Children investigate how long they spend at school in a week, how long they have been alive. A 10 page flipchart with starter, main, independent and plenary tasks.
A nice lesson pack the uses a place value chart to understand multiplying and dividing by 10, and then introduces a dice game to improve fluency with these skills. A nice practice lesson.
A 6 week bundle of morning starters or Minute Maths tasks, designed to be completed at the start of each day, allowing children time to practise calculation methods.
Complete lesson pack focussing on counting money and making amounts with different coins, with a nice Christmas theme. Comes with lesson presentation and children's tasks.
A lovely resource that encourages children to problem solve mathematically in the count down to Christmas, with a different problem each day, and some sample images for display.
An extensive bundle of teaching resources and children’s tasks to support teaching equivalent fractions- covers bar model, multiplication, equivalent fraction webs and missing numerators/ denominators. Enough resources to cover 2/3 lessons.
Contains flipcharts and children's activities for 2 quick paced lessons or could be extended over 3-4 lessons. A comprehensive pack that follows the White Rose Schemes of Learning for Year 2