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The Irish Teacher's Resources

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(based on 50 reviews)

Mainly KS2 resources for English, Maths, Science and some topic also. Most of my resources include a lesson plan, presentation, activities and differentiated tasks. Please leave a review on any of my resources in which you purchase so I can use your feedback positively. I have taught the majority of these lessons and they have worked well. All lessons coincide with the National Curriculum 2014 and have been approved by my subject leaders. Hope they are useful :)




Mainly KS2 resources for English, Maths, Science and some topic also. Most of my resources include a lesson plan, presentation, activities and differentiated tasks. Please leave a review on any of my resources in which you purchase so I can use your feedback positively. I have taught the majority of these lessons and they have worked well. All lessons coincide with the National Curriculum 2014 and have been approved by my subject leaders. Hope they are useful :)
Rainforest Art Plan KS1

Rainforest Art Plan KS1

3 weeks of Art planning based on the Rainforest and the paintings of Henri Rousseau. Children are taught to appreciate his art as well as create their own version of 'Surprise'.
Book Week Activity

Book Week Activity

An editable book cover hunt. Children will follow the clues on the reverse side of each book cover and hunt around the school for some hidden treasure. They must write down the names of the book covers that they come across too and aim to read at least one of them that week. Just something a bit different during Book Week to engage them with different books. For more information of activities that we did during Book Week, check out my Instagram: Rebecca.the.irish.teacher.
Inference Challenge Cards

Inference Challenge Cards

6 challenge cards for children to solve upon finishing a comprehension task early or if looking to encourage them to think deeper. We have been trying to use the A.P.E (answer, prove, explain) technique for inference questions, which encourages children to PROVE their answers by looking at clues in the text/pictures. These challenge cards remind children to prove their answers.
Myths: Understanding the Features

Myths: Understanding the Features

After hours of reading and PD on Pie Corbett’s Talk4Writing, I decided to plan my English lessons around his style of teaching. The idea behind it is fun filled, active and different so my children and I absolutely love it! Included: *4 day, detailed lesson plan. *Power Point of the story. *‘Theseus and the Minotaur’ text resource (color coded). *‘Box-it up’ planning frame. *Hot Seating Questions which allow the children to get into the mind of the Minotaur. I have put a lot of detail into the lesson plan, so it can be easily followed to apply this style of teaching to your ENglish lessons. The idea behind it is: Week 1= Imitation Phase. In this week, children need to learn off a text to fully immerse themselves in the style of writing, structure, language etc. This is done through actions and also text mapping (drawing pictures). Only when children fully understand a text type, should they begin to write. The writing of a myth will be done in week 3. (This resource is only week 1). By the end of the week, your children should fully understand the features of a myth, and should be able to recite a whole myth using their text map. It’s lots of fun and a fantastic scaffolding for children to understand before they write. Give it a try!
Books We've Read: Reading Display

Books We've Read: Reading Display

Needing some inspiration for my reading corner, I created this display in order to show case the children’s reading books. The idea behind it is that the book templates will be printed out for children to fill in whenever they complete a book. They can draw the front cover and fill in the blurb on the back and the teacher can laminate the books and hang them from a string underneath the heading. It’s a super cute idea to show off all the books that you’re class have read and let’s face it, it looks really colorful in your reading area. Included: *The display name: “Books we’ve Read” *Book templates to print out. (See cover photo for a clearer idea).
Creating your own Classification Key

Creating your own Classification Key

Dreading a dull lesson on how to create a classification key? Look no further because here your children will be super engaged by creating a classification key for different types of sweets! Included: An activity to allow children to try classify animals in pairs. & An editable Power Point which explains: What ‘classifying’ is. How to create your first question for a key. How to use a classification key. Allows children to work collaboratively by encouraging them to engage in ‘partner talk’. It encourages them to JUSTIFY their choice of groups. Heightening their reasoning skills is very important, especially in Science. I completed this lesson this week as an introduction to classification keys. Next week we will be classifying vertebrates and invertebrates. Please leave a comment to let me know your thoughts.
Year 4 SPAG test- End of Term

Year 4 SPAG test- End of Term

This resource was put together as a test for my year 4 class at the end of the year to check their knowledge of SPAG. I have attached the SPAG curriculum to ensure that I have included lots of different areas of this subject. Children are tested on: * their knowledge of punctuation (commas, question marks, speech marks and apostrophes plural and possessive). * their knowledge of SPAG terminology (main/subordinate clause, frontal adverbial, determiner, adverb, suffix, preposition, contractions). This test gave me a great insight into the progress they’ve made, but also which areas that they are still not so sure on. Please leave a review and check out some of my other resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Morrisr9
The Vikings- Year 4

The Vikings- Year 4

An introduction into the Vikings. It’s very exciting lesson as it involves role-play and physical moving around the classroom to “spy” on the Vikings. My class got a lot out of it.
Planets' distances from the sun- Year 5 Lesson 2

Planets' distances from the sun- Year 5 Lesson 2

A fun lesson which allows children to practically lay out the distance from each planet to the sun by using toilet paper. It is a whole class activity, and it allows children to see what each distance looks like in a creative way. Learning from the previous lesson is reinforced also.
2D Shape Planning Year 1

2D Shape Planning Year 1

A week's worth of planning focusing on 2D shape. The planning is extremely detailed and well differentiated to ensure each learner can access the content. It involves fun lessons that can be carried out outside (weather permitted) and also introduces children to irregular shapes also. The week is full activities that contain lots of useful, topical Mathematical language, while encouraging children to explain 'why'. My Year 1 class thoroughly enjoyed these lessons. Please leave a review and check out my other resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Morrisr9
Explanation Text- Year 5

Explanation Text- Year 5

This week is on Explanation Texts. As we were doing the Ancient Greeks as our topic, these lessons are based on the Battle of Marathon. Children begin the week by discovering the meaning of an explanation text and its features. There is a lot of engaging lessons in discovering details about the Battle of Marathon- well differentiated also to allow the access of all learners. By the end of the week, children write a successful explanation on the Battle of Marathon, using the correct features. As well as that, there is a strong SPAG focus on relative clauses, which children are expected to use in their ‘big write’ on Friday. Included is lots of differentiated resources, detailed planning, very detailed notebook presentation and VCOP resources. I have tried this resource and it was very successful. Please leave a review and check out my other resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Morrisr9 UPDATED: powerpoint version of the notebook added.
Parent Workshop: Supporting Reading

Parent Workshop: Supporting Reading

An editable powerpoint presentation for a workshop to give to parents in supporting their children’s reading at home. It’s 20 pages long and covers: *How to support your child in comprehension *Activities to engage with while reading *How long to spend reading with your child *Links to websites for further help It can be used from 5 y/o to 12 y/o children.
Art Activities KS2: Art Day

Art Activities KS2: Art Day

This package includes a lesson plan and a wealth of images and templates to carry out 4 different art activities. We spent the full day focusing on art from different artists such as Picasso Monet Romero Britto and many more. The learning objective is: How do I create different tones of one colour using different media, exploring shape and pattern? Success Criteria: I can discuss the work of artists. I can mix paint to create different shades of blue. I can keep the colours clean by using a clean brush to mix. I can make an observational drawing I can combine pastel colours to create an illusion of colours mixing. I can create a repeating pattern using tone to add depth. Children will create 4 different art pieces using many different techniques all based around our theme of the colour blue.
Philosophy 4 Children (P4C): Display cards

Philosophy 4 Children (P4C): Display cards

20 philosophical thought cards to encourage children to discuss deep ideas and justify the reasons for their choice. These cards can be used as a display, or as a lesson in itself to engage children in paired discussion. Philosophy for Children (P4C) has been proven to improve: Critical reasoning skills. Creative thinking skills. Concentration skills. Listening skills. Communication skills. Social skills. Once a week for a lesson, give it a try!
Back to School Activity

Back to School Activity

BACK TO SCHOOL!!! (Already?) One of my main goals on day one is to build relationships with the children and leave them go home on the first day feeling happy and safe in their new classroom environment. The idea behind this resource is that each child write a nice comment on their peers’ jigsaw pieces, so that by the end of the lesson, each child has a nice comment from everyone in the class. I then plan to cut the jigsaw pieces out and display them in the classroom for the year, for children to refer to anytime they wish. It also gives you an opportunity to set expectations for a more “busy” lesson, i.e. silent when walking around the room/no running/no pushing etc. Included is: The activity sheet A short powerpoint explaining how to engage in this activity! Please leave a review and let me know how you got on
Features of a Persuasive Text: Plan

Features of a Persuasive Text: Plan

OBSERVATION LESSON: Today was my observation and it was day 1 for us, engaging with Persuasive Writing. The children had to identify the features of a persuasive text using the AFOREST technique. (We used this support mat and it was EXCELLENT! This resource includes: a very detailed, differentiated lesson plan, which allows you to follow it step-by-step (just like I did). Links to the texts I used. Key for annotating. Advertisements for Lower Ability pupils. To start: children will try to persuade their teacher to allow them to go for break 5 minutes early. To you (and the observer, this will show their prior knowledge of persuasion, which should be little at this stage). Main: Using a key, children will highlight and annotate a piece of persuasive writing using a key to spot the different features. There are 3 different persuasive texts for high, middle and low ability children so that they can all access the content. Plenary: Children will be placed into mixed ability groups of 4/6 and asked to SELL you a random object from the class (e.g. a pencil case) in a dragon’s den type fashion. This will show the observer (and you) the progress made since the start of the lesson as the children apply the techniques that they have learned. Please let me know your thoughts on this lesson plan.
KS2 Class Assembly

KS2 Class Assembly

I created this playscript for my Year 5 class to perform this year. We spent a number of weeks on persuasive writing, so I thought it would be a fantastic way to show off the techniques they had learned in persuasive techniques. I based it around the TV show Dragon's Den. The Assembly has 4 dragons in which the contestants must persuade to buy their products using persuasive techniques. There is a narrator role also, which explains what's going on throughout the play. This playscipt is easy to adapt and was really funny to watch as well as show off what the children had learned. Please leave a review and check out my other resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Morrisr9
Multiplication square

Multiplication square

A simple 10 X 10 multiplication resource to help children with their times tables. I often allow my lower groups to use it so that I can test their knowledge of the column method and not just of the times tables.
English Working Wall Display

English Working Wall Display

I’ve added these key terms (in yellow) here for you to create a working wall for your English display. These headings can be kept up all year round, even when you change genre. All you need to do is to change the work around it, accordingly. See my blogpost on my blog to see how exactly I use this display in my class. (Note: only the headings in yellow and the clouds are included).
Book Review: Fiction and Non-Fiction

Book Review: Fiction and Non-Fiction

FREEBIE! This freebie contains a book review for both fiction and non-fiction texts. It’s a sample from my recent resource: [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-super-book-of-guided-reading-activities-11926213] Check it out for 25 pages of superhero themed activities.