Welcome! I am a Business, Economics and Psychology teacher working in London, examining for GCSE & A-Level and providing high quality resources so your students can enjoy and thrive in the study of these beautiful subjects. Positive reviews are much appreciated. School purchase orders can be emailed to zee.tes@hotmail.com - Zee
Welcome! I am a Business, Economics and Psychology teacher working in London, examining for GCSE & A-Level and providing high quality resources so your students can enjoy and thrive in the study of these beautiful subjects. Positive reviews are much appreciated. School purchase orders can be emailed to zee.tes@hotmail.com - Zee
In this lesson, learners develop their understanding further on phobias, with an emphasis on the treatment for phobias.
We start with a discussion on how we might overcome phobias, we then look at the two main treatments - systematic desensitisation and flooding. Application task, videos, MCQs, true or false questions, 3 mark exam style question and we finish with a box plenary.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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Behavioural approach - Treating phobias
In this double lesson, learners further develop their knowledge and understanding on obedience, with the focus on dispositional explanations - the authoritarian personality. We start with a hook question before discussing what the authoritarian personality is as suggested by Adorno et. al, and also how it is formed. Video clips included. We look at Adorno et. al’s study, some MCQs to consolidate before completing the F scale (questionnaire used in Adorno’s study). We then go onto an evaluation activity where students identify strengths and criticisms from given evaluation points, this can be followed with a class discussion on the points. A exam style A02 question, debate question, group task to complete learning on obedience before ending with a box plenary and kahoot quiz.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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In this lesson, learners are introduced to social psychological explanations of aggression with a focus on the social learning theory of aggression.
We start by watching how children learn from adults by copying what they do to introduce the social learning theory of agression. We look further into the theory, including examples of observational learning and vicarious reinforcement, we look at the ARRM model to see how behaviour is learned and executed, various engaging videos including the Bobo doll experiment by Bandura (1961). True or false, MCQs, evaluation task and we finish with a box plenary.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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Social learning theory - social psychological explanations
This lesson introduces learners to internal and external considerations to complete a SWOT analysis. We start by looking at what a SWOT analysis is and the types of questions we need to ask ourselves to find out our SWOT. We then contextualise with a few examples such as Mcdonald’s, Thornton’s and a brief sorting activity with Apples SWOT.
We then go on to look at a concise case study on BHP the large mining company, students can work in pairs or a group to assess the companies position using SWOT, the outcomes of this can be used to answer a 12 mark question based on the case study. A concise model answer is included for students to peer assess and a kahoot quiz with link to finish off.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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This lesson introduces learners to recent protectionism that has taken place. We start by looking at the purpose of protectionism then look at the recent example of Donald Trump imposing tariffs on China, and then another example of Obama imposing tariffs on Chinese tyres, a concise case study on this with a 4 mark question, structure guidance and a model answer for students to peer assess with.
We then go onto the short and long term effects of protectionism with a 10 mark question, answers included. We finish off with a box plenary and a homework research task.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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This 3 lesson bundle covers:
3.6.1 Causes and effects of change
3.6.2 Key factors in change
3.6.3 Scenario planning
Filled with real life examples, concise case studies to save time and focus on key skills of knowledge, application, analysis and evaluation. Questions with structured guidance and model answers for self/peer assessments - to save your time and to build their skills at the same time.
All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder.
Thank you
Note: This upload is for the purpose of bundling with the rest of theme 3 (as only 20 uploads in a bundle allowed)
This 8 lesson bundle covers:
4.1.1 Growing economies - 3 lessons
4.1.2 International trade and business growth - 2 lessons
4.1.3 Factors contributing to increased globalisation
4.1.4 Protectionism
4.1.5 Trading blocs
Filled with real life examples, case studies, questions and modelled answers to improve exam practice.
All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder.
Thank you
This bundle for Edexcel’s A Level Theme 4 is the ultimate pack for teachers delivering this course. Updated for 2021 with more engaging and colourful slides to cater for remote learning needs. The highest quality, unrivalled lesson experiences from start to finish.
Filled with real life examples, concise case studies to save time and focus on key skills of knowledge, application, analysis and evaluation. Questions with structured guidance and modelled answers for self/peer assessments - to save your time and to build their skills at the same time rather than just going through theory slide after slide. Please have a look at individual files to see previews.
All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder.
Thank you
This lesson builds on learners understanding of macroeconomic equilibrium, we look at the word means and how it looks like on a diagram (with both LRAS types). We look at two scenarios, one of England hosting the world cup in 2020 and the other being the latest budget announced by Rishi Sunak in 2021 - students discuss the effects of this on the macroeconomy. A research task and we end with a box plenary.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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This triple lesson brings together students’ understanding of macroeconomics from the whole course with a focus on fiscal, monetary and exchange rate policies, as well as supply side policies and direct controls. This could be delivered in a student led way, students present what they’ve learnt back to the class and then go through the slides and fill in any gaps in knowledge. Lots of video case studies for students to contextualise the macroeconomic policies. True or false quiz questions to consolidate understanding. A kahoot quiz on Theme 4 and a box plenary to finish with!
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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In this double lesson, learners are introduced to social psychological explanations of aggression with a focus on de-individuation as an explanation of aggression.
We start by watching Derren Brown’s gameshow to introduce the concept of deindividuation (this can be watched before hand or at home for students), we discuss some research into deindivdiuation before trying out a brief experiment in class. True or false questions, MCQs, evaluation task, 4 mark exam style question with answer, 16 mark exam style question with indicative points, peer assessment grid to reflect on WWW and EBI for improvements, roleplay task, debate task, kahoot quiz and we finish with a box plenary.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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Deindividuation - social psychological explanations
In this lesson, learners are introduced to ethological explanations of aggression. We start by discussing what Ethology is and Lorenz’ work. We look at the adaptive nature of aggression, ritualistic aggression, innate releasing mechanisms, fixed action patterns and Tinbergen’s stickleback experiment. Videos, evaluation task, MCQs, box plenary and a kahoot quiz to end with.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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Ethological explanation of aggression
In this lesson, learners are introduced to social psychological explanations of aggression with a focus on the frustration-aggression hypothesis.
We start by discussing an example of a goal being blocked which causes frustration. We then look at Dollard’s (1939) frustration-aggression hypothesis, catharsis, Berkowitz study on the weapon effect and further research to support the hypothesis. A 4 mark exam style question and answer, an 8 mark question outline and discuss question with indicative points, true or false, MCQs, an evaluation task so students have all the key information required for A03, a debate task and we finish with a box plenary and kahoot.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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Frustration aggression hypothesis - social psychological explanagtions
This bundle for AQA A Level Psychology Aggression is the ultimate pack for teachers delivering this course. New for 2023. The highest quality, unrivalled lesson experiences from start to finish. This can be delivered over around 11 lessons. The bundle is structured as follows:
L1 Neural and hormonal mechanisms
L2 Genetic factors in aggression
L3 Ethological explanation of aggression
L4 Evolutionary explanation of aggression
L5 Social psychological explanation - frustration-aggression hypothesis
L6 Social psychological explanation - social learning theory
L7-8 Social psychological explanation - De-individuation
L9 Institutional aggression
L10 Media influences on aggression
L11 Desensitisation, disinhibition and cognitive priming
Filled with a variety of activities, real life examples, videos, exam questions, model answers, marking grids so students can self/peer assess to identify WWW and EBI with their responses before making improvements. Kahoot quizzes and box plenaries to consolidate learning in an engaging way.
All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder.
Thank you
In this double lesson, learners are introduced to parasocial relationships.
We start with a discussion on celebrity obsession before looking at parasocial relationships and the three levels involved in these relationships. We look at absorption and addiction in relation to parasocial relationships. Application task, evaluation task and follow-up discussion, role-play task, videos, MCQs, true or false questions, 16 mark exam style question with indicative points, self assessment grid so students can reflect on WWW/EBI and make improvements, two kahoot quizzes on the unit and we finish with a box plenary.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
Thank you
Parasocial relationships
This bundle of resources is the ultimate pack for knowledge retrieval in the build up to exams. Concise Q&As to enable students to actually memorise knowledge, easy on the eye and student friendly.
1x set of 116 flashcards with Q&As - split into 6 sections for each learning aim
6x PDF of the powerpoints
6x knowledge quiz questions on word
The above resources can be used in a variety of ways to ensure students can recall all the key knowledge they need. For example, the flashcards can be used by students to quiz themselves with friends and family, the word document can be folded in half and cut out, this way the question is on one side and the answer on the other - perfect for quizzing.
The PDF can be used in lessons as a starter or plenary to recap knowledge, it can also be sent to students as a revision resource and then quizzed in class the following lesson.
The knowledge tests can be sat by students at the end of teaching the unit, they are the same questions that are on the flashcards, so students should aim to get 100% if they utilise the flashcards.
Colourful, concise and engaging flashcards to make sure it sticks!
This 7 lesson bundle covers:
2.6.1 Possible macroeconomic objectives
2.6.2 Demand-side policies - double lesson
2.6.3 Supply-side policies - double lesson
2.6.4 Conflicts and trade-offs between objectives and policies - double lesson
Filled with real life examples, activities, exam style questions, concise model answers and quizzes to consolidate learning in an engaging way.
All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder.
Thank you
This lesson introduces learners to demergers, we start by looking at a text to identify reasons why demerging might take place, we then go on to looking at reasons for demergers with some examples, before discussing the impact on workers, consumers and firms. Tasks for contextualisation included before finishing with a kahoot quiz.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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This 4 lesson bundle covers:
4.2.1 Absolute and relative poverty - double lesson
4.2.2 Inequality - double lesson
Filled with real life examples/videos, activities, debates and kahoot quizzes to build and consolidate learning in an engaging way.
All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder.
Thank you
This lesson summarises the possible macroeconomic objectives which students would have heard throughout the course so far. We look at the 7 main objectives. Students are given an exam style question to prepare a presentation on - how inflation could impact the other macroeconomic objectives - balanced points are given on the following slide to compare with students’ presentations, this can also be answered for homework later.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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