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Mrs Shaw's Shop

Average Rating3.40
(based on 23 reviews)

High-quality, value for money teaching resources covering English language and literature; literacy; history; media and Spanish. With twenty-seven years' teaching experience I know what works in the classroom. Engaging, thorough and fun, your students will love these lessons.




High-quality, value for money teaching resources covering English language and literature; literacy; history; media and Spanish. With twenty-seven years' teaching experience I know what works in the classroom. Engaging, thorough and fun, your students will love these lessons.
Frankenstein: The Play

Frankenstein: The Play

A basic scheme of work aimed at weaker students that you can build on and develop for students of higher ability. Eleven powerpoints guide you through the text with ideas for development. Many storyboards of the action are included to reinforce understanding of the plot. Background work includes a powerpoint on Mary Shelley and the history of the discovery of electricity.
The Four Types of Sentences

The Four Types of Sentences

A twenty-eight slide presentation explaining the four types of sentences, with exercises for students to complete and answers.
Telling the time in Spanish

Telling the time in Spanish

Teach your class how to tell the time in Spanish with this easy to understand 64 slide Powerpoint. The cardinal numbers are introduced and practiced first, followed by the other divisions of time. The students are given visual clues and have to say the time as it appears on the slide. A worksheet with twenty-two times is for follow-up (answers provided). The lesson is completed with students practising real-life questions in pairs. The visuals on the Powerpoint make it fun and easy to understand.
Still I Rise by Maya Angelou

Still I Rise by Maya Angelou

This folder contains everything that you need to understand Maya Angelou’s brilliantly uplifting poem. A 48 slide Powerpoint introduces the poem and then goes through the significant features verse by verse. A separate Word timeline of facts from the advent of slavery in America to the Civil Rights Movement contextualises the poem. Follow-up activities include visualising the positive images used in the poem. A copy of the poem is also included.
Disabled: Wilfred Owen

Disabled: Wilfred Owen

This twenty-slide Powerpoint guides you through the poem beginning with historical context and then annotated notes on each of the verses. Follow-up activities concentrate on Owen’s use of contrast and narrative writing from the point of view of the disabled man. A timeline of information about Owen is included in the folder also.
Holiday Brochure Project

Holiday Brochure Project

Diglington is a fictional seaside resort on the east coast of England, which is jam-packed with fun activities for the family. After studying the eleven page brochure with seven different sections full of language techniques and inspiration, students follow the eleven slide powerpoint to create a holiday brochure for a holiday destination of their choice. This is an ideal opportunity to research a real destination, or simply turn your home town into a holiday destination, using the language techniques that you have learnt. The folder contains two brochure, both word documents, one of which is marked up with comments. This activity will provide hours of fun as students become absorbed in their destination.
Anglo-Saxon Invasion of Britain

Anglo-Saxon Invasion of Britain

Using an extract from Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the Nation, students investigate why the Anglo-Saxon tribes invaded Britain in the fifth century. A 15 slide Powerpoint introduces the topic with contextual information. The extract from Bede is an adaptable Word worksheet and answers are provided to the questions. A final writing task is to imagine that you are an Anglo-Saxon who has just arrived. Suitable for secondary students due to Bede’s archaic language.
Harry Potter Day Lessons Key Stage 3

Harry Potter Day Lessons Key Stage 3

Enchant your students with these Harry Potter Day activities. There are three lessons in the bundle - one for year 7 where students create their own sweet; one for year 8 where they create their own potion and one for year 9 during which they create their own fantastical beast. Buy the bundle and you will have a lesson for each year on a rotating basis. No need to plan for Harry Potter day ever again!
Writing Reports: Informative Writing

Writing Reports: Informative Writing

Teach your students how to collate information from two sources into a structured report with recommendations. This fourteen slide Powerpoint introduces the purpose of reports and then guides students through how to write a report for their headteacher on the suitability of two applicants for the position of English teacher at their school. The Word worksheet with the teacher applications is included.
Capital Letters

Capital Letters

Do you ever feel frustrated that your students have simply stopped using capital letters? This twenty-seven slide powerpoint reviews the rules in a fun and interactive way, then explains the difference between use of capital letters for common nouns and proper nouns. There are copious amounts of exercises to correct, which can be done on the board as a class or can be printed off for homework. If you want to embed the use of capital letters, this is the lesson for you. To complete all activities would take over one hour.
Wilfred Owen Background and Letter Home

Wilfred Owen Background and Letter Home

This introductory lesson to the greatest World War One poet includes sixteen slides about his life. The folder also contains a very moving letter that he wrote to his mother about a disastrous sentry duty that he had to undertake. The powerpoint concludes with a choice of activities inspired by this letter, such as highlighting all the powerful language and writing your own poem; responding to the letter as Owen’s mother; interviewing Owen and then writing up the interview as a newspaper report (planning sheets included). A great resource to celebrate the centenary of the end of World War One and can be used in both English lessons and history lessons. This can also be used as an introduction to the two other lessons on Dulce et Decorum Est and Exposure, both available here.
Making Metaphors

Making Metaphors

Using Wes Magee’s simple, yet effective poem “What is the Sun”, students learn how what metaphors are and why writers use them. They are then given a choice of elements from the natural world, such as the Moon, the starts, a waterfall and have to emulate Magee’s poem, using five separate and original metaphors to describe their subject. Students love this lesson and it is very effective in getting them to use metaphors, which are much more difficult than similes. Creates lovely display material also.
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Graphic Novel

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Graphic Novel

Full scheme of work on the graphic novel by Alan Grant and Cam Kennedy. Eight lessons in total aimed at lower ability students with accompanying worksheets. Worksheets focus predominantly on cloze exercise summaries of the chapters, so that students remember the plot. Each lesson contains a powerpoint also.
Spelling: Irregular Plurals F and Fe Endings

Spelling: Irregular Plurals F and Fe Endings

Learn to spell irregular words ending in -f or -fe that can take -s or -es in a fun way with this powerpoint and worksheet. The rule is explained on the powerpoint and then students are given a look/cover/spell/check worksheet to learn the spellings ready for a test. The powerpoint contains eighteen spellings with graphics for clues, which will help and second language speakers in your class. A further worksheet can be used to consolidate the activity in class or for homework. All answers provided, so students can mark their own work.
Latin and Greek Number Prefixes

Latin and Greek Number Prefixes

Did you know that sixty percent of words in English have their roots in Greek and Latin? This fun quiz will not only help your students to fully appreciate the huge influence of these languages, it will also make mathematics more meaningful for them. Students are given several clues to fifteen Latin and Greek number prefixes. No longer will they state, "It's all Greek to me." All answers provided.
Nettles: Extended Metaphors

Nettles: Extended Metaphors

Using the poem “Nettles” by Vernon Scannell, students analyse the effect of the extended metaphor of military imagery to describe the nettles before engaging with the theme of the poem. In the second lesson, students learn how to create extended metaphors themselves with an example comparing school to a prison. Students are given several choices and lots of support to then choose a vehicle for their own extended metaphor. Folder includes: A worksheet to identify meanings of military imagery words before reading. Copy of poem. 25 slide powerpoint.
Author Research Project: Jacqueline Wilson

Author Research Project: Jacqueline Wilson

Foster a love of reading in your students by using this thirty-two slide powerpoint on the life and career of Jacqueline Wilson to inspire your students to research an author of their own choosing. The project can either be print-based or Powerpoint-based, as in the example, if you have access to ICT resources. There are two accompanying worksheets to support the project with lots of ideas for potential authors and how to structure the project. The project could be done at school or set for homework.
Speech: I have a dream

Speech: I have a dream

Support students to write a persuasive speech on the subject of school uniform by analysing an extract from Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream speech”. Students then apply Mr King’s language techniques to a speech either for or against school uniform. Students never tire of this eternal subject. A twenty-two slide powerpoint guides them through planning and structuring the speech with some ideas for and against the issue. Perfect for teaching GCSE transactional writing.
Christmas Poem

Christmas Poem

Using Levi Tafari’s poem “Caribbean Christmas”, students read the poem as a class, then take a verse each to practice and perform. Finally students write their own poem about what Christmas is like in the region where they live. Tafari’s poem is great fun as it includes several “Call and response” verses that students love interacting with. Festive fun for all the class with a multi-cultural element. Don’t be all bah humbug this Christmas. Have some fun with your students! Folder includes powerpoint and hard copy of poem.
Apostrophe of Omission

Apostrophe of Omission

Revise how to use the apostrophe of omission with your students with this comprehensive Powerpoint packed full of exercises with answers. Together with the Powerpoint “Apostrophes of Possession” your students will become experts in the use of the apostrophe and not victims of the Apostrophe Protection Society!