I have been a teacher for 8 years and am currently working in Dubai as a History teacher and Head of Year.
I put a lot of effort into creating my premium resources and will not upload them until I am confident the lesson will be graded at least a good if not outstanding.
Please contact me if you have any queries, questions or concerns about my resources.
I have been a teacher for 8 years and am currently working in Dubai as a History teacher and Head of Year.
I put a lot of effort into creating my premium resources and will not upload them until I am confident the lesson will be graded at least a good if not outstanding.
Please contact me if you have any queries, questions or concerns about my resources.
A two sided revision sheet for Elizabethan England.
- Key Dates & events
. Threats at Home and Abroad
. Religious Settlement
. Elizabethan society and exploration
- Key words
- Significant Individuals.
There are two parts to this lesson.
1. Pupils will identify why Mary was a threat.
Pupils will be handed a Tudor family tree as they enter class. The question on the board will be: Why was Mary a threat? E.g. She was Catholic or next in line for the Throne.
After receiving feedback pupils will then watch a short video clip where they will be further asked to identify other reasons why Mary was a threat to Elizabeth. Pupils will then use this information to describe two feature of Mary’s threat to Elizabeth. (I have a provided a WAGOL to support pupils with this task).
2. Decision making activity.
Pupils are then informed about the reasons which led Mary to flee to England. Pupils will engaged in an active decision making activity to decide what Elizabeth should do about the problem of Mary. Pupils will be able to then use this information to form a judgment about what they believe would have been the correct decision for Elizabeth to make. Before it is revealed that Elizabeth decided to imprison Mary for 19 years. A1 paper will be required.
There are further instructions and prompts included within the presentation.
A series of lessons charting the success of the the Black Civil Rights non-violence movement from 1960-65.
All tasks and activities have been designed around
All lesson outcomes are linked with key historical skills developing pupil knowledge and understanding of:
- Sit-ins
- Freedom Riders
- Birmingham Campaign
All videos are embedded, homeworks and all resources included.
Perfect for KS3 / KS4 alike.
**Free Knowledge Organiser Included! **
The purpose of this lesson is to encourage pupils to reflect upon the progress made by the civil rights movement by 1960.
Pupils will inquire into who the freedom riders were and the purpose, aims and possible problems of their movement. Pupils will lead their own learning though the collection of information to then record this information in chronological order on their worksheets to create a time line.
All videos, sound clips and random name generator are embedded with further advice upon the structure of the lesson to be found in the description of the presentation.
Pupils will complete the lesson though comparing the freedom riders with other nonviolent methods of campaigning so far during the civil rights movement - E.g. Greensboro Sit-ins to then form an overall judgment.
The purpose of this lesson is to introduce pupils to some of the initial causes of the Vietnam War, namely the end of French rule.
The lesson begins with a ‘Beware of Landmines!’ (Optional Warm-Up Simulation) before introducing pupils to the 4 question types for paper 3 section 2.
Pupils are introduced to Vietnam and how the Cold War led to USA’s involvement - pupils then conduct an investigation into the end of French rule though a role play task -video and a group sticky note activity.
Pupils then enquire into the Geneva Accord selecting information to stick around their map to then assess the impact of the convention and evaluate its success.
Videos are embedded and further advice on how the run the lesson can be found in the description of the presentation. See my show for more Edexcel lessons.
The purpose of this lesson is to encourage pupils to further consider why Diem was so unpopular though studying the 'Strategic Hamlet Program' and his persecution of Buddhists.
Pupils will do this though a combination of tasks (provided within the presentation) charting the involvement of Kennedy to the assassination of Diem. Some key pupils will have a 'secret' mission to recruit other members of the class to join the NFL - all explained within presentation.
This knowledge can then be consolidated with an exam style question from Edexcel Paper3, section2, question 3D. (Pupil friendly mark scheme provided)
All videos are embedded (links provided) Further advice can be found in the description of the presentation.
I have also included a HW charting the progress of US involvement.
Included in this pack are TWO fully resources schemes of work linked with the Pearson Edexcel GCSE 'American West' and 'the Vietnam War' sections, covering essential topics pupils will need to know for papers two & three.
All lesson outcomes are linked with Assessment Objectives 1, 2, 3, &4.
All tasks and activities have been designed around developing pupil knowledge and understanding of the American West and Vietnam War to then apply this to exam technique / exam style questions.
All videos are embedded (links provided) I have included WAGOLS / Success criteria's /Homeworks to further pupils understanding of papers two & three.
A fantastic opportunity to develop your own Scheme of work on this topic saving 40% on these bundles combined!
You will need the Edexcel conflict at home and abroad textbook for one of the Vietnam lessons. All American West lessons are fully resourced.
Please visit my shop for more History lessons / bundles:
The purpose of this lesson is for students to debate if Nixon was right to keep the invasions of Cambodia and Lao a secret from the US public during his Vietnamisation program. This skill is linked with final 16 mark statement questions found in papers 1 /2 &3.
Studentts begin though a starter task of attempting to fill in a blank map completing the names of the countries, the Ho Chi Minh Trail, Gulf of Tonkin and any cities etc.
Students are introduced to the invasion of Cambodia through a short video clip of Nixon's televised explanation (embedded).
The main task revolves around the teaching and learning strategy of '6 monkeys'. All explained within the resource pack attached . After assessing the impact of this invasion in 1970 students are introduced to the invasion of Laos in 1971 and how the US public reacted to the news of these invasions.
Students are to complete a short 4 mark source evaluation activity linked with the Kent State Shooting protest.
After these tasks and debates students will be ready to form an overall judgment regarding the initial debate question: Was Nixon right to keep the invasions of Cambodia and Laos a secret from the US population?
I have included an extension video showcasing a news report of how currently the US are attempting to get Cambodia to repay for the damages caused during the invasion (video embedded).
Included in this pack is PART TWO of a series of lessons linked with the Edexcel GCSE ‘American Civil Rights’ and ‘the Vietnam War’, coveringthe final topics of the Vietnam War to be covered.
All lesson outcomes are linked with Assessment Objectives 1 &2 or 3.
All tasks and activities have been designed around developing pupil knowledge and understanding of the Vietnam War to then apply this to exam technique / exam style questions.
All videos are embedded (links provided) I have included WAGOLS / Success criteria’s /Homework to further pupils understanding of Paper three.
A fantastic opportunity to develop your own Scheme of work on this topic. Save over 30% On these lessons combined.
This is an entire fully resourced scheme of work covering public reaction to the Vietnam War - All linked to the GCSE History course for Vietnam.
All lessons come with differentiated outcomes, example answers & mark schemes, most videos and songs are embedded into the P. P. Presentations with a wide ranging selection of activities and resources which will appeal to pupils of all abilities.
A fantastic opportunity to help you develop your own scheme of work on this course. You may need the conflict and home and abroad textbook to support parts of some lessons. Most however do not require a textbook.
**Free wall display included! **
A bundle of Colour coded A3 / A4 knowledge organiser / Revision mat / book marks for the following topics:
Medicine Through Time.
Elizabethan England.
Civil Rights.
Significant Individuals / Government acts / Discoveries / Inventions / Dates / Key terms / Events.
This lesson focuses upon students identifying continuities and changes in how the Black Death / Plague was approached from the first strain in 1348 to when ti returned in 1665 focusing upon, Causes - Treatments - Prevention.
**Lesson Plan: **
Lesson begins with a hook to recap the approached to the Black Death in 1348 via ‘The Walking Chocolate Bar’ activity (explained in the PP).
The teacher ill then use this to introduce the learning intention & Outcomes.
Students will record their work from the various activities on a double sided work sheet.
students to watch one or two video clips (provided) to identify what approaches stayed the same / changed. the teacher can then take feedback and question students using the accompanying slides of information to help students complete the first half of their sheet.
the biggest changes between 1348 - 1665 comes in the form of prevention. the students can be presented with a card sort of the new preventative measured taken in 1665 to avoid the plague. Students are challenged to Diamond 9 Rank these in order of effectiveness.
students then work to complete a blank map of a town filling it with pictures and labels of the different preventative methods introduced. (Extension: Students explain the most / lead affective preventative method).
Once completing their sheet and after student feedback- students complete an exam style question for a plenary (Mark Scheme and WAGOLL provided).
Sounds clips are embedded / links provided / Peep sheet / More than one lessons worth of content / resources easily!
Please visit my shop for more History lessons / bundles: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/morlem
The lesson focuses upon a series of student led tasks to assess and judge the worst aspect of factory conditions.
Lesson begins with intention and outcomes linked with the first recorded video footage from 1895 of factory workers to hook students in.
Students starter task sees them working in pairs through a ‘write - round - robin’ task where they will write the alphabet down the side of their book and pass between themselves to write as many adjectives as they can about factories in a set amount of time. Teacher will show image on the interactive white board. Prize to winning team who complete as many words as possible.
Students are then to watch a video (embedded) on life in a Victorian Factory - they are tasked with bullet pointing as many negative aspects of work life as they can. students then engage with a PICTIONARY style activity to embed the identified negative aspects (all explained within the PP description).
Students then either use their own ideas or the card sort provided to rank order factory conditions from worst to least to form an over all judgment as a group but then also individually. Students must justify their opinion as a plenary.
All music sounds and video are embedded into the PP.
The focus of this lesson is to build upon the delicate balance of world powers in the 1930’s and fits into the bigger picture of ‘Why had international peace collapsed by 1939’?
**Hook: **students are handed hook sheet as they enter to instantly complete focusing around recalling 5 key facts about key terminology which will be used throughout the lesson. Teacher introduces the lessons intention.
**Starter: ** students apply their ‘Give me 5’ task applying this to a source of evidence provided with think-pair-share time. Teacher take feedback to then introduce the starter task. Students listen to an introductory sound clip summarising the lessons learning and answer the questions provided on the PP (Audio embedded).
Main task 1: Students are provided with a key card of facts to learn and use to complete the relevant section of the Axis Alliance sheet. Students are then to circulate the room and peer teach each other until their sheet is complete – teacher can then check this against the WAGOLL on the interactive Whiteboard.
Main Task 2: Students then to assess the country who posed the biggest threat to the LON – students to judge and then summarize on a mini whiteboard to justify their opinion (using sheet to support them).
Show consolidation video (embedded)
Plenary: Students to apply their acquired knowledge to an exam style question – structure strips are provided for differentiation and a mark scheme to allow students to peer / self assess their answer afterwards as a plenary.
**All videos embedded / descriptions and prompts included in the PP description. **
The focus of this lesson is to encourage students to form a judgment surrounding the character of Becket (not why he was murdered) but if he was a Saint or a Sinner.
Students enter class and handed a sticky note to settle . focus them on the starter activity (Why do I stand on this table?)
Students watch clip of the Dead Poets Society which links in with the historical skill of observing people / events from different interpretations.
Introduce the ideas behind Becket - students are supplied with an interpretation and on the back must summarise its message (saint or sinner and a quick summary) ten interpretations supplied. Students then are provided with a sheet and must circulate the room and interview each other to complete their worksheet of all the different opinions on Becket.
students then use the sheet to support a judgment activity where they rank order the opinions again in order of convincing / least convincing.
Plenary - students debate / judgment line their overall judgment and write up in their books.
All video are embedded.
A bundle of lessons all linked to the Industrial Revolution
All lessons come with differentiated outcomes, most videos and songs are embedded into the P. P. Presentations with a wide ranging selection of activities / video / music and resources which will appeal to pupils of all abilities.
A fantastic opportunity to help you develop your own SOW on this course.
Please visit my shop for more History lessons / bundles: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/morlem
A bundle of randomly assorted lessons focused upon Year 7 History.
All lessons come with differentiated outcomes, most videos and songs are embedded into the P. P. Presentations with a wide ranging selection of activities and resources which will appeal to pupils of all abilities.
A fantastic opportunity to help you develop your own SOW.
Please visit my shop for more History lessons / bundles: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/morlem
A bundle of randomly assorted lessons focused upon Year 8 History.
All lessons come with differentiated outcomes, most videos and songs are embedded into the P. P. Presentations with a wide ranging selection of activities and resources which will appeal to pupils of all abilities.
A fantastic opportunity to help you develop your own SOW.
Please visit my shop for more History lessons / bundles: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/morlem
A PART 2 bundle of randomly assorted lessons focused upon Year 9 History.
All lessons come with differentiated outcomes, most videos and songs are embedded into the P. P. Presentations with a wide ranging selection of activities and resources which will appeal to pupils of all abilities.
A fantastic opportunity to help you develop your own SOW.
Some GCSE lessons but very easily adaptable to KS3.
Please visit my shop for more History lessons / bundles: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/morlem
The purpose of this lesson is to enable students to explain why the reformation began though an escape room / chronology style activity.
Hook: Students to enter and define the words Reformation from a dictionary, prize / merit / house point to the student who is able to do this first. Teacher introduces lesson intention / outcomes before introducing the concept of the reformation and the main task.
Main task: Students work as a class or in 2 teams if a large class to locate the hidden time-line of events starting with Martin Luther and ending with the impact of reformation on England. Students will have 15 minutes (timer and dramatic music included in the PP!) to locate all the hidden events and arrange the time-line into chronological order outside of the classroom. Initiates collaboration / communication and element of competition. if students beat the clock they can be rewarded.
The correct order can then be gone though on the PP with 2 embedded videos to show throughout to help visualize and consolidate the story the the reformation.
Students to then be supplied with the the story on the handout and to highlight 2 key events to help explain why the reformation began. Students can then complete a write up in their books. Structure strips included for support (Easily adapted).
This is more than likely to consist of 2 lessons worth of material / activities.
All music and videos are embedded into the PP (Links provided)
**Please see my shop for other History resources and bundles. **