam boards for example AQA Industrialisation and the People; OCR From Pitt to Peel: Britain 1783–1853; Edexcel Britain, c1785–c1870: democracy, protest and reform. The lesson explores reasons why the period has been referred to as a 'Golden Age in Agriculture'. Teachers get two main tasks (downloadable worksheets) which the class uses to colour-code and must identify factors and evidence which eventually helps to answer the main enquiry question.
Revision and Building Core Knowledge: Gladstone v Disraeli. A-Level History Activity Britain

Revision and Building Core Knowledge: Gladstone v Disraeli. A-Level History Activity Britain

This is a revision tool as well as an activity to help A-Level students build AO1 knowledge about Gladstone and Disraeli for AQA Industrialisation and the People; Edexcel Britain, c1785–c1870: democracy, protest and reform. This 18-question test includes the correct answers. Hand out the test, allow students 15-minutes to revise on their own, 15-minutes to test each others verbally (allowing the study buddy to guide if they don't get it right), and then 20-minutes to complete the test. This resources also includes a blank version for students to complete.
*FULL LESSON* How far did Britain suffer a ‘Great Depression’ 1873 and 1896? A-Level British History

*FULL LESSON* How far did Britain suffer a ‘Great Depression’ 1873 and 1896? A-Level British History

This 60-minute A-Level lesson explores the question 'How far did Britain suffer a ‘Great Depression’ 1873 and 1896'. This lesson suits most exam board covering Units such as AQA Industrialisation and the People; Edexcel Britain, c1785–c1870: democracy, protest and reform. Students start by reading a segment from Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest - showing demographic changes due to depression). Revisit at the end of the lesson once they have analysed the effects of the depression. There are several tasks in the lesson, allowing for discussion around evidence 'was there a depression?' to dealing with factors such as demography and socio-economic effects. Students build a case for and against the enquiry question before revising the main question.
Become a Sociology Ninja: A-Level and GCSE Lesson Bundle

Become a Sociology Ninja: A-Level and GCSE Lesson Bundle

4 Resources
This NINJA bundle includes THREE FULL LESSONS with resources: Marriage and Divorce; Methods in Context; Family Diversity (New Right and Postmodernism). It also has another additional and superb resource on Sociological Perspectives on the Family! These lessons and resources will save hours of planning. Seriously.
*FULL LESSON* Become a A-Level Sociology Ninja: Marriage and Divorce. Editable.

*FULL LESSON* Become a A-Level Sociology Ninja: Marriage and Divorce. Editable.

This 60-minute, editable, A-Level Sociology Lesson covers the topics of 'marriage' and 'divorce' and fits well with all exam boards Units on families and households. This lecture with accompanying tasks could be used as an introduction to the topic or as revision of covered material. The lesson includes a PowerPoint, printable mind-map for students to complete as well as points for discussion.