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NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.




NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.
3. Geographical features

3. Geographical features

Use these resources as part of a series of lessons with interactive whiteboard activities for KS2. The resource is based on school linking in Wales and Lesotho using materials gathered during a year's experience of teaching in Lesotho. Lessons are intended to give continuation and progression from t More…he KS1/Foundation Phase unit and to provide extension activities for more able pupils whilst offering a theme based approach to NC subjects. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
1. Ble mae Lesotho?

1. Ble mae Lesotho?

Cyfres o wersi a gweithgareddau bwrdd gwyn ar gyfer CA2. Mae’r adnodd yn deillio o gysylltiadau rhwng ysgolion Cymru a Lesotho gan ddefnyddio adnoddau a gasglwyd wrth addysgu yn y wlad am flwyddyn. Mae’r gwersi yn cynnig dilyniant o weithgareddau thematig gan gychwyn gyda’r Cyfnod Sylfaen/CA1 a hefyd yn cynnwys gweithgareddau ymestynnol ar gyfer disgyblion mwy galluog.
3. Pwy gaiff y dŵr

3. Pwy gaiff y dŵr

Cyfres o weithgareddau rhyngweithiol yn tanlinellu gwaith sefydliad elusennol yn yr ardaloedd o Sri Lanka a effeithiwyd gan y Tsunami. Mae'r adnodd yn cynnwys delweddau, tasgau datrys problemau a thasgau traws gwricwlaidd ac fe ellir golygu pob un ffeil i gwrdd ag anghenion a gallu eich disgyblion.
2. Cymru a Lesotho

2. Cymru a Lesotho

Cyfres o wersi a gweithgareddau bwrdd gwyn ar gyfer CA2. Mae’r adnodd yn deillio o gysylltiadau rhwng ysgolion Cymru a Lesotho gan ddefnyddio adnoddau a gasglwyd wrth addysgu yn y wlad am flwyddyn. Mae’r gwersi yn cynnig dilyniant o weithgareddau thematig gan gychwyn gyda’r Cyfnod Sylfaen/CA1 a hefyd yn cynnwys gweithgareddau ymestynnol ar gyfer disgyblion mwy galluog.
2. Wales and Lesotho

2. Wales and Lesotho

Use these resources as part of a series of lessons with interactive whiteboard activities for KS2. The resource is based on school linking in Wales and Lesotho using materials gathered during a year's experience of teaching in Lesotho. Lessons are intended to give continuation and progression from the KS1/Foundation Phase unit and to provide extension activities for more able pupils whilst offering a theme based approach to NC subjects. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Miscellaneous Thinking Tool Templates

Miscellaneous Thinking Tool Templates

Use these resources as part of a series of lessons with interactive whiteboard activities for KS2. The resource is based on school linking in Wales and Lesotho using materials gathered during a year's experience of teaching in Lesotho. Lessons are intended to give continuation and progression from t More…he KS1/Foundation Phase unit and to provide extension activities for more able pupils whilst offering a theme based approach to NC subjects. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
16-18 Literacy focus

16-18 Literacy focus

Use these resources as part of a series of lessons with interactive whiteboard activities for KS2. The resource is based on school linking in Wales and Lesotho using materials gathered during a year's experience of teaching in Lesotho. Lessons are intended to give continuation and progression from t More…he KS1/Foundation Phase unit and to provide extension activities for more able pupils whilst offering a theme based approach to NC subjects. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Where in the World? (Welsh)

Where in the World? (Welsh)

Use these colourful resources as an introduction to the topic Zanzibar. Where in the world?: Lesson 1 - Where on the world? Lesson 2 - I'm a detective Lesson 3 - Fair Trade day football and food Lesson 4 - The Fair Trade teddy bear&'s picnic Lesson 5 - Flying food Lesson 6 - Farming in Zanzibar Big Book of Children&';s Rights For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
9. Festivals and celebrations

9. Festivals and celebrations

This lesson is part of a set of interactive activities detailing the work of a charity organisation in the Tsunami affected areas of Sri Lanka. The resource contains images, problem solving tasks and cross-curricular tasks and all files can be edited to suit the needs and ability of your children. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Syniad Da Iawn

Syniad Da Iawn

Stori liwgar a digri ar gyfer disgyblion blwyddyn 3 a 4 gyda chyfres o weithgareddau atodol. Gellir gwrando ar y stori a gwylio’r lluniau cartwn lliwgar cyn mynd ati i gwblhau'r gweithgareddau iaith yn rhyngweithiol, ar y bwrdd gwyn ac ar bapur. Mae themâu perthnasol ‘ffermio defaid’ a ‘ffrindiau’ yn cael sylw hefyd yn yr uned gynhwysfawr hon.
Safety, waste and tools

Safety, waste and tools

Units suitable for Level 2 BTEC First Diploma in Agriculture course specification dealing with Health and Safety, Disposing of Farm Waste and Hand tools. There are presentations in PowerPoint format to introduce the subjects and a number of worksheets to help the teaching. These resource were originally presented on the Rhannu website. www.rhannu.org.uk


A resource aimed at developing pupil’s knowledge regarding the identification of swans, to study their place within the environment, the life cycle of a swan and factors that affect this particular animal within its environment. There are 6 activities that include the use of video footage. There are activities to encourage independent research, discussion and the development of thinking skills. There is also an opportunity to look at the environmental factors that affect swans. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfl site, linked below.
Ffiseg TGAU

Ffiseg TGAU

Mae’r unedau yn dilyn maes llafur newydd CBAC ac yn canolbwyntio ar Drydan, Grymoedd ac Ymbelydredd. Casgliad o adnoddau amrywiol sydd yma y gellir eu dewis a’u dethol er mwyn cynnig amrywiaeth o brofiadau a dulliau dysgu mewn ffurf ddiddorol a modern. Ceir cysylltiadau i safleoedd eraill sydd yn cynnig cyfle i ehangu’r cwricwlwm ac i edrych ar ddefnydd bob dydd o’r cysyniadau. Mae hefyd samplau o ddata go iawn o arbrofion a gynhaliwyd gan ddisgyblion y gellir eu defnyddio i gefnogi neu drafod agweddau ymarferol.
Ecological Footprinting in the Classroom - Global

Ecological Footprinting in the Classroom - Global

This resource (for KS2 and KS3) supports teachers in developing the concepts of sustainable development and ecological footprinting. It provides practical materials to support learning about the impact on our environment of our food consumption and transport use and also contains materials to support pupils in data gathering in the context of an enquiry approach to learning. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below
Ecological Footprinting in the Classroom Session 3

Ecological Footprinting in the Classroom Session 3

This resource (for KS2 and KS3) supports teachers in developing the concepts of sustainable development and ecological footprinting. It provides practical materials to support learning about the impact on our environment of our food consumption and transport use and also contains materials to support pupils in data gathering in the context of an enquiry approach to learning. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below
Food Technology - Standard Components

Food Technology - Standard Components

A comprehensive series of multimedia materials to support the teaching of the GCSE Design and Technology Food Technology course. The materials can be downloaded as a complete Moodle course or as individual elements. The bilingual resources include video clips, animations, text and quizzes within Moodle and can be used on an interactive whiteboard for whole class teaching or by students on individual computers. The images included in this work, to the best of our knowledge, are from sources that their use do not breach any copyright rules. Please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Rocket Science - Why go into Space

Rocket Science - Why go into Space

This innovative resource uses the 'Rocket Science' theme to develop investigative skills through a variety of Science topics. The students are encouraged to think critically and develop a curiosity for their learning that spans beyond the traditional and sometimes rigid division of Science into Physics, Chemistry and Biology. This approach allows the learners to tackle problems from a wider range of disciplines and skills and encourages them to see the big picture. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfl site, linked below.
Technoleg Bwyd - Canllaw Asesu

Technoleg Bwyd - Canllaw Asesu

Cyfres gynhwysfawr o adnoddau amlgyfrwng i gefnogi addysgu cwrs TGAU Dylunio a Thechnoleg, Technoleg Bwyd. Gellir llwytho’r deunyddiau i lawr fel cwrs Moodle cyfan neu fel elfennau ar wahân. Mae’r adnoddau dwyieithog yn cynnwys clipiau fideo, animeiddiadau, testun, a chwisiau o fewn Moodle a gellir eu defnyddio ar fwrdd gwyn rhyngweithiol ar gyfer addysgu'r dosbarth cyfan neu gan y disgyblion ar gyfrifiaduron eu hunain. Mae&'r delweddau a ddefnyddiwd hyd y gwyddom yn dod o ffynonellau nad yw eu defnydd yn tramgwyddo rheolau hawlfraint.
Technoleg Tecstilau - Byrddau Naws

Technoleg Tecstilau - Byrddau Naws

Cyfres gynhwysfawr o adnoddau amlgyfrwng i gefnogi addysgu cwrs TGAU Dylunio a Thechnoleg, Technoleg Tecstilau. Gellir llwytho’r deunyddiau i lawr fel cwrs Moodle cyfan neu fel elfennau ar wahân. Mae’r adnoddau dwyieithog yn cynnwys clipiau fideo, animeiddiadau, testun, a chwisiau o fewn Moodle a gellir eu defnyddio ar fwrdd gwyn rhyngweithiol ar gyfer addysgu'r dosbarth cyfan neu gan y disgyblion ar gyfrifiaduron eu hunain. Mae&'r delweddau a ddefnyddiwd hyd y gwyddom yn dod o ffynonellau nad yw eu defnydd yn tramgwyddo rheolau hawlfraint.
Health & Safety in the Tourism Industry Workbook 2

Health & Safety in the Tourism Industry Workbook 2

The resource is designed to be used as a part of a structured programme of teaching and learning, assisting students in applying knowledge to a range of travel and tourism organisations operating in different sectors of the industry. A range of activities have been incorporated into the resource. Some of these are interactive, others require students to undertake additional research and produce written answers. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.