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High quality GCSE Food, DT, Art & Design and Science resources. Great colleague feedback and engaged students. Resources include structured lessons which include reliable subject knowledge and all printables to make that superb complete lesson, worksheets assessment resources to help prepare for the coursework and exam; cover lessons that are fun and engaging. Download to experience high quality resources everytime, taking precious time off your workload!




High quality GCSE Food, DT, Art & Design and Science resources. Great colleague feedback and engaged students. Resources include structured lessons which include reliable subject knowledge and all printables to make that superb complete lesson, worksheets assessment resources to help prepare for the coursework and exam; cover lessons that are fun and engaging. Download to experience high quality resources everytime, taking precious time off your workload!
Christmas Food Quiz

Christmas Food Quiz

Christmas Food Quiz, suitable for Food, Technology, Tutor Time, PSHE, Christmas season and cross-curricular. This cheery Christmas quiz will bring Christmas Cheer to your classroom this season. The quiz is divided into two round. Round 1: Multiple Choice Answers Relating to Food Round 2: Hidden Christmas Foods There are 21 questions included in this quiz in total, with the answers featured separately. Each question has an answer, along with clear visuals. Merry Christmas! - bringing You may also find these other resources handy: **Food - ** Interactive Food Quiz KS3/KS4 Complete Food Lesson Bundle Food Coursework and Exam Preparation Bundle EDUQAS Food Preparation and Nutrition NEA 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition NEA 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle) **DT - ** DT Project - 31 Template Pages - Understand the Design Process - DT KS3 Mini Project - Collapsible Bin Store DT KS3 Mini Project - Seat Belt Protector DT KS3 Mini Project - Magnetic Wrist Band DT Lesson Bundle
Cooking Foods and Heat Transfer Worksheets

Cooking Foods and Heat Transfer Worksheets

These worksheets focus on Why foods are cooked and Heat Transfer methods. They are suitable for KS3 and KS4 students studying food; and other cross-curricular subjects such as Science. A total of ten tasks relating to the topic are presented over the three worksheets. There is an additional fourth worksheet, aiding differentiation. These resources are tried and tested - with excellent feedback and engaged students. They have been delivered as part of a cover lesson and by a specialist. You can find other quality Food resources here: Made for Teacher’s Shop **These other Food Science Resources may be handy too, to save you additional time: ** GCSE Mock Revision Questions with Answers GCSE Mock Revision Quetions with Answers BUNDLE


This Typography worksheet is suited for KS3 and KS4 students. This worksheet can be delivered by a specialist or non-specialist as part of a cover lesson. The tasks focus on replicating and writing the students surname using a graffiti typeface. The following tasks are included: Task 1: Replicate the graffiti lettering in the boxes provided below. Using a pencil lightly mark out the letter. Take notice of the curves or the straight lines of each. Take pride in your work. Task 2: Write your surname in the space below. There are examples to inspire you. Lightly draw the outline of the graffiti lettering, then add colour. You may also be interested in: Made for teachers Art Worksheets Bundle D&T Worksheets Bundle Food 100 Mark Mock Paper DT Lesson Bundle
Nutrients at different life stages

Nutrients at different life stages

This lesson focuses on the ‘Nutrients at different life stages’ and is suitable for GCSE students studying Food. This complete whole lesson can be delivered by a specialist or non-specialist. The lesson is clearly structured as starter, main and plenary, reliable subject knowledge, tasks with answers are included. What’s included: Theory lesson: Starter - Questioning student existing knowledge of the nutrients required at each life stage - answers included. Main - Watching a video & answering questions on nutrients (question sheet and answers included), PPT slides dedicated to the 6 life stages (including pregnancy), task for students to plan a daily diary with a fact sheet included for students to refer to - the fact sheet includes cooking abilities and a stretch and challenge task. You will find 2 task sheets here - they are differentiated - one for higher ability and the other for lower ability. Plenary - Discuss a question based upon a particular life stage. If may also be interested in: Made for teachers Shop Complete Food Lesson Bundle Food Coursework and Exam Preparation Bundle AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition Nea 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation EDUQAS Food Preparation and Nutrition NEA 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle)
DT/Textiles Cover worksheets - Natural fibres

DT/Textiles Cover worksheets - Natural fibres

These worksheets (x4 sides of A4) focus on the topic Natural Fibres - specifically focusing on the Physical and working characteristics of natural Fibres. Students will be presented with 4 tasks. These include: naming natural fibres, identifying and describing their physical and working characteristics, catagorizing the fibres using visual images e.g. tent, clothing, table cloth and tie; and answering exam style questions. The worksheets are tried and tested. They are fantastic delivered by a specialist or a cover teacher. The tasks are clear and include answers throughout. All that is needed is scissors and glue. Other resources which could come in handy: Textiles Worksheets
GCSE Food Revision: Mock Questions with Model Answers - Food, Nutrition and Health

GCSE Food Revision: Mock Questions with Model Answers - Food, Nutrition and Health

This resources has been designed for GCSE food students. It contains 17 Food (written) exam questions relating to Food, Nutrition and Health. A great resource to prepare students for their written exam - can be used for all exam boards. All questions have model answers provided. The Powerpoint is animated for ease of use, as the answers can appear when convenient for the teacher. Answers are well written. Words are highlighted to show where marks can be earned. This has been a beneficial resource for students, as it is student friendly with easy to read questions and answers and encourages independent self marking or class marking. You may also be interested in: Made for teachers Shop Complete Food Lesson Bundle Food Coursework and Exam Preparation Bundle AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition Nea 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation EDUQAS Food Preparation and Nutrition NEA 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle)
GCSE Food Revision: NEA 2 Food Practical Cooking Exam Preparation

GCSE Food Revision: NEA 2 Food Practical Cooking Exam Preparation

This guidance workbook will help prepare GCSE Food students for their NEA 2 Practical Cooking Exam in year 11. This resources is suitable for both AQA and Eduqas Exam BoardsThe workbook contains 41 slides and is full of information, helpful tips and tasks for students to complete. This booklet is an independent task so can be provided by a specialist or non-specialist. The tasks are clearly presented and include: The guide introduces the NEA 2 task as a whole, it then discusses the practical exam in more depth and answers key questions students ask. These are clearly presented in speech bubbles for the students to read. The guide reflects upon what the exam boards (Eduqas & AQA) are looking for- Cooking ability bands, demonstration of skills, organisation and safety. key tasks help the students to understand what is needed and asks them to reflect upon their own cooking skills to meet the criteria. Dedicated space for students to complete tasks have been added. Tasks include - Identifying their cooking band Reading the cooking band criteria Time Planning Practice and why it is important - A separate booklet has been provided to help your students to write a time plan. The booklet contains key information with tasks to help them practice writing a dovetailed time plan. This guidance booklet can be brought separately, please find it listed in my shop. Setting up and using key equipment Safety in the kitchen … and more. Cooking ability reflection log and practice- Students have dedicated space to practice key skills. The students have been given the key practical skills to learn. They must take photographic evidence of these and reflect against key areas (provided on the sheets) The key cooking skills include: making a sauce preparing meat filleting a fish vegetable cuts … and more. A list if video tutorials have been provided. But students may find their own or use alternative sources. You may also be interested in: Made for teachers Shop D&T Worksheets Bundle Food 100 Mark Mock Paper Food Exam and Coursework Preparation Food Lessons
KS3/KS4 Food Cover Work/Lesson: Food Choices - Personal, Social and Economical Factors

KS3/KS4 Food Cover Work/Lesson: Food Choices - Personal, Social and Economical Factors

This x3 A4 worksheets focus on Food Choices - Personal, Social and Economical Factors and is suitable for KS3 and KS4 students studying Food. The workheets are presented clearly. Each task provides space for students to write down their answers. The third sheet presents a GCSE Mock Questions relating to the topic. All of the answers to the questions are provided on separate slides, encouraging self-marking - saving you time! The answers and subject content throughout have been sourced from reliable sources. These resources are tried and tested - with excellent feedback and engaged students. They have been delivered as part of a cover lesson and by a specialist. Your cover teacher will be happy, as will you, as the students will be learning reliable subject specific knowledge during their lesson. Great set as homework also. You can find other quality Food resources here: Made for Teacher’s Shop **These other Food Science Resources may be handy too, to save you additional time: ** Food Choices PPT Whole Lesson Food Choices GCSE Mock Questions WITH ANSWERS! Eduqas Large BUNDLE AQA Large BUNDLE
Science cover worksheet/cover work: Cells

Science cover worksheet/cover work: Cells

This double sided worksheet, with handout, focuses on ‘Cells’. The five tasks introduce plant, animal and bacterial cell structures. This task is suitable for KS3 and KS4 students as part of their Science lesson/revision. The worksheet is differentiated - with it’s cut and stick tasks, includes specific scientific terminology relating to the topic; to help students with task completion. Task 1: Complete the missing sentences. Task 2: Draw an animal and plant cell, match the missing key terminology to their function; then label the parts of the cells. Task 3: Define the term bacteria. Task 4: Label a bacteria cell structure (cut and stick task - hand out provided) Task 5: Answer questions relating to the topic All answers have been included. This creates a smooth cover/specialist lesson; and enables students to complete this independently for revision or homework. This worksheet is tried and tested , with engaged students and happy cover teacher! Reliable subject included throughout!
Factors Affecting Food Choices

Factors Affecting Food Choices

This PPT focusing on Factors that affect Food choices. This lesson focuses on Personal, Social and Economic reasons for Food choices and suitable for KS4 students studying Food and other cross-curricular subjects with this topic in mind. The aims of the lesson are: To identify personal factors that affect food choices. To identify how our senses influence us to make food choices. To plan a snack and main meal for a family to meet their personal, social and economic needs. The PPT slides are colourful and the reliable content is presented clearly. The lesson is structured with starter, main and plenary and helps students to learn through the use of a video, questions with answers, meal planning and costings task. Try before you buy - with this 5 lesson. Other teachers have commented that after seeing this FREE lesson, they wanted more resources!* Types of Eggs Nutrients of a child Other Food Cover Work If may also be interested in: Made for teachers Shop Complete Food Lesson Bundle Food Coursework and Exam Preparation Bundle AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition Nea 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation EDUQAS Food Preparation and Nutrition NEA 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle)
Design Technology Cover Worksheet - Analysing an existing product & Materials and components

Design Technology Cover Worksheet - Analysing an existing product & Materials and components

This double sided worksheet with answers and handout, is suitable for GCSE students. It has been designed as a cover lesson for the OCR DT exam board. This resource has been successfully delivered to year 8 and 9 student’s too. The tasks relate to: Analysing an Existing Product and Materials and Components. Task 1: Students to complete the sentences using the missing words listed on the sheet. The sentences reveal a list of factors a designer considers when analysing an existing product. Task 2 & 3: Students are presented with three design problems to solve. Task 4: Analysing a woman’s handbag reflecting upon four key factors: Components/ structural integrity, material, ergonomic considerations and designer inspiration. Part B tasks students to state a design problem with the bag and sketch/explain a design solution. This resource is tried and tested with great feedback. Answers are provided throughout which encourage self-marking during a cover lesson. Cover teacher is happy - as all tasks are clear (with an additional help sheet) and answers. Other DT resources can be found below: Design considerations Bundle DT Cover work DT Cover work BUNDLE
DT Cover worksheet/Cover work: The influence of Branding and Marketing

DT Cover worksheet/Cover work: The influence of Branding and Marketing

This DT Cover worksheet has been primarily designed for KS3 students, as part of a cover lesson. It focuses on The influence of Branding and Marketing; and provides them with four tasks. Students are asked to complete sentences relating to branding and marketing. They are then asked to analyse an example app/app icon branding - along with answering two marketing question. Next students are provided with a well known drinks can and asked to sketch their own word/s using the iconic drink typography. Lastly students are tasked to brand a child’s banking app. This worksheet is tried and tested, with excellent feedback and engagement…and a happy cover teacher. All of the answers are included to encourage self marking in the lesson too! You may also find useful DT, Food or Art resource in my shop. Happy viewing. Mrs B’s Shop - DT, Food and Art Resources
D&T and Textiles cover work/cover lesson worksheet - Typography & Clothes Design

D&T and Textiles cover work/cover lesson worksheet - Typography & Clothes Design

This D&T and Textiles cover work/cover lesson worksheet focuses on Typography; and is suitable for KS3 and KS4 students. This worksheet can be delivered by a specialist or non-specialist as part of a cover lesson. The tasks focus on designing a t-shirt for the Adidas summer range. The following tasks are included: Sketch and design a new t-shirt for the Adidas summer range. Once drawn add colour. You have been provided with examples of their existing products to inspire you. Firstly, identify your target audience - will it be for women, men or children? Your design must include the Adidas logo, summer theme and include a catchy summer phrase of your choice e.g. “Summer Vibes”, “Summer feels good”. Your phrase needs to be written in either a Sans-Serif or Serif type face. Look at the example fonts provided. Your t-shirt must be appealing to the eye – they want customers to be “WOW-ED” for the summer season. You may also be interested in: Made for teachers Art Worksheets Bundle D&T Worksheets Bundle Food 100 Mark Mock Paper DT Lesson Bundle
NEA 1 Eduqas Booklet/Workbook/Coursework guidance

NEA 1 Eduqas Booklet/Workbook/Coursework guidance

This NEA 1 Food guidance booklet is suitable for year GCSE students studying Food. (EDUQAS) It is clearly presented with plenty of colour and includes accurate coursework guidance to achieve top marks! This guidance book is divided into the different sections and sub-sections to help structure the coursework and provides detailed guidance for each. It includes a Food Science Terminology Definitions, Marking Criteria, How to Reference guidance and a handy checklist! You may also be interested in: Made for teachers Shop Complete Food Lesson Bundle Food Coursework and Exam Preparation Bundle AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition Nea 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation EDUQAS Food Preparation and Nutrition NEA 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle)
10 D&T cover work/ cover lesson worksheets

10 D&T cover work/ cover lesson worksheets

10 Resources
These D&T worksheets are suited for KS3 and KS4 students. This bundle of 10 also includes worksheets suitable for Textiles, Art and Food. They can be delivered by a specialist or non-specialist as part of a cover lesson. The tasks focus on Scale & Proportion, Cartoon Illustration, Children’s Book Illustration, Logo Design, Typography and Footwear Design. It includes all tasks and printables.Please take a look at each cover resource provided as they clearly state each task with a visual of the page layout. The worksheets are easy to follow. Key information has been provided to give the student knowledge of the subject. You may also be interested in: Made for teachers Art rksheets Bundle D&T Worksheets Bundle Food 100 Mark Mock Paper DT Lesson Bundle
Design Technology Cover Work/Worksheets - Design Considerations

Design Technology Cover Work/Worksheets - Design Considerations

7 Resources
These DT Cover worksheets are suitable for year 9 and GCSE students. The first worksheet focuses on Mock Questions related to Usability. There are 7 questions (15 marks) in total. Students are provided with space to write their answers. Answers are provided for all of the questions; allowing self-marking time during the lesson. The second worksheet focuses on Design Considerations. It focuses on Usability and Colour Association. Students are provided with four tasks. The answers are provided for all tasks to allow for self-marking during the lesson. Teacher may consider providing this worksheet to lower years - such as year 8. The third resource encourages students to identify 8 design problems and write a design solution for each. This resource has also been presented to KS3 students as part of a cover lesson. The problem areas cover: Loose items in a large bag Messy eater - older children Children differentiating between the left and right trainer Getting down from a bunk bed safer and quicker Birds pecking at rubbish and making a mess on bin day Baby’s crawling on harder floors / discomfort to their knees Picking up a large number of nails that have dropped onto the floor The fourth worksheet focuses on Mock Questions related to Design Considerations. There are 7 questions (15 marks) in total. Students are provided with space to write their answers. Answers are provided for all of the questions; allowing self-marking time during the lesson. The fifth worksheet focuses on analysing a product & materials and components. Students are presented with four tasks in total. A handout has been provided to support them when analysing a product. Students are introduced to four design problems and asked to provide a solution for each. Please note that 3/4 of the problems on this worksheet also feature in handout three (listed above) and these are as follows: Loose items in a large bag Children differentiating between the left and right trainer Getting down from a bunk bed safer and quicker …the 4th problem is: * Some pre-school children are able to undo their seatbelt buckle. Students are tasked with four tasks. Tasks include complete the sentences using the missing words, match, cut and stick the design periods to the designer timeline, analyse two products and match them to their design inspiration and design an outfit inspired by a fashion trend. 7.Students are asked to complete sentences relating to branding and marketing. They are then asked to analyse an example app/app icon branding - along with answering two marketing question. Next students are provided with a well known drinks can and asked to sketch their own word/s using the iconic drink typography. Lastly students are tasked to brand a child’s banking app. You can find other Design Technology resources in my shop. Some useful links have been listed below: All DT resources DT Interactive Quiz Cover Lesson BUNDLE Understanding the Design Brief - Page Templates
Nutrition - KS3 Cover Lesson - Nutiritonal Requirements of a Child

Nutrition - KS3 Cover Lesson - Nutiritonal Requirements of a Child

These Food Worksheets focus on Nutritional Needs of a Child aged between 4-11 years. They have been delivered to KS3 and KS4 students as part of a specialist lesson, cover lesson and revision re-cap. Tried and Testing, clearly presented, reliable subject knowledge with answers provided. Students are firstly introduced to the nutritional requirements of a child (4-11 years). They are then tasked to complete the table by writing a minimum of 1 food source per nutrient. Students are then presented with 4 questions relating to the topic. Students will then go onto writing a newspaper article helping to educate parents on promoting a healthy diet to their children. Finally students are tasked to complete a daily meal plan for a 5 year old, recalling the information they have just learnt. They will then sketch the main meal, label and state the nutritional benefit this meal has to the child. Answers to task 1 and 2 have been provided on a separate sheet along with a video. You may also be interested in: Made for teachers Shop Complete Food Lesson Bundle Food Coursework and Exam Preparation Bundle AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition Nea 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation EDUQAS Food Preparation and Nutrition NEA 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle) Other cover lesson resources to consider: Digestion Worksheets Bacteria and Keeping Food Safe Food Quiz Eatwell Guide and Nutrition Food BINGO Task Sheet


This Chocolate bar Typography worksheet is suited for KS3, and KS4 students. This worksheet can be delivered by a specialist or non-specialist as part of a cover lesson. The tasks focus on exploring existing chocolate bar logos and the use of typography. Then designing their own logo using the typography of their choice. The following tasks are included: Task 1: Replicate one of the example bars on the blank chocolate bar wrapper. Focus on the bold straight line or the swirly flicks of each letter. Task 2: Create a new chocolate bar using your own style of typography. There are some examples below to inspire you. Examples have been included for students to use as inspiration. You may also be interested in: Made for teachers Art Worksheets Bundle D&T Worksheets Bundle Food 100 Mark Mock Paper DT Lesson Bundle
Changing Properties of Foods Worksheets

Changing Properties of Foods Worksheets

These worksheets focus on Property Changes of Foods . They are suitable for KS3 and KS4 students studying Food; and other cross-curricular subjects such as Science. They have primarily been designed for GCSE students, but have been used for year 9 (KS3) students also. This resource includes a x3 A4 sided worksheets. Each workheet is presented clearly. Each task provides space for students to write down their answers. The third sheet presents three GCSE Mock Questions relating to the topic. All of the answers to the questions are provided on separate slides, encouraging self-marking - saving you time! The answers and subject content throughout have been sourced from reliable sources. These resources are tried and tested - with excellent feedback and engaged students. They have been delivered as part of a cover lesson and by a specialist. Your cover teacher will be happy, as will you, as the students will be learning reliable subject specific knowledge during their lesson. Great set as homework also. You can find other quality Food resources here: Made for Teacher’s Shop **These other Food Science Resources may be handy too, to save you additional time: ** GCSE Mock Revision Questions with Answers GCSE Mock Revision Quetions with Answers BUNDLE
KS3/GCSE Food Cover Work/Worksheets - Food Choices: Health Related Issues

KS3/GCSE Food Cover Work/Worksheets - Food Choices: Health Related Issues

These worksheets focus on Food Choices: Health Related Issues; suitable for KS3 and KS4 students studying Food. These worksheets discuss Food Allergies and Food Intolerance… they include reliable subject content and presented in a student friendly way. Students are tasked with x4 tasks, answers included. The tasks are engaging and make a successful lesson - also great as part of a cover lesson! Tried and Tested. Your cover teacher will be happy - the work is organised and clear, with answers provided to encourage self marking. Additional helpful information is provided to support the tasks, so students have all the information to complete them, giving you confidence that they are learning all they need during their cover lesson. You may also find these additional resources handy: Food Choices: Health Related Issues PPT GCSE Mock Questions with ANSWERS focusing on Food Choices GCSE Mock Questions with ANSWERS focusing on Food Choices LARGER BUNDLE FREE Allergy and Intolerance Information Sheets Food Cover Lessons