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WJEC GCSE Health and Social Care and Childcare: Unit 2 Service Provision

WJEC GCSE Health and Social Care and Childcare: Unit 2 Service Provision

A set of resources to support the teaching and completion of the Unit 2: Service Provision task. Includes: Task introduction PowerPoint which explains the requirements of each aspect of the task and the assessment criteria. PowerPoint to teach the theory, has questions on relevant slides for pupils to answer (I get them to do this in their books). Templates for each section of the work (instructions on how to complete are on the task introduction PowerPoint) Exemplar work Literacy help sheet for the job roles section.
Year 7 Food Technology Scheme of Work

Year 7 Food Technology Scheme of Work

This project is based around 22 lessons. It covers the following topics and links into the WJEC Hospitality and Catering course: Personal hygiene and safety Food poisoning bacteria Knife safety The Eatwell Guide Childhood obesity There are two PowerPoint presentations; a 97 slide teacher version which includes starter and plenary activities for all lessons, and a shorter pupil version (these are the slies that make up the pupil booklet and require printing, or uploading if completing digitally). All videos, additional presentations etc. are hyperlinked to the presentations, as well as to the Scheme of Work.
Year 8-9 Scheme of Work; Nutrition and Special Diets

Year 8-9 Scheme of Work; Nutrition and Special Diets

This is a 20 lesson Scheme of Work (24 lessons if you split the practical lessons into half classes). It is based on Curriculum for Wales, and includes Welsh headings, and Welsh language extension tasks suitable for Welsh as a second language pupils. The project leads into WJEC Hospitality and Catering and covers: Food hygiene and safety The function of nutrients and special diets Cooking methods and the effect on the nutritional value The Scheme of Work includes starter and plenary activities, and all files and videos are hyperlinked. There is a 105 slide PowerPoint for teachers, and a reduced version (minus lesson objectives etc.) to be printed for pupils.
WJEC GCSE Health and Social Care: Unit 2 Task 2 support pack

WJEC GCSE Health and Social Care: Unit 2 Task 2 support pack

WJEC Health and Social Care Unit 2 Task 2: Health Promotion Support pack to prepare pupils to complete the task, includes: PowerPoint presentations with 90 slides in total covering the five sections of the work. Section A: What is health promotion? Government guidelines, health promotion topics, and choosing a target group. Section B: Positive and negative influences on the health and well being of the target group (separate Word Document Digital Helpdesk), Government guidelines and initiatives. Section C: The aims of health promotion campaigns, suitability, and availability to the target group. Section D: The advantages and disadvantages of different types of medium, credible sources, and gaining feedback. Section E: Resoures to help pupils evaluate their campaign. The presentation includes literacy support (Talk 4 Writing approach), examples, boxing up, sentence starters and connectives etc.) for each section of the work. Lastly, there is a template for pupils to complete the work.
WJEC GCSE Health and Social Care: Unit 2 task 1 support pack

WJEC GCSE Health and Social Care: Unit 2 task 1 support pack

WJEC GCSE Health and Social Care Unit 2 Task 1: Service Provision Support pack includes: PowerPoint presentation containing 80 slides which covers the teaching required for pupils to complete Task A. The care sectors (private statutory, voluntary) Types of care (healthcare, social care, child care) Multidisciplinary and multiagency working Regulation (Healthcare Inspectorate Wales, Care Inspectorate Wales, Estyn, plus relevant legislation). PowerPoint presentation to prepare pupils to complete Task C (Analysis of the Task), as well as a separate PowerPoint presentation looking at barriers to accessing care. Templates for Task A and Task C, literacy help and exemplars.