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Betsy Belle's Shop

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GCSE, KS3 and Primary French resources. Choose from 100s of resources, including many with 5* reviews.




GCSE, KS3 and Primary French resources. Choose from 100s of resources, including many with 5* reviews.
French Valentine Card to colour

French Valentine Card to colour

3 Valentine's cards included. Simply print, fold in half and distribute. (Colour and B&W versions included) Pupils colour the cute picture on the front according to the French instructions given on the back eg. 'colorie le coeur en rouge'. On the back are suggestions in French for a message to write inside.
One Page Learning Mat Les Descriptions

One Page Learning Mat Les Descriptions

These 'all on one page' learning mats go beyond the standard vocabulary you might find in a textbook or PowerPoint presentation. The language is authentic, up-to- date and relevant including phrases such as hair extensions, false eyelashes, man bun as well as the usual basic stuff. Use as a speaking frame / a writing frame / a learning mat / a revision aid / an extension tool. The PDF is in colour but looks nice printed in greyscale as well. I usually print and photocopy in greyscale but put the colour version on the IWB.
One Page Learning Mat: Numbers (plus mini word clouds activity)

One Page Learning Mat: Numbers (plus mini word clouds activity)

A fantastic support for all year groups. Would be good to have in a cardboard folder pinned to the wall for reference or enlarged and used as a poster. Print and laminate and use as a learning mat to boost confidence amongst new learners in the classroom. Great differentiation technique when dealing with mixed ability classes. Use it as a speaking frame / a writing frame / a learning mat / a revision aid / an extension tool. The PDF is in colour but looks nice printed in greyscale as well. I usually print and photocopy in greyscale but put the colour version on the IWB. Also included: mini word clouds- excellent starter activity. Great for revision as well. Could give out as an extension tool for early finishers. Give them out upon arrival and give them a time frame. At the end of the timeframe pupils go head to head in a 'bidding war'. Each pupil says how many they can translate and have to prove it. The highest bidder goes first- if he can get to his bid he wins, if he can't the next bidder goes and has to get to his highest bid to win.
French Vocabulary Mat: directions (plus mini word clouds activity)

French Vocabulary Mat: directions (plus mini word clouds activity)

All the vocabulary you need on one A4 page for teaching directions: use it as a learning mat, a homework sheet, a support sheet, an extension sheet, a revision sheet, a classroom poster...endless possibilities. Also includes: Mini word clouds- excellent starter activity. Great for revision as well. Could give out as an extension tool for early finishers. Give them out upon arrival and give them a time frame. At the end of the timeframe pupils go head to head in a 'bidding war'. Each pupil says how many they can translate and have to prove it. The highest bidder goes first- if he can get to his bid he wins, if he can't the next bidder goes and has to get to his highest bid to win.
French Valentine's Game

French Valentine's Game

Distribute hearts to all pupils and they have to find their matching heart. Game 1 is matching names eg. Tu es Barack Obama, trouve Michelle. (Other half = Tu es Michelle). Game 2 is matching places eg. Tu veux visiter New York. (Other half = Tu habites a New York). Game 3 is matching hobbies eg. Tu aimes faire du sport. (Other half = tu es sportif). Game 4 is matching food eg. Tu aimes la cuisine italienne. (Other half = tu aimes la pizza). There are 16 matching pairs (32 halves) in each game but if your class is bigger i have included spare hearts for you to add your own. If your class is smaller simply leave some pairs out. The hearts are backed in colour for differentiation (tell pupils their matching half shares the same background colour.) Or print on in black and white to increase challenge. Make it more romantic by playing French love songs in the background as they circulate and only stop when the music pauses. Or tell them it is like speed dating and they need to find their matching heart before the music stops. Reward pupils for any French interaction you hear as they circulate the room.
The Basics: Days and Months Presentation

The Basics: Days and Months Presentation

All you need to introduce the vocabulary for Days and Months in French . 1.Individual slides with essential nouns on. 2.A slide with all vocabulary on one page (for 'qu'est-ce que c'est? OR an opportunity for pupils to copy into books) 4. In the spotlight activity 5. Match up activity 6. Days of the week video link 7. Months of the year video link Perfect introduction to my other resources on greetings and initial questions and responses including One page Learning Mat, Follow me Cards, Word Cloud, Odd one-out and A flow chart quiz.
The Basics: greetings Presentation New Slides added!

The Basics: greetings Presentation New Slides added!

All you need to introduce the vocabulary for . Greetings and initial questions and responses 1.Individual slides with essential nouns on. 2.A slide with all vocabulary on one page (for 'qu'est-ce que c'est? OR an opportunity for pupils to copy into books) 4. In the spotlight activity 5. Match up activity 6. Create a dialgoue activity 7. Link to Voki website for pupils to make French avatars. Perfect introduction to my other resources on greetings and initial questions and responses including One page Learning Mat, Follow me Cards, Word Cloud, Odd one-out and A flow chart quiz.
French Fashion Design your own tshirt

French Fashion Design your own tshirt

Anybody with a class with difficult girls needs to buy this resource. I created this especially for my bottom set year 9 girls and it worked. Silence. Engagement. Enthusiasm! You will not regret this purchase. It is full of up to date language describing clothes that our pupils actually wear; the pupils were amazed at the 'cool' vocab lists with words like 'high tops' and 'playsuit'. The final outcome is a written paragraph about the t-shirt they have designed. At your discretion how they balance their time between sketching and producing written language! Vocabulary taught: T-shirt style (sleeve length, neckline, fit) T-shirt look (colour, pattern, slogan) Clothes to go with the t-shirt Accessories to go with it Advice on how to achieve 'the look' (using imperatives) Includes consolidation activities and comprehension. Printable worksheet slide included
French: Les Fruits Smoothie Challenge (NEW extra: les fruits PowerPoint)

French: Les Fruits Smoothie Challenge (NEW extra: les fruits PowerPoint)

*NEW EXTRA: I have added a fruit PowerPoint to bring more value to the resource. * Pupils race against the clock and each other to find the meaning of 22 fruits. Task 1: work on your won to find as many of the words as you can in the allocated time (teacher to set classroom timer and provide dictionaries). Task 2: work with a partner to share answers in the allocated time. Task 3: circulate the classroom and exchange words with others in an attempt to fill in the blanks (at this point I offer my own services and offer one exchange with each pupil- they have usually left the trickier ones to the end and might need you to support in this way in order to translate all 22). Most are fruit, some are liquids- enabling them to create a simple but delicious fruit smoothie. Task 4: select 5 ingredients for a fruit smoothie (you could reward the winner). Great for developing dictionary skills; increasing vocabulary; encouraging pupil interaction and using language creatively. 3 sheets are provided- 2 in colour (a pink version and a blue version) and 1 in black and white.
French Mini Books: Seasonal Collection

French Mini Books: Seasonal Collection

4 mini books: Christmas, Halloween, Easter and Springtime Each mini book has a teacher version in full colour and 3 pupil versions 1. Sentence level mini book 2. Word level mini book 3. 'Working towards writing' mini book (nouns already included, pupils colour the picture) These titles are also available in the 'Mini Books Growing Bundle'.
Numbers Les Chiffres 'I have Who has' Follow me Cards

Numbers Les Chiffres 'I have Who has' Follow me Cards

30 cards each with a different number between 1-30. 2 versions included: French only. French with digits for an easier game. Teachers notes included explaining how to play and when to play for best results. Distribute cards and the pupil with 'debut' begin and asks 'qui a cinq'. Then the player with 'j'ai cinq' shouts this out and their question and so on until the last player shouts 'La fin!'
French Places in Town: Triorama (NEW extra: places in town flashcards)

French Places in Town: Triorama (NEW extra: places in town flashcards)

A lovely triorama for places on town. Pupils cut out the square, fold and cut along the dashed line. They write a description of their town/their ideal town etc. then glue the two triangles together creating a pop up town. Makes a great display. This resource includes a colour version for you to print and display as a model and a black and white version to print for pupils to colour and write own description. Recently added for better value: places in town flashcards. If you had already bought both of these resources please email me for a free resource of your chocie at betsybelleteachesfrench@hotmail.com
Spanish Vocabulary Sheet: Los deportes

Spanish Vocabulary Sheet: Los deportes

Spanish Vocabulary sheet on sports to display on IWB and print off for pupils. Beautiful pictures labelled in Spanish. Included in this resource are 3 versions: colour, black and white and black and white unlabelled for pupils to write the noun themselves. Use as support, print off as posters. Also included is a 'talk more, write more' sheet which prompts the pupils to ask and answer questions about the vocabulary such as 'que tu gusta?' allowing you to extend the activity and consolidate and develop learning.
French Board Game: Greetings/Les Salutations

French Board Game: Greetings/Les Salutations

A board game to consolidate understanding of ‘greetings’ vocabulary. Introduce some fun and an element of competition into the lesson. 3 versions included- Easy French to English, Intermediate French to English and Intermediate English to French. A vocabulary sheet to support with answers is included so pupils can work independently. Also included is a sheet with a template for a paper dice and paper counters (just in case you are in a hurry and no time to find any)
24 Flags of Europe video

24 Flags of Europe video

A short video displaying 24 European flags. This video was created to accompany this colouring worksheet https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/european-day-of-languages-flags-colouring-activity-11377081
Zombie mini me craft

Zombie mini me craft

Very simple mini me zombie craft. Teacher instructions included. I must stress this is a v quick upload following a customer request but it could be useful to others. Happy hallwoeen!