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Roman Settlements

Roman Settlements

A lesson about Roman settlements in Britain including a recap starter, a worksheet on Roman towns, an extension on Roman houses, a video and a role play activity on Roman roads.
Medicine Summary Sheets- Edexcel GCSE

Medicine Summary Sheets- Edexcel GCSE

Summary sheets for students to fill in on the Medieval, Renaissance, 18th and 19th, Modern era and First World War as part of the Edexcel Medicine Through Time GCSE. Good for students doing independent revision.
Crime and Punishment during the Industrial Revolution

Crime and Punishment during the Industrial Revolution

A lesson looking at how the police force started during the Industrial Revolution including Robert Peel and looking at how prisons improved and Elizabeth Fry. Includes a recap quiz, teacher exposition and questions, video and plenary quiz.
Why did the Vikings come to Britain

Why did the Vikings come to Britain

A lesson looking at why the Vikings came to Britain including a recap starter, a drawing and labeling activity of a Viking longship, a push and pull factors sorting activity and a true or false activity.
What Caused the Dancing Plague?

What Caused the Dancing Plague?

A lesson looking at the Dancing Plague that occured in Strasbourg in 1518. Lesson includes what happened and various theories, a video, debate question and a puzzle. This lesson was done for History Club so was mainly discussion and activity based rather than note making.
Public Health in the 18th and 19th century- Edexcel Medicine GCSE

Public Health in the 18th and 19th century- Edexcel Medicine GCSE

A lesson looking at Public health in the 18th and 19th century as part of the Edexcel Medicine Through Time GCSE. The lesson looks at diseases that were common during the Industrial Revolution, Edwin Chadwick, the Great Stink and Joseph Bazalgette and the Public Health Acts. Lesson includes a recap quiz, teacher exposition and note making, videos and a sorting activity.
What was the Industrial Revolution?

What was the Industrial Revolution?

Two lessons introducing the Industrial Revolution including a recap starter, spot the difference, video and card sort, gap fill and a key people sheet for all the key players from the Industrial Revolution.
Salem Witch Trials

Salem Witch Trials

A lesson looking at what caused the Salem Witch Trials. Includes a picture starter, information about what happened, a video, theories about what caused the trail and a debate question and puzzle plenary. This lesson was done for History Club so was mainly discussion based rather than note taking.
Diseases during the Industrial Revolution

Diseases during the Industrial Revolution

A lesson looking at diseases that were common during the Industrial revolution including typhoid, tuberculosis, cholera and smallpox. Includes teacher exposition and questions, a table sorting activity, video and a written task.
Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper

Two lessons covering all the victims of Jack and Ripper, the events of their deaths and possible suspects. Includes a video, teacher exposition and an opportunity for students to debate who they think the most likely suspect was.
How do steam engines work?

How do steam engines work?

A lesson looking at the invention of the steam engine and James Watt including a recap starter, video, labeling activity and sorting activity with water and steam power.
Viking Settlements

Viking Settlements

A lesson about Viking settlements in Britain including a recap starter, video, worksheet and teacher exposition on Coppergate.
Tudor Fashion

Tudor Fashion

A lesson looking at fashion during the Tudor era. Includes information, a video, some labeling and colouring activities. This was done as a History Club lesson so is mainly discussing and activity based rather than note making.
Victorian Crime and Punishment

Victorian Crime and Punishment

A lesson looking at Victorian Crime and Punishment including looking at prison, transportation, the beginings of the police force and case studies of Jack the Ripper and Burke and Hare. Lesson includes information, video and a carousel activity.
The Romans leave Britain

The Romans leave Britain

A lesson about why the Romans left Britain including a recap starter, teacher exposition, a fill in the gap activity and a true or false activity.
Inventors and Inventions

Inventors and Inventions

A lesson looking at Invention during the Industrial Revolution looking at key individuals including James Watt, George Stephenson, Michael Faraday, Ada Lovelace, Isambard Kingdom Brunel and Henry Bessemer. Includes a recap starter, teacher exposition, a carousel activity and paragraph writing.
Nazi Opposition- Edexcel Weimar and Nazi Germany GCSE

Nazi Opposition- Edexcel Weimar and Nazi Germany GCSE

A lesson looking at opposition to the Nazis including opposition in the army, the church, from young people and assassination attempts against Hitler as part of the Edexcel Weimar and Nazi Germany GCSE. Includes recap starter, teacher exposition, colour coding activities, video and exam practice.
Public Health During the Industrial Revolution

Public Health During the Industrial Revolution

A lesson looking at public health during the Industrial Revolution including the poor housing conditions, the Chadwick report, the Public Health Acts, John Snow and Cholera, Joseph Bazalgette and the Great Stink. Includes teacher exposition and questions, worksheet, videos and hot air balloon debate.