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Mike Morley's Shop

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I have been a teacher for 8 years and am currently working in Dubai as a History teacher and Head of Year. I put a lot of effort into creating my premium resources and will not upload them until I am confident the lesson will be graded at least a good if not outstanding. Please contact me if you have any queries, questions or concerns about my resources. Regards




I have been a teacher for 8 years and am currently working in Dubai as a History teacher and Head of Year. I put a lot of effort into creating my premium resources and will not upload them until I am confident the lesson will be graded at least a good if not outstanding. Please contact me if you have any queries, questions or concerns about my resources. Regards
USA 1920s: Why did some industries prosper when others did not?

USA 1920s: Why did some industries prosper when others did not?

The purpose of this lesson to to start with a recap of industries that prospered to then transition into a case study about the problems faced by agriculture and farming during the 1920s. Outcomes: Expected Progress: To outline what products and industries boomed. Good Progress: To identify the problems faced by farms. Excellent Progress: To explain and judge the worst problem faced by farmers. Starter: Memory activity / card sort about electrical and industrial products which boomed. all explained in the embedded video. Main Task: Students watch embedded introduction video and read accompanying information sheet about the problems faced by farmers - students to highlight the main problems and the summarize on their card sort. Students cut these out and rank order them in order of worst problems. Plenary: student use the card sort to create a piece of ‘smart graffiti’ in their books outlining the problems faced by the farming and agricultural industries’ in the USA during the 1920s. All video and sound clips are embedded into the PP.
What were the causes of the US Economic BOOM in the 1920s?

What were the causes of the US Economic BOOM in the 1920s?

The purpose of this lesson is to introduce students to the causes of the US boom between 1919-1930. Students enter with a task to immediately complete a recall five definitions they will need to understand for this lesson. The teacher introduces the lesson intention / the bigger picture and outlines definitions on the board. Main task 1: students are each supplied with a cause factor card. Students to watch a summary video and are challenged to look out for their particular factor title when it appears in the video. Students then summarize on the back of their card how this factor led to an economic boom in the USA. They will have the printed explanation on the other side if they require it for support. A select number of students are then asked to become experts in their particular factor. they are to remain at their tables or at designated points around the classroom whilst other students circulate to ‘interview them’ and complete their factor sheet. Main task 2: A challenge and more challenging option of tasks here for differentiation: Challenge: Diamond 9 rank order the factors in order of most to least significant. Then explain why you have placed the factors in those positions. More challenging: Students to receive factor title sheet to cut out - students then draw connections between each of the factors to explain how they link together - textbook support could be used here. Students could add further sub factors of their own. To then verbally justify and present back to the teacher class as a plenary.
1920s USA

1920s USA

12 Resources
All lessons come with differentiated outcomes, most videos and songs are embedded into the P. P. Presentations with a wide ranging selection of activities and resources which will appeal to pupils of all abilities. A fantastic opportunity to help you develop your own SOW on this course. SAVE 70% ON THESE RESOURCES COMBINED! Please review :) Please visit my shop for more History lessons / bundles: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/morlem
USA 1920s: Flappers and the changing role of women.

USA 1920s: Flappers and the changing role of women.

The purpose of this lesson is to enable students to categories the different changes taking place for women during the 1920s and to judge the most significant change. HOOK: Students enter and watch a rather stereotypical video outlining how women were regarded during the 1910-1920s. Students to answer the question on their sticky note. Teacher takes feedback and introduces lesson intention / outcomes. Starter: Students think-pair-share to discuss an image of some flappers and to feedback wy they could / could not be surprised by the photograph. Main: Teacher has a choice of 3 embedded videos to show, each one linked to students answering the question ‘What changes can you identify’. One video however shows 102 year old Alice who was a flapper back during the Harlem Renaissance, students could be challenged to come up with some questions they would like to ask her, of which they should be able to answer themselves by the end of the lesson. Students to then be supplied with a card sort of 9 changes women faced during the roaring 20s. Students are first to colour / categories the changes before Dimond 9 ranking them in order of significance. This can then be taken in feedback or lined to a GCSE explain type question. Plenary: students ‘snowball fight’ all the changes that happened to women during the 1920s. All videos are embedded into the Power Point. **Please see my shop for other History resources and bundles. ** https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/morlem
1920s USA: The Scopes Monkey Trial (1925)

1920s USA: The Scopes Monkey Trial (1925)

The purpose of this lesson is to enable students to collaboratively work together in order to explain the significance of the Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925 in the wider context of ‘how intolerant was 1920s US society’. Hook: Students enter room (cartoons / pictures to be placed on tables / walls) students are to use these to write their own title for the lesson, guided by the teacher. Starter: Studenst watch 2 video clips (Simpsons / Morgan Freeman National Geographic) in order to define creationism v evolution theory. Teacher then use PP to outline fundamentalism in the southern states of the USA during the 1920s. There is the a quick 1925 textbook comprehension task to consolidate this. Main: Students to work together in a 6 monkeys style activity (all explained within the PP description) in order to explain the causes and events of the trial, teacher can help facilitate but this is very much a student led lesson. There is then an embedded video to each to help students consolidate their write up / new report. (Teacher’s choice). Plenary: Students are to MIX-PAIR-SHARE the varying different results of the trial then then apply all of their acquired knowledge to the question, ‘How significant was the monkey trial in demonstrating intolerance in US society during the 1920s?’. This can then be written up in another lesson or for homework. All videos are embedded with links provided in the powerpoint. **Please see my shop for other History resources and bundles. ** https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/morlem
1920s USA: Immigration Experience -  How Tolerant Was US Society?

1920s USA: Immigration Experience - How Tolerant Was US Society?

The purpose of this lesson is to help students address the question, “To what extent was US society tolerant?” Through a series of student led tasks and fits into a bigger picture of a 1920s USA Depth Study. Hook: Students enter with dictionaries on their desks and are challenged to define ‘Immigrant’ or ‘Immigration’. Teacher takes feedback and introduces lesson title / outcomes. Students then watch an introductory video (Embedded) with an option to further define that ‘intolerant’ means. Starter: students are provided with a worksheet about the concerns US society had about immigrants in the 1920s. Students are challenged to categories these into – social – economic – political reasons before teacher takes feedback with a WAGGOL on the board. Main: Teacher shows another video (Embedded) and students are challenged to identify all the problems that they faced. Students each receive an ‘immigration experience’ sheet and one information sheet per table. Students to summarize. Circulate the class and select a student on each table who seems to have really grasped the topic. These students are to then stay behind at their table whilst the rest of the class circulate and spend 5 minutes each being peer taught about the immigration topic by the student who was selected to stay behind. Students can then summarize the experience of immigrants at this time in either a freeze frame or in a written task as a plenary. I have included additional information / videos in the presentation which could be used by the teacher to further support this task. Separate task for more able: I have included a work sheet, information sheet / video which more able students could be set as a separate task encouraging them to consider Native Americans and their experience provided the fact they were treated almost the same as immigrants despite being natives. A source evaluation homework sheet is also included. All videos and sound are embedded into the PP with links provided. **Please see my shop for other History resources and bundles. ** https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/morlem
IGCSE History NEW PAPER 4 Introduction Lesson (2024) (0470)

IGCSE History NEW PAPER 4 Introduction Lesson (2024) (0470)

Embark on a dynamic lesson crafted to acquaint students with the novel 2024 Paper 4 questions and the corresponding techniques for adeptly addressing them. This comprehensive session encompasses two model answers accompanied by engaging activities, fostering an interactive learning environment. Additionally, extension activities have been thoughtfully included, promoting collaborative learning opportunities among students. This lesson aims to equip students with a nuanced understanding of the updated 2024 Paper 4 format, empowering them to tackle questions with confidence and proficiency.
Year 9 History Bundle ONE

Year 9 History Bundle ONE

18 Resources
A bundle of randomly assorted lessons focused upon Year 9 History. All lessons come with differentiated outcomes, most videos and songs are embedded into the P. P. Presentations with a wide ranging selection of activities and resources which will appeal to pupils of all abilities. A fantastic opportunity to help you develop your own SOW. SAVE 65% ON THESE RESOURCES COMBINED! Some GCSE lessons but very easily adaptable to KS3. Please visit my shop for more History lessons / bundles: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/morlem