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NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.




NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.
Types of writing - fiction - the story of Branwen

Types of writing - fiction - the story of Branwen

This lesson uses the story of Branwen, daughter of Llyr, one of the four branches of the Mabinogi, as a basis for teaching comprehension, speech marks and adjectives. It begins with a simplified presentation of the story. The main activity presents drawings of Branwen and Bendigeidfran. Pupils assign adjectives to each character by gender. The plenary requires the correct positioning of speech marks into an extract of the story. There are five supporting worksheets at text and sentence level.
Wood, metal and manufacturing boards GCSE

Wood, metal and manufacturing boards GCSE

The aim of the lesson is to introduce students to a variety of different materials. Students will examine a number of common hardwoods, softwoods, manufactured boards, plastics, metals and compliant materials such as card.
Narrative skills

Narrative skills

This has been designed to allow children to begin to write independently, with images as sources of inspiration.
Meet Hawthorn the Hedgehog

Meet Hawthorn the Hedgehog

This interactive resource helps children identify an animal living in the environment around them, how seasons affect it and how our actions can impact on its life. The resource encourages children to ask and answer questions and consider how they can demonstrate care, responsibility and concern for living things in their area. [Once in the unit, click the house icon in the top right to move between pages of the resource]
Working in Partnership – Wales Somaliland Project

Working in Partnership – Wales Somaliland Project

A series of project packs for 5-11 created by 6 Cardiff Primary Schools to initiate project work with their partner schools in Somaliland. These resources focus particularly on ESDGC themes and the new Skills Framework and could be easily adapted to fit short or long term partnership projects with schools in any country.
The story of 8

The story of 8

Introduces pupils to the number 8. Pupils follow a character through a story where she finds eight of every item. Pupils then learn how to correctly form the number 8, and learn to recognise the number among other symbols through a series of games and activities. Learning objectives: to use mathematical language in the correct context, to begin to recognise numbers and to begin to match numbers to sight and sound.
Historical sites in Pembrokeshire

Historical sites in Pembrokeshire

A series of interactive Clicker 4 and 5 activities designed to support visits to key historical sites in Pembrokeshire: Carew World War II Airfield, St. Davids Cathedral, Pembroke Castle and Scolton Manor. The resources are cross curricular and cover the complete Primary age range. Most resources have historical themes, so they would be appropriate for pupils not visiting the sites, but studying the appropriate period in History.
Basic Skills Literacy Starters: Functional Skills

Basic Skills Literacy Starters: Functional Skills

This resource contains a web guide to basic literary skill it provides PowerPoint presentation starters and worksheets which are intended to be used briefly at the start of a lesson to consolidate previous learning. Topics covered include: Nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, homophones, parts of speech, sentence types, sentence openings etc
About  me

About me

Resources to aid children when learning about themselves (appearence) in French.
An Introduction to Wales

An Introduction to Wales

A series of lessons suitable for year seven pupils introducing them to many of the aspects of the physical and human geography of Wales. The materials are based on thinking skills activities and some lessons include animations and interactive activities. The lessons include work on location, climate farming and energy.
Battle of Britain

Battle of Britain

In collaboration with the Battle of Britain Historical Society, looking in detail at the battle including the new monument.


Introducing identification keys, contains complete lesson plans and worksheets
Wedding service

Wedding service

This interactive resource is suitable for early years and key stage one pupils. It has been created to support and develop aspects of the story book Wedding Service in the Christian Special Places series and the accompanying Teachers’ Handbook, Exploring Christian Special Places. The key stage one series was commissioned by ACCAC and published by the Welsh National Centre for Religious Education
Human body

Human body

This unit invites learners to consider their understanding of the human body. Using their own experiences and information provided for them it provides opportunity to think about, draw, write and discuss the position and size of some of the organs in the human body. Learners are encouraged to investigate systematically the effects of exercise on heart beat rate and to represent their results in variety of ways.