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Year 1 -  Stickman English Planning 2 Weeks (8 Lessons)

Year 1 - Stickman English Planning 2 Weeks (8 Lessons)

Year 1 English planning based around the story Stickman. The children loved this book and enjoyed retelling different parts of the story per lesson. This was taught in Term 2 but could be adapted for the children t write more independently. Pack contains Planning inc, grabber, input, differentiated activities , reflections & plenary. Flipchart linking to each section of planning Differentiated activities for MA (more able), A (able) and LA (less able) Target grids to be stuck in the children’s books at the start of the lesson linking to the objectives they will cover. Very detailed resource pack. Please note - The Flipchart is on Active Inspire and unfortunately I am unable to save it in any other format. My apologies for any inconvenience. I hope you enjoy!
Year 1 English Planning Monkey Puzzle 4 Lessons

Year 1 English Planning Monkey Puzzle 4 Lessons

Year 1 English planning based around the story Monkey Puzzle. The children loved this book and enjoyed retelling different parts of the story per lesson. This was taught in Term 2 but could be adapted for the children to write more independently. Pack contains Planning inc, grabber, input, differentiated activities , reflections & plenary. Flipchart linking to each section of planning Differentiated activities for MA (more able), A (able) and LA (less able) Target grids to be stuck in the children’s books at the start of the lesson linking to the objectives they will cover. Very detailed resource pack.
Beegu Character Description - Year 1 (5 lessons)

Beegu Character Description - Year 1 (5 lessons)

Year 1 English planning based on the book Beegu. Children love this story and by following this planning the children will be writing an independent character descrption. This was taught in Term 2 but could be adapted for the children to write more freely/independently. Pack contains: 5 lessons plans. Smart Notebook linking to each lessons (with slide prompts too) Differentiated activities/outcomes each lesson. Lots of oracy oppoortunites for children before they write. Hot seating lesson. Please note - the flipchart is on Smart Notebook and unfortunately I am unable to convert it to any other formate. My apologies for any inconvenience. I hope you enjoy!
Traction Man Is Here Year 1 (Story Introduction)

Traction Man Is Here Year 1 (Story Introduction)

Year 1 English planning based on the book Traction Man Is Here. This sequence of 4 lessons is a lovely way to introduce the story to your class. The lessons explore the beginning of the story and delve into the ideas of super heroes. These lessons were taught in Term 2 and activities reflect where the children are at this point in the year. Pack contains: 4 lessons Lesson 1: explore a letter and make predictions. Lesson 2: write a prediction about Traction Man. Lesson 3: write proper nouns using capital letters. Lesson 4: label and write captions about a superhero. Smart Notebook linking to each lesson (with slide prompts too) Adapted activities for each lesson and activities for all children / SEND (less able) Lots of oracy opportunities for children to talk before they write. Please note - the flipchart is on Smart Notebook and unfortunately I am unable to convert it to any other formate. My apologies for any inconvenience. I hope you enjoy!
Great Fire of London Class Assembly with a Modern Twist

Great Fire of London Class Assembly with a Modern Twist

A wonderful class assembly based on the Great Fire of London. Full Assembly Script, 5 - 11 years. Editable powerpoint, including sound effects and music already embedded in the powerpoint. This class assembly was performed by a Year 1 class. However it could be developed or simplified depending on year group/cohort. This assembly was well loved by parents and other members of staff, it got fantastic reviews!! All music used is linked in the music document including lyrics. It even gives examples of work children have completed during their topic.