3 way differentiated multiplication worded problems
A set of different multiplication worded problems differentiated 3 ways.
For the BA they are asked to multiply mainly units by units using common multiplication facts with a few TU x U
For the A there questions involve multiplying TU x U
For the HA the questions ask children to multiply HTU by U
Used with year 4, questions and numbers can be edited/adapted
Division by 10, 100 and 1000 questions
Two differentiated sets of questions assessing children's place value and ability to divide by 10, 100 and 1000
Also contains a PowerPoint with 2 sets of models how to divide by 10, 100 and 1000 using the place value chart also with questions to assess. They simply walk children through the steps needed to divide by 10, 100 and 1000
Used with year 4
EDITABLE! Multiplication triangle jigsaw 6's and 9's
Looked around for a long time at these multiplication jigsaws, such a good idea for lesson starters/plenaries but couldn't quite find the one I needed, and one I used had a mistake in!
So I decided to create my own version where all the questions and answers can be edited, the rotation is all set up in a PPT file which took the time to sort
This means that this jigsaw can be used/adapted to suit any maths need, or any other subject for that matter.
At the moment the current version is set up with questions in the 6 and 9 times table
3 way differentiated area and perimeter challenge
A 3 way differentiated area and perimeter challenge firstly asking children to simply find the area of a series of rectangles and then as a challenge solve the inverse by working backwards from an area to find the missing length
The differentiation is through the size of numbers BA 2 digits
A 3 digits
MA 4 digits and some decimals
4 way differentiated fractions of amounts questions
A set of 4 way differentiated questions asking children to find fractions of amounts.
The BA questions ask children to find 1/2 and 1/10's
The A questions ask children to find 1/2 1/5's and 1/10's
The AA questions ask children to find 1/2, multiples of 1/5's and multiples of 1/10's requiring children to find 1/5 and 1/10 first then multiply by the numerator
The challenge questions ask children to find quantities of a variety of 3 digit amounts
3 way differentiated Christmas themed co-ordinates activities
The BA question asks children to identify the co-ordinates of the location of different Christmas pictures
For the A, a co-ordinate colouring by numbers. Children have to find the co-ordinates, draw the picture then colour .
For the MA they have a series of co-ordinates to plot on squared paper to draw a Christmas tree
4 way differentiated finding fractions of amounts from children's own measurements
A great lesson this, requiring children to use their measuring skills, fraction knowledge and multiplication skills.
There are 4 tables of common different classroom objects children have to measure, including editable names of children in the class! (Just made up in this example, but I changed to include names of children in my class, created a real buzz)
Children have to measure the objects, record the length, then find the fraction and record their answer.
The BA have to find 1/3's and 1/10's
A have to find multiples of 1/3's and 1/10's
AA have to find a mixture of different amounts including 1/10's 1/5's and 1/3's
and the MA have to find even more complex fractions of amounts of the objects they have measured.
Units of time snap, hours, minutes, days, months etc...
A set of cards that can be used either to play a game of snap or a game of find your partner with, getting children engaged in a lesson looking at units of time.
In red font there are the units e.g. 24, 60, 12, 52 etc..
And in black font are the corresponding descriptions e.g. hours in a day, minutes in an hour, months in a year, weeks in a year and so on, there are 10 units and descriptions to match
Football themed addition and subtraction worded problems, 4 way differentiated with blank sheet
4 way differentiated football themed addition and subtraction questions created for the Euro 2016 tournament but can easily be adapted or used as they are, especially as a good hook to get boys into maths
Red worksheet 3 digit addition and subtraction questions
Yellow worksheet 4 digit, some simple decimals
Green worksheet 4 digit up to 5 digit addition and subtraction with some 1 decimal place questions
Blue worksheet 3 and 4 digit, some 2 step problems to solve with some mixed operations and some decimal places
Also includes a challenge/extension sheet for children to add their own numbers in to create their own worded problems
4 way differentiated mental multiplication worksheets
Mental multiplication worksheets
4 versions, 3 to a page, gradually increasing in difficulty from known times table facts, to multiplying by 2 digits, 3 digits and then by 2 different numbers
Addition and subtraction code breaking exercise
A mixture of addition and subtraction questions up to 5 by 2 digits subtraction and 4 by 3 addition to challenge year 5 children. All the answers correspond to a letter below which spell out the answer to a joke!
A great motivator to help children work through a series of addition and subtraction problems
Addition and subtraction of costs of chocolate worksheets
Two worksheets asking children to read data from a table of costs for a number of different bars of chocolate and then answer a series of questions about them.
Used in connection with Charlie and the Chocolate factory.
The first page ask children to add 2 digit amounts e.g. 42p, add up to 5 amounts and find change from £1 and £2
The second page asks children to solve addition and subtraction questions using 5 digit amounts e.g £199.99 including 2 decimal places. They have to find out how much up to 3 objects would cost and then find change from £1000 and £2000.
2 step addition and subtraction Charlie and the Chocolate factory themed worded problems
4 way differentiated 2 step addition and subtraction Charlie and the Chocolate factory themed worded problems.
The Red set contains questions up to 2 digits
The Yellow set mixture of 2 and 3 digits and some decimal places for money.
The green set 4 digits and some decimal money questions
and the Blue up to 5 and 6 with a mixture of decimal money places.
Also contained is a set of questions with the wording left but all numbers removed for either teachers or pupils once completed to make their own to challenge a partner.
Rainforest themed 4 way differentiated addition and subtraction problems
Rainforest themed 4 way differentiated addition and subtraction problems, 4 sets on a page
All about equipment needed to be took on a Rainforest adventure, would fit in nicely with topic work including tent, hat, food etc...
First page 1 and 2 digit questions no decimals
Second page 2 and 3 digit questions, some decimal amounts e.g. £24.99
Third page 3 digit questions, with 2 decimal places for money and up to 3 amounts to add together
Fourth page 3 and 4 digits with up to 2 decimal places for money, 3 amounts and have to find how much change can be had from a certain amount.
More 4 way differentiated worded divsion problems
Following on from the previous set of questions these take each set to the next level.
All questions are themed around the classroom, sweets, cookies etc..
Red 2 x 1 digit times table facts
Yellow 2 x 1 and some 3 x 1 requiring short division
Green 3 x 1 and some 4 x 1 requiring short division and some rounding depending on what the question is asking
Blue 4 x 1 requiring short division and some rounding depending on what the question is asking
Area of the Rainforest multiplication worksheets
4 differentiated worksheets asking children to calculate the area of fictional Rainforests by using their multiplication methods and answer in kilometre squared.
For an extra challenge the last 2 worksheets require children to subtract a deforested area to find the new area of the rainforest which links in with Geography.
Red 2 x 1 digit multiplication
Yellow 3 x 1 digit multiplication
Green 3 x 1 digit multiplication and up to 3 digit subtraction of a deforested area
Blue 4 x 1 digit multiplication and up to 4 and 5 digit subtractions
Bar and Line graph worksheet for amounts of Rain in the Rainforest
4 way differentiated challenge strips asking children to create either a bar or line graph from data provided about the amount of rain in the Rainforest each month
Red simple bar chart about rain in the Rainforest
Yellow comparative bar chart about rain in the Rainforest and in Birmingham
Green line graph about rain in the Rainforest
Blue comparative line graph about rain in the Rainforest and in Birmingham
4 way differentiated 'soap making' themed multiplication worded problems
4 sets of worded problems asking children multiplication questions based around the theme of soap making and production, units of measurement for the questions include £ and pence and g and ml
BA, 2 digit by 1 multiplication
A, 2 digit by 1 and 2 digit by 2
AA 3 digit by 1 digit multiplication
HA some 4 digit by 1 and some decimal amounts by 1 and 2 digits
Weather graphs comprehension exercise comparing the UK and France
A 3 way differentiated set of graphs and questions looking at comparing the weather in France and the UK
For the BA they have to read and answer simple questions based on a bar chart
For the A they have to read and answer slightly more challenging questions based on a comparative bar chart
For the MA they have to read a line graph and answer more challenging questions
4 way differentiated division worded problems
4 sets of differentiated division worded problems used with Year 4.
For the BA the questions only ask children to divide by 2, 5 and 10
For the A they have to divide 2 digits by 1
And for the HA 3 digits by 1 digit division
The Blue group questions provided a real challenge asking children to divide 3 digits by 2 and some 4 digits by 2
Children can use their multiplication facts, bus stop division or short division methods to help them