Featured resources

Digital Connect 4 SPaG
A digital connect 4 game using SPaG questions.
Divide the class into two teams
Each team takes it in turns to choose a ‘number’
Click the number to reveal a SPaG question
If the team answer correctly they get to ‘place a counter’
Click the bell picture to go back to the first slide
CLICK HERE for the Google Slides copy: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pt1PhwC_8YwCDdzCmb5V6sbO4amXIfbyWifJPog6xKM/copy

Pop and Poetry Knowledge Organiser
An A4 knowledge organiser to help Y9 students with the pop and poetry unit. Includes QR code links to vocab Quizlets.

My body word search - with symbols
A word search to support Cambridge English Learners at A0, A1 and A2 level.

Transport Word Search - with symbols
A word search with three levels of challenge to support Cambridge English learners at A0, A1 and A2 level.

Pop or Poetry Display
A number of pop or poetry quotes for a display or a quiz, includes:
-Simon Armitage or The Arctic Monkeys
-Carol Ann Duffy or Pulp
-William Blake or BTS
-Keats or Katy Perry
-Benjamin Zephaniah or Tupac
-Bronte or The Beatles

30 Maths Activity Frames
A3 Activity Frames I made using Google Slides to support White Rose Maths teaching.
Can be printed A3 and laminated to use with concrete materials or can be used as templates on Seesaw.

Higher History - Russia before 1905
Powerpoint as a starting point for thinking about how secure the Tsarist state was before 1905, with past paper questions at the end.

N4/N5 Migration and Empire, Scots abroad quiz
Quick quiz about Scots who emigrated abroad for national history

2020-2021 Calendar Happy Bees
August 2020- August 2021 calendar with bumble bee background.
For an editable copy on Google Slides click the link here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1GGuMhR-tB8oq92FutxNuzuMAnehb5yguCXU1BG4cEKI/copy

A powerpoint and short booklet and worksheet for teaching Rights of animals- also the national geographic website is great for showing food consumption- http://www.nationalgeographic.com/what-the-world-eats/
I used this with an S3 class but it could easily be adapted for higher or lower age groups.

National 4/5 Scottish Wars of Independence, William Wallace, Robert Bruce
Power points with an overview of the sub topics for the National 5 unit on Wars of Independence

Boggle Display
Boggle display printable to make a permanent class Boggle board. Can be used as a starter/extension/end of lesson task.

National 4/5 History- Scottish Wars of Independence, succession problem and Balliol
Power points for 2 out of the 4 sub topics for the unit 'Scottish Wars of Independence'
The power points are lengthy but would be used among role play/ debates/note taking tasks.
Also attached is a 'key figures' work sheet and Balliol & Edward I note taking sheet

History, Jacobites Million Pound Drop
A revision game used with BGE S1-S3 level when studying the Jacobites

Numbers 0-10 activity templates
Templates made on Google Slides to be used on Seesaw to practise the numbers 0-10

Praise Postcards
Postcards to be used for pupils or colleagues to share positive feedback or messages.

Additional Phonics Speed Sounds Lessons
A presentation made on Google Slides to support teaching additional phonics speed sounds (y, ph, ue, wh, ck, kn, e-e, au, ie, se, ce, tch, ge, dge, e, tion, cious, tious, le)

About Me Banner- bunting
‘About me’ banner to be printed A4 double sided for students to complete.
I made this resource in Google Slides using icons and symbols from thenounproject.com