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The Irish Teacher's Resources

Average Rating3.34
(based on 50 reviews)

Mainly KS2 resources for English, Maths, Science and some topic also. Most of my resources include a lesson plan, presentation, activities and differentiated tasks. Please leave a review on any of my resources in which you purchase so I can use your feedback positively. I have taught the majority of these lessons and they have worked well. All lessons coincide with the National Curriculum 2014 and have been approved by my subject leaders. Hope they are useful :)




Mainly KS2 resources for English, Maths, Science and some topic also. Most of my resources include a lesson plan, presentation, activities and differentiated tasks. Please leave a review on any of my resources in which you purchase so I can use your feedback positively. I have taught the majority of these lessons and they have worked well. All lessons coincide with the National Curriculum 2014 and have been approved by my subject leaders. Hope they are useful :)
2D Shape Planning Year 1

2D Shape Planning Year 1

A week's worth of planning focusing on 2D shape. The planning is extremely detailed and well differentiated to ensure each learner can access the content. It involves fun lessons that can be carried out outside (weather permitted) and also introduces children to irregular shapes also. The week is full activities that contain lots of useful, topical Mathematical language, while encouraging children to explain 'why'. My Year 1 class thoroughly enjoyed these lessons. Please leave a review and check out my other resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Morrisr9
3D Shape Planning: Year 1

3D Shape Planning: Year 1

Differentiated hands-on building activities whilst identifying 3D shapes. A week's worth of clear, differentiated planning with explicit learning outcomes for different abilities. Lots of practical activities to encourage children to use the correct mathematical vocabulary.
Times Tables Games

Times Tables Games

Teach your students Times Tables with these Times Tables Games! Did you know that research says students learn more through interactive, fun learning? Use these games during starters for Maths lessons, flexible grouping, games, interventions, early finisher tasks or any other time during your day. Let’s connect: Instagram: rebecca.the.irish.teacher Email: rebeccatheirishteacher@gmail.com
KS2: Converting fractions to decimals

KS2: Converting fractions to decimals

Planned, resourced and differentiated for a year 5 class. These lessons are highly resourced with practical, engaging activities which are aimed to encourage each type of learner and ability. It involves the following objectives: *How do I multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals by 10, 100 and 1 000? *How do I read and write decimal numbers as fractions? *How do I round decimals to the nearest whole number and one decimal place? *How do I read, write, order and compare numbers with up to 3 decimal places? *How do I solve problems involving converting between units of time? Please review and check my other resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Morrisr9/edit
Adding and Subtracting Fractions: KS2

Adding and Subtracting Fractions: KS2

This resource contains a detailed lesson plan, powerpoint and lesson starter to help you teach children how to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator. I spent a long time making this resource as I wanted to ensure children understand how to use the correct terminology i.e. numerator, denominator, whole etc. The powerpoint is extremely detailed and contains pictorial representation as well as numerical to satisfy the needs of visual learners also. The powerpoint also contains key questions, encouraging children to explain 'why' something happens. This is very effective for the overall understanding of adding and subtracting fractions. The activities are on the powerpoint, hence why there is no activity attached. There is also a challenge embedded in the plenary aimed to be completed in mixed ability pairs, in order to push on the high ability children and secure the understanding of the class. Please leave a review if you liked this resource and check out some of my other resources also: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Morrisr9
2D Shape Lesson Plan: Differentiated and Practical

2D Shape Lesson Plan: Differentiated and Practical

This lesson plan provides children with an opportunity to engage with geometry in a way that should be clear to each individual learner. This lesson plan is well differentiated to the point where each group is challenged while there needs are being bet simultaneously. This plan includes lessons on: 2D shape properties and classification Lines of symmetry Lines of symmetry in irregular shapes 2D shapes in different orientations Classification of triangles. As the title suggests, there are many practical activities involved, including creating a symmetrical robot, practical classification and use of mirrors. Please leave a review to let me know your thoughts on this lesson plan.
Subtraction- Year 4

Subtraction- Year 4

This resource includes a detailed plan for a week on subtraction. The plan is differentiated and explicitly lays out what each group will do for their activity each day. Objectives covered are: Using column method accurately Using the inverse to check my answers Solving word problems involving subtraction I have also included levelled SATs questions as an extension to extend or assess children's application of subtraction. These lessons were taught by myself and my year 4 team, who found the outcomes to understanding subtraction were successful. I have attached a maths skill check also, which I have started to use for the first lesson each week to check children's understanding of a variety of mathematical concepts.
Christmas Activities: Themed Maths

Christmas Activities: Themed Maths

A mathematical activity to engage children with converting units of measure (Christmas Theme). I have included a map of the world with different parts labelled for children to measure the distances between. Children must measure the distance between 2 different parts of the world. Then because 1cm=35 minutes, they must then calculate how long it would take to get to said part. For example: How long will it take Santa to get from house A to house B? Using your ruler, measure the distance from A to B. If it’s 7.6 cm- round to the nearest whole number which is 8cm. 1cm = 35 minutes so 35 x 8 = 280 minutes =4 hours 40 minutes Fill in the table below of your findings. This example has been done for you. Children must then fill in a table with their findings. Included also is two different design opportunities. Children can design their own Christmas jumper and Christmas cookies.
Morning Challenges- Year 4

Morning Challenges- Year 4

A broad selection of morning challenges to keep your children busy when they come in in the morning. Included are: VCOP morning challenges Maths morning challenges Improving sentences Vocabulary Enough to keep them busy for months.
Multiplication square

Multiplication square

A simple 10 X 10 multiplication resource to help children with their times tables. I often allow my lower groups to use it so that I can test their knowledge of the column method and not just of the times tables.
World Cup 2022 Qatar: Maths

World Cup 2022 Qatar: Maths

Enjoy some fun Maths activities by engaging the children with the World Cup 2022. The country of Qatar is getting ready for 2022, so why shouldn’t we? A mathematical activity to engage children with converting units of measure (World Cup Theme). Lesson Plan included. Familiarise the children with the layout of the stadiums. Children must measure the distance between a letter and a stadium. Then because 1cm=35 minutes, they must then calculate how long it would take to get to said stadium. For example: How long will it take A to get to Lusail stadium? Using your ruler, measure the distance from A to Lusail stadium. If it’s 7.6 cm- round to the nearest whole number which is 8cm. 1cm = 35 minutes so 35 x 8 = 280 minutes =4 hours 40 minutes Children must then fill in a table with their findings. A fun activity for the whole class. Please let me know what you and your class thought of this resource- I can’t wait to hear your thoughts. I have included a map of Qatar with the football stadiums.
Multiplication Revision Game Year 4/5

Multiplication Revision Game Year 4/5

This is a game I play frequently with my class at the end of the multiplication topic/year to check assessment. The picture as the cover image shows the lower ability game. This resource is differentiated for higher abilities and middle abilities. This game works exactly like X's and O's, except children must solve the question within the box of their choice, get the answer correct before they can put an X or an O in. My class absolutely love this game, and the higher ability game provides a great challenge with *missing number multiplication *two-digit multiplication *multiplying decimals. A really successful game, which is really useful come the end of the year. Please leave a review and check out my other resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Morrisr9
REVISION- Number- Year 4

REVISION- Number- Year 4

Two different tests I used with my Year 4 class at the end of Term 1 to assess their understanding of number. Test 1: Addition and Subtraction Test 2: Multiplication and Division They both contain 10 questions each and I found them useful for my own assessments. Answers included.
Mental Maths Support Booklet- Year 3

Mental Maths Support Booklet- Year 3

***A 20 PAGE MENTAL MATHS SUPPORT BOOKLET*** This is a booklet I created to support a year 3 child with their mental maths. I am a private tutor and a class teacher so I like to have 'go to' booklets and resources to use for my tutoring sessions. This booklet is aimed to bring a year 3 child up to speed with mental maths for term 1. However, it's a good starting point for any child in KS2 who is not confident in their mental maths. The objectives covered in this booklet are: Use place value and number facts to add and subtract numbers Subtract by counting up Learn to count in 3’s and 4’s and know the 3x and 4x table. Add and subtract any two digit numbers by counting on in 10s and 1s or by using partitioning Perform place value subtractions without a struggle (536-30=506) Know multiples of 10 with a total of 100 Know pairs with each total to 20 Please leave a review and be sure to check out some of my other resources at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Morrisr9
Angles- Year 4/5- OBSERVATION

Angles- Year 4/5- OBSERVATION

**OBSERVATION LESSON** A co-worker of mine asked would I plan a lesson observation with them on angles. A few years ago, I taught a similar lesson for an observation. Basically, this resource contains: A clear, detailed and differentiated lesson plan A simple but colourful powerpoint to use as a guideline 3 activities differentiated into high, middle and low Angle creators with arrows (just print, laminate and secure with a split pin). This lesson aims to engage a variety of learners. By using the angle creator, visual and kinesthetic learners can practically make the different types of angles that are being taught in this lesson. (Acute, obtuse, reflex, right angle, straight line angle) HA are extended by asking children to label the angles found in 2D shapes and how to measure them by using a protractor. The plenary asks children to spot angles in the clock face. A really enjoyable lesson. Please review.
Year 3 Maths Medium Term Plan-Term 2

Year 3 Maths Medium Term Plan-Term 2

A medium term plan used during term 2 for Year 3. Topics covered and expanded in the MTP: Place value, ordering, estimating, rounding Reading numbers from scales Understanding + and – Mental calculation strategies (+ and -) Multiplication and division : Fractions Measure, and time, including problems Geometry: Properties of Shape
Number Sense/Place Value- Year 4

Number Sense/Place Value- Year 4

A fantastic week's plan and detailed notebook presentation to begin maths with your new year 4's. Every activity is displayed on the presentation and the plan explicitly states what needs to be covered in order to help children to meet the learning objective. Nice, colourful, engaging slides to begin maths in a fun way. Covered: count in multiples of 1000 find 1000 more or less of a given number identify the values of different digits complete sequences involving 4 digit numbers apply my knowledge of place value to solve a problem
Column Addition Year 4

Column Addition Year 4

A week's planning based on building children up to adding using the formal method. The week begins by discussing ways to partition and add three digit numbers mentally. This embeds the idea that will be used for the week. From there, interactive activities are used to engage children with column addition and to understand that place value and aligning the digits is extremely important when using this method. This package includes a detailed, differentiated plan as well as a resource of number cards to use.
End of Term Maths Investigations KS2

End of Term Maths Investigations KS2

********END OF TERM MATHS INVESTIGATIONS ********* I'm not pawning this off as my own, I did not make these resources so therefore I will not be selling them. I am simply bundling them together as I spent an hour looking for a week's worth of activities for maths next week as an end of term type thing. I did make the planning myself, so I have attached this. However the other resources I found on TES and I thought they were amazing! Just trying to save someone the time in looking for a long time. Hope you enjoy :)