Mean,mode,median and range worksheet
A simple worsheet, no decimals or negatives, maybe good for low ability of those new to the topic. Extention asks students to find numbers that have certain mean,mode,median and range.
Reading bar charts worksheet
KS2 Handling Data KS3 Statistics: representing data. Maths worksheet suitable for classwork or homework. A simple worksheet with three bar charts and questions about them. Couple of mixed quetions as a starter and a puzzle at the end.
Angles on Parallel lines Powerpoint
A little powerpoint about alternate angles, corresponding angles and the other ones, with soem questions at the end.
Maths FDP conversion worksheet
KS3 Maths: Fractions, Decimals and Percentages worksheet, for homework or classwork. Objective : to be able to convert common fractions, decimals and percentages. A worksheet with converting between fractions decimals and percentages, maybe best for a revision exercise or a with a group who has seen the work before, have a look, let me know what you think.
KS3/KS4 Maths: Solving linear equations worksheet
Maths algebra worksheet for, homework or classwork. Objective: to be able to solve linear equations
A simple worksheer for solving equations, extention includes brackets and starter has some simple substitution.
Trigonometry Introduction Lesson
A lesson that introduces sin,cos and tan, with a little quiz and questions at the the end.
Angles in Regular Polygons Powerpoint
KS3 interactive powerpoint on angles in regular polygons with questions at the end with answers. Hope you find it useful.
Simple Direct Proportion PowerPoint and Questions
A PowerPoint with a few KS3 examples of how to do the unitary method and some questions to follow. Great revision for proportion.
Mean from grouped frequency tables
KS4 Maths worksheet with starter, main and extention. Starter has some finding mean questions and finding the midpoint of two numbers. Extention asks students to try and make up a table that will give a mean of 5.5.
KS3 Distance Time Graphs PowerPoint
KS3 PowerPoint. A few slides with distance time graphs on them, with some questions, read through them first, good for mini white coard sort of starter.
GCSE Reverse Percentage PowerPoint
A GCSE PowerPoint showing how to use multipliers to increase and decrease amounts as well as find original prices. There are some questions for students too. Hope you find this useful.
Finding equations of parallels and perpendiculars
A GCSE powerpoint showing how to find the eqaution of parallel and perpendicular lines, with some questions at the end. To be used on the interactive whiteboard.
Cumulative frequency powerpoint with the avengers
GCSE Statistics. A little powerpoint showing how to create cf tables and graphs which jumps on the avengers band wagon. You need to watch it first because it will require talking over. Shows how to find median, upper and lower quartile and inter quartile range from cf graph. Last slide shows multiple data sets on one set of axis for discussion on comparisons. Might be a nice introduction.
Made especially for Jen
Hope you find it useful
KS3 / GCSE: Fractions Revision Powerpoint
A powerpoint which covers most fraction topics. Includes simplifying, equivalent fractions, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing, conversion to decimals and percentages, ordering fractions, finding fractions of amounts.
There are questions to practise with. I intend to give it to students so they can take it home to revise from, these aren't intended to be full lessons. Hope you find it useful.
Little error with adding fractions slides sorted out
Simplifying Surds
A powerpoint with examples and questions for simplifying surds, nothing fancy
Rounding to Significant Figures Worksheet
Worksheet for rounding to significant figures with starter main and extention
Multiplying and Dividing Decimals worksheet
Simple multiplying and dividing decimals worksheet, with starter main and extention, range of questions starting off nice and easy
KS3 -Multiplying and Dividing Fractions PowerPoint
A simple PowerPoint for multiplying and dividing fractions, shows how simplifying can be done before the multiplying. Has a multiple choice starter for converting between mixed numbers and top heavy fractions. Some questions at the end, but they can be taken out if you've got better ones. Ideal for KS3 students.
Hope you find it useful
100 Maths Puzzles - KS3 / GCSE
Some maths puzzles I found on the internet which can be used as starters or plenaries, or escape routes if half the class don't turn up because of an assembly over running! Ideal for KS3 and GCSE students.
Completing the Square Powerpoint
A lesson on completing the square with a quiz for a starter, a few examples and a quiz at the end