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Lesson 7: Can I create my own Bayeux Tapestry?

Lesson 7: Can I create my own Bayeux Tapestry?

Lesson 7: BQ: Can I create my own Bayeux Tapestry? Can you describe what the Bayeux Tapestry showed. Can you explain the purpose of the Bayeux Tapestry Can you consolidate your knowledge of the Normans invasion Starter: Image match up with key events Main: Creation of Bayeaux Tapestry
Lesson 1: How smelly was the Medieval Ages?

Lesson 1: How smelly was the Medieval Ages?

Lesson 1 BQ: How smelly was the Medieval Ages? Can you describe what life was like in the Medieval Ages? Can you explain what would be a main worry for those in the Middle Ages? Can you analyse the importance of God in the Middle Ages? Starter: Code breaker about topic Main: Museum Walk with sources Plenary: PEEL paragraph- flowchart
Lesson 8: How did William control England?

Lesson 8: How did William control England?

Lesson 8: BQ: How did William control England? Can you describe the different ways that William was able to control England. Can you explain how the ways of control would be effective. Can you analyse which technique of control would be the most effective. Starter: Unjumble the BQ Main: Card Sort of key ways. Plenary: Test Quiz