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Maxblackburn's Shop

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All of my resources have been used in my own classroom. My resources are designed to be easy to use and understand by anyone. I use a student friendly font and backgrounds designed to reduce glare so that all students can access the materials.




All of my resources have been used in my own classroom. My resources are designed to be easy to use and understand by anyone. I use a student friendly font and backgrounds designed to reduce glare so that all students can access the materials.
AQA Tudors 1C - Wars of the Roses

AQA Tudors 1C - Wars of the Roses

This lesson focuses on Henry VII’s reign. In particular it explores the context by examining the causes of the Wars of the Roses. It has been planned for the AQA History A-level 1C which explores the Tudors: England, 1485-1603. The resources are designed for one lesson lasting one hour. My students all have their own copies of Tillbrook’s The Tudors: England 1485-1603 by Oxford University Press, this is sometimes referred to. All images have been acquired through a search engine filtered to labelled for re-use. All resources have been taught to my own classes.
AQA Tudors 1C - Henry VII Parliament

AQA Tudors 1C - Henry VII Parliament

This lesson focuses on Henry VII’s reign. In particular it explores Henry VII’s parliament. It has been planned for the AQA History A-level 1C which explores the Tudors: England, 1485-1603. The resources are designed for one lesson lasting one hour. My students all have their own copies of Tillbrook’s The Tudors: England 1485-1603 by Oxford University Press, this is sometimes referred to. All images have been acquired through a search engine filtered to labelled for re-use. All resources have been taught to my own classes.
AQA Tudors 1C - Henry VII Rebellions

AQA Tudors 1C - Henry VII Rebellions

This lesson focuses on Henry VII’s reign. In particular it explores rebellion under Henry VII. It has been planned for the AQA History A-level 1C which explores the Tudors: England, 1485-1603. The resources are designed for one lesson lasting one hour. My students all have their own copies of Tillbrook’s The Tudors: England 1485-1603 by Oxford University Press, this is sometimes referred to. All images have been acquired through a search engine filtered to labelled for re-use. All resources have been taught to my own classes.
AQA Tudors 1C - Henry VII Councils and Court

AQA Tudors 1C - Henry VII Councils and Court

This lesson focuses on Henry VII’s reign. In particular it explores Henry VII’s councils and court. It has been planned for the AQA History A-level 1C which explores the Tudors: England, 1485-1603. The resources are designed for one lesson lasting one hour. My students all have their own copies of Tillbrook’s The Tudors: England 1485-1603 by Oxford University Press, this is sometimes referred to. All images have been acquired through a search engine filtered to labelled for re-use. All resources have been taught to my own classes.
Christmas Activity - Tarsia Puzzle

Christmas Activity - Tarsia Puzzle

This Tarsia puzzle covers the theme of Christmas. It includes facts about modern traditions and the origins of Christmas. Excellent for those tutor time slots when you need to fill time. A Tarsia puzzle requires students to match up sides of triangles to form a hexagonal shape. They are brilliant for collaborative working and get students to think hard. I use these at the starts of ends of lessons and they can take 10-20 minutes depending on your class’s confidence in the material. All materials are provided here including student instructions, student puzzle pieces and teacher answers. All images have been acquired through a search engine filtered to labelled for re-use. Enjoy!
Complete French Revolution Scheme of Work

Complete French Revolution Scheme of Work

This upload contains a complete Scheme of Work for teaching the French Revolution. It includes: lesson outlines, lesson powerpoints, resources, an assessment and differentiated activities. The scheme of work is designed to last a half term and totals 10 one hour lessons. For copyright information please see the uploaded file. Comments are appreciated. :-)
How has Marie Antoinette been interpreted?

How has Marie Antoinette been interpreted?

In this lesson students explore interpretations of Marie Antoinette in order to test if the Queen was more than a lover of cakes and gambling. Students test a film representation and use cards to futher unpick her character. All resources that are required for an hour's lesson are provided. Images acquired through a search engine filtered to "labelled for resuse".
Slave Trade Scheme of Work 7 Lesson Bundle

Slave Trade Scheme of Work 7 Lesson Bundle

This Scheme of Work details 7 lessons with all the required resources for students learning about the Slave Trade. Designed for Y8 students this could easily be used across the rest of KS3. All lessons included differentiated Learning Objectives and many have differentiated activities. These are lessons that I have planned and taught my self so are very much ready to go! All images acquired through a search engine filtered to "labelled for reuse". You can use the Black Peoples of America textbook to support these lessons should you need.
Act of Settlement, Bill of Rights and Magna Carta - Stuart A-level

Act of Settlement, Bill of Rights and Magna Carta - Stuart A-level

In this lesson students explore the significance of the Act of Settlement, The Bill of Rights and the Magna Carta. Comparisons are drawn in order to gauge the impact of these events. All resources provided for a hour's lesson. This was taught to Y12 as part of Edexcel's Conflict, Revolution and Settlement course. Comments are appreciated. All images were acquired through a search engine filtered to "labelled for re-use".
Revolutionary Ideals in the Glorious Revolution - A-level lesson

Revolutionary Ideals in the Glorious Revolution - A-level lesson

In this lesson students explore the revolutionary ideals during the Glorious revolution which helped to establish the foundations of constitutional monarchy. This lesson is best support the the Edexcel Pearson book covering Conflict Revolution and Settlement. All resources provided for a hour long lesson. Comments are appreciated. All images acquired through a search engine filtered to 'labelled for re-use'.
How did Charles I and Laud change the church? Stuart A-level

How did Charles I and Laud change the church? Stuart A-level

In this hour long lesson students explore the key changes introduced by Charles I and Laud. The use information from David Starkey and a range of posters to explore the key alterations. Essay technique and modelling concludes the lesson. My students follow the Stuart A-level from Edexcel. This lesson could be further supported by the Edexcel Pearson textbook but does not require it. Comments are appreciated. Images have been acquired through a search engine filtered to "labelled for re-use".
What big issues affect the world today? Campaign for poverty, child soldiers, slavery.

What big issues affect the world today? Campaign for poverty, child soldiers, slavery.

In this lesson students explore some of the big issues that affect our world today. Students are encouraging to think about what wealthy countries can do to support and tackle these issues such as: child soldiers, modern slavery and torture. After exploring some of the issues students are encouraged to design a campaign in order to raise awareness. I have attached some example work in a photograph here. Great for the end of term or form time! Pictures acquired through a search engine filtered to "labelled for re-use". Enjoy!
Where did Homesteaders live? Sod House lesson PLUS homework

Where did Homesteaders live? Sod House lesson PLUS homework

In this lesson students explore the reasons why homesteaders built sod houses. Students work in groups to design houses which are suited to the Great Plains. All resources and a lesson plan provided for an hour's lesson. This lesson was planned for an Appraisal observation and contains a range of activities to keep students engaged and motivated. Images have been acquired through a search engine filtered to "labelled for re-use".
William's Wars: Nine Years War for Edexcel Paper 1 Stuarts A-level.

William's Wars: Nine Years War for Edexcel Paper 1 Stuarts A-level.

In this lesson, students develop their understanding of the context of the Nine Years War. This lesson should be supported by the Edexcel Pearson Textbook designed for Paper 1 (ISBN 9781447985327). Images acquired through a search engine filtered to "labelled for re-use". If you have questions then please use the comment function below.
Origins of the Cold War Revision Tarsia Puzzle

Origins of the Cold War Revision Tarsia Puzzle

This Tarsia puzzle covers the theme of the Origings of the Cold War. Great for 9-1 GCSE revision and intervention sessions. Made for Edexcel Paper 2 Topic 1 but I'm sure it fits other exam board specs. A Tarsia puzzle requires students to match up sides of triangles to form a hexagonal shape. They are brilliant for revision and get students to think hard. I use these at the starts of ends of lessons and they can take 10-20 minutes depending on your class's confidence in the material. All materials are provided here including student instructions, student puzzle pieces and teacher answers. All images have been acquired through a search engine filtered to labelled for re-use. Enjoy!
Grammar and Golden Sentences for students or display

Grammar and Golden Sentences for students or display

Use these sheets to help students understand how to write more effectively. These can be blown up for display or provided to students as A4 sheets. I provide students with access to laminated copies inside a literacy drawer. Some of my other literacy resources could be used to provide further support. Images and clipart used in line with Microsoft policy. Comments are appreciated.
Did William's Wars cause a financial revolution? Stuarts A-level Paper 1 Edexcel.

Did William's Wars cause a financial revolution? Stuarts A-level Paper 1 Edexcel.

In this lesson, students consider whether William's Wars caused a financial revolution or not. Whilst also considering the historical example, students are encouraged to consider what modern day MPs spend their money on and how this is justified. This lesson should be supported by the Edexcel Pearson Textbook designed for Paper 1 (ISBN 9781447985327). Images acquired through a search engine filtered to "labelled for re-use". If you have questions then please use the comment function below.
Introduction the American West GCSE

Introduction the American West GCSE

In this lesson students primarily explore the nature and landscape of the American West. Maps and cross sections are provided to allow students to explore the difficulties that people may have faced exploring and settling in this difficult terrain. The plenary also introduces some different characters of the West. Excellent for a first lesson to grab their attention! All images acquired through a search engine filtered to "labelled for re-use". Any questions please use the comment section below.
Elizabethan England Tarsia Revision Puzzle

Elizabethan England Tarsia Revision Puzzle

This Tarsia puzzle covers the theme of the Elizabethan England. More specifically Edexcel's topic 1. Great for 9-1 GCSE revision and intervention sessions. A Tarsia puzzle requires students to match up sides of triangles to form a hexagonal shape. They are brilliant for revision and get students to think hard. I use these at the starts of ends of lessons and they can take 10-20 minutes depending on your class's confidence in the material. All materials are provided here including student instructions, student puzzle pieces and teacher answers. All images have been acquired through a search engine filtered to labelled for re-use. Enjoy!
History of Medicine Timeline

History of Medicine Timeline

A timeline designed for display or for student's books demonstrating the key time periods for the History of Medicine and Treatment. Easily edited should you need to. Comments are appreciated.