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Mrs Shaw's Shop

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High-quality, value for money teaching resources covering English language and literature; literacy; history; media and Spanish. With twenty-seven years' teaching experience I know what works in the classroom. Engaging, thorough and fun, your students will love these lessons.




High-quality, value for money teaching resources covering English language and literature; literacy; history; media and Spanish. With twenty-seven years' teaching experience I know what works in the classroom. Engaging, thorough and fun, your students will love these lessons.
Cliches Similes and Idioms

Cliches Similes and Idioms

Two lessons that cover cliches in the English language. The first lesson looks at how many similes are cliches and invites students to create their own original similes to create a poem about autumn inspired by five different autumnal pictures. The second lesson looks at how many idioms are cliches and uses a worksheet for students to explore the meaning of well-known idioms. Worksheet included.
Get Rid of Get

Get Rid of Get

Don’t you just hate it when students overuse the verb “get” in their writing? With this fun powerpoint, you can encourage your students to abandon this tedious and unimaginative verb. The powerpoint contains several quick-fire activities and the folder includes five worksheets to embed the learning. Great for teaching synonyms and how to vary your vocabulary.
Words from French

Words from French

This thirty-two slide Powerpoint explains the historical reason why there are many words from French in the English language. The first activity then asks students to match Old English synonyms to their French equivalents. The second activity gives ten adjectives from French and students have to match the adjective to the definition. The third activity gives ten words for colours from French and asks students to match the description to the colour. Next there are twenty clues to words from French and finally there are eight inventions that have been named after French people that the students have to guess. This will take one hour or two thirty minute lessons. No need for worksheets. All questions and answers on the slides.
Multi-Clause Complex Sentences

Multi-Clause Complex Sentences

Teach your students to become master writers with this powerpoint on creating multi-clause complex sentences. Students are given the elements of a sentence, which they have to incorporate into a grammatical complex sentence. Ten sentences in total build to create an action-packed adventure story that you write together as a class. In the second activity, students analyse how Robert Louis Stevenson uses this type of sentence to describe Long John Silver. Students are then tasked with writing a description of Moriarty from Sherlock Holmes using the same construction. This should cover two separate lessons.
Spelling: Suffix -Ful/-Fully

Spelling: Suffix -Ful/-Fully

Adding the suffixes -ful and -fully to the ends of words can be tricky because if the word ends in y, then you change the y to an i. This rule is explained and then there are twenty sentences that students have to complete with key words, either ending in -ful or -fully. Cartoon graphics are included to help second language speakers. All answers provided, so students mark their own work. A workheet is provided to consolidated the learning either at home or in class. A free suffix worksheet is thrown in for good measure too.
Spelling: Words Ending in Able and Ible

Spelling: Words Ending in Able and Ible

A twenty question quiz on spelling words ending in “ible” or “able”. Students are given some guidelines and a look/cover/spell/check worksheet to learn the spelling before the quiz. All answers provided on the powerpoint, so students can mark their own work. A consolidation worksheet is included to complete at home or in class.
Roman Numerals

Roman Numerals

Learning Roman numerals gives the brain a good workout and makes us think about the world in a different way. After the explanation of the addition and subtraction principles, this 90 slide powerpoint contains three rounds. Firstly, students work out the Roman numeral equivalent of every day numbers. Next students write the every day number from Roman numerals. Finally students add two Roman numerals together. All answers provided for this forty-six question quiz, so students can mark their own work. Aimed at middle ability students.
Leaflet: Open Day

Leaflet: Open Day

This Powerpoint encourages students to create a leaflet to promote an Open Day at your school. It could be used as an activity or a formal assessment. A Word planning sheet is included in the folder.
The Logo Quiz

The Logo Quiz

A fun quiz with twenty logos that students have to guess before designing a logo to represent themselves. Could be done as a one-off lesson or as part of a Media Studies scheme.
Great Lives: Dr Martin Luther King

Great Lives: Dr Martin Luther King

Explore the life of the legendary hero, Dr Martin Luther King, with this bundle of activities. The folder includes: Two-sided information on King’s life and struggle. Worksheet with sixteen sentences to complete from information. Extension tasks such as writing a letter to the great man; creating interview questions. Extract from “I have dream speech” with language technique analysis sheet. 5.Extract from acceptance speech of Nobel Peace Prize. 6.Vocabulary Extension Activity Worksheet. 7.22 slide powerpoint with answers to sixteen sentence information. 8.Further activity ideas.
Personify A Place Poem

Personify A Place Poem

Students learn how to personify their home town in a poem by studying two examples of poems that personify cities. Twenty-five slide powerpoint, plus worksheets with fill in the blanks exercises.
Ideal Room Project

Ideal Room Project

First students design their dream bedroom onto paper. Then they can enter ‘The Ideal Room Competition’. Students write a formal letter describe their ideal room and persuade the judges that their ideas are the best. Next they design a robotic assistant to help them keep their superb, new bedroom spotlessly clean. Finally, as their robots will be so amazing, they must share them with the world and create a print advert to sell it, so that others don’t miss out!
Ice Lolly Project

Ice Lolly Project

With this thirty-two slide Powerpoint, your students are introduced to the language techniques used to advertise and sell ice lollies. They then create their own ice lolly and design an advertising poster to sell it. Lots of examples to stimulate students’ imaginations and the work can be extended into creating a script for a TV advert.
Formal and Informal

Formal and Informal

Tired of your students using the incorrect level of formality in their writing? With this fun twenty-four slide Powerpoint, students are shown how inappropriate informal language can be in some fun texts. They are also taught that informal language can be appropriate for the right target audience. Students then practice the correct level of formality by writing an application for their dream job. Finally, a quick quiz at the rounds off the lesson.
Football Poetry Workbook

Football Poetry Workbook

This twenty-one page student workbook contains twelve poems on the theme of football, designed to engage reluctant readers. Each poem has an accompanying activity. The culminating activity is for students to write a letter to their local newspaper arguing either for or against the case that the job of a football manager has become too stressful today. Stimulus material to promote discussion on this includes newspaper reports on sacked managers. This is an absolute bargain, even if I do say so myself! Poems include: Boys’ Game Give us back our ball, missus Oi, Ref Goalpost Blues Several haikus - write your own haiku England v Germany A Manager’s Tale Letter to Newspaper There’s only one Michael Owen It Makes You Think Hard Man
Implicit and Explicit Meaning: The Farmer's Wife Poem

Implicit and Explicit Meaning: The Farmer's Wife Poem

In this poem Julie Ann, the farmer’s wife, is a ferocious were-wolf, but we only really find out at the end. Teach your students to look for the clues that are sprinkled throughout this anonymous poem that Julie Ann is not quite what she seems. A thirty-slide Powerpoint guides students through the text after they have had chance to look for the clues in a Word copy of the poem. Three choices of follow-up writing activity are included. By the end of the lesson, students will learn how writers often prefer to drop hints and suggestions, rather than use explicit information.
Climate Crisis: Single-Use Plastic Letter

Climate Crisis: Single-Use Plastic Letter

In May 2021 the Minderoo Foundation published a ground-breaking report into the problem of single-use plastics. They discovered that a mere twenty global companies were responsible for over fifty percent of the non-recyclable plastic in our world. The report created the first ‘Plastic Waste Makers Index’. This lesson is based on this report, simplifying complex terminology so that students can understand the shocking detail and the contribution of single-use plastic to the climate crisis, which is predicted to grow even further in the coming years. Activities to engage students are interspersed throughout the 39 slide Powerpoint and the final activity is a letter to government to persuade policy-makers to legislate to curb the prolific production of this noxious product. There is a suggested letter structure and a reminder about persuasive language techniques.
Climate Crisis: Fossil Fuel Persuasive Letter

Climate Crisis: Fossil Fuel Persuasive Letter

In February 2021 the government announced that it was going to open a coal mine in Cumbria. This horrified the climate expert Professor James E Hansen who wrote an open letter to Prime Minister Boris Johnson to persuade him not to go ahead with the policy and to reconsider his climate policies. This letter uses a simplified extract of this letter to introduce the fossil fuel climate crisis that is currently emerging and focuses on the persuasive language techniques that the writer uses to persuade the Prime Minister to his point of view. A clean copy and an annotated copy of the abridged letter are included. A twenty-slide Powerpoint accompanies the lesson with introductory activities, context and a choice of post-analysis activities: exam-style question on writing to persuade article for school magazine leaflet for younger students further research on the ‘fee and dividend’ economy described in the letter.
Aqua Park Project

Aqua Park Project

Everybody loves an exciting water park and now is your chance to design your very own ground-breaking new aqua park. This eight-page Word booklet takes you through the steps to create a name and logo for your park. You will then analyse the language techniques to describe real rides. Next you will create five rides of your own and describe them. You will need relaxation areas for your guests and you will be given help to create three areas. Finally, you can decide whether to create a leaflet or a website or both to promote your water park. Let your imagination race down the rapids of creativity with this fun project.
Superheroes Poetry Workbook

Superheroes Poetry Workbook

Ten lessons on poetry based on the theme of superheroes aimed a weak Key Stage 3 students or Key Stage 2 students. Folder includes nine lessons with powerpoints and a twenty-five page student activity book. The scheme culminates in students creating their own superhero and then writing a story about a typical day in the life of their superhero. The poems are hilarious. Have great fun with this scheme of work. All fully adaptable in Word and Powerpoint format.