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Magic Bullets- Edexcel Medicine GCSE

Magic Bullets- Edexcel Medicine GCSE

A lesson looking at magic bullets as part of the Edexcel Medicine Through Time GCSE. Lesson focuses on Ehrlich and Salvarsan 606 and Domagk and Prontosil aswell as sulphonamides. Lesson includes a recap quiz, teacher exposition and note taking, videos and colour coding activity.
Celts and Iron Age

Celts and Iron Age

A lesson looking at the Celts and Iron age Britain including a recap starter, a video and multiple activities.
What is iron and how is it made?

What is iron and how is it made?

Lesson looking at the importance of iron during the Industrial Revolution and a step by step of how it was made and a worksheet looking at the Darby family.
How important were trains?

How important were trains?

A lesson looking at the invention and importance of trains during the Industrial revolution including key events such as the opening of the Stockton-Darlington and Liverpool-Manchester railways and key individuals such as Richard Trevithick and George Stephenson. Includes a recap starter, teacher exposition and questions and videos.
Living Conditions in the Industrial Revolution

Living Conditions in the Industrial Revolution

A lesson looking at the poor living conditions and back to back housing during the Industrial Revolution and the diseases it leads to including smallpox and cholera. Includes a recap starter, teacher exposition and questions and a video.
How did conditions improve during the Industrial Revolution

How did conditions improve during the Industrial Revolution

A lesson looking at Improvements in society and medicine during the Industrial Revolution including key Individuals such as Seebohm Rowntree, John Snow and Joseph Bazalgette. Includes teacher exposition and questions, a worksheet, videos and hot air balloon debate.
Victorian Medicine and Science

Victorian Medicine and Science

A lesson looking at both some of the weird ideas about medicine and science in the Victorian era as well as progress made such as Louis Pasteur. This was done for a History Club so is a mixture of fact files that were discussed and videos.
Stone Age

Stone Age

A lesson assessing how primitive stone age Britain was and introducing key historical concepts such as what is History and archeology.
Nazi Propaganda-Edexcel Weimar and Nazi Germany GCSE

Nazi Propaganda-Edexcel Weimar and Nazi Germany GCSE

A lesson looking at Nazi propaganda and how Goebells helped the Nazis gain support. Looks at rallies, the radio, newspapers, film, posters and literature. Includes a recap starter, teacher exposition, videos and practice exam questions.
Henry VIII  AQA Tudors A Level Unit

Henry VIII AQA Tudors A Level Unit

A unit covering Henry VIII following the AQA Tudors A Level specification. Lessons include: An introduction, first actions, rise of Wolsey, fall of Wolsey, domestic policy, foreign policy, Wolsey’s reforms of the pre-reformation church, the reformation, the differences between Protestantism and Catholicism, dissolution of the monasteries, pilgrimage of grace, Thomas Cromwell, government post 1549, Henry’s legacy and questions and answers for episode 2,3 and 4 of mind of a tyrant. Includes recap starters, teacher exposition, videos, debate questions, success and failure tasks and practice exam questions.
Henry VII Unit- AQA Tudor A Level

Henry VII Unit- AQA Tudor A Level

A unit on Henry VII following the AQA Tudors A Level specification. Lessons Include an introduction, how Henry took the throne, how Henry consolidated his throne, early rebellions, later rebellions, Henry’s relationship with the nobles, government structure, finance, justice and domestic policy, foreign policy, trade and exploration, economy, society and the church. Includes recap starters, teacher exposition, historiography, debate questions, success and failure tasks and practice exam questions.
Why were canals so important?

Why were canals so important?

A lesson looking at the invention and importance of canals during the Industrial Revolution including key individuals such as James Brindley, the Duke of Bridgewater and Josiah Wedgewood. Includes a recap starter, teacher exposition and questions and a video.