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Krisgreg30's Shop

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I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.




I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
Iron Age - Hill Forts

Iron Age - Hill Forts

A range of potential activities linked to key images and information about hill forts in the Iron Age. Included is a text about hill forts that can be read through and discussed (information and images courtesy of BBC Bitesize) with four potential activities including: Quiz Multiple-choice quiz Mind-map activity Changes from the Neolithic period to the Iron Age at Maiden Castle There is also a document that includes images of Maiden Castle and Old Oswestry (again courtesy of BBC Bitesize) with three different choices for a comparison activity with a table, Venn diagram or more graphically organised version of a Venn diagram that has less responses.
Romans Unit of Planning

Romans Unit of Planning

A fully resourced 10 lesson unit on the Romans and their impact on Britain. The lessons are done as mini enquiry questions with 5 questions and a review lesson at the end of the unit. This has been created for mixed 3/4 classes but can easily be adapted to be used across Key Stage 2. The questions are as follows with the approximate amount of lessons in brackets: EQ1 - What was happening in Britain before the Romans arrived? (1 lesson) EQ2 - Why did the Romans find Britain difficult to conquer? (2.5 - 3 lessons) EQ3 - Did everyone give the Romans the same welcome? (2 lessons) EQ4 - What impact did the Romans have on Britain? (2 lessons) EQ5 - How did Roman rule end in Britain? (1 lesson) Review lesson Included is a booklet format that includes all the questions, all the supporting information required and the activities linked to this. These can easily be separated into mini booklets per question or the activities can be taken out to suit how you teach history in your school. As much as possible, images, models and diagrams have been used to make the information as accessible as possible to refer back to following discussions. Each question also has key vocabulary and recap questions as well (the first lesson links to our previous unit of Ancient Greece so can be easily adapted) and finishes with the enquiry question to support written outcomes in history. Each enquiry question also has a PowerPoint that includes the information and diagrams from the booklet as well as any additional notes etc. There is also a knowledge summary organiser - these can be sent home to show what they are learning about as well as being used in class as a succinct way of accessing the key information from the lesson. All the resources have been uploaded as PowerPoints so that you can easily adapt them to suit your setting.
Treaty of Versailles Worksheets

Treaty of Versailles Worksheets

Two different worksheets linked to the Treaty of Versailles and considering some of the clauses of the treaty. Both sheets look at the same terms. One sheet provides the option of getting pupils to consider how fair each term was before giving an explanation why. The second sheet looks at the same terms, getting pupils to consider which of the three allies the term may have been most important to and why it was included in the treaty.
Mummification Instructions Writing Unit

Mummification Instructions Writing Unit

A fully planned and resourced writing unit working on creating a set of instructions for mummification. Included in the resource is: Lesson PowerPoints Lesson activities including a sequencing task and a editing task Fronted adverbials and imperative verbs word mat Instructions knowledge organiser Model text With drafting and redrafting, as well as then publishing a final piece, there should be enough lessons for between 6 and 8 lessons. The ‘lessons’ as they appear on the PowerPoint may take more than one ‘lesson’ and form sequences of learning. The first step is looking at the features of instructions, including a focus on the knowledge organiser before then identifying these in the model text. The second sequence then moves on to being able to sequence the steps of mummification when given a set of instructions that can then be improved as part of a challenge. This moves on to then taking a simple set of instructions and improving them, with teacher modelling and guided practice before completing the activity. This then leads into drafting and redrafting, including teacher modelling and providing feedback based on how pupils write, with the previous activities and word banks still being available to support during the writing process.
Stone Age to Iron Age - Because, but, so

Stone Age to Iron Age - Because, but, so

A set of writing activities that link to working on using because, but and so based on ‘The Writing Revolution’. Included are 22 different sentence stems that link to learning for the Stone Age to the Iron Age which all require the use of because, but and so, challenging pupils ability to use the conjunctions appropriately as well as acting as a retrieval task in checking understanding of previous learning.
Stone Age to Iron Age Unit (10 lessons)

Stone Age to Iron Age Unit (10 lessons)

A ten lesson sequence of lessons for a unit on the Stone Age through to the Iron Age that are fully planned and resourced. Lessons include: Lesson 1 -Introduction to prehistory Lesson 2 -Middle Stone Age Lesson 3 -Late Stone Age Lesson 4 -Skara Brae and Stonehenge Lesson 5 -Bronze Age Lesson 6 -Compare Stone and Bronze Age Lesson 7 - Iron Age Lesson 8 -Comparing the Stone, Bronze and Iron Age Lesson 9 -Roman invasion of Britain Lesson 10 - Review Lesson PowerPoints are included as well as a booklet that includes supporting information and all the activities for the ten lessons. Also included are three recap tasks for the different periods as well as a knowledge organiser for the period. Lots of information, images and video links are courtesy of BBC BItesize.
Roman Reading Task Cards

Roman Reading Task Cards

Roman reading task cards that include a mini fact file for children to read before having five questions to answer linked to the text. These are great for warm-up exercises, quick read tasks or an activity for children to do as they come in at the start of the day/ lesson. Included are 15 different cards that link to a range of topics including: Gladiators Colosseum Roman Empire Mount Vesuvius Roman Currency Roman Emperors Augustus Arch of Titus Roman Baths Roman Roads Invasion of Britain - Julius Caesar Invasion of Britain - Caligula Invasion of Britain - Claudius Hadrian’s Wall Iceni Rebellion Each fact file also has an answer sheet provided.
Romans Worksheets

Romans Worksheets

Three different worksheets focusing on the Romans in Britain The focus of the sheets include: The invasion by the Romans The Iceni rebellion led by Boudica Hadrian’s Wall
Ancient Maya: Four Comprehension Lessons

Ancient Maya: Four Comprehension Lessons

A sequence of lessons of four lessons for whole-class reading comprehension lessons based on a text on the Ancient Maya. Included is the PowerPoint with all four lessons (written with 5/6 in mind but easily adaptable), the information text about the Ancient Maya and an activity and answer sheet for each lesson. The focus over the week covers vocabulary, retrieval, inference and the ability to summarise.
Remembrance Day: Four Comprehension Lessons

Remembrance Day: Four Comprehension Lessons

A sequence of lessons of four lessons for whole-class reading comprehension lessons based on a text on Remembrance Day. Included is the PowerPoint with all four lessons (written with 5/6 in mind but easily adaptable), the information text about Remembrance Day and an activity and answer sheet for each lesson. The focus over the week covers vocabulary, retrieval, inference and the ability to summarise.
Interwar Years Information Text

Interwar Years Information Text

A four page information text that tries to cover the period of 1919-1939 in brief detail with some of the key events, particularly in relation to Germany and the build up to World War 2. Could be used as a brief overview for introducing the concept or for a revision tool as an overview.
Remembrance Day Resources

Remembrance Day Resources

A variety of resources that can be used to mark Remembrance Day in school. Included are: A PowerPoint that includes information and images about Remembrance Day that can be used as an introduction. This comes in two forms, one with a normal background and one with a poppy background. An information text about Remembrance Day including how it came to be and how it is marked in the U.K. There are also two activities linked to this with one being a vocabulary task and one being a comprehension activity. Answer sheets are included for both. The poem ‘In Flanders Field’ (there are two versions - one is a normal version and one has numbered lines for getting children to find answers via line numbers) that also includes a vocabulary activity and a comprehension activity with answers included. A wordsearch activity with some of the words linked to Remembrance Day as well as the answers.
Remembrance Day: Reading Comprehension Activities

Remembrance Day: Reading Comprehension Activities

A simple information text that children can read to have a better understanding of how Remembrance Day started and how it is marked in the U.K now that also includes a vocabulary definition activity and a comprehension activity based on the text. Answer sheets are also included for both activities.
Primary History Subject Leaders Handbook

Primary History Subject Leaders Handbook

A handbook that hopefully acts as a helpful guide to anybody leading history within a primary school setting with things to consider as well as then thinking about how to develop history further within your school setting.
Stone Age Information Text Reading Comprehensions

Stone Age Information Text Reading Comprehensions

An information text about the Stone Age (extract courtesy of the History channel) that is then linked to three different comprehension activities (suitable for Upper KS2). One activity is based around vocabulary and the other two are based around general comprehension. All three activities include answer sheets.