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Welcome! I am a Business, Economics and Psychology teacher working in London, examining for GCSE & A-Level and providing high quality resources so your students can enjoy and thrive in the study of these beautiful subjects. Positive reviews are much appreciated. School purchase orders can be emailed to zee.tes@hotmail.com - Zee




Welcome! I am a Business, Economics and Psychology teacher working in London, examining for GCSE & A-Level and providing high quality resources so your students can enjoy and thrive in the study of these beautiful subjects. Positive reviews are much appreciated. School purchase orders can be emailed to zee.tes@hotmail.com - Zee
Edexcel A Level Business Paper 3 - 60 Minute Mock

Edexcel A Level Business Paper 3 - 60 Minute Mock

FREE 60 MIN ASSESSMENT FOR 2022 PAPER 3 This assessment comes with: A 60 minute/50 mark assessment in the same style and standard of paper 3 A full mark scheme Interactive PDF and standard version so it can be completed digitally or printed out Relevant and recent case studies Written by an experienced examiner for Edexcel A Level Business Use as a mock assessment or go through questions in class/homework
Income statement - Profit and loss account

Income statement - Profit and loss account

This lesson introduces learners to a basic income statement, we break down an example of a pizza shop and look at their revenues, costs, gross and net profit to build a basic income statement which can be for GCSE or an introduction to A Level income statements. A task for Eastenders fan to create an income statement for Ian Beale’s fish & chip shop, figures are given and students are to build the income statement. Another task for the Arjee Bharjee restaurant. All answers on the powerpoint slides. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you - - Please leave a review if you are happy with the download :)
AQA GCSE Business 9-1 - 3.1 Production processes

AQA GCSE Business 9-1 - 3.1 Production processes

This free lesson introduces learners to the operations function of business, with a particular focus on job, batch and flow production. Excellent examples such as a wedding dress for job production, videos of each included for good application skills. 3 and 6 mark questions included with model answers to self assess and various other activities to consolidate understanding. We briefly look at ways to minimise waste (lean production) and JIT which is looked at in further detail in 3.2 The role of procurement. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you - Please leave a review if you are happy with the download :)
A Level Business - The impact of multinationals (MNCs)

A Level Business - The impact of multinationals (MNCs)

This free lesson introduces learners to the impact of multinational companies, we start by looking at Nike as a MNC, then go on to look at Foxconn (usually a company students haven’t heard of until they realise all their electronics are made there). We look at the pros and cons of MNCs, then go on to read a concise case study on a proposed Dam project by two MNCs in Chile which is met with protests. Structure guidance is given and a model answer to help students with peer assessment and exam technique development. A debate task and box plenary to finish off with. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Try the lesson out, if you find it useful then have a look at the rest of the theme 4 bundle. Thank you - Please leave a review if you are happy with the download :)
Edexcel GCSE Business - Average rate of return

Edexcel GCSE Business - Average rate of return

This lesson introduces learners to average rate of return. Example of calculation broken down so that it is very easy for students to see the logic behind calculations and for the teacher to explain. Calculation practice with answers to self or peer assess. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you - Please leave a review if you are happy with the download :)
Edexcel GCSE Business - Theme 1 - 1.4.3 The marketing mix

Edexcel GCSE Business - Theme 1 - 1.4.3 The marketing mix

This free double lesson introduces learners to what marketing is before looking at the 4Ps. We then discuss how coca cola has worked on each P. A pair task to develop a brief marketing mix from a choice of three product types. Students then answer two 3 mark questions with model answers so they can self assess. This is followed by a group task to develop a complete marketing mix for a product of their choice and present back to the class. In the second lesson we recap, then look at the new Amazon Go store that is launching, we discuss the pros and cons of each then have a go at answering a 6 mark analyse question. A model answer is given highlighting where context is attained. Students can look at this to develop their own exam technique. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you - Please leave a review if you are happy with the download :)
Edexcel A Level Business - Formula revision

Edexcel A Level Business - Formula revision

This free lesson helps learners to memorise the formulas needed for Edexcel A Level Business in an engaging and interactive way. All formulas included on a word document which can be used as flash cards - great revision tool. Please subscribe on mrzeesresources for updates on new upcoming resources, and do leave a message on the contact page about your future resource needs. Thank you - Please leave a review if you are happy with the download :)
1.3.4 Distribution (Place) - Theme 1 Edexcel A Level Business

1.3.4 Distribution (Place) - Theme 1 Edexcel A Level Business

This free lesson introduces learners to the various distribution channels used by businesses. We start by asking students to think about the products they have bought and how they got there, we then look at the different distribution channels with examples. Online distribution is considered as this is a growing area. Lots of real life and relevant examples and a case study on Unilever and their distribution strategies. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Please visit mrzeesresources.com and have a browse for the highest quality resources and latest updates. Thank you
Generic to Brand - Marketing

Generic to Brand - Marketing

A resource designed to engage students in a creative marketing based task, students collaborate in groups to transform a generic product to a branded good. This can be used as an induction activity to stimulate interest in Business or througout the year when classes need a stimulant through competition. This comes with a standard + interactive PDF. Thank you
1.1.2 Market research (part 1 product and market orientation) - Theme 1 Edexcel A Level Business

1.1.2 Market research (part 1 product and market orientation) - Theme 1 Edexcel A Level Business

This free lesson introduces learners to product and market orientation, we start with looking at the difference between the two, and the growth of the market orientation. A concise case study on ZARA to highlight market orientation before looking at the pros and cons. We then watch a clip of Levi Roota on Dragon’s Den, demonstrating his Reggae Reggae Sauce to the world with success. A case study on this as well as a 10 mark question with structure guidance, a concise model answer is provided for students before peer assessing and making improvements. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you - Please leave a review if you are happy with the download
Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 - 4.1.2 International trade and business growth

Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 - 4.1.2 International trade and business growth

This double lesson starts by introducing learners to how trade has changed in the past, we then look at imports and exports for the UK. A short case study on Nissan’s factory and how that has affected UK through FDI. We then look at another concise study on Croatia and how their government has been helping to attract FDI with a 4 mark question and a model answer for students to peer assess with. In the second lesson we focus on specialisation and comparative advantage, two very important concepts in theme 4, this is broken down with an animated example. A case study on Malaysia and how specialisation will or won’t benefit them - a 10 mark question with structure guidance and a model answer for students to peer assess with and build important exam skills. A second question on Brazil’s commodities with guidance and a model answer too. An engaging box plenary to finish with. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 - 4.1.3 Factors contributing to increased globalisation

Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 - 4.1.3 Factors contributing to increased globalisation

This lesson introduces learners to the factors which have led to a more connected world economy. We start by looking at the the great depression to understand the protectionism that eventually failed the world, and the process of trade liberalisation which picked it back up. We briefly look at free trade and the EU (as this is another lesson in the spec), then look at the various factors that have increased trade such as reduced cost of transport/containersation. A concise case study on CEFTA which students can attempt a 4 mark question on, a model answer to self assess. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Edexcel A Level Business Theme 3 (COMPLETE COURSE)

Edexcel A Level Business Theme 3 (COMPLETE COURSE)

This bundle for Edexcel’s A Level Theme 3 is the ultimate pack for teachers delivering this course. Updated for 2021 with more engaging and colourful slides to cater for remote learning needs. The highest quality, unrivalled lesson experiences from start to finish. Filled with real life examples, concise case studies to save time and focus on key skills of knowledge, application, analysis and evaluation. Questions with structured guidance and modelled answers for self/peer assessments - to save your time and to build their skills at the same time rather than just going through theory slide after slide. Please have a look at individual files to see previews. All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder. Thank you Note: All lessons for this bundle have been uploaded individually, so please browse for these to look at previews, the purpose of this upload is to bundle with theme 4.
Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 - 4.1.1 Growing economies

Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 - 4.1.1 Growing economies

This three lesson bundle covers 4.1.1 Growing economies area of the specification. We start by looking at what an economy is and how it is measured. Then we move on to looking at examples of emerging economies such as the BRICs and MINTs. In the second lesson we look at a case study on Lucozade attempting to challenge Coca-Cola in the USA, students then attempt a question on this, with guidance on how to achieve marks for knowledge, application, analysis and evaluation. Once they’ve answered, we look at an example model answer which students can aspire to when peer assessing and making improvements. A case study on Mark’s & Spencer entering India, again with guidance and and a model answer for students to look at for marking. In the third lesson, students look at how China’s growth affects UK businesses, a model answer to look at to develop exam technique. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 - 4.1.4 Protectionism

Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 - 4.1.4 Protectionism

This lesson introduces learners to recent protectionism that has taken place. We start by looking at the purpose of protectionism then look at the recent example of Donald Trump imposing tariffs on China, and then another example of Obama imposing tariffs on Chinese tyres, a concise case study on this with a 4 mark question, structure guidance and a model answer for students to peer assess with. We then go onto the short and long term effects of protectionism with a 10 mark question, answers included. We finish off with a box plenary and a homework research task. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 - 4.2.4 Reasons for global mergers or joint ventures

Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 - 4.2.4 Reasons for global mergers or joint ventures

This lesson introduces learners the difference between mergers and takeovers, we start by looking at the reasons why businesses may want to merge or acquire a firm in another country, e.g. to gain access to a trade bloc like the ASEAN. We then read a concise case study on the cement industry and how acquisitions have played a big role for these firms, a 10 mark question with structure guidance given and a model answer for students to peer assess with to build exam technique. Another concise case study and exam style question, but this time on a merger rather than a takeover, guidance and model points included to again help with important exam skills. Finally, a research and homework task to conclude. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 - 4.3.2 Niche markets 4.3.3 Cultural social factors

Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 - 4.3.2 Niche markets 4.3.3 Cultural social factors

This double lesson introduces learners to global niche markets and cultural/social factors which affect global marketing. We start with discussing what a niche market is from theme 1, then go on to discuss a concise case study on a very interesting type of coffee. We then look at another concise case study of PepsiCo’s Gatorade which has launched in India with a particular type of global marketing strategy. A 12 mark question with structure guidance and a model answer to develop examination skills. We then look at cultural and social factors at play, and some real regrettable blunders made by companies. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 - 4.3.1 Marketing

Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 - 4.3.1 Marketing

This double lesson introduces learners to marketing in a global context, building on the knowledge from theme 1. We start by looking at three main types of marketing strategies then go on to look at’Glocalisation’, and the best example of this which is Mcdonald’s. A short engaging video on how Mcdonald’s has tailored their foods to countries around the world, followed by a concise case study on the same topic for consolidation. A few activities followed by another concise case study on Mattel and how they launched Barbie in China, but ultimately failed, due to an incorrect marketing strategy. Students attempt a 10 mark exam style question on this, with structure guidance and a model answer provided which can be used for peer asssessment. Finally we look at the Ansoff’s matrix to help decide when risk is involved. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 - 4.4.1 The impact of MNCs

Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 - 4.4.1 The impact of MNCs

Three lessons here to introduces learner to the impact of multinational companies, we start by looking at Nike as a MNC, then go on to look at Foxconn (usually a company students haven’t heard of until they realise all their electronics are made there). We look at the pros and cons of MNCs, then go on to read a concise case study on a proposed Dam project by two MNCs in Chile which is met with protests. Structure guidance is given and a model answer to help students with peer assessment and exam technique development. In the third lesson, we look at GlaxoSmithKline and their role in developing the economies of Africa, a case study showing how they have invested and what their committments are is looked at and disucssed, students have a debate task for and against the effects of GSK on Africa, this is in a 12 mark question form too with a concise model answer to compare debate points with. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you (note: the first part of this bundle is a free lesson in the shop)
Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 - 4.4.2 Ethics

Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 - 4.4.2 Ethics

This lesson introduces learners to ethics - always a good topic to stimulate provoking discussions. We start by looking at what ethics involves, we look at some real thought provoking case studies with Primark and Bangladesh’s factories, Apple and Foxconn’s sweatshops. A 12 mark question with a concise model answer to peer assess with and a debate task acting for and against firms that are unethical. We finish by looking at the effects of firms on the environment. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you