A comprehensive lesson which teaches students the ultrastructure of animal and plant cells, and the internal structure of these organelles. This resource was designed for A-level biology unit 2 - cells, however, has been used effectively with BTEC applied science level 3.
Learning objective: To evaluate the internal structure of eukaryotic cells.
By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:
Success criteria:
Identify the organelles within the ultrastructure of plant and animal cells.
Describe the function of these organelles.
Compare and contrast both cells.
Contains past paper questions that target this topic, some questions require knowledge from prior lessons.
Powerpoint contains 36 slides and 7 past paper questions.
Aimed toward BTEC nationals level 3 Applied science Unit 2 assignment C.
Learners will be able to:
Identify equipment needed to extract leaf pigments.
Describe how to interpret a chromatogram.
Suggest possible improvements to chromatography.
Resource was intended for BTEC Applied Science Unit 1 Physics.
The resource was designed on google slides and should work fine on powerpoint, it might just need some rearranging.
Past paper questions are included with answers from the mark scheme.
By the end of the lesson learners will be able to:
Identify the critical angle.
Describe the uses of optical fibres.
Explain why endoscopes are able to obtain an image of an object even if the optical fibre inside is curved.
Targeted towards Pearsons BTEC Applied Science Unit 2 Assignment A.
By the end of the lesson learners will be able to:
Produce a table of volume added and pH when observing a titation.
Calculate the concentration of the unknown sample.
Produce a graph of pH against volume added including the equivalence point.
Produce a graph of Change of pH / Change of volume against volume added and label the equivalence point here.
This graph can also be referred to as the graph of the first integral of pH against volume.
A collection of 9 posters that cover the entire specification in terms of biology for the Pearson edexcel combined science international GCSE (9-1) double award.
All sections 1-9 are included
Lessons created to match the activate 3 scheme of work.
All features work when used with google slides. All features should all work with powerpoint but might need some rearranging.
By the end of the lesson learners will be able to:
Identify waste products that would be released from a car exhaust.
Describe using word equations how waste products are broken down in an exhaust.
Explain why catalytic converters are needed in a car exhaust system.
This is a lesson I used myself to teach the Mass Transport in Animals concept of unit 3 - A level biology, AQA specification.
Learning objective: Evaluate how Oxygen dissociation curves showcase the ability for haemoglobin to transport Oxygen.
By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:
Success criteria:
SC1: Describe the structure of haemoglobin.
SC2: Explain what is shown by the Bohr shift in an Oxygen dissociation curve.
SC3: Justify the reasoning for the change in dissociation for fetal haemoglobin and haemoglobin for organisms at high altitudes.
Contains past paper questions that target this topic, some questions require knowledge from prior lessons.
Powerpoint contains 14 slides and 7 past paper questions.
A collection of revision resources for Pearsons combined science 9-1 edexcel specification: Biology paper 4. Sometimes referred to as Biology paper 2.
The resources were originally produced on google slides, therefore, please open them using google slides in order to avoid alignment issues on powerpoint.
Included in this collection are:
Blank revision posters for the students to fill and consolidate their knowledge.
Answer keys for the revision posters OR revision slides to complement the blank revision posters.
Topics covered are:
Section 6 - Plant Structures & Their Functions
Section 7 - Animal Coordination, Control & Homeostasis
Section 8 - Exchange & Transport in Animals
Section 9 - Ecosystems & Material Cycles
The entire resource contains 23 slides.
A collection of resources including lessons and past paper questions to suit the needs of unit 5-electricity for the AQA a level physics specification.
Suited towards KS3 students (yrs 11-14)
By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:
Identify types of variation
Compare continuous and discontinuous variation.
Create graphs to show continuous and discontinuous variation.
A comprehensive lesson which teaches students about how to perform chi squared tests and t-tests for significance. Students will be able to practice their understanding and are given step by step walkthroughs of how to calculate.
By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:
State what’s meant by significance.
Describe how to calculate Chi-Squared values.
Explain how T-tests show significance.
Number of slides = 40
A beginner’s approach lesson to making bar and line graphs.
Following the lesson, learners will be able to determine whether bar graphs or line graphs are necessary to represent data and will be able to construct these graphs independently.
Learning objective: Evaluate the construction of graphs and tables…
Success criteria:
Identify bar and line graphs.
Describe how and when to plot bar and line graphs.
Explain why graphs are used.
7 Slides included.
A comprehensive lesson which teaches students about how IV graphs appear for fixed resistors, filament bulbs and diodes. The lesson also delves into the reasoning behind why these trends arise.
Progress checks are available following each success criteria
Tasks are differentiated to suit the needs of each learner.
Learning objective: Use Ohm’s law to justify the trends seen in IV graphs for a fixed resistor, filament bulb and LED.
By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:
Success criteria:
-Identify generally what happens to current as voltage increases.
-Describe how to calculate resistance from a voltage-current graph.
-Compare how the resistance changes with load in: fixed resistors, filament bulbs and diodes.
Powerpoint contains 22 slides and a collection of past paper questions including the marking scheme.
By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:
Identify the main components of the early and late atmosphere.
Describe how the atmosphere changed over the years.
Explain why scientists believe the atmosphere changed in this way.
By the end of this lesson learners should be able to:
Identify the characteristics of growth.
Describe the role of differentiation
Describe how to read a percentile graph.
Explain the uses of a percentile graph.
Suitable for KS4.
A comprehensive lesson which teaches students how to calculate work, relate this to power, calculate the efficiency of work due to angles and energy transfers. Lesson is tailored towards the AQA A-level physics specification - Mechanics
Learning objective: To apply understanding of energy to motion and how angles affect the efficiency of work.
By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:
Success criteria:
SC1: Describe what is meant by work and power.
SC2: Calculate the efficiency of work when angles are involved.
SC3: Use the conservation of energy to calculate values from the spring potential, gravitational potential and kinetic energy equations.
Contains past paper questions that target this topic, some questions require knowledge from prior lessons. There is also a guide attached with written walkthroughs of how to reach the final answer, even for those tricky 1 mark questions.
Powerpoint contains 20 slides and 8 past paper questions.
A comprehensive lesson which teaches students about the properties of water which make it essential for life. This lesson was designed to fit needs of the AQA a-level biology course
Tasks are differentiated to suit the needs of each learner.
Learning objective: Explore the properties of water and the role of inorganic ions in biology.
By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:
Success Criteria:
Explain water’s role as a solvent.
Describe hydrogen bonding in water.
Explain the functions of inorganic ions.
Powerpoint contains 26 slides.
Contains past paper questions that target this topic, some questions require knowledge from prior lessons.
This is a lesson I used myself to teach the Digestion concept of unit 3 - a level biology, AQA specification.
Learning objective: Evaluate how the digestive system is specialised to digest and absorb nutrients.
By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:
Success criteria:
SC1: Describe the layout of the digestive system.
SC2: Analyse how each nutrient is processed and absorbed.
SC3: Explain the mechanism of absorption for amino acids, glucose and lipids.
Contains past paper questions that target this topic, some questions require knowledge from prior lessons.
Powerpoint contains 18 slides and 8 past paper questions.
This is a lesson I used myself to teach the Mass Transport in Plants concept of unit 3 - A level biology, AQA specification.
Learning objective: Fully explain the mechanism of movement in the xylem and phloem tissue.
By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:
Success criteria:
SC1: Describe the mechanism for transpiration in the xylem.
SC2: Describe the mass flow hypothesis.
SC3: Evaluate the pressure flow gradient theory.
Contains past paper questions that target this topic, some questions require knowledge from prior lessons.
Powerpoint contains 21 slides and 9 past paper questions.