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KS3 PowerPoint - Shape Vocabulary Test

KS3 PowerPoint - Shape Vocabulary Test

A PowerPoint with 10 quick questions all relating to shape words, made for my bottom set year 7, very simple, answers at the end, I didn't worry too much about spelling with the group i had but its up to you if you want to mark down for poor spelling
Triangles Quick Test - KS3 - PowerPoint

Triangles Quick Test - KS3 - PowerPoint

A PowerPoint with a quick 10 question test on a timer (20 seconds for each question) includes naming triangles and some easy missing angles. Answers are at the end for easy marking. Ideal for KS3 triangles.
Factors test

Factors test

10 questions asking students to list down all the factors of a number, but they only have 10 seconds for each one, answers at the end
Reading cumulative frequency charts

Reading cumulative frequency charts

A handout following on from drawing cf charts/graphs getting students to read of median, UQ, LQ and IQR. Starter goes over making CF tables, and extension asks students to go through the whole process from creating the table and graph to finding IQR and m
Expanding Brackets Worksheet

Expanding Brackets Worksheet

KS3 Maths algebra worksheets suitable for homework or classwork. Expanding out Brackets lesson. Objective: to be able to expand and simplify expressions with brackets. An expanding brackets worksheet with a starter on multiplying negative numbers and collecting like terms.
GCSE Maths Algebra Worksheets

GCSE Maths Algebra Worksheets

Here's a bunch of worksheets I&'ve made on algebra, there&';s stuff like substituting, multiplying brackets, y=mx+c, gradients, solving equations, collecting like term, writing expressions. They've all got a starter, main and extention exercise. Hope you find them useful.
Find the mistake: mixed numbers/improper fractions

Find the mistake: mixed numbers/improper fractions

KS2 and KS3 Maths Powerpoint. Numbers activity - writing improper (top heavy) fractions as mixed numbers. Suitable as a starter and plenary. 10 questions where some are done incorrectly, students have to try to spot the wrong ones, answers at the end with a link so you can go back to the questions to talk about what has gone wrong.
Drawing straight line graphs using the equation

Drawing straight line graphs using the equation

KS3 Maths activity. A new and improved powerpoint with animations showing how to quickly plot lines whose equations are in the form y=mx + c. there are some questions asking students to find the gradient and intercept and a load of examples of how to draw the lines, then some lines for them to draw at the end. Extention asks students to draw lines wih same gradient to see if they can spot that they are parallel
KS3 Gradient and Intercept Matching Cards

KS3 Gradient and Intercept Matching Cards

A PowerPoint with some cards where students have to match the equation of a straight line to the correct gradient and intercept, some of the harder ones include rearranging and dividing through by a common factor. Ideal for KS3 students.