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Teaching and Learning Resources for Early Learners and KS1

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Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.




Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.
Let's Talk about the Weather Symbol Boards

Let's Talk about the Weather Symbol Boards

A black and white and colour version of this weather board is included. The boards are a useful visual aid to support children / pupils with their speaking and listening and communication as well as writing about the weather. *PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols
Talk about and Write about the Weather

Talk about and Write about the Weather

A resource suitable for children who benefit from symbols and visual aids including those learning English language, SEND pupils and KS1. The resource is linked to the weather / Seasons. Sheet 1 asks children to identify the colour weather symbols and complete the sentences e.g On Monday it was sunny / I wear boots when it is rainy. Sheet 2 is the same as sheet 1 in black and white. Sheet 3 has space for children to draw their own weather symbols / pictures and asks them to say / write about their favourite weather. Finally there are 6 colour and 6 black and white weather flashcards to support the learning / lesson. *PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols.
Months of the Year Symbol Sorting

Months of the Year Symbol Sorting

*Licenced to use, produce and sell resources using Boardmaker symbols. This resource includes colour flashcards of the months of the year with 8 to an A4 page. Cut and laminate these for sorting activities and to add to displays. There is a colour and black and white version of the worksheet where the 12 months are included. These small cards can be cut out and sequenced. The black and white ones can be coloured in. Add to class displays or individual symbol boards. The final page shows a template sheet where children can add their own pictures to the months of the year.
6 Bible Stories to Sequence

6 Bible Stories to Sequence

6 Bible Stories to Sequence with space for children to write about and/or draw their own pictures. The Life of Jesus Noah’s Ark The Good Samaritan Adam and Eve Jonah and the Whale The Nativity Story
NHS People Who Help Us Activity Sheets KS1

NHS People Who Help Us Activity Sheets KS1

A discussion activity around people who help us and the NHS. Sheet 1 asks children to label the pictures and colour them in e.g. ambulance and wheelchair. Sheet 2 is a word bank for those children who need support with their writing. Sheet 3 is a doodle sheet for colouring in medical related pictures.
Prepositions Worksheets KS1

Prepositions Worksheets KS1

6 prepositions worksheets for KS1. Each sheet has a theme on and off over and under inside and outside behind and in front up and down above and below There are 10 pictures on each page for children to discuss with a partner or group. Each picture is numbered. Children decide e.g if the umbrella picture shows up or down. If up, they can put the number or write the word in the up box. Children may decide an umbrella could be up or down and write in the up or down box. This resource encourages speaking and listening and thinking skills with minimal writing.
Fine Motor Tracing Patterns Set 1

Fine Motor Tracing Patterns Set 1

6 sheets where children practice their fine motor skills by tracing over the patterns. Children pair the objects e.g. take the cat to the milk or the rain cloud to the umbrella. There are 3 designs of worksheet with 2 versions - straight lines and wavy lines.
World of Work Occupations KS1

World of Work Occupations KS1

3 activity sheets based on the theme of World of Work for KS1. Sheet 1 shows 20 characters with props that suggest their occupations. Children can make a list of what jobs they think the people do and then write the corresponding numbers next to the characters. Sheet 3 gives suggestions that may support the children in their choices and with their written work. Sheet 2 shows 4 characters and asks the children to add props to each person to indicate what jobs they might do. They can then write the titles underneath the pictures. Sheet 3 can also be used for children to draw pictures of occupations or props and /or to write the words.
Musical Instruments Sorting Cards

Musical Instruments Sorting Cards

Cut and laminate these cards for sorting games and making sets. Instruments can be sorted into: brass woodwind percussion keyboard string There are 24 instrument cards and 5 word cards.
Symmetry in Nature with Butterflies KS1

Symmetry in Nature with Butterflies KS1

This resource introduces KS1 pupils to the world of symmetry, pattern, and art offering a multisensory approach to learning. By drawing lines of symmetry and colouring butterfly patterns, children learn symmetry but also explore their artistic skills, understanding how patterns and symmetry play a crucial role in art and design. This resource integrates maths with nature and art, encouraging children to see the connections between different subjects and how they apply to the world around them. What’s Included? 12 different black and white symmetrical butterfly pictures for colouring - 6 on each of the two worksheets. 2 Butterfly and flowers colouring poster sheets. A planning activity guide with instructions and tips on how to use this resource. Suggestions for extension activities to take the learning beyond the classroom.
Fun Catch Phrase Quiz Time KS2

Fun Catch Phrase Quiz Time KS2

A fun speaking and listening game, for back to school, or any time, to get children into the swing of learning and concentrating again. A bumper pack of 120 flash cards showing catch phrases or sayings. Some children will be familiar with and others they may need to research or try to work out. There are 2 colour flashcards to a page. There is an answer grid that covers all the pictures and a blank grid for children to write in. There are also a set of worksheets where the cards are split up into sets of A to J, with 12 pictures per page and space underneath for them to write the answers in. A great speaking and listening activity where children can discuss with their partners or small groups and come up with likely answers. There may be more than one answer that is appropriate. May be useful, too for those learning English.
Welsh Basics Greetings Activities

Welsh Basics Greetings Activities

Activity ideas for teaching and learning greetings in Welsh / English. Sheet 1 contains 10 colour flashcards that show popular greetings in both English and Welsh and using symbols (Boardmaker Licenced). Sheet 2 shows black and white symbols of the 10 greetings for children to colour in and name in English / Welsh. They can then write the words in the blank boxes provided. The cards can be cut and matched. Alternatively, children could draw the pictures and write the word/s.
Memory Games KS1

Memory Games KS1

4 memory games to play with your children improving their concentration and memory. There are 2 black and white and 2 colour. The games are differentiated so that children can start with 8 items to recall and then move on to 10. Children will use their spelling skills also to write the word or for younger children they can dictate their answers. Extend with more objects and/or real objects covered with a cloth as in Kim’s game.
Making Pairs with Socks EYFS / KS1

Making Pairs with Socks EYFS / KS1

24 pairs of socks for children to make using these colour cards. Cut out and match looking at pattern and colour. Look out for any odd socks! There is also a blank template sock sheet for children or you, to make your own designs of sock pairs.
20 Big Animal Outlines for EYFS

20 Big Animal Outlines for EYFS

An animal topic resource designed for early learners, with 20 big animal outlines for colouring, painting, or collage. Featuring land animals, water animals , and flying animals.
Writing about the Weather EYFS

Writing about the Weather EYFS

3 worksheets where the children name the picture/symbol linked to the weather and then overwrite the sentences. The last sheet is a template that the children can draw or paste into and then make their own sentences about the weather. Sheet 1 shows all the symbols used in the worksheets in black and white with corresponding colour symbol cards. Boardmaker licenced.
Acrostic Christmas Poem Writing Frames

Acrostic Christmas Poem Writing Frames

Here is an example of an acrostic Christmas poem to give your class the idea. I use a wordbank of Christmas words or pictures to inspire my children. There are 4 examples of writing frames so children can choose their favourites.
Early Years Christmas Treasure Hunt

Early Years Christmas Treasure Hunt

This is a fun activity for young children. Cut out and laminate the 30 circular cards showing Christmas pictures and hide inside the classroom or in nature’s den / outside areas or in a sand tray. Children can hunt for the pictures and then tick off on the master board when they find them! Children will enjoy working in pairs or small groups.
Christmas Catch Phrase Game

Christmas Catch Phrase Game

A Catch Phrase game for KS1 and 2. A fun activity at Christmas. 40 pictorial popular catch phrases or sayings with a Christmas theme. The game encourages thinking skills and speaking and listening skills. There are 4 catch phrases on each page. Either show on the white board or cut out and show as individual cards or sets of 4. It is fun to work against the clock! Children can work in pairs or teams to try to work out the answers. An answer sheet is provided for them to mark off with suggested answers but there may be more than one acceptable answer. Cut out the cards and laminate for a game you can keep and re use. As an extra activity children can research and write the meanings or origins of the phrases. Examples of phrases are The first Noel, A Christmas Carol and Santa’s little helper. Children will enjoy making up their own Christmas phrases or sayings. Cards may also be cut out and used for matching games or making cards or tags for Christmas.
40 Stockings for Christmas Colouring

40 Stockings for Christmas Colouring

20 pages of black and white Christmas stockings for children to colour in. There are 2 designs on each page making 40 stockings in all. Some stockings are plain for children to add their own designs, some are patterned and there are a range of themes included such as Santa in the chimney, angels, holly, toys, berries, snowmen, elves and reindeer. Children can use the pictures to make Christmas cards and for inspiration for making their own Christmas stockings with craft materials or drawing and painting. Suitable of EYFS and KS1.