I am a full time Spanish and French teacher to A level specialising in Spanish and Italian.
Experience with legacy OCR/WJEC spec, 2 years of the new AQA spec and 1 year and counting with the Edexcel spec.#
I love planning and am regularly praised for my engaging and well thought out lessons - I hope to be of help to as many people as possible. Please leave a review if you find them useful :).
I am a full time Spanish and French teacher to A level specialising in Spanish and Italian.
Experience with legacy OCR/WJEC spec, 2 years of the new AQA spec and 1 year and counting with the Edexcel spec.#
I love planning and am regularly praised for my engaging and well thought out lessons - I hope to be of help to as many people as possible. Please leave a review if you find them useful :).
Resources developed to support students working from home due to Covid but could also be used to support normal lessons/ set as homework.
1-2 worksheets per module to cover all textbook content/ key vocab and grammar. Range of tasks (differentiated with support and lots of stretch and challenge)
Point de départ: revising weather and seasons
3.1 Tu est sportif/ive? Talking about what sports people play using JOUER
3.1b Describing a photo (exam skills) context of sports
3.2 qu’est-ce que tu fais? Talking about activities you do using FAIRE
3.2 Using time expressions to say how often we do activities
3.3 Le sport dans les pays francophones
3.4 Tu aimes faire ça - Using the full paradigm of AIMER +infinitive verbs
3.4 - Forming questions/ practice with questions and answers
All instructions are in English for ease and every task has a clear example
4 step present tense
1 - match up Spanish pronouns
2 - complete endings table (with options)
3 - scaffolded conjugation
4 - challenge - Students to work out which verb ending is needed through analysing the context, then conjugate the words, then translate the phrases - lots of cognates so doesn't matter that they haven't seen all of them before
Developed for a high ability year 7 class
Full set of lessons made to support the textbook
includes lots of new activities and extra challenge/ scaffolding
fly in answers throughout
highly challenging - range of grammar/ tenses/ higher level language
range of exam skills covered - including a peer speaking photocard activity
includes self reflection points
Resources developed to support students working from home due to Covid.
1-2 worksheets per module to cover all points extensively. Range of tasks (differentiated with support and lots of stretch and challenge)
Point de départ - revising numbers and time
2.1 - Qu’est-ce que tu penses de tes matières - Revising school subjects and giving opinions
2.1b - 3rd person opinions on school subjects
2.1c - Bonus translation - extended text on opinions on school subjects
2.2 Qu’est-ce que tu portes? Describing uniform using adjectival agreement
2.3 - Ta journée scolaire c’est comment? Using new ER verbs to describe the school day
2.3b -Describing the school day in more detail - translation task
2.4 - C’est comment, un collège français - Talking about a typical French day
2.5 Un collège super cool - talking about school facilities using il y a / il n’y a pas de
All instructions are in English for ease and all tasks have examples.
Extensive revision booklet covering LOADS OF vocabulary and grammar points in detail from Theme 1 of the AQA GCSE Spanish curriculum.
Me my family and friends - Technology in every day life - Free time activities - Customs and festivals
Grammar points included:
General literacy (spelling/ accents)
Gap fills with verbs in different tenses (Using context to choose the correct option)
Reflexive verbs - Illiciting the rule, seeing an explanation, practice
Present subjunctive formation and practice - Inc. irregulars
Present perfect tense
Por / para
“Verb of the day” with conjugation into all key GCSE tenses
Exam skills included:
Describing a photo
Reading and categorisation skills
Question words/ forming questions.
Ideal to set for revision or challenge and extension work.
DIFFERENTIATED BY OUTCOME - RANGE OF FOUNDATION AND HIGHER STYLE Random images supplied are to give you an idea of the range of tasks. There are lots more included. (Around 150 slides)
Extensive revision booklets covering LOADS OF vocabulary and grammar points in detail from Themes 1/2/3 of the AQA GCSE Spanish curriculum.
THEME 1 Booklet - family + relationships - technology -customs -
THEME 2 Booklet - Home, home town, neighbourhood and region - social issues - global issues - travel and tourism
THEME 3 Booklet - Life at school/college, post 16 education, jobs
Grammar points include (BUT ARE NOT RESTRICTED TO):
The preterite tense explanation and practice
verb gap fills in a range of tenses
Conditional tense inc. irregulars
Conjugation into all GCSE tenses
categorising 2 or more tenses tasks
Higher level idiomatic expressions
Present tense
future tense
sequencing connectives
higher level infinitive structures
reflexive verbs
Exam skills
Lots and lots of exposure to key vocab from this theme
Giving directions
Reading and categorisation
Question words practice and forming questions
Q+A practice
Writing skills with bullet points
manipulating adjectives (for gender and sing/plural)
Reading gap fill
* Inductive starter so students work out how the speaking exam works (Information search activity)
* Analysis of common issues before the exam - reflection opportunities for students to assess how they will sufficiently prepare for the exam
* Experiment which proves revision aids vocabulary recall (2 options for the task, either an online resource to do as a class OR pair/ independent dominoes with useful photocard vocabulary - this includes prepositions of place vocabulary)
* Example photo card for students to prepare as they would in the real exam
* Some support on how to structure their bullet points (I have invented a formula which helps students easily develop answers with opinions, reasons, development and further tenses)
* Links to a great online resource which students may use at home to revise vocab further
Booklet which looks at sentence structure and teaches students easy formulas to ensure they develop their answers well enough for the grade 5
lots of practise looking at infinitive constructions, tenses, development connectives.
I use this format regularly with foundation students and higher students who struggle with writing structure - it always works really well.
Also a very good format for intervention.
DIFFERENTIATED BY OUTCOME - RANGE OF FOUNDATION AND HIGHER STYLE ACTIVITIES - 92 slides - Random images supplied are to give you an idea of the range of tasks. There are lots more included.
Extensive revision booklet covering LOADS OF vocabulary and grammar points in detail from Theme 2 of the AQA GCSE Spanish curriculum.
Home, home town, neighbourhood and region - social issues - global issues - travel and tourism
Grammar points included:
The preterite tense explanation and practice
verb gap fills in a range of tenses
Conditional tense inc. irregulars
Conjugation into all GCSE tenses
categorising 2 or more tenses tasks
Higher level idiomatic expressions
Present tense
future tense
sequencing connectives
higher level infinitive structures
reflexive verbs
Exam skills
Lots and lots of exposure to key vocab from this theme
Giving directions
Reading and categorisation
Question words practice and forming questions
Q+A practice
Writing skills with bullet points
manipulating adjectives (for gender and sing/plural)
Reading gap fill
This double sided grammar sheet has everything your student needs to do well at GCSE Spanish
I’ve divided the sections into the 3 time zones (past, present, future) for each you have the verb endings, common irregulars, time phrases, and some also include specific hl phrases for that tense.
On the reverse you have lots of opinions/ justifications and higher level and idiomatic expression formulas.
*breakdown of exam format
*Rough idea of what to include for each grade (I've developed this success criteria in line with the AQA mark scheme from the specification matierial)
* 2 options (just like the exam) for the 16 marker and 32 marker, room for corrections and then a response task
* Breakdown of the translation section, top tips for success in that section, difficult translation which includes prepositions of place (after mocks, this is what the cohort most lost marks on),
reflection sheet at the end, too :)
Inductive worksheet covering the present and perfect tense with avoir.
What’s included?
common infinitives
common regular verbs
common irregular verbs
how to form the regular present/ perfect tense with avoir
practice with the above
common irregular forms of the present/ perfect tenses
practice with the above
a writing task
a reflection task
Would be suitable for KS3 as it is differentiated/ has lots of support but also low ability GCSE French groups.
Part 1:
These workshops have been made to support Dynamo 2 vert Module 1 - vive les vacances!
Topics included:
Reviewing and talking about school holidays
The perfect tense (regular and irregular)
Places in town
Past tense activities, opinions
Range of verb endings + negative verbs practice
Talking about a special holiday in the past
Differentiated writing tasks on past holidays
Resources could be used to support class powerpoints, remote learning, homeworks, or additional support.
**All resources compliment / consolidate content from Module 1. There are no duplicated tasks from the textbook or workbook. **
Each worksheet has clear instructions with examples for every task. Each worksheet is extensively differentiated. Tasks take 20-30 minutes (in line with ks3 homework requirements) with lots of optional extra tasks for higher end vert students.
Activities are inductive but aptly supported. Each worksheet will incorporate different “challenge” tasks which increase in cognitive demand, this could be creation tasks, the manipulation of verbs or sentences, etc.
Part 2:
These workshops have been made to support Dynamo 2 ROUGE Module 1 - vive les vacances!
Topics included:
General grammar task with common infinitive verbs
Reviewing and talking about school holidays
The perfect tense (regular and irregular)
the passé composé with avoir and e’tre (regular and irregular)
a visit to a theme park
past tense activities
a disastrous holiday
using the present and passé composé together
Differentiated writing tasks on past and present holidays
Resources could be used to support class powerpoints, remote learning, homeworks, or additional support.
**All resources compliment / consolidate content from Module 1. There are no duplicated tasks from the textbook or workbook. **
Each worksheet has clear instructions with examples for every task. Each worksheet is extensively differentiated. Tasks take 20-30 minutes plus (in line with ks3 homework requirements) with lots of optional extra tasks for stretch and challenge
Activities are inductive but aptly supported. Each worksheet will incorporate different “challenge” tasks which increase in cognitive demand, this could be creation tasks, the manipulation of verbs or sentences, etc.
These workshops have been made to support Dynamo 2 ROUGE Module 1 - vive les vacances! (vert resources are available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/ks3-year-8-french-past-tense-holiday-resources-low-ability-perfect-tense-resources-dynamo2mod1-12406050 )
Topics included:
General grammar task with common infinitive verbs
Reviewing and talking about school holidays
The perfect tense (regular and irregular)
the passé composé with avoir and e’tre (regular and irregular)
a visit to a theme park
past tense activities
a disastrous holiday
using the present and passé composé together
Differentiated writing tasks on past and present holidays
Resources could be used to support class powerpoints, remote learning, homeworks, or additional support.
**All resources compliment / consolidate content from Module 1. There are no duplicated tasks from the textbook or workbook. **
Each worksheet has clear instructions with examples for every task. Each worksheet is extensively differentiated. Tasks take 20-30 minutes plus (in line with ks3 homework requirements) with lots of optional extra tasks for stretch and challenge
Activities are inductive but aptly supported. Each worksheet will incorporate different “challenge” tasks which increase in cognitive demand, this could be creation tasks, the manipulation of verbs or sentences, etc.
Independent work lesson - minimal teacher input
students choose a task: a poster of Xmas items, a letter to Santa, a christmas card or a new years resolution list
Print outs for French and Spanish to support student with topical vocab