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"Real Vikings" Documentary Episode 1 - Student Question Sheet with Answer Key

"Real Vikings" Documentary Episode 1 - Student Question Sheet with Answer Key

This is a question sheet for students watching the the “Real Vikings” documentary that is based on the History Channel’s show “Vikings”. This episode is called “The Age of Invasion” and is focusing on the Vikings raids throughout Europe, including the kingdoms of medieval England and the kingdom of Frankia. This would be apart of a larger unit of work when studying The Vikings in Stage 4. This could also be very engaging to leave for a substitute teacher for when you are away. This first episode goes for approximately 45 minutes. . . . Australian Curriculum - Stage 4 - Depth Study 4: The Western and Islamic World - Topic 4a: The Vikings (c. AD 790 – c. 1066) Significant developments and/or cultural achievements that led to Viking expansion, including weapons and shipbuilding, and the extent of their trade(ACDSEH047) -identify the extent of Viking exploration and trade -identify the regions conquered and/or settled by the Vikings -explain how and why Viking expansion occurred, including developments in weaponry and shipbuilding technologies Viking conquests and relationships with subject peoples, including the perspectives of monks, changes in the way of life of the English, and the Norman invasion(ACDSEH048) -explain and assess the impact of the Vikings on subject peoples in England and northern Europe, including the Danelaw -discuss the significance of the Norwegian (Viking) and Norman invasions of England in 1066 -outline what sources reveal about different perspectives on the Vikings, for example those of English monks . . . If you have any questions about this product or using this product, we are continuously seeking to improve the quality of our materials. Every effort has been made to make this unit error-free. Should you find any errors, please contact us via email at mrmsmohistory@gmail.com and we will ensure that you receive a corrected copy. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. . . . Keywords: Vikings, history, Stage 4, Australian Curriculum, Middle Ages, Scandinavia, Year 7, Year 8, PowerPoint, Ragnar, History Channel, television series, worksheet, questions, episode, rollo, jarl, arm ring, thing, farming, raiding, village, social structure, karls, frankia, wessex, northumbria, lindisfarne, attack, warriors, siege, paris, st denis, charlemagne, normandy, duke, civil war, roman walls, defend, battle, settling, monk, primary source, written evidence, longship, sails, archaeology, historians, christianity, conversion, valhalla.
Industrial Revolution - 9. Children in the Revolution

Industrial Revolution - 9. Children in the Revolution

This is a PowerPoint for the Industrial Revolution unit. It is lesson number nine. Students will look at the working conditions within both factories and in the mines, through the specific context of child labour. This lesson has a variety of audio sources available to illustrate the working conditions and pressures experienced by children in both industries. There are a variety of questions that are associated with each audio bite to help students empathise with the harsh and dangerous working conditions. Learning Objectives -identify the conditions for children working in factories. -describe the effects of working in mines for children. -justify whether the Industrial Revolution was negative or beneficial for children. Included: 1 PPT with 12 slides Australian Curriculum - Stage 5 - Depth Study 1: Making A Better World? - Topic 1a: The Industrial Revolution (1750–1914) Syllabus dot points covered The experiences of men, women and children during the Industrial Revolution, and their changing way of life (ACDSEH081) -use a variety of sources to investigate working conditions in factories, mines and other occupations, with particular emphasis on child labour Historical skills covered HT5-4–> explains and analyses the causes and effects of events and developments in the modern world and Australia HT5-6 -->uses relevant evidence from sources to support historical narratives, explanations and analyses of the modern world and Australia HT5-9 --> applies a range of relevant historical terms and concepts when communicating an understanding of the past . . . If you have any questions about this product or using this product, we are continuously seeking to improve the quality of our materials. Every effort has been made to make this unit error-free. Should you find any errors, please contact us via email at mrmsmohistory@gmail.com and we will ensure that you receive a corrected copy. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. . . . Keywords: Industrial Revolution, history, Stage 5, Australian Curriculum, Year 9, Year 10, transport, materials, sugar, growth, British Empire, Britain, map, labour, manpower, children, abuse, trappers, firedamp, mines, workers, working.
The Black Death - Arrival in Europe

The Black Death - Arrival in Europe

Here we explore the harsh realities of the Black Death! This will cover three main components: How the Black Death arrived in Europe What people thought caused the Black Death in Europe People’s reaction to the Black Death. The lesson has a fun game at the end, that requires the teacher to obtain AT LEAST TWO decks of playing cards, depending on the size of the class. Included: 1 PowerPoint with 13 slides . . Australian Curriculum - Stage 4 - Depth Study 6: Expanding Contacts - Topic 6b: The Black Death in Asia, Europe and Africa (14th-century plague) Living conditions and religious beliefs in the 14th century, including life expectancy, medical knowledge and beliefs about the power of God (ACDSEH015) describe what doctors understood about diseases and their treatment in this period outline what European people believed about religion and the power of God in this period The role of expanding trade between Europe and Asia in the Black Death, including the origin and spread of the disease (ACDSEH069) explain how trade and travel contributed to the outbreak and spread of the Black Death The causes and symptoms of the Black Death and the responses of different groups in society to the spread of the disease, such as the flagellants and monasteries (ACDSEH070) describe the causes and symptoms of the Black Death . . .If you have any questions about this product or using this product, we are continuously seeking to improve the quality of our materials. Every effort has been made to make this unit error-free. Should you find any errors, please contact us via email at mrmsmohistory@gmail.com and we will ensure that you receive a corrected copy. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. . . .Keywords: medieval Europe, history, Stage 4, Australian Curriculum, Year 7, Year 8, England, black death, plague, doctor, medicine, church, symptoms, cause, outbreak, treatment, rat, flea, disease, Asia.
Industrial Revolution - A Tour Around Industrial England

Industrial Revolution - A Tour Around Industrial England

A worksheet to be filled out alongside a video game, Assassin’s Creed Syndicate. You can explore the experiences of men, women and children in the Industrial Revolution, starting the journey in Whitechapel to look a the living conditions of the lower classes during the revolution, and the implications this had on their way of life. Then, pop on over to the Thames where we will see coal, cotton and what being moved across by steam-powered tug boats! There’s a lot to see in Southwark too! Hopefully, you will have enough time to see the Queen! If you have any questions about this product or using this product, we are continuously seeking to improve the quality of our materials. Every effort has been made to make this unit error-free. Should you find any errors, please contact us via email at mrmsmohistory@gmail.com and we will ensure that you receive a corrected copy. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Keywords: Industrial Revolution, England, history, Year 9, Year 10, Stage 5, Australian Curriculum, overview, movement of peoples
Ancient Greece - Research Task - Every life in Ancient Sparta & Ancient Athens

Ancient Greece - Research Task - Every life in Ancient Sparta & Ancient Athens

In this lesson of Ancient Greece, students will look at the everyday life of people from ancient Sparta and ancient Athens. Specifically, they will need to identify the similarities and differences of everyday life for people in these cities. This lesson includes three table activities where the students locate, select and synthesise relevant and detailed information to demonstrate an enriched understanding of life in these cities. Once students have completed these tables, there are activity questions to complete based upon the students’ findings. . . Australian Curriculum - Stage 4 - Depth Study 2: The Mediterranean World - Topic 2b. Greece Syllabus dot points covered Roles of key groups in the ancient society, including the influence of law and religion(ACDSEH032, ACDSEH035, ACDSEH038) -describe the roles of appropriate key groups in the ancient society, eg the ruling elite, the nobility, citizens (Greece and Rome), bureaucracy, women and slaves -describe the everyday life of men, women and children in the ancient society . . . If you have any questions about this product or using this product, we are continuously seeking to improve the quality of our materials. Every effort has been made to make this unit error-free. Should you find any errors, please contact us via email at mrmsmohistory@gmail.com and we will ensure that you receive a corrected copy. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. . . . Keywords: Ancient Greece, Sparta, Thebes, Athens, acropolis, Spartans, Athenians, society, men, women, polis, poleis, slaves, roles, responsibilities, law, religion, children, freedoms, rights, social structure, jobs, comparison, contrast