Over 200 resources available for KS3-KS4 Science, KS5 Chemistry and Whole School! Lesson resources are suitable for live lessons in school, remote teaching at home or independent student study. It’s your choice how you use them 😊 Don’t forgot to explore my free resources too!
Over 200 resources available for KS3-KS4 Science, KS5 Chemistry and Whole School! Lesson resources are suitable for live lessons in school, remote teaching at home or independent student study. It’s your choice how you use them 😊 Don’t forgot to explore my free resources too!
Step by Step checklist on how to balance any symbol equation. To support this checklist there is a worked example document with two examples of balancing equations using the steps from the checklist. Perfect for teaching KS3-KS5
A great revision tool for GCSE and A Level Chemistry students for learning how to construct symbol equations in chemistry . Test students regularly on the list of compounds and ions so they can build their recall on this topic
Summary of all the equations and conversions to remember from AQA chemistry chapter 3 on Chemical Quantities and Conversions for higher tier students/ triple chemistry students
A useful list of all the keywords and definitions students will be introduced to during the OCR A, A level Chemistry Specification in Year 13. (NOTE: This document can also be used and adjusted as necessary for other specifications such as AQA and Edexcel, as there is a large overlap in the topics taught across these specifications)
A printable flashcard revision of this resource can be found in my shop here:
A useful list of all the keywords and definitions students will be introduced to during the OCR A, A level Chemistry Specification in Year 12. (NOTE: This document can also be used and adjusted as necessary for other specifications such as AQA and Edexcel, as there is a large overlap of topics taught across these specifications)
A printable flashcard revision of this resource can be found in my shop here:
Student friendly personalised learning checklist for AQA A level Chemistry (7405)
This resource includes key specification statements for papers 1-3
This resource has been split into three separate Excel documents for:
3.1 physical chemistry
3.2 inorganic chemistry
3.3 organic chemistry
The exam paper number linked to each topic can be found in the left hand corner of each checklist to aid student exam revision.
Student friendly personalised learning checklist for OCR A level Chemistry (H432)
This resource includes key specification statements for papers 1-3
This resource is one Excel document with tabs for:
Module 2: Foundations in Chemistry
Module 3: Periodic Table and Energy
Module 4: Core Organic Chemistry
Module 5: Physical Chemistry and Transition Elements
Module 6: Organic Chemistry and Analysis
The exam paper number linked to each topic can be found in the left hand corner of each checklist to aid student exam revision.
68 flashcards on OCR A level Chemistry keywords and definitions - Year 12 content only
Specific printing instructions have been included and should be followed so that flashcards can be successfully printed.
Important Note: These flashcards are only suitable to be printed as A6 flashcards (1/4 size of A4)
Included are keywords from the following OCR A Level chemistry modules:
Module 2 – Foundation Chemistry
Module 3 – The Periodic Table & Energy
Module 4 – Core Organic Chemistry
56 flashcards on OCR A level Chemistry equations and formulae (both year 12 and 13 content)
Specific printing instructions have been included and should be followed so that flashcards can be successfully printed.
Important Note: These flashcards are only suitable to be printed as A6 flashcards (1/4 size of A4)
Included are keywords from the following OCR A Level chemistry modules:
Module 2 – Foundation Chemistry
Module 3 – The Periodic Table & Energy
Module 5 – Physical Chemistry & Transition Elements
Module 6 – Organic Chemistry & Analysis
52 flashcards on OCR A level Chemistry keywords and definitions - Year 13 content only
Specific printing instructions have been included and should be followed so that flashcards can be successfully printed.
Important Note: These flashcards are only suitable to be printed as A6 flashcards (1/4 size of A4)
Included are keywords from the following OCR A Level chemistry modules:
Module 5 – Physical Chemistry and Transition Elements
Module 6 – Organic Chemistry and Analysis
A theory revision lesson reviewing the methods and exam questions for PAG 1 (1.1-1.3) OCR Practicals.
Included in this resource is a printable handout which enables students to:
Recall the experimental set up and method for OCR PAG 1 Practicals
Evaluate the practical methods
Complete exam style questions
There are 5 exam style questions included. Answers to these questions are also included
These resource is ideal for revision of PAG 1 practicals in the run up to external exams or mocks.
3 revision documents summarising the equations and conditions students need to remember for the following chapters in AQA AS Chemistry:
The halogens
Group 2 metals
Declaimer: Please refrain from purchasing this popular resource for an interview lesson or a formal observation. This is because planning your own lessons, including using your own lesson PowerPoints, is a fundamental skill of a qualified/unqualified teacher that will be assessed during the scenarios outlined above
13 flashcards on reactions and observations (if applicable) on:
–> Qualiative analysis tests for the following ions: carbonate, sulfate, barium, halides, ammonium
–> Group 2 element reactions with acids, water and oxygen
–> Group 2 compound reactions with acids and water. The uses of these reactions are also included
–> Colours of halogens in their natural state, in water or cyclohexane
–> Displacement reaction of halogens with metal halides
–> Disproportation reactions of chlorine
Instructions For Printing - Print these flashcards 4 pages per sheet, one sided preferrably on A4 card
Treasury tags will be needed to keep the flashcards together
11 flashcards on shapes of molecules and ions:
–> Shapes included: Tetrahedral, Trigonal Planar, Linear, Non-linear, Octahedral, Trigonal Pyramidal, Trigonal Bipyramidal
–> Examples and diagrams included
–> Key terms explained
–> Electron pair replusion order included
Instructions For Printing: Print these flashcards 4 pages per sheet, one sided, preferrably on A4 card
Treasury tags will be needed to keep the flashcards together
24 Flashcards on Transition Elements & Redox Reactions. Based on the OCR A level Chemistry Specification Point 5.3.1
Students will be able to:
Recall the reactions, including ionic equations, and the accompanying colour changes of aqueous Cu2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Mn2+ and Cr3+ with aqueous sodium hydroxide and aqueous ammonia, including:
(i) precipitation reactions
(ii) complex formation with excess aqueous sodium hydroxide and aqueous ammonia
Interpret the redox reactions using relevant half equations and oxidation numbers for the:
interconversions between Fe2+ and Fe3
interconversions between Cr3+ and Cr2 O 72–
reduction of Cu2+ to Cu+ and 2 7
disproportionation of Cu+ to Cu2+ and Cu
**Instructions for Printing: Print these flashcards 4 pages per sheet, one sided (preferrably on A4 card). Treasury tags will be needed to keep the flashcards together **
A well structured lesson including starter activity and lesson slides on mass changes when gases are in reactions. Suitable for AQA GCSE Chemistry and combined science (higher and foundation)
The lesson begins with a short starter task (DO NOW) on gases in reactions
Then by the end of this lesson KS4 students should be able to:
To relate mass, volume and concentration
To calculate the mass of solute in solution
To relate concentration in mol/dm3 to mass and volume
The teacher will be able to check students have met these learning objectives through mini AfL tasks for students to complete
All tasks have worked out answers, which will allow students to self assess their work during the lesson
Declaimer: Please refrain from purchasing this popular resource for an interview lesson or a formal observation. This is because planning your own lessons, including using your own lesson PowerPoints, is a fundamental skill of a qualified/unqualified teacher that will be assessed during the scenarios outlined above
A structured KS5 lesson including starter activity and AfL work tasks on Limitations of Cell Potentials
By the end of this lesson KS5 students should be able to:
LO1. To understand the limitations of predicting the feasibility of a reaction using cell potentials due to kinetics and non-standard conditions
LO2. To explain why electrochemical cells may not work based on the limitations of using cell potentials
The teacher will be able to check students have met these learning objectives through mini AfL tasks for students to complete
All tasks have worked out answers, which will allow students to self assess their work during the lesson
Declaimer: Please refrain from purchasing this popular resource for an interview lesson or a formal observation. This is because planning your own lessons, including using your own lesson PowerPoints, is a fundamental skill of a qualified/unqualified teacher that will be assessed during the scenarios outlined above
A well structured lesson including starter activity and mini AfL questions on concentration of solutions. Suitable for AQA GCSE Chemistry and higher tier combined science
The lesson begins with a short starter task (DO NOW) discussing students’ prior knowledge of concentration and solutions
Then by the end of this lesson KS4 students should be able to:
To relate mass, volume and concentration
To calculate the mass of solute in solution
To relate concentration in mol/dm3 to mass and volume
The teacher will be able to check students have met these learning objectives through mini AfL tasks for students to complete
All tasks have worked out answers, which will allow students to self assess their work during the lesson
Declaimer: Please refrain from purchasing this popular resource for an interview lesson or a formal observation. This is because planning your own lessons, including using your own lesson PowerPoints, is a fundamental skill of a qualified/unqualified teacher that will be assessed during the scenarios outlined above
A 45 minute end of chapter test on chemical equilibrium. The test covers content from both year 12 and 13 OCR on chemical equilibrium. A markscheme with model answers is also included which enables students self assess their answers in class with their teacher or as a homework task.
The test is based on the following learning objectives:
Apply le Chatelier’s principle to deduce qualitatively (from appropriate information) the effect of a change in temperature, concentration or pressure, on a homogeneous system in equilibrium.
Explain that a catalyst increases the rate of both forward and reverse reactions in an equilibrium by the same amount resulting in an unchanged position of equilibrium
Deduce, for homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions, expressions for the equilibrium constant Kc.
Calculate the values of the equilibrium constant, Kc (from provided or calculated equilibrium moles or concentrations), including determination of units.
Estimate the position of equilibrium from the magnitude of Kc.
Calculate, given appropriate data, the concentration or quantities present at equilibrium.
Deduce, for homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions, expressions for the equilibrium constant Kp.
Calculate the values of the equilibrium constant, Kp (from provided or calculated equilibrium moles or pressures), including determination of units.
Explain the effect of changing temperature on the value of Kc or Kp for exothermic and endothermic reactions.
State that the value of Kc or Kp is unaffected by changes in concentration or pressure or by the presence of a catalyst.
Explain how Kc or Kp controls the position of equilibrium on changing concentration, pressure and temperature