Created for BTEC Applied science Extended diploma. Unit 4 Assignment D. This resource will help the students to structure their assignment to include all necessary points to reach distinction standard.
Resource was intended for BTEC Applied Science Unit 1 Biology.
The resource was designed on google slides and should work fine on powerpoint, it might just need some rearranging.
Blank diagrams are included for students to label.
Past paper questions are included with the relevant mark scheme answers following.
By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:
Recall what is meant by eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.
Describe the contents of prokaryotic cells.
Compare gram positive and gram negative bacteria.
By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:
Identify amino acid structure and the primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure of proteins.
Describe the arrangement of amino acids and proteins.
Explain the importance of these structures.
Includes past paper questions targeted towards the content delivered in lesson - correct answers are included.
24 slides in total. Answer key included for all questions.
A Powerpoint detailing examples of how to revise to students - a useful way to get them started with revision techniques and finding which techniques work for them.
By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:
Identify different ways of revising
Describe how to revise.
Evaluate which method works best for you.
Resource was intended for BTEC Applied Science Unit 1 Biology.
The resource was designed on google slides and should work fine on powerpoint, it might just need some rearranging.
Past paper questions are included with the relevant mark scheme answers following.
By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:
Recall the types of muscle tissue: Skeletal, smooth and cardiac.
Describe the adaptations of skeletal muscle fibres.
Compare slow and fast twitch muscle fibres.
Created for BTEC Applied science Extended diploma. Unit 4 Assignment C. By the end of the series of lessons learners will be able to:
Identify materials needed to create an organic solid (aspirin).
Describe how to make aspirin in a lab.
Evaluate the procedure and suggest improvements.
A comprehensive lesson which teaches students about Hooke’s law, the spring constant equation, Stress strain graphs and how to calculate Young’s modulus based on this. Lesson is tailored towards the AQA A-level physics specification - Mechanics and Applied Science level 3 Edexcel Unit 5 Physics.
LO: To evaluate stress/strain graphs to determine Young’s modulus and apply this to situations.
By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:
Success criteria:
SC1: Recall Hooke’s law and identify limits of proportionality and plastic deformation on a graph.
SC2: Describe how to calculate Young’s Modulus from a tensile stress-strain curve.
SC3: Explain why rubber is effective at cushioning shocks.
For the a-level content: as a separate document included as pdf.
Contains past paper questions that target this topic, some questions require knowledge from prior lessons. There is also a guide attached with written walkthroughs of how to reach the final answer, even for those tricky 1 mark questions.
For btec unit 5 applied science: questions are on the slides following the lesson.
Powerpoint contains 27 slides and 12 past paper questions.
Resource prepared for BTEC Applied science Level 3 - Unit 3.
By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:
Identify circuit symbols.
Describe how energy usage can be calculated.
Explain why fuses are used.
Aimed toward BTEC Applied science Nationals Level 3 students - unit 2 Assignment A.
Learners will be able to.
Identify the concentration of solutions.
Describe how to calculate concentration.
Create a method for serial dilutions.
Resource was intended for BTEC Applied Science Unit 1 Biology.
The resource was designed on google slides and should work fine on powerpoint, it might just need some rearranging.
An information hunt based activity including a blank table for printing.
Past paper questions are included with the relevant mark scheme answers following.
By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:
Identify different specialised cells: Palisade, root hair, sperm, egg, red blood cell and white blood cell.
Describe the function of these specialised cells.
Explain the reasoning why each specialised cell has its features.
Originally created for the BTEC Applied Science level 3 qualification Unit 5 - Physics.
By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:
Recall what is meant by streamline and turbulent flow.
Describe what contributes to streamline and turbulent flow.
Justify why viscosity is a factor that affects the flow of a fluid.
The resource contains past paper questions and mark scheme answers.
Slides were originally created using google slides, opening in microsoft powerpoint might cause slight misalignment - open in google slides to avoid this.
A comprehensive powerpoint (178 slides) including all relevant information for students to reach a distinction standard in Pearsons Applied Science Unit 9 C.
Sections included:
Female reproductive system
Male reproductive system
Menstrual cycle and hormone involvement
Development of the foetus (chorion and amnion)
Assisted pregnancy
Ovulation disorders
Sperm disorders
Process of mitosis
Process of meiosis
The entire unit work of new technology Chemistry in the activate 3 SoW.
Files have been used to great impact on google slides. All features should still work on microsoft powerpoint.
All answers are included and is suitable to be delivered by a non-subect specialist.
A comprehensive collection of materials needed to deliver the entire Pearsons Edexcel Combined Science (9-1) curriculum. Following the Activelearn curriculum.
The materials include:
A fully written scheme of work.
Full lessons for each lesson / concept.
Revision mind maps for end of units.
Some core practical resources are still in the process of being completed (this resource will be updated as soon as these are updated)
It does not include due to copyright infringements:
The end of unit tests from Activelearn.
Aimed toward BTEC applied science Nationals level 3 (yrs 16-18) Unit 2 assignment A
Use of Beer-Lambert Law to calculate concentration.
Identify the elements of the Beer-Lambert equation.
Describe how concentration affects absorbance.
Explain the link between the colour of a solution and the concentration.
Targeting the Pearsons BTEC nationals Applied Science Unit 2 - Assignment A.
By the end of the lesson learners will be able to:
Calibrate equipment,
Produce COSHH standard risk assessments,
and produce a standard / stock solution.
By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:
Identify what is meant by concentration.
Describe how to calculate % yield.
Use n=m/mr AND c = n/v interchangeably to calculate mass and moles for equations.