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Kegan Strategy Quiz quiz trade, Prehistory True or false

Kegan Strategy Quiz quiz trade, Prehistory True or false

The Quiz, Quiz, Trade is an interactive, cooperative learning game. It encourages all children to be active learners and provides structure for children to take on the role of learning and expert. Children quiz each other and then trade cards before finding a new partner. This ensures that they interact with more and more peers, having the opportunity to rehearse or recall more information. Hand up, stand up, pair up can also be used to keep the game flowing. (This is explained in the document too) The document contains clear instructions on how to play along with 49 statements about the PreHistory (Stone age, Bronze Age and Iron Age). The statements that are false, have additional information on the right, to explain and correct the fact.
Letter and Sounds Phase 3, Quiz Quiz Trade games

Letter and Sounds Phase 3, Quiz Quiz Trade games

2 Resources
The Quiz, Quiz, Trade is an interactive, cooperative learning game. It encourages all children to be active learners and provides structure for children to take on the role of learning and expert. Children quiz each other and then trade cards before finding a new partner. This ensures that they interact with more and more peers, having the opportunity to rehearse or recall more information. Hand up, stand up, pair up can also be used to keep the game flowing. This bundle contains all the groups of words, set out in the Letters and Sounds Phase 3 resources.
Kegan Strategy Quiz Quiz Trade, Phase 3 Tricky words

Kegan Strategy Quiz Quiz Trade, Phase 3 Tricky words

The Quiz, Quiz, Trade is an interactive, cooperative learning game. It encourages all children to be active learners and provides structure for children to take on the role of learning and expert. Children quiz each other and then trade cards before finding a new partner. This ensures that they interact with more and more peers, having the opportunity to rehearse or recall more information. Hand up, stand up, pair up can also be used to keep the game flowing. This document contains the rules of the activity and a set of all the cards to use in the classroom. Words used are all the** Phase 3 Tricky Words for DfES Letters and Sounds Programme**. This is a much smaller document that the other Quiz Quiz Trade games as there are less words in this set.
Letter and Sounds Phase 4, Quiz Quiz Trade games

Letter and Sounds Phase 4, Quiz Quiz Trade games

6 Resources
The Quiz, Quiz, Trade is an interactive, cooperative learning game. It encourages all children to be active learners and provides structure for children to take on the role of learning and expert. Children quiz each other and then trade cards before finding a new partner. This ensures that they interact with more and more peers, having the opportunity to rehearse or recall more information. Hand up, stand up, pair up can also be used to keep the game flowing. This bundle contains all the groups of words, set out in the Letters and Sounds Phase 4 resources.
Kegan Strategy Quiz Quiz Trade, Phase 4 Tricky words

Kegan Strategy Quiz Quiz Trade, Phase 4 Tricky words

The Quiz, Quiz, Trade is an interactive, cooperative learning game. It encourages all children to be active learners and provides structure for children to take on the role of learning and expert. Children quiz each other and then trade cards before finding a new partner. This ensures that they interact with more and more peers, having the opportunity to rehearse or recall more information. Hand up, stand up, pair up can also be used to keep the game flowing. This document contains the rules of the activity and a set of all the cards to use in the classroom. Words used are all the** Phase 4 Tricky Words for DfES Letters and Sounds Programme**. This is a much smaller document that the other Quiz Quiz Trade games as there are less words in this set.
Kegan Strategy Quiz Quiz Trade, Phase 4 CCVCC, CCCVC and CCCVCC words

Kegan Strategy Quiz Quiz Trade, Phase 4 CCVCC, CCCVC and CCCVCC words

The Quiz, Quiz, Trade is an interactive, cooperative learning game. It encourages all children to be active learners and provides structure for children to take on the role of learning and expert. Children quiz each other and then trade cards before finding a new partner. This ensures that they interact with more and more peers, having the opportunity to rehearse or recall more information. Hand up, stand up, pair up can also be used to keep the game flowing. This document contains the rules of the activity and a set of all the cards to use in the classroom. Words used are all the Phase 4 CCVCC, CCCVC and CCCVCC words using Sets 1 to 7 letters for DfES Letters and Sounds Programme
Kegan Strategy Quiz Quiz Trade, Phase 4 CCV, CCVC and polysallabic words

Kegan Strategy Quiz Quiz Trade, Phase 4 CCV, CCVC and polysallabic words

The Quiz, Quiz, Trade is an interactive, cooperative learning game. It encourages all children to be active learners and provides structure for children to take on the role of learning and expert. Children quiz each other and then trade cards before finding a new partner. This ensures that they interact with more and more peers, having the opportunity to rehearse or recall more information. Hand up, stand up, pair up can also be used to keep the game flowing. This document contains the rules of the activity and a set of all the cards to use in the classroom. Words used are all the Phase 4 CCV, CCVC and polysallabic words using phase 3 graphemes for DfES Letters and Sounds Programme
Kegan Strategy Quiz Quiz Trade, Phase 4 CCVC words using Sets 1 to 7 letters

Kegan Strategy Quiz Quiz Trade, Phase 4 CCVC words using Sets 1 to 7 letters

The Quiz, Quiz, Trade is an interactive, cooperative learning game. It encourages all children to be active learners and provides structure for children to take on the role of learning and expert. Children quiz each other and then trade cards before finding a new partner. This ensures that they interact with more and more peers, having the opportunity to rehearse or recall more information. Hand up, stand up, pair up can also be used to keep the game flowing. This document contains the rules of the activity and a set of all the cards to use in the classroom. Words used are all the Phase 4 CCVC words using Sets 1 to 7 letters
Kegan Strategy Quiz Quiz Trade, Phase 4 CCVC Words using Phase 3 graphemes

Kegan Strategy Quiz Quiz Trade, Phase 4 CCVC Words using Phase 3 graphemes

The Quiz, Quiz, Trade is an interactive, cooperative learning game. It encourages all children to be active learners and provides structure for children to take on the role of learning and expert. Children quiz each other and then trade cards before finding a new partner. This ensures that they interact with more and more peers, having the opportunity to rehearse or recall more information. Hand up, stand up, pair up can also be used to keep the game flowing. This document contains the rules of the activity and a set of all the cards to use in the classroom. Words used are all the Phase 4 CCVC Words using Phase 3 graphemes
Kegan Strategy Quiz Quiz Trade, Phase 4 CCVC words using set 1 to 7 letters

Kegan Strategy Quiz Quiz Trade, Phase 4 CCVC words using set 1 to 7 letters

The Quiz, Quiz, Trade is an interactive, cooperative learning game. It encourages all children to be active learners and provides structure for children to take on the role of learning and expert. Children quiz each other and then trade cards before finding a new partner. This ensures that they interact with more and more peers, having the opportunity to rehearse or recall more information. Hand up, stand up, pair up can also be used to keep the game flowing. This document contains the rules of the activity and a set of all the cards to use in the classroom. Words used are all the Phase 4 CCVC Words using Sets 1 to 7 letters for DfES Letters and Sounds Programme
Kegan Strategy Quiz Quiz Trade, Phase 4 Polysyllabic words

Kegan Strategy Quiz Quiz Trade, Phase 4 Polysyllabic words

The Quiz, Quiz, Trade is an interactive, cooperative learning game. It encourages all children to be active learners and provides structure for children to take on the role of learning and expert. Children quiz each other and then trade cards before finding a new partner. This ensures that they interact with more and more peers, having the opportunity to rehearse or recall more information. Hand up, stand up, pair up can also be used to keep the game flowing. This document contains the rules of the activity and a set of all the cards to use in the classroom. Words used are all the Phase 4 Polysyllabic words for DfES Letters and Sounds Programme
Kegan strategy, Quiz Quiz Trade, Phase 3 decordable words

Kegan strategy, Quiz Quiz Trade, Phase 3 decordable words

The Quiz, Quiz, Trade is an interactive, cooperative learning game. It encourages all children to be active learners and provides structure for children to take on the role of learning and expert. Children quiz each other and then trade cards before finding a new partner. This ensures that they interact with more and more peers, having the opportunity to rehearse or recall more information. Hand up, stand up, pair up can also be used to keep the game flowing. This document contains the rules of the activity and a set of all the cards to use in the classroom. Words used are all the Phase 3 decodable words for DfES Letters and Sounds Programme (38 pages in total with 200+ words). Words which are homophones, also had a prompt sentence underneath to support the child in knowing which spelling is needed.
Kegan Strategy Quiz Quiz Trade, The Romans true or false

Kegan Strategy Quiz Quiz Trade, The Romans true or false

The Quiz, Quiz, Trade is an interactive, cooperative learning game. It encourages all children to be active learners and provides structure for children to take on the role of learning and expert. Children quiz each other and then trade cards before finding a new partner. This ensures that they interact with more and more peers, having the opportunity to rehearse or recall more information. Hand up, stand up, pair up can also be used to keep the game flowing. (This is explained in the document too) The document contains clear instructions on how to play along with 43 statements about the Romans. The statements that are false, have additional information on the right, to explain and correct the fact.
Kegan Strategy Quiz Quiz Trade, Volcano True or False statements

Kegan Strategy Quiz Quiz Trade, Volcano True or False statements

The Quiz, Quiz, Trade is an interactive, cooperative learning game. It encourages all children to be active learners and provides structure for children to take on the role of learning and expert. Children quiz each other and then trade cards before finding a new partner. This ensures that they interact with more and more peers, having the opportunity to rehearse or recall more information. Hand up, stand up, pair up can also be used to keep the game flowing. The document contains clear instructions on how to play along with 35 volcano statements. The statements that are false, have additional information on the right to explain and correct the fact.
Kegan Strategy, Quiz Quiz Trade, Y2 Common Exception words

Kegan Strategy, Quiz Quiz Trade, Y2 Common Exception words

The Quiz, Quiz, Trade is an interactive, cooperative learning game. It encourages all children to be active learners and provides structure for children to take on the role of learning and expert. Children quiz each other and then trade cards before finding a new partner. This ensures that they interact with multiple more and more peers, having the opportunity to rehearse or recall more information. Hand up, stand up, pair up can also be used to keep the game flowing. This document contains the rules of the activity and a set of all the cards to use in the classroom.
Kegan strategy, Quiz Quiz Trade Y1 words

Kegan strategy, Quiz Quiz Trade Y1 words

The Quiz, Quiz, Trade is an interactive, cooperative learning game. It encourages all children to be active learners and provides structure for children to take on the role of learning and expert. Children quiz each other and then trade cards before finding a new partner. This ensures that they interact with multiple more and more peers, having the opportunity to rehearse or recall more information. Hand up, stand up, pair up can also be used to keep the game flowing. The following two documents are included: Quiz Quiz Trade Y1 High Frequency words Quiz Quiz Trade Y1 Common exception words
Kegan strategy Quiz Quiz Trade Y3-4 words

Kegan strategy Quiz Quiz Trade Y3-4 words

The Quiz, Quiz, Trade is an interactive, cooperative learning game. It encourages all children to be active learners and provides structure for children to take on the role of learning and expert. Children quiz each other and then trade cards before finding a new partner. This ensures that they interact with multiple more and more peers, having the opportunity to rehearse or recall more information. Hand up, stand up, pair up can also be used to keep the game flowing. All the Y3-4 Statutory words are included in this document.
Full Circle Phonics game, SATPIN letters

Full Circle Phonics game, SATPIN letters

Make Phonics lessons activity with children playing the full circle game. This document contains three slightly different variations of the Full Circle Game. 9 word lists have given to save time in thinking about which letter to change. These games only use the letters s-a-t-p-i-n If you like this, watch out for more documents that can be used after more phonemes have been introduced.
Y4 Spelling lessons for Autumn 1

Y4 Spelling lessons for Autumn 1

The folders include Active Inspire Flipcharts and matching PowerPoint lessons to teach spelling to children in Y4. Lessons follow the sequence set out in No Nonsense Spellings but are mapped out over 5 days. The lessons are supplemented with video links and other activities to keep learning fun. All matching resources have been made and are attached. This includes instructions on how to use the games linked to the Kegan strategies of ‘Stand up, Hands up, Pair up’ and ‘Quiz, Quiz, Trade.’ The lessons cover the following: Week 1: Statutory and personal spellings Week 2: Words with the ‘sure’ spelling Week 3: Apostrophes for possession of singular nouns Week 4: Homophones Week 5: Statutory words Week 6: Personal spelling and proof reading
What schools need to publish on their school website

What schools need to publish on their school website

Each year the DfE publish a document that states what should be published on theor school website. This document has been compiled using the information provided within most recent October 2024 ‘What maintained schools must or should publish online’ document. The Document provides information that schools maintained by a local authority must or should publish on their website. All documents to support schools have been included as hyperlinks. The checklist The checklist is designed to be used by subject leaders, SLT, Governors to make sure everything is in place. The Action plan The action plan allows you to make notes about each heading that has been mentioned in the DfE document. In the past I have used this to indicate the tab that the information can be found under. The action box, allows you to note who has repsonsibility for which area/policy that is needed.