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What is it to forgive - easy or hard?
movement, people, push, pull, migration
What Did and What Would Jesus Do?
Lesson to look at the life of Jesus and the things Christians do because of him?
water cycle - rivers
river, water cycle; presentation on features of rivers and the water cycle
The Black Death
PowerPoint lesson on The Black Death in the Middle Ages, including causes, symptoms and consequences.
Geography and Crime
Starting the topic of Geography and crime
Super volcano
Careers Day - Apprentice style
Students work on a sell tasks in the scenario of the apprentice show.
Summer and Winter - budget of a glacier
Glacial advance and retreat in different times of the year
Start of different types of tourism
What are the different types of tourism
Development Gap mini quiz
Development Gap mini quiz
Music and Christian worship
Music and its importance to Christian worship. Clips added to show differences and to get students to make notes of older musical cultures in Christianity and new .
Researching the Italian avalanche and developing a newspaper article on the disaster.
Crime around school
To get students to investigate the crimes around their own school. Allows for outside of classroom working.
Scale - measuring tectonic activity
Earthquake and tectonic measurement. Clips added an activities to help students visually analyse disaster.
Art and Islam
Art work and how it is used to express religion.
OS Maps and own school symbols
OS Maps - making own school symbol
Crime and Geography - Burglary
Earth Teconics - AQA GCSE
Earth tectonic unit of work, can be adapted for most exam boards really.
NPQML - completed June 2021
Score 26/32